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    December 2008
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Archive for December, 2008


Posted by anthonynorth on December 31, 2008

galaxy2 Does a spider exist in the same universe as a human being? In one sense, yes, we can splat them. They can scare us. So in some physical way we exist side by side in the same world, the same universe.
But does this extend to our appreciation of reality? Does a spider intuit the same universe as a human? Does it inhabit, experience and understand in the same way as us? This, we have to conclude, is doubtful.

There is an important point here.

alpha-spider-web1Much of the way we see the universe is based on our knowledge of it. Indeed, reality is a compromise between how the universe thinks it ‘is’, and how we appreciate how it ‘is’.
Reality – the universe – becomes a subtle construct based upon our consensual view of it, combined with universal realities that help to fashion the consensus. When a scientist talks about ‘laws of nature’, he isn’t exactly being honest. Some can be obviously seen as such – things fall – but other ‘laws’ are based on theory, and are the laws of ‘man’.

Consensual realities are not exact.

The human race itself lives in a cauldron of conflicting consensual realities, the most obvious being the ‘scientific’ and the ‘religious’. In either case, the ‘realities’ of our knowledge confirm the paradigm.
It is almost as if reality is like a vacuum – and knowledge abhors a vacuum, if I may paraphrase a famous scientific ‘law’. ‘Reality’ is flooded with how we think it ‘is’. And the ‘observer’ becomes intrinsic to the ‘reality’ we think we experience.

Let’s go back to the spider.

We can now see that it is feasible to say it doesn’t exist in the same reality as us, and the religionist doesn’t live in the same reality as the scientist. Rather, differing realities co-exist, intermingle, but are fundamentally different.
It is almost as if there are societal ‘bubbles’ of knowledge. But we can complicate the subject even more than this. I’ve written in the past of how the ‘law of large numbers’ leads to greater order dependent on increasing numbers involved.

sage I’ve applied this to the universe.

In effect, the universe could be made of layered constructs, with a lifeform being less ordered than a species; a species less ordered than a planet, a planet less ordered than a solar system, etc.
This is actually understood in ecology. Existence is constructed of interlaced ecosystems, each reliant on the other, and extending from the planetary ecosystem to the fungi between your toes. And it is unlikely that it understands its existence causes the higher function of a human scratching it because it itches.
The ‘systems’ of ecosystems can, I think, be transferred to the argument I am raising here. We can exist in our own ecosystem, which we recognize both physically and intellectually, but we could also, unbeknown to us, also exist in an ever-increasing number of ecosystems both parallel to ours, and larger with higher function.
We may well appreciate some effects ‘physically’ from those higher systems – for instance, we experience wider influences such as light and gravity (whatever they are), but this does not mean that our ‘understanding’, based on our own little ‘system’ is anything like as high as the larger interlinked systems ‘appreciate’ and react to.
Rather, from differing paradigms, thru lifeforms, to the nature of the universe itself, we could be part of an interlinked web of existences, which we have barely begun to experience and conceive. Existence, good reader, could well be ‘bubbled’.

© Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Science | 38 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 29, 2008

Including ABC Wednesday, Heads or Tails and Totally Optional Prompts.
Have you had a go yet?

alpha-guru-typeGURU TONY – On gangs and things

The Metropolitan Police have advised that gangs are getting younger and more violent, committing horrendous crimes over the most trivial of sleights. This doesn’t surprise me at all.

To understand, we must go to a previous crimewave.

georgian-gent1This occurred in the 18th century, and is famous for characters such as Dick Turpin. However, again, minor trivialities led to horrendous crimes.
When analysing the period, it came as capitalism was first flowering, and religion was in the first phase of decline. Hence, the idea of ‘wants’ increased as ‘obligation’ declined. And it is clear that we are in a similar phase today.

So the problem has nothing to do with crime.

