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Posted by anthonynorth on October 24, 2007

underwater-city.jpg One of the most written about mysteries is that of Atlantis. What does it mean? What is it? Where is it? What influence does it have on us? Does it exist in the first place? So many questions, so many ideas.
For this essay I thought I’d go back to source and see if we can learn anything about its conception. And the beginning of the myth takes us back to that great philosopher, Plato, who first wrote about it. But can we find hints in Plato’s life and mind itself?


Being nothing less than the father and instigator of western philosophy, Plato was born in Athens in 428BC to one of the great political families of his time. His actual name was Aristocles, Plato being a nickname which means ‘broad and flat’, referring to his shoulders which he used to great effect as a wrestler.
Indeed, it was thought that Plato would be a great wrestler. But his talent was shown to be inferior and he tried being a poet, but was equally lacking in talent.
Stuck for a profession, Plato began to think about his future. Statesman or philosopher were uppermost in his mind, but once he had heard Socrates speaking, he knew where his future lay; in philosophy – particularly in the ideas of Pythagoras.


Pythagoras had been an enigmatic figure. On the one hand a philosopher and on the other a mystic who was believed to have performed more than the odd miracle, he is seen today as the instigator of the quasi-religious cult of the Pythagoreans.
Believing that behind the chaotic world of appearance there existed a harmonious world of numbers, he is seen as the father of mathematics.
Plato was fascinated by this harmonious world below the consciousness we appreciate. He developed it into his philosophy of ‘Ideal Forms’. To Plato this fundamental realm was a world of ideas and forms.
Existing in an eternal state of unchanging reality, everything that could be conceived in the conscious world already existed as an idea or form in this other world. Hence, nothing could be invented, merely rediscovered. The true reality was one of images which fed the conscious mind.


We can immediately see here that Plato was more concerned with a world of images and symbols than with the world we experience. And it is attractive to suggest that Atlantis was not a true reality of the conscious world, but a symbol within the abstract inner-world of ideas.
But why would he possibly want to create such an image …

This essay has now moved to Anthony North’s new website. Read more of it here, including his own theories and more data.

© Anthony North, October 2007

21 Responses to “PLATO’S ATLANTIS”

  1. poseidonsmuse said

    I have never thought of Plato’s description as a mandala before…That is rather interesting. Perhaps he was an ancient incarnation of Edgar Cayce (;)).

    Now, in my research on Atlantis (I’m a Muse of Poseidon…what can I say! Lol!), I have been particularly intrigued in the DNA (mitochondrial – maternal) studies and theories/hypotheses on this enigmatic culture. A particularly good website to get you started is located here:

    Perhaps the evidence for Atlantis lies within our own DNA…rather than at the bottom of the sea floor…

  2. anthonynorth said

    Hi PM,
    Sadly, I’ve had to take the post off the end of the link, so people will have to search to access it on the site. This is because of the design of this template. Long urls stretch the comment box and the page and sidebar merge. Sorry about that.
    Yes, there are many ideas concerning Atlantis, and mine is just one of them. I’ve come across the DNA one before, and it’s certainly interesting.
    Of course, being a Muse of Poseidon I realise you’ll have inside knowledge 🙂
    Mindst you, the subject of lost civilisations is far wider than Atantis, and I’ve quite a lot to say about that, too. Clicking my Lost Civilisation category accesses my thoughts.

  3. poseidonsmuse said

    No worries…sorry about the long URL. I shall toodle on over to your links and investigate the Lost Civilisation section…

  4. Caroline Malley said

    As for me, I believe Plato was describing a real city and Atlantis really did exist, but it too was destoyed and along with it the idea that benevolent leadership will last for any length of time. The Spartans always have their day.

  5. anthonynorth said

    Hi Caroline,
    You may well be right. I’m simply pointing out a peculiarity about the design, and its relationship to Plato’s philosophy.
    Mindst you, interestingly you bring up politics. It nearly always surfaces regarding Atlantis.

  6. Techne said


    Speaking of Edgar Cayce, he predicted that Atlantis would rise somewhere in the Caribbean.

    He appears to have been partially correct.

    As to whether this is seredipity or someone’s expensive idea of a joke I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure this wasn’t what Plato had in mind either.

    However I would personally enjoy spending a couple of weeks there if someone wants to sponsor me. I promise I’ll report back!


    P.S. – I tend to agree with you on this being Plato’s mental Shangri-La.

  7. anthonynorth said

    Hi Techne,
    You little devil, you 🙂

  8. Ven said

    Sorry but Socrates did not commit suicide. He was tried, found guilty by the sophists, and put to death.

    A gun is held to your head to take a pill that would kill you. You have an option to escape but everything you preached and taught would be for nothing because you become a hypocrite. Do you take the pill to serve your sentence which would spark a new revolution for philosophy and become a martyr; ergo, a new world of ideas and science is born. Or, do you escape, shame your name, and looked down upon however still alive? Socrates cared more than just saving himself.

    Anytime I read about someone saying Socrates supposedly killed himself I disregard anything the person says as he clearly does not understand. Even to say forced to commit suicide is wrong. He was simply tried, found guilty, and served his sentence which was death.

  9. red pill junkie said

    Very interesting to link tibetan mandalas with Atlantis’ city plan.

    Do you think it’s got something to do with the current phenomenon of crop circles?

  10. anthonynorth said

    Hi Ven,
    You said:

    ‘Anytime I read about someone saying Socrates supposedly killed himself I disregard anything the person says as he clearly does not understand’.

    Anyone who takes such a stand on a single statement and disregard everything else will never learn anything.

