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    April 2007
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Archive for April 10th, 2007


Posted by anthonynorth on April 10, 2007

computer-lap-top.jpg Are you a Wilf? Techie Without a Clue wants to know. It’s not a name – don’t answer by saying, ‘no, I’m a Pete, or Reg, or Sue,’ I’m being serious. You see YouGov have done a survey in the UK and found out something important.
It seems that computer ‘users’ – love that term; is it an addiction? – use as much as two whole days a month surfing in cyberspace for things they don’t need. And it’s been dubbed ‘what I looking for,’ hence ‘wilf.’
Wilfing is becoming a serious ‘habit’ – like a trip, so to speak. Most ‘wilf’ on shopping sites, buying nothing – not even remembering what in wilf they were looking at. But of course, I’m not surprised.
The computing revolution is said to have outed a new type of person, but I maintain the internet changes nothing but the means and speed of doing what we do anyway. And we do do this when we spend a day out ‘shopping.’
I also maintain that, like the new shopping centres, too much choice turns off the brain. What we need is less choice and more focus. Still never mind. I just hope that you lot wilf over in my direction.

© Anthony North, April 2007


We have a mania for self-help books. They tell you how to do this, or do that, and get over the other. But a thought: if we indulged in self-help, why do we need a book to help us?

(c) Anthony North, Apr 07 – Find more little extras on pages of North’s Review.


This is a post from Anthony North’s ‘alternative network.’ Current affairs posts almost daily on North’s Review and Eye on the World (this includes politics and links). North’s Review also has fiction, writers’ resources and TV reviews. For deeper issues, including paranormal, crime, environment and much more, Beyond the Blog is for you.

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