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    April 2007
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Archive for April 6th, 2007


Posted by anthonynorth on April 6, 2007

LATEST: Jack the Ripper didn’t exist. Witchcraft – the facts. Psycho-TV

computer_desk.jpgFROM THE EDITOR

Okay, so I turned my blogs into an alternative network and put sub-domains on blogs, so why not put a magazine on a post? After all, the internet is supposed to be an upside-down, inside-out kind of thing.
The name – Rattler’s Tale – comes from a small press magazine I published in the 1990s. Its new purpose is to highlight what’s new on my ‘alternative network,’ and to resurrect essays of interest from the blogivion of the archives. If it goes well, I’ll be publishing Rattler’s Tale regularly, along with a few more ideas for this post-magazine concept.


The most famous murder mystery of all began on the night of 30 August 1888 when a policeman found the body of Mary Ann Nichols in Buck’s Row, Whitechapel, in London. She had had her throat cut. A week later, ‘Dark Annie’ Chapman met a similar fate near Spitalfields Market. Rumours abounded of a monster on the loose, heightened by the first of many letters delivered to Fleet St and other places from Leather Apron, and later Jack the Ripper …..
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I’ve now launched The Second Level, accessed from Blogroll. This includes a number of sub-domains on cults, conspiracies and other subjects. This will be increasingly the future as my essay archive posting slows down and I turn to shorter, more lively posts. Why not give it a try?


I’ve started a Psycho-TV page that may interest you. Television is such an important part of modern society, so I thought it needed analyzing a little more. For instance, is it safe? What effect does it have on us? I’ll be posting for ever so keep logging on.


In the 1650s one of thousands of witches was said to be operating around Shepton Mallet, England. Jane Brooks once called on the young boy Richard Jones. Giving him a bewitched apple, the boy began suffering fits, including flying over walls. Soon reported for witchcraft, Jane was hanged in March 1658 after being found guilty at Chard assizes.
The above is a classic example of witchcraft ……
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A POCKET FULL OF DOODLES – Why not try these latest short stories?

The Hand of God
A Novel Life


The paranormal seems to be the most viewed area of my work. Maybe this is because there’s a good publicity system for the subject. I’m trying to do the same for my other subjects. Anyone got any ideas on how to publicise them?

SOCIAL GROAN – What An Insult

The Nanny State encroaches on and on. Slowly – apathetically – we are abandoning our right to be individuals, family members and thinking human beings. We used to say that the personal is the political. We never dreamt that it would become a reality …..
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A LITTLE EXTRA – This new feature will appear on most short posts in future. They will be catalogued on the pages of North’s Review. Take a look.

Behavioural genes – I find it interesting that as the individual rises, his ability to accept responsibility declines.


The idea of my alternative network was to stimulate debate. Although I’ve had quite a few comments, it’s not enough. Come on guys, give me a debate. Maybe I should have a regular piece on best comments to get you speaking out. Keep them clean, though.
Maybe your first comments should be whether Rattler’s Tale is worth while. If so, I’ll be posting a new issue every month.


This is a post from Anthony North’s ‘alternative network.’ Current affairs posts almost daily on North’s Review and Eye on the World (this includes politics and links). North’s Review also has fiction, writers’ resources and TV reviews. For deeper issues, including paranormal, crime, environment and much more, Beyond the Blog is for you.

© Anthony North, April 2007

Posted in Crime, Paranormal, Society | 3 Comments »