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Posted by anthonynorth on October 1, 2007

axeman.jpg When I was in my teens I was often accused of being lazy. I worked in my father’s newsagent shop – a business I was eventually supposed to part inherit, but decided I didn’t want it. But it seemed I was rarely in it.
In actual fact, one week out of two I wasn’t in the shop during normal working hours. I was up at four o’clock in the morning, working on the paper rounds, and then from five o’clock in the evening until we shut.

But this wasn’t all I was doing.

No, I was lead guitarist in the best rock band in the area – well, I would say that, wouldn’t I? Apart from the occasional gig, we also practiced three times a week in a hay loft above a barn behind a pub in a sleepy village.
There was no heating in the loft, so in winter it was rather cold. I used to argue I learnt my manic stage antics here as a means of keeping me warm so my shaking fingers could feel the fret board.

And then those awful ladders.

Entry to the loft was via a vertical, fixed ladder and through a small hatch, or opening the hay doors and leaning ladders up to them. Going to and from a gig involved sliding drum kit, heavy speaker cabinets and the rest up and down these ladders.
It was a tiring affair, especially at two o’clock in the morning, in the dark, after a gig. And finished, I’d often get home just in time to open the shop and begin the paper rounds.
Lazy? I don’t think you CAN be lazy over something you love.

© Anthony North, October 2007

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8 Responses to “I WASN’T LAZY”

  1. I would get all kinds of pissed off when my dad said I was lazy. Then I had my own child and REALLY found out what lazy looked like…

  2. Which you know was tongue-in-cheek, right?

  3. anthonynorth said

    Hi OB,
    Been there, got the T-shirt. I’ve said it to my own kids, and I guess it’s aimed at getting them more animated than ever.
    I realised a long time ago that growing up is when you hear your own parent’s words coming out of your mouth to your kids.
    And I can tell you, it’s scary 🙂

  4. tobeme said

    Good point, we are never lazy when we are passionate about what we are doing.

  5. anthonynorth said

    Hi Tobeme,
    Welcome. And the sadest thing is when a person never finds what they love.

  6. renaissanceguy said

    Amen, Anthony. I have seen few people sadder than the person who hates his work and has never found his true calling in life.

  7. Lazy often equals: Failure to walk to the path that other people set out for you.

    That came out a tad more Blank verse poetry than I expected.

  8. anthonynorth said

    Hi AJ,
    Nevertheless, you maybe explain it perfectly. Is the impression of laziness a failure to live up to the expectations of you in others?
    I think you may be right.
    By the way, welcome.

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