It is to do with how the individual sees himself within society. Of course, this doesn’t mean that everyone succumbs to these social pressures, but it suggests a minority will do so.
So what is the answer? The 18th century crimewave came to end due to zero tolerance (the creation of the Bow Street Runners), a new moral imperative (the new Methodism went onto the streets) and a new view of society (industrialisation).
We need to repeat, in modern form, this three-pronged attack.
Next post, Thursday. Hope to see you then.

© Anthony North, December 2008

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My Columnists



Save the Planet – or you’ll be sorry!!



Oh dear, he’s very different to you,
another race, so very true;
Does he live similar to us,
ride to work on a bus?
Does he have a family, a home?
What about morals? Does he atone?

Why are you so suspicious of him?
Could it become hatred with a whim?
Or is it that he’s unexplained,
and what we don’t know, we disdain;
Perhaps this message can stop the pain,
most of the world’s people are the same

They live and breath, work and play,
have thoughts like you every day;
Only their culture is alien to you,
different stories to get through;
They feel and cry and laugh and fear,
when people who are different come too near

What is the answer to this shame,
to fight our xenophobic blame?
Some people say a melting pot,
trying to make us what we’re not;
We need diversity so we can thrive,
then mix and learn, into friendships dive

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


beta-apeWATCHING CLOSELY – Fiction

I watch them. I watch them all the time. I watch them closely – intently. We can learn so much from them.
A pair approach – male and female. The male is a definite alpha male, protective of his mate. As becomes obvious as another male approaches. Will it end in a confrontation?
Tension builds. They stare at each other. The female seems uncomfortable – makes strange guttural sounds. But eventually the alpha male wins the day and the other departs.
Others approach, go their way. It is a strange society and pecking order I observe. Sometimes a social hierarchy can be seen, whilst at others, there seems no society at all – only chaos. Or is it that I just don’t understand their ways, no matter how long I watch them.
I suspect this may well be the case. After all, I notice how carefree and self-assured they can appear. Which is totally at odds with their need to keep me locked up in this zoo, watching.

© Anthony North, December 2008



our habitat
nurtures everything good
balance, symbiosis, and us

Big wind
warming air flow
battered climate rising
faces contorted, nothing done
just talk

just a dead life
extracted, fill her up
useless usefulness bringing on
dead life

animal life
made human, sentiment
we love them, we need them, then we
kill them

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Crime, Current Affairs, Poetry, Twist In the Tale | 58 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 26, 2008

Including One Single Impression, Manic Monday and Sunday Scribblings.
Have you had a go yet?

beta-physicist1PROF ISAAC GALISTEIN – On faddy stuff and us

A new study has alarming news for those who cut carbohydrates from their diet. They do far worse in mental tests than the bread and potato eaters. And whilst this maybe couldn’t have been predicted, some effect was obvious.

There is only one sensible way of eating.

bread1That is to eat a little of everything. A fully balanced diet has to be the commonsense way. So why do so many ignore this good advice? I think it is to do with fads.
Fads come and go, and we seem to be driven to follow them. Despite the idea that we are individuals, we have an urge to be the same as everyone else. At first, we can blame this on consumerism – there has to be something new to ‘sell’ – but there’s more.

We are what our knowledge says we are.

And presently we live by the theory of relativity. There is no idea of a definite, so we each have to unconsciously strive for something solid in existence. And this results in fads that make us the ‘same’ in order to find validation.
This is, infact, opposed to evolutionary principles, which state that life thrives best with as much diversity as possible. We should remember this message, for if we don’t we could find ourselves devolving. Oh, and a balanced diet is diverse, by the way.
Next post, Monday. Hope to see you then.

