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    April 2007
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Archive for April 12th, 2007


Posted by anthonynorth on April 12, 2007

alpha-mystical.jpg The most enigmatic character of the New Testament is Mary Magdalene. Traditionally thought to be the leader of a group of women supporters of Jesus, she is thought to have come from the town of Magdala. Branded a prostitute, she is mentioned little in the Bible, but her role is nonetheless essential.
Present at His Crucifixion, Mary is also the first to see Christ’s empty tomb. She rushes to tell Peter and John and afterwards she is left weeping. She sees a man she thinks is a gardener, but it is Christ – He tells her to tell the others.


Mary is thus the central witness of both Crucifixion and Resurrection. Thought to have been in conflict with Peter and John, this narration has led to the suggestion that she was the one who actually kick-started Christianity, being the original witness.
Following these events, Mary is believed to have been martyred at Ephesus in Turkey, but alongside this orthodox belief is a whole host of legend and speculation. Typical is the idea having its latest expression in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.
This is that Mary Magdalene was actually the wife of Christ and bore him children. After his Resurrection, Mary made it to France with her child. Legends throughout southern France seem to recall this period, and in conspiracy theory we have the idea that Christ’s descendants began the Merovingian Dynasty of Frankish kings.
Perhaps it is the lack of clear coverage in the Bible of such a seminal figure that causes such controversy. Indeed, others ideas are aired, suggesting a cover-up by Christianity regarding the true role of Mary Magdalene.


Obscure ideas circulate that she is, infact, the ‘sacred feminine,’ an esoteric concept, whilst other ideas suggest she was the mysterious Beloved Disciple in the Gospel of John, this reality hidden because she was a woman. John is often depicted in art with feminine imagery, suggesting that Mary and John were one and the same.
Her identification as a prostitute has come in for much criticism. A repentant sinner appears in Luke, and it seems that the 6th century pope, Gregory the Great, combined the two characters as a role model for such sin. A sinner can thus be changed and the prostitute denies her sexuality.
This did not stop artists depicting her as a sexual object, often naked with long hair. However, we can see her modern popularity as an inevitability of the rise of feminism and its need to remove the slur on women made by a misogynist, patriarchal society. However, could it be that her sexuality may not be far from the truth?


The discovery, in 1945, of the Nag Hammadi Texts totally revolutionized our view of early Christianity, and Mary Magdalene in particular. Based upon Gnosticism, there is even a Gospel of Mary, in which she is seen as the soul-mate of Christ. In one way we can see the idea of their marriage in this, but a deeper understanding leads us in another, related direction.
There appears to have been a healthy tradition in Gnosticism relating spirituality to sexuality. Many Gnostic texts speak of a spiritual wedding and union with the ‘whore.’
This spiritual/sexuality idea is found throughout early religion from Dionysus to Tantrism.
According to Carl Jung, myth, from which religion came, was anchored in ‘archetypes’ – symbolic characterizations which turn out to be simple elements of our psyche. One powerful archetype was the ‘seductress,’ and she appears as a ‘goddess’ form from Athena to modern iconic images such as Monroe. Even in modern cults we often find gurus raising the status of some female disciples to sexual-spiritual proportions.


It is often said by Biblical scholars that ideas concerning Mary Magdalene are the result of imagination rather than fact. This is untrue. All speculations so far are simply variations of the sexual-spiritual theme.
Religion and myth repeat this same story time after time – a story that is, in reality, nothing more than the heart of the erotic male/female relationships. This commends the idea to being fact. Mary Magdalene continues to fascinate because she is the ages old symbol of union between man and woman.

© Anthony North, April 2007


Above – pages – essays to blow your mind
The Second Level – sub-domains on cults, writing and more
Eye on the World – current affairs
North’s Review – current affairs, writing and lots of fiction

Posted in Psychology, Religion | 4 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on April 12, 2007

houses-of-parliament.jpg THOUGHTS FROM A COMMON MAN
LATEST: Social Trends shock, why aren’t we exploring the galaxy? … and will Gordon get into No 10? (You must be joking).


It’s coming – Blair told us … or maybe not. Baby politician David Miliband is now being tipped to run against Gordon Brown for the coronation … I mean leadership. How will it go?
Long serving PM leaves – pretender seems set to take the throne – young boring upstart takes surprise victory. That’s how it happened for the Tories when Major stole Heseltine’s thunder.
That’s the thing about history. It goes round and round. I hope it happens to Gordon.


So a tree is not always a good tree. Plant it where there’s snow and it’s a naughty tree, not allowing the reflective snow to send sunlight back into space.
Excuse me, but isn’t this a bit obvious? Just like it’s obvious we should be planting more trees elsewhere. I think we ought to think of the planet as we should think of our own health. Do everything in moderation and we should be alright – like not over-producing, or over-polluting …
Except we’ve forgotten what moderation is.


Nine out of ten people believe the social fabric of Britain is under threat. So says the latest Social Trends Survey. Not surprising when a third of us live alone. Family breakdown and collapse of the community are main culprits. Rubbish. When we look in the mirror we see the culprit. We wanted it all and there’s no one to share it …
Well who’s stupid fault is that !!!


The freed Iran hostages and their stories. What a stir – they’re almost as good as those of the politicians. But not quite …
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space-shuttle.jpgIN ORBIT

They’re out there. They’re in space. They’re up there, above us, doing things around our planet. You know, our astronauts. They’re at the cutting edge of technology. They’re doing the job little kiddies dream of. So why aren’t I impressed?
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HSBC prides itself with being the local bank, so when the branch in Canford Cliffs, Dorset, advised customers earning less than £75,000 to push off, we can only hope that THEY do so … to another locality themselves.


‘My ipod is better than yours,’ you say to the neighbour, who replies, ‘my car is faster than yours,’ prompting an answer of, ‘well, my house is more expensive than yours …’ And on and on it goes. Indeed, according to a new survey, it’s now become a dangerous obsession …
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Lion – Magnificent beast but really a lazy predator. Hunts occasionally and then gorges itself. Then it sleeps for days. And they say the Chimpanzee is our closest relative.
Find more little extras on pages of North’s Review.

(c) Anthony North, April 2007



Above – pages – essays to blow your mind
The Second Level – sub-domains on cults, writing and more
Eye on the World – current affairs
North’s Review – current affairs, writing and lots of fiction

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Posted by anthonynorth on April 12, 2007

satellite.jpg They’re out there. They’re in space. They’re up there, above us, doing things around our planet. You know, our astronauts. They’re at the cutting edge of technology. They’re doing the job little kiddies dream of. So why aren’t I impressed?
I remember the science fiction of the 1960s, when I was a little kiddie. Lots of it was way over the top, but some made sense – such as being on Mars by the end of the 20th century; such as sending small interstellar craft to the heavens by now.
None of it ever happened. It was all on the drawing board – ion drives, Bussard ramscoops to collect hydrogen fuel on the way, pulsed mini-nuclear explosions to accelerate a small probe to 4% the speed of light. It might have made Alpha Centurai by the time I died, but at least it would have been something.
We are sitting on an overcrowded planet with the technology but without the will. We are developing a kind of phobia, unable to reach out for our destiny, which can only be to explore and colonise space. But instead we’re up there in orbit, pretending that we have a space program and not a high atmosphere one.
We’re up there, but only just – like flies buzzing around something dead.

© Anthony North, April 2007



Above – pages – essays to blow your mind
The Second Level – sub-domains on cults, writing and more
Eye on the World – current affairs
North’s Review – current affairs, writing and lots of fiction

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