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Posted by anthonynorth on June 28, 2007

News and comment LATEST: Brown is UK PM; Glastonbury, a marvelous muddy success … PLUS … Happy, healthy pills; Will the bookies pay out on afterlife?
READ THE ULTIMATE MAGAZINE POST … from a real voice of Britain and the world.


Ross Hemsworth from Glastonbury has placed a £100 bet with William Hill that he will provide evidence of an afterworld, beyond reasonable doubt. If successful, the odds of 10,000/1 will give him a cool million.
Is he likely to win the cash, or is he on a fool’s errand? The decision will be up to the bookies. But if the pay-out comes, will Mr Hemsworth also be in line to receive James Randi’s £1 million, on offer for absolute proof of paranormality?

Reasonable Doubt

Much of the issue lies in the wording. ‘Beyond reasonable doubt’ is, infact, a legal term, employed in criminal court cases in the UK. A jury must only convict a person if the evidence proves he ‘did it’ in the minds of the jury.
This is a totally different thing to ‘absolute proof.’ Such a thing cannot be achieved in a court of law, for human fallibility can always get in the way. Which prompts the question, which version of ‘proof’ would the bookies opt for?
I don’t think they need to ponder too long on the answer. Absolute proof would be the safer option, with ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ leaving too much to chance. After all, a bookie never really wants to pay out. And with ‘absolute proof’, they’re onto a winner.

Scientific Proof

This is so because there is no such thing as ‘absolute proof’ of anything. Scientific methodology works on a simple system. A theory is offered for a phenomenon, whereupon data is collected, and experiment devised, to prove or deny the theory.
For as long as data and experiment upholds the theory, it stands. But there is always the possibility that something will arise to make the scientists think again. And in such a practice, even science cannot provide ‘absolute proof’ of anything.
This is why Mr Randi’s million will never be won, and I suspect it is why William Hill are not worried about a pay-out. For if evolution and Big Bang cannot be absolutely proved, then an afterlife has no chance.
Still, there may be a book on the issue. Bet it sells. And good luck.

© Anthony North, June 2007


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So it has been and gone again. Glastonbury, that marvelous festival of mud and fortitude. I only watched it on TV – I like my comforts these days. But I felt I was there – in a clean sort of way. And as the wife freaked out to Kaiser Chiefs, the spirit lived on …
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