© Anthony North, December 2008

NOTE: This site now has 8 sub-domains within the blog. You can find them at top of site, just under blog name. Why not take a look?
My Columnists



To know is to empower



We love them! We really do,
celebrities and stars, old and new,
showing us how our dreams can come true,
but it can’t be us all – just a few;
For most the dream fails to exist,
a nightmare reality often persists,
as we buy and borrow to live the dream,
hoping for stardust to rub off – gleam;
Why do we believe in the great big con,
throwing our lives away for a song?
When we know, in the end, it’s material lust,
and inevitably it will all turn to dust

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


people-11A TRADITIONAL WAY – Fiction

I never wanted to be there. They just never understood that simple fact. Why can’t they get it?!!!
When I woke up that morning I knew something had to give – after all, it always does. I’m not up to this life, you see. Responsibility and such things just don’t come into it – and I’ve been like this most of my life. And now, in my 50s, I’ve no desire to change.
So I got up, washed, dressed, went to a cafe for breakfast and just stewed all day.
We all have our routines, you see – our traditions. And they are part and parcel of how your life has been lived. And I’m no different. And living here just isn’t for me.
What do I know of paying bills, of being sociable? And then there’s the time of year to take into account. Christmas – when the traditions are even more important.
So it was inevitable I would do it. It was inevitable I would pick up that brick and smash the shop window, and pretend to steal things, and then sit around waiting.
Well, I’m back home now, comforted by the bars. It’s where I traditionally belong.

© Anthony North, December 2008



I believe I don’t believe,
don’t wear my heart upon my sleeve,
don’t accept myth or lore,
don’t put a horseshoe on my door,
don’t honour gods or fairytale,
don’t think evil can assail,
don’t let miracles change my life,
don’t allow good to overcome strife

I don’t believe because I know,
everywhere I ever go,
rationally see in front of me,
the world working with so much glee,
without the need for supernatural terms,
that reality as it always churns,
can bend to what must always be right,
giving wonders without respite

The problem is our knowledge is slight,
trapped in material, atheist delight,
thinking that we know the story,
scientists and thinkers in all their glory,
but all they have is a tiny glimpse,
giving their brains a hint of a glint,
but above all this is a reality, a glow,
I don’t believe because I know

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Crime Stories, Current Affairs, Health, Poetry, Society | 61 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 23, 2008

Including ABC Wednesday and Thursday Thirteen.
Have you had a go yet?

houses-of-parliament3POLLY TICKS

You can’t get away from the Recession, even for Christmas. The service industry is thought to be the next to shed employees, and this has prompted some business leaders to warn of a ‘bloodbath’ of middleclass jobs.

This simply had to come.

city-and-bridge1Somewhere along the line ‘service’ became known as a profit-making enterprise, and in being so, it allowed a huge expansion of what is termed middleclass.
This could never be a true reality – it was Alice in Wonderland economics, devised to allow a whole legion of previously working class people to be ‘affluent’ through credit, thus fuelling the consumer society that has finally imploded.

The ‘hysteria of affluence’ is now over.

And as Christmas approaches, it is maybe time to realise that the hysteria took away so much of what it was to be human. A prolonged, frenzied consumerfest could do nothing else.
So this year, many will be having a leaner Christmas. And in doing so, just maybe some of those old values of humanity might spark into the real magic of Christmas. I hope so; and I wish you all a merry festive season.

© Anthony North, December 2008

NOTE: This site now has 8 sub-domains within the blog. You can find them at top of site, just under blog name. Why not take a look?
My Columnists



A Voyage of the Imagination


W is for … WEIGHT

Lots of turkey, sprouts and roasts,
shovel it in, you don’t look gross!
Christmas pudding, munch it down,
silly hat on head – look like a clown!
Xmas fare, full of cheer,
diet cards getting near?
Bloated, windy, was that a burp?
Looking embarassed – what a twerp!
And after the season the scales tell the truth,
‘how much to lose?’ Oh, streuth!!!
But just to make you feel much better,
as you squeeze into that bulging sweater,
Santa is far more weightier than you,
but he is rather magical – HE just says ‘shoo!!!’

