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    July 2008
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on July 27, 2008

Including Manic Monday and ReadWritePoem.
Have you had a go yet?

Welcome to my Monday Magazine post.
Following one of the worst Labour losses in a By-election in decades, rumours are filling the UK media of the end days for the ‘esteemed leader’, Gordon Brownski. A man who never smiled, he seems to have a permanent one now – which is worrying in itself.

He is a disaster of a Prime Minister.

His incompetence is finally clear, and he is also unlucky, which should seal his fate. And as MPs go off for their summer breaks, the country awaits their return in the Autumn, and a round of politics as good as anything Machiavelli could have invented.
It will be interesting to see if he survives as leader until Christmas. But don’t take the Conservative’s cry for an election seriously. The last thing they want is to get in power now. Not with a recession coming. Brit politics should be interesting soon.

BBC2 screened an interesting thriller last week in Burn Up.

Starring Rupert Penry-Jones and Marc Warren, it was from the Spooks team, and concerned everything oil. I won’t give away the plot, ‘cos it may be being screened overseas.
Suffice to say, I found it excellent, and it ranged through all our fears of an oil-based economy. But one message near the end is worth pointing out. And yes, I know it was only fiction. But interesting nonetheless. Of course, if you don’t want to know, don’t read the last paragraph.
Basically, the US government secretly accepts man-made global warming, and are encouraging it. The military option for world domination is too expensive. So let environmental chaos wreck economies, countries and cut back on populations. Being the most powerful, the US administration will be the last man standing, and domination will be complete.
Rubbish, of course, but a thought. How many super-rich megalomaniacs secretly harbouring this thought would it take for things to turn out this way?
Tuesday, an essay on morality. Next Magazine post, Wednesday.

© Anthony North, July 2008


This is the story of the love of a girl,
by a man who’s life began to unfurl,
when he saw this vision of beauty true,
smitten – to his previous life, adieu

Her name was love, and he felt it inside,
so powerful it was, it could not be denied,
when she was not there he could not be complete,
yet little did he know he had to compete

Love was too powerful for only one man,
so many, after her, they ran and ran,
and each thought love was their ultimate dream,
startled by that omnipotent beam

The time came to pass when it was over for love,
peace went away, deserted by the dove,
and man fought man for the ultimate prize,
one fell down – dead, said his eyes

So love turned from something good to bad,
it is always so, isn’t it sad?
Jealousies, desires, stir in the pot,
and man’s existence – turmoil his lot

Wisdom does, of course, decree,
that lessons will be learnt by you and me,
yet although love deserted them all,
it was soon back, assisting man’s Fall

(c) Anthony North, July 2008


THE STORM – Fiction

How do I explain what happened the night of the storm? Not the big one of last year – the REALLY big one – but this year; which, let’s face it, was big enough!
Lightning lit up the cliffs. Peter and I watched from the window of the house. We had been discussing him coming back into the firm after his latest bout of depression. I knew he had lost his wife in last year’s storm, and this must be particularly hard for him. The landscape, constantly crackling out of the darkness, seemed to add to the surreal nature of it all.
Peter stopped the discussion when he suddenly pointed outside and said: ‘Look!’
At first, I only saw darkness, but at the next flash I saw her, too. A woman, out there, alone. And then she began to run towards the cliffs.
I hadn’t known Peter that long, so I was shocked to see him run out of the house, chasing her, trying to stop her. I followed, shouting, ‘no!’ But it was only when he failed to return, and I made some calls, that I understood that it seemed to be history repeating itself.
Except, this time, it wasn’t his wife’s body found at the bottom of the cliffs, but his.
‘But I wonder what happened to the girl?’ the policeman said after we returned to the house.
I wondered myself – until I saw the photo on the sideboard. I guess I believe in ghosts, now. The woman I saw was his wife.

© Anthony North, July 2008

25 Responses to “TONY ON BURN UP, STORM & MORE”

  1. Jamie said

    Storms do inspire spookier thoughts, but I’ve always found them exciting. It is amazing on both sides of the Atlantic that conservatives are doing their best to avoid power at all costs. At least here after years of messing up the world, they want to get while it can be blamed on the other guys.

    Good luck with yours.