    Hi Red,
    If you want to think the Royal City of Atlantis was a crop circle, I’m with you 🙂

  11. A random byte on the net said

    Personally, believe that the “secret” of Atlantis lies not in the ancient past, but in Helike. Helike was the cultural jewel of Greece, and was itself destroyed cataclysmically in a blindingy short time. It happened a few years before Plato wrote about Atlantis, and I believe that he used the a myth that was aready around as a tool to deal with the very real and very overwhelming trauma of having lost the city state of Helike. It was a substitution that allowed him the psychological space to deal with and record the trauma of Helike’s loss.

  12. red pill junkie said

    (LOL) Now C’mon Anthony 🙂

    What I meant is if you find a conmnecion between the concentric circles found in both Plato’s description of Atlantis, the use of concentric circles in tibetan mandalas, the depiction of concentric circles and spirals in all kinds of cultures, like celtic petrogliphs, or even Nazca lines (the spiral tail of the monkey), and the recurrence of concentric circles that appear in the crop formations, whether thes formations are man-made or not is for this question inconsequencial.

    Archeologists theorize that the recurrence of spirals in petroglipsh are due to the visions of shamans under the inffluence of psychoropich drugs. Do you think your perchance that your alter-ego Plato 😉 was under the inffluence of some kind of egean LSD when writing Critias?

    I find it also interesting that, according to Urantia’s book, the symbol of Micael (Jesus, the creator of our local Universe) is three blue concentric circles. That’s also the adopted logo of the whole Urantia organization.

  13. anthonynorth said

    Good morning A Random Byte on the Net,
    I agree there are many possibilities for the idea of an island that sank. The most obvious is distant memory of the Thera eruption. But whilst this may be so, we are still left with the possibility that Plato still coloured the idea with his own ideas in order to produce a metaphor.

    Hi Red,
    Sorry about that. Couldn’t resist, I’m afraid. It was a strange night last night.
    The mandala fascinated me, and I’m sure it is related to the ancient labyrinth, often called Troys, which seems to imply ‘turning’, or ‘dizziness’. In this sense, I’m reminded of the ‘turning’ actions in hysterical tribal ritual, which used dizziness to aid transcendence. This would make the action and symbol part of my idea of universal psychology – i.e. prompters in the human mind that will out in all society’s cultural expression, no matter where they are in the world. This could explain its universality.
    Crop circles could come into it. I’ll be doing a post on these some time. I’m satisfied that basic circles could be natural – the pictograms not. Their apparent increase could be put down to atmospheric and EM changes due to global warming. If so, then during the end of the last ice age, they would have been particularly prevalent – and possibly harbingers of disaster.
    It may even be that hysterical tribal ritual was a re-enactment of the influence of crop circles.
    Damn, I’m maybe saying too much here and ruining my future post. Don’t read this 🙂

  14. Mick Saunders said

    Platos atlantis is the abode of Osiris or abode of the blessed if your prefer.
    Stonehenge captures identical symbolism in a different way.

    The abode of Osiris was 7 decans across and is the origin of the 7 rings.

    The atlantean city rings and retaining wall are measured in stades based on the fibonacci series or Phi (quoting in feet is a very, very bad idea…you’ve instantly destroyed the relationship).

    You want to know more you can mail me in private.


    Mick Saunders

  15. According to what Plato wrote, Atlantis could be ancient and very ancient Mexico City. Red, black and white colors are found on the buildings, and paintings. Altars abound; elephants were once here, even the Aztecs had a city of rivers for irrigation and the present city is sinking ontop of the Aztec city.

  16. anthonynorth said

    Hi Sandy,
    Yes, there are many theories that place Atlantis in the Americas. They could well be right, but there’s no evidence yet, as far as I’m aware.

  17. Eamonmc said

    Hello all;

    It does not really matter what we find out about atlantis, Could be in europe, the atlantic, americas, but to most of the “Dedicated believers” They will not see it unless it jumps out of the sea flying machines, spaceships, laser guns and all. I believe there was an atlantis, but it is not what people have come to understand atlantis as from the media.

  18. The earth of Musus. The Atlantis region.
    Inside of the plain
    you can find huge artificial hills
    in terms of high and extension,
    with several square kilometers.

    Its 20,000 hills are connected
    to the mega-shaped artificial lagoons
    as a quadrilateral rectangle,
    whose length in many cases
    can be measured in tens of square kilometers.
    This hydraulic system is connected with straight channels, dams, terraces, and a vast extension of farmland in the form of ridges.
    At its core, there is a circular archipelago of islands, connected by straight channels that cross the flatness, which in turn are connected to high fields, forming an entire hydraulic mega-system.

    Pre-columbian maps, art rock – Samaipata.
    100% real.

    David Antelo

  20. Richard Welch said

    The metaphor theory is unconvining because Plato repeatedly states that the Atlantis story is actual history. Besides, he did not author the story; it came from Egypt. Beyond that, the tale has a very straighforward explanation: Atlantis was a supervolcanic island off Portugal that exploded and sank in the 17th century BC. The gigantic remnant caldera is plainly evident on the sea floor (See Roots of Cataclysm, Algora Publ. NY 2009).

  21. siranthonysurman said

    While there exists descendants of The lost City of Atlantis who to this day walk among you one of these few discerning characteristics which seperate them from thier contemporaries is the profound essences of the soul. Who are they? Well as I was taught via “the hard wa” never ask questions if you don’t already know or sincerely willfull to seeking the answer.

    Designation: Sir means one who was knighted
    SURMAN a man whose missions to reside in the sur or south
    Just simply Tony Surman is cool

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