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


delta-peaceA PERECT CHRISTMAS – Fiction

I look over the world and what do I see?
I see battlefields where no weapons are fired, where no soldier is killed, where no one makes war, and where everyone feels imbued with hope.
I see people all over the Third World with plenty, with multi-nats in decline, and sensible government thinking of the people instead of personal greed.
I look at our thinkers and I see toleration between religions, people and lifestyles. I see an explosion of diversity as cultures are reborn, yet without hatreds and everyone loves their neighbour.
I see families, together, their differences forgotten, their eyes full of hope for the future. I see them as part of solid communities where everyone looks out for everyone else, and crime and poverty are banished.
I see a thriving planet, where species are unthreatened, where the atmosphere is pure and nature explodes in perfect delight.
I see a possible future, but at present I write fiction.

© Anthony North, December 2008



Thursday Thirteen has decided to call it a day, but as I’d already written
this, I thought I’d keep it. They will be missed.

I’m not here for long,
so hear my song,
‘cos when I’m gone,
you’ll belong …

As Santa comes and leaves your presents,
and families gather, happy and pleasant,
remember the message of Christmas time,
to always be good and kind,
to others, ‘cos it heartens the world,
allowing good cheer to constantly unfurl ..

Soon the thaw comes and I won’t be here,
so heed my message, be kind without fear;
Merry Christmas – and good cheer

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Current Affairs, Poetry, Social Awareness, Society | 43 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 22, 2008

Including Heads or Tails and Totally Optional Prompts.
Have you had a go yet?


Scientists have shown that video games can boost an elderly person’s brain power. This makes total sense. After all, we exercise the body to keep it trim. So why not do the same with the brain?

Exercise the mind.

booktwoIt should be a mantra. Mindst you, what kind of a mind will the elderly have with constant video game playing? For instance, it seems the young gamers have a different kind of mind to the norm.
Attention spans appear shorter, but they have the ability to think in parallel – i.e. concentrate on more than one thing at once. Of course, the problem with this is that the mind becomes similar to data processing.

This holds problems.

Capable of taking in a vast amount of information, it seems they are not quite so good at turning that information into wisdom. Hence, they may know a lot, but not how to turn it into productive knowledge.
My recommendation is not to do video games, but read lots of books. A book is a two way affair between reader and writer. Words are inefficient things which require interpretation. Hence, the mind is exercised, and wisdom remains intact.

© Anthony North, December 2008

NOTE: This site now has 8 sub-domains within the blog. You can find them at top of site, just under blog name. Why not take a look?
My Columnists



The Magazine Post with a gentle hint of horror



Christmas comes, plenty of cheer,
not really anything to fear,
until you turn the pages true,
of Christmas stories old and new;
Dickensian thrills come your way,
ghosties, ghouls on display,
gothic horrors in all their might,
giving you a terrible fright;
But what is that bang that you hear,
from the pages – or maybe near?
The chill is on, creepiness ensues,
it’s jumped out of the page!!!
It’s behind you

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


street-11WHERE’S THE BODY? – A Cass Nova Detective Thriller

We could have done without it. Just a couple of days to Christmas and we find out about the murder. I won’t bore you with the details – it was a basic fit of jealousy. It happens so often. But it was worthy of mention because, although we knew the murder had been committed, we had no body. And without the body, we couldn’t arrest the suspect.
Inquiries made it obvious where the body should be. Witnesses had seen strange goings on in the avenue. But we’d had three days of snow, and it was very deep. Where, then, was the body?
I surveyed the area. It was a typical winter’s scene. Snow drifts everywhere, and that snowman looking upon the whole panorama.
A dozen of us searched the area, prodding through the snow, but with no luck. And I guess that’s when the Christmas spirit took us over. First, someone placed a hat on the snowman, then the first snowball was thrown, and before long we were all at it.
Of course, later, we realised our unprofessionalism, but – hey! – it WAS Christmas. And we never found the body. Not then. We had to wait for the thaw. And who would have guessed, as the snowman melted, that those cold, dead eyes were staring at us all the time.

