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Posted by anthonynorth on June 25, 2007

people-18.jpg We are becoming increasingly intolerant as a society. With everyone having rights and an opinion, disagreement is being seen as a personal affront. In this way, true debate is
cancelled out through fear of being ‘insulting’, and we all become little tin pot dictators of our own space.
However, the situation is slowly going to get worse. To date, the reason for this problem has been anchored in sociological factors – the rights and opinions we have allowed ourselves – but the divide between man and man is now becoming technological.


In digital television a new, malign force is being instigated. Old style television offered a balance of programming to give a society a total overview of the world and entertainment. Watched by the majority, it was a solidifying medium, with most people identifying with the programmes on offer. But the new wave of digital channels breaks this uniting influence.
Digital television allows people to immerse themselves in their own psyche and obsessions. Viewers will become nerd, shopper, lout, or whatever they want to be. The time is here when you can design your own viewing.


It is inevitable that the programmes a person chooses will be those that enforce the particular character. In such a way, counter-arguments will be even further from the radar of the average individual. And not only will we not take other opinions from others, but we soon wont even understand others, for they will not feature in our lives.
I can think of no more malign influence to further fragment society. Soon, we will not just think of ourselves as individuals with our own rights and opinions. We will think of others as non-entities. And then, the argument that there is no such thing as society will be a truth.

© Anthony North, June 2007

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