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    April 2007
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Archive for April 18th, 2007


Posted by anthonynorth on April 18, 2007

gremlin.jpg Okay, here we go with my conspiracy theory theory No 9 (for the others, see It’s Under Control at bottom of this post). I have a mantra that ‘there’s nothing new; just variations on a historic theme.’
If this is true, then the mania for conspiracy theory today must have precedents in history. Indeed, because conspiracy theory is becoming so endemic in modern western culture, it must have been endemic in the past.


At the root of conspiracy theory we can find certain psychological states. Obvious examples are suspicion and paranoia. This is based around the perceived existence of a force or forces out to get you.
As a theory spreads, we can add a pinch of hysteria. Such a social requirement is needed to allow free transmission of an idea that, in normal circumstances, could be seen as absurd.
We must also add a gram or two of sensationalism. A theory must be extreme in order for it to rise above the general chatter. Paradoxically, the more unbelievable it becomes, the more it commends itself to be ‘true.’


There is, infact, a similar social force identifiable in history. It was a force that was popularly believed, and existed for millennia. It was a belief in malign forces out to get you, and it was so embedded in culture that we can all think of examples today.
That force was superstition. From the Devil trying to pervert your mind, to witches conspiring to curse you, superstition was often the guide to life, the universe and everything.


Of course, there is a major difference between superstition in the past and conspiracy theory today. In the past, the overall controlling culture of a society was the force for good that could save you, such as Christianity saving you from the Devil.
In conspiracy theory, it is usually the controlling force itself that is thought to be malign – it is often the government that is out to get you. But this reversal of malign forces can fall into a historic pattern itself.
Superstition existed in a mainly religionist culture. Today we live in its opposite – the materialist, scientific world. So it is feasible to argue that inbred suspicions would be reversed.
Today we like to class ourselves as rational beings, but conspiracy theory is beginning to show that we could be just as superstitious as we ever were.

© Anthony North, April 2007

It’s Under Control


Sin – Different things to different people. To the Christian west it is actions caused by devilish influences. In the east it is simply missing the mark. But maybe it is really the thing you’ve done once you’ve been caught.

(c) Anthony North, Apr 07 – find more little extras on pages of North’s Review


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