© Anthony North, December 2008



The mirror offers an opposite view,
it seems to be like, but is it you?
All is reversed, nothing’s the same,
no matter how much you exclaim;
Appear happy, you think too much glee,
offer a frown, what a misery?
The truth is, this isn’t reality at all,
a mirror image takes your eyes off the ball,
of who you are and what you do,
an incorrect image of yourself imbued;
Indeed, we’ve got to really ask,
is it some macabre, surreal mask?
A wicked universe’s great big joke,
allowing ego to be invoked;
Is the image yours to command,
or is it ethereal, damned?
It seems to be in unison with you,
copying everything you seem to do,
but maybe in illusion we are immersed;
Consider – if you wink, who does it first?

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Current Affairs, Poetry, Psychology, Society | 29 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 21, 2008

Including One Single Impression and Manic Monday.
Have you had a go yet?

houses-of-parliament3POLLY TICKS

The Conservative Party has said that a poor child in the UK has less chance of escaping poverty than anywhere else in the world. Is this political spin, putting down NuLabour, or is it a reality?

I think the latter.

victorian-gentBut how, when you consider the government has done everything in its power to increase social mobility? The answer lies in their hatred of privilege. Thirty years ago every area had a Grammar School, which took the top 10 per cent of kids.
The left scrapped them, deciding education should be equal for all. Laws were enacted to make it so. In answer, the richer people moved house to cluster around the best schools, leaving a large number of sink estates and schools, full of the poor.

Enterprise, you see, will always out.

Thus, the poor are trapped in second class education and services. This is because of the liberal error that, in our natural state, we are social beings. But we are only so once we’ve catered for ourselves and family.
NuLabour just doesn’t get this. Hence, it might be sobering to remember that, as Christmas approaches, we are fast heading back to Dickensian times. Tiny Tim is back – and angry.

© Anthony North, December 2008

NOTE: This site now has 8 sub-domains within the blog. You can find them at top of site, just under blog name. Why not take a look?
My Columnists



Save the Planet – or you’ll be sorry!!



Why is it that we always forget,
the greatest present created yet?
Planet Earth which aids us so,
we’re always on her, wherever we go;
So this Christmas let’s remember,
and best wishes we can surely send her,
thanking her for nurturing us,
letting life go with a buzz;
Send a gift of goodwill, true,
fuelled with eco-things we can do,
changing the environment to high from low,
and wrap her up with a green bow

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


witchesWAXY AND THE XMAS TREE – fiction

Waxy and Wane, the Sisters of the Moon, walked purposely down the street. They were on a mission – well, at least, Waxy was. Wane had other ideas. ‘It’s time to make a stand,’ Waxy had said. ‘The meaning of the festive time has gone.’ Wane remembered the ancient traditions, including Saturnalia, but then was filled with visions of other times, of persecution.
They had allowed one element of the season. Hence, a single strip of tinsel was wrapped round their black, pointy hats. Finally approaching the centre of town, the huge building came into view. It towered above them, and delicately they approached the huge doors.
Music filtered out, and there seemed to be an explosion of light. They could see people bearing gifts, and the shepherds watched their flock.
Taking up position between the doors and a huge Christmas tree, Waxy began waving her wand, mouthing spell after spell to try to stop it all, refusing to accept that the new magic was more powerful. Even the few Christians who walked past, on their way to church, realised THIS was totally pointless.
Eventually the chief shepherd, Mr Bigbiz, had had enough, gathered around him his shoppers, and as they approached …
Well, suffice to say, that is how Waxy and Wane spent the consumerfest hanging from the Christmas tree.