  2. And the liberals have their heads stuck in the sand. We need to find the middle of the road. Then we’ll be doing it right. Excellent post Anthony. Have a great day. 🙂

  3. Hi Jamie,
    I must admit, I love to watch a good thunderstorm.
    Unlike the US, Britain can have an election any time up to a five year maximum in power. But I can guarantee the Cons don’t want it yet.
    It will be interesting how they will demand an election while hoping it doesn’t happen.
    Thanks for the good luck. I think we’ll need it both sides of the pond.

    Hi Sandee,
    Thanks for that, and I couldn’t agree more. I’m always in search of the middle ground. It’s where commonsense lies.
    Maybe that’s why it’s so difficult to achieve 😉

  4. I love storms. So exhilarating!

    deeply in love wih dracula’s daughter

  5. Mariposa said

    An inner part of me love storm…it stirs emotions and an all mix of feelings I can describe…

    I love reading your works here…thanks for sharing!

    Happy Monday!

  6. Very nicely done! 🙂

    Happy Manic Monday.

  7. Good morning Gautami,
    They are indeed. Electrifying 😉

    Hi Mariposa,
    Many thanks for those kind words.

    Hi CrAzY Working Mom,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

  8. I love ‘The Story of Love!’ I’ve been singing it to the tune from the ‘Beverly Hill Billies’…

  9. Brian said

    That’s an interesting point Anthony because it’s similar here as well. Neither party really wants to be in change. It’s a game of musical chairs amongst politicians who don’t care one bit about the ‘little’ people.

    Speaking of storms, one of the thunderstorms on Friday burned down a house nearby. Happens every several months or so with a lightning strike.

  10. I will be watching out for Burn Up on the Brit programmes we can get here.Seems quite believable to me.There has been a couple of things that altered the course of the world which America was behind,even without a wide stretch of the imagination.

  11. Travis said

    I really do enjoy your short fiction. This is another good piece for MM.


  12. Ivanhoe said

    I liked your stormy story, Tony. And as always I enjoyed your (Love) poem :o)

  13. Really like your entire post, but loved the storm fiction as it is what drew me over for my first MM.

  14. Tink *~*~* said

    Neat little storm story – great idea!

    Tink *~*~*
    My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

  15. I loved the poem, Anthony. Sure can relate to that these days….

  16. Hi Sweet Talking Guy,
    Thanks for that. I must admit, I never thought of the Clampetts at the time 😉

    Hi Brian,
    It’s the old, old story. Politicians want to be involved in success. They bury their heads in the sand during failure. Which leaves their ass in the perfect position for the next lightning strike 🙂

    Hi Diamondsandrust,
    Yes, I suppose what I’m saying is that some people just have too much power. Even to think that just a handful of people, without telling a soul – not even each other – could carry out actions that would change the world …

    Hi Travis,
    Many thanks. It’s the area of writing I find most enjoyable, I must admit.

    Hi Ivanhoe,
    Thanks for that. Your comment is much appreciated.

    Hi Sassy Mama Bear,
    Welcome, and thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Tink,
    Good of you to say so. I’m glad you liked it.

  17. Hi Sandy,
    Your comment slipped in as I was answering the rest. Yes, I can see many relating to it. Glad you liked it.

  18. I’m thoroughly disgusted by oil prices and the lot, so I’ll not comment further on the first part of your post. Loved the love poem!! Your storm story was bittersweet, but as I have read quite a few of your short stories now, I actually expected that ending. Happy Monday, Anthony!

  19. Hi WillThink4Wine,
    Thanks for that. I’m pleased you like the poem. As for the fiction, I’ll have to try harder 😉

  20. Quilly said

    I loved THE STORM. Very visual with the tiniest hint of a Gothic touch, yet still personal and immediate. Nicely done.

  21. Quilly said

    You know, I wasn’t trying to direct you toward my usual blog. I thought you might like to see my poetry — though having read yours, probably not. 😉

  22. Hi Quilly,
    Welcome, and thanks for that. Having read your latest poem, though, I must disagree with your final words 😉

  23. christine said

    A ballad and morality tale all in one…. the lessons we learn from heartbreak. It seems you wrote out of experience, but that you’ve lived to tell the tale. 🙂

  24. Hi Christine,
    I think we’ve all been there – if we’ve lived 😉

  25. Jason said

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