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    September 2008
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on September 21, 2008

Try my current affairs. A different way of looking at the world.

We are told that paranormal research is of no real value to life. Today, science is more involved in practicalities, and even if there is a paranormal effect, there are far more important things to research.
I’m not so sure this is true. Rather, even taking the semi-sceptical approach that it is ‘all in the mind’, we can maybe find value in supposed paranormal phenomena. And this is particularly so in the idea of paranormal therapy.

Mediums are the obvious starting point.

Despite their reputation, a bereaved person can often find great benefit in visiting a medium. This is true whether the medium is a fraud, really contacting the dead, or merely applying unbeknown psychology.
To many people there is a deep sense of wellbeing knowing that contact with the dead IS possible. Yes, some may become infatuated with the concept, but life is allowed to go on regardless. And it is surely a lesser evil to depression or worse.

Alien abduction can also be therapeutic.

Again, we can doubt the experience being a real event and place it in the mind. But even doing so, whilst the experience can be frightening, there is often a change in the person following it.
The literature on the subject quite often shows people becoming more spiritual, often more eco-conscious, and generally more at ease with themselves. Indeed, in many cases, the event itself can be identified with sufferers approaching a psychological crisis, which is then eased.

Another area is past-life regression.

This is when people go to a therapist and, under hypnosis, recount previous lives lived. And again, we can place an explanation involving cryptomnesia – or unconscious memory recall of novels read, etc.
However, there is a growing number of therapists using this device to highlight psychological problems in people. Previous lives seem to embody the reason for the problems they are suffering. Identifying this has shown to be deeply therapeutic.

In these areas the paranormal has use.

Thus, it should not be ignored. However, we can extend such influences further. For instance, both past-life regression AND alien abduction can be found under hypnosis.
One argument is that such memory comes better if the therapist is a believer. It has even been argued that ‘transference’ occurs – meaning that the therapist has actually ‘placed’ the idea in the subject.
Such possibilities of implanted memories appear in other areas of psychoanalysis – in particular ‘false memory syndrome’, where it is believed an incorrect appreciation of the past can become so fundamental that the person believes it to be real.
Evidence is hard to find. But could this be because the above elements of the paranormal are ignored?
Proper research of such areas of paranormal therapy could prove vital for understanding the processes of therapy itself. For not only does it seem to work, but it seems to work through a therapist psychologically injecting a form of fantasy into the patient.
The implications, here, for how society itself reacts are immense. But that is another story, for another time.

© Anthony North, September 2008


  1. Selma said

    I’m with you, whether one believes in the paranormal or not, one cannot discount the benefits that someone may gain from contacting a deceased loved one. I’m all for it as long as it is closely monitored. Anything is better than grief which turns to severe depression. What a thoughtful post this is. Many people would dismiss paranormal therapy as codswallop. You really have such a kind heart, Anthony.

  2. Hi Selma,
    Thanks for that. Yes, there is so much value in the subject if people could only get over their initial suspicion of it. Of course, sceptics say research is patchy, unscientific, etc. But this is guaranteed by making sure few psychologists give it a chance.

  3. paisley said

    i think the only influence any paranormal experiences,, if you can even call them that, can have on a person are those that you ,, the individual has persoanlly experienced and actually believe in.. if you know in your heart it is true and you experienced it first hand,, then yes,, it can be a powerful tool…

    however when the masses clutch on to the so called paranormal experiences of a single individual,, even if his name is jesus or mohammad ,, i think that is better qualified as mass insanity….

  4. Hi Paisley,
    Perhaps this is another reason why such experiences need to be understood. Such an important social ability as this needs to be.

  5. Gary said

    I’m all for research in the paranormal world, from personal experience I can testify that it can make sense of a lot of things that in other terms make no sesnse.

  6. Hi Gary,
    Indeed. I’ve been researching it for quarter of a century, and it holds so much value that is ignored.

  7. Geraldine said

    I have had many experiences with the ‘spirit world’ I have no doubts about an afterlife and how connected we are to those passed on. I visited a reknowned psychic recently and he explained it very well in terms of those who are deceased. “They aren’t really gone, they are only in another place with other things to do.” Exactly. Interesting post Anthony, thoughts to ponder. G

  8. Hi Geraldine,
    Thanks for that. It is a subject that hasn’t gone away during the entire known history of mankind, no matter how hard various religions and the sciences have tried to ‘remove’ it.

  9. Lela B said

    I have lost friends over that ‘false memory syndrome’. I know people who really really believe in the alien stuff. But I am an agnostic about that. Unless your going to jump up. 🙂 😉 Ha! Ha! And I am one in disguise:)

  10. Hi Lela B,
    I don’t personally believe we are being abducted by aliens, but it IS an interesting subject. Some form of psycho-social phenomenon is going on.
    If you’re interested in the subject, click my UFO-tastic category for more.

  11. […] How to do Paranormal Therapy, by Anthony North. […]

  12. If anything, the therapeutical benefits of paranormal approaches should be examined, so to not leave that gap that is often filled by people who look to take advantage of folks seeking comfort. Just as I wouldn’t go to the first doctor I find in the street, a person should not seek the service of the first medium they find on the ad section of a magazine!

    As for alien abduction, I wouldn’t be surprised if the vast majority of experiencers have had a more negative result in their lives because of it (i.e. destroyed marriages, professional ridicule, emotional instability), that’s why we mostly hear of the “nice” experiences. That’s not to say I think the aliens (whatever the hell they are) are malevolent per se, but because currently we as a society haven’t been able to cope with such experiences, and give the abductees the support and respect they deserve.

  13. baz said

    hi anthony

    the placibo is known to work in physical medicine why not in psychic medicine too? or are they one and the same? more gifts given to us that we have been urged to ignore, but as long as we all keep draging these ideas and belief’s into the daylight we’ll get a better life yet

    remember you are god


  14. Hi Red,
    Couldn’t agree with your first paragraph more. I occasionally get people on this blog asking for advice about some paranormal incident, and I always tell them to check out what paranormal groups there are in their area. The emphasis here is on the plural. Look around, certainly.
    And also your second paragraph. So often the benefits are destroyed – but this is by outside influences – non-understanding, bigotry, ignorance. We need more understanding.
    Failed marriages can often be the result, yes, which is sad. There is a truism about therapy of all kinds that when the person finds himself, those closest usually lose him.
    We need more understanding here, too.
    It’s good to hear from you.

    Hi Baz,
    Absolutely. The mind has been ignored for too long, but it is vital. So what does psychiatry do? Pop a pill to take away the effects, leaving the reason – and understanding – under a threadbare psycho-carpet.

  15. baz said

    hi anthony

    remember that with psychiatry and drugs you are attempting to remove the outer shell,(reason, and blind belief), so you can get to the sub- consious which has all the hidden knowledge, then maybe a change can be affected. wonderful game we’re all playing, nothing on this world is as it seems.

    remember you are god


  16. Hi Baz,
    Nothing is as it seems indeed.

  17. Dennis Payne said

    I’m currently being oppressed by a Demonic spirirt, and have been trying to find a solution. If you know anyone who could possibly help in this matter, I would really appreciate it.

    Dennis Payne

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