© Anthony North, December 2008



So terrible, the winter’s day,
cold and biting, snow does lay,
to chill your bones, bring on the flu,
sitting by the fire is all you can do;
But when it gets inside your mind,
events have been not very kind,
the bleakness filters to your soul,
trying to get through, your only goal;
Until the fire’s glow increases,
by visits, and your mood decreases,
laughter forcing melancholy out,
friends and family lessen doubt;
And suddenly winter isn’t so bad,
surrounded by merriment, feeling glad,
that you live to experience all of life,
facing the future, conquering strife

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Current Affairs, Poetry, Society | 49 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 19, 2008

Including Sunday Scribblings and Writers’ Island.
Have you had a go yet?

doctor-examiningDR ILLYA NESS

Scientist have warned of an increasing number of gender-bending chemicals in the environment, with obvious effects for both humans and wildlife. Such chemicals exist throughout industry, and are a major element of modern packaging.

The ultimate nightmare, here, is obvious.

people-8As gender traits merge, it could reduce fertility. Indeed, I’ve often argued that, if we destroy ourselves through environmental vandalism, we won’t go out with a bang, but, with no new babies, a fizzle.
Why do we allow such madness to continue? One answer is that we take pleasure from the benefits of using such chemicals in products. This overpowers our urge not to be damaged by such chemicals.

This is, in effect, a form of masochism.

Indeed, I’ve noticed that any form of pleasure involving physical interaction leads to pain if over-indulged. This suggests a form of masochism at the root of most human interaction.
I call this our ‘masocology’, and I think it is something that should be understood, because it could also lie behind our collective eco-vandalism. We simply cannot avoid courting pain, such as harming ourselves through damaging the planet.

© Anthony North, December 2008

NOTE: This site now has 8 sub-domains within the blog. You can find them at top of site, just under blog name. Why not take a look?
My Columnists



To know is to empower



We feel the world, know it’s there,
we hear it, smell it, and we stare,
but how much can we really see,
of this magnificent entity?
Science experiments, tells us what’s so,
but religion, more ethereal goes,
delving in mystery, the unknown,
requiring us all to forever atone;
Yet could there be more latent news,
from people with holistic views,
of a universe that’s not all there,
for us to ever be aware?
Not quite manifest, whether good or bad,
some theorise such things, and go mad,
yet intuitions won’t go away,
of the existence of things seen other ways

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


beta-blondeULRIKA VISITS EARTH – Fiction

Ulrika Feyn was a star traveller from the future who became trapped in the universal mind. This was such a strange experience she didn’t know whether she was real, or a thought in the mind of some storyteller. But regardless, she simply had to think of being somewhere and she was.
One day she thought it would be nice to visit her native Earth, and in an instant she found herself flying within its atmosphere in her starship. Feelings of joy abounded through her mind – it had been so long since she had visited. However, her joy came to an end when she was buzzed by a propeller driven fighter aircraft, circa 1940s. Taking evasive action, she was soon out of the way, but was filled with thoughts that this had been the start of something big.
‘It is indeed,’ boomed Uni Mind in his deep, continent-shattering voice.
Intrigued, Ulrika asked why; to which Uni Mind answered that she had just begun the UFO craze that would eventually inspire man to leave Earth and become the star traveller.
An alarm bell rang in Ulrika’s mind. Just a minute, she thought, isn’t that a time paradox? After all, how can I be here, now, causing something when I’m from the future, which has to happen before I can exist to come back and cause it?
Uni Mind laughed at the use of the word ‘now’. ‘How quaint,’ it said.

© Anthony North, December 2008



It always happens, you can never catch,
no matter how hard you snatch,
try it yourself, raise up your hand,
then clench it tight, just where you stand;
Within your grasp is universal stuff,
so sublime, never tough,
not there at all, or so we think,
yet it creates the world before you blink;
billions of atoms have escaped your hand,
all the constituents to create the land,
the blueprint for everything that we can know,
the stuff that makes reality glow;
But catch it you can’t, no matter how hard you try,
its secrets sealed even though we pry,
yet our intellect advances, goes through the roof,
so that maybe – one day – we’ll discover the truth

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Current Affairs, Environment, Poetry | 26 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 18, 2008

magician With the advent of deep theorizing upon the ‘unexplained’ from the 1940s onwards, an old term was given new definitions. This is the ‘pseudoscholar’, a term heaped on many from Immanuel Velikovsky to Erich von Daniken.
Now, some pseudoscholars maybe deserve ridicule, mainly because of bad research, but to academe the term has come in for much derision, to the point that they are virtually ignored, regardless of their methodology.

Researching spurious subjects is nonsense.

hengeOr so much of academe claims. Yet how ignored are they? Consider the new discipline of reconstructive archaeology. Here, experts build ancient structures to learn how they were done.
What was the main prompter for this discipline? It was the constant ‘chatter’ of pseudoscholars, annoying the archaeologists to the point that they went out of their way to prove them wrong. So, even in the negative, this is a case of pseudoscholars doing good.

‘Pseudo’ means false.

How accurate is this name? Well, a scholar is a person who researches something in a rational way in order to provide conclusions about the subject. This IS what pseudoscholars do, so the detractors’ inference of ‘false’ is a perfect example of pseudoscholarship.
It seems to me that ‘pseudo’ is a tag placed by academe on scholars who do not follow the accepted line or paradigm. The established view rules, and no ‘nonsense’ outside this worldview will be tolerated.

This is a natural consequence of our paradigm.

In the east knowledge is seen as cyclical, in that things go round in never ending sequences. The intellectual west broke from this form of knowledge by devising ‘linear’ thought.
Essentially, such thought is based on the idea that we can act upon the world and change it, thus ‘advancing’. This process suggests a beginning, and by definition must have an end. Hence, ‘cycles’ are broken.

devilThere is a distinct politicism in this.

As knowledge provides action, our society and culture goes on to reflect a particular form of knowledge, usually based on the most powerful theorists around. This is defined as ‘normal’, and anything that disagrees becomes ‘abnormal’.
This is the root of good and evil, and by associating knowledge with power, evil can be persecuted, wiped out, or, in today’s more enlightened times, marginalized. Hence the term ‘pseudo’, a perfect word to marginalize ‘evil’ knowledge appraisal.
The problem with this system is the ‘power’ invested in an established view. The reality is, very few scholars ARE scholars in its pure meaning. The great scholars CAUSED paradigm shifts. The scholars who follow are merely caretakers intent upon upholding the new paradigm – in essence, people who maintain old knowledge. After all, knowledge DOES move on, doesn’t it?
What can we say of the people who created these new paradigms? Well, we can include people such as Newton, Darwin, Mendel in the scientific sphere. Of course, seeing they worked in a field that was yet to be defined, they were all pseudoscholars, weren’t they?
The modern usage of pseudoscholar should be redefined as those scholars who research those things outside the accepted paradigm, rather than as ‘false’. Yes, many of them will come up with spurious ideas. But to condemn all because of this is to break one of the most cherished rules of knowledge appraisal.
The enquiring mind should be left free to roam where it will, often getting it wrong, but nonetheless working towards a new ‘truth’. For as I’ve often said in the past: a brilliant idea crawls out of the corpses of a hundred failures.

© Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Philosophy | 21 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 16, 2008

Including ABC Wednesday, Matinee Muse and Thursday Thirteen.
Have you had a go yet?

delta-televisionPAPPA RAZZI – on success, or not

It has been recently pointed out that you can be highly successful without qualifications. John Lennon and Bill Gates are two obvious examples. And I think a lack of qualifications can be vital to being ‘different’.

It isn’t that you break the mold.

pop-singerIt’s that you never knew how it looked in the first place. Indeed, most people who are different become different precisely because of this ignorance. But is it true that you can make it at present in this way?
I don’t think it is. No matter where you go nowadays you have to have qualifications. Education has been realigned towards preparing you for work above learning. And the mass-produced people the schools send out are there to fit in.

This falls in line with materialism.

We are increasingly living in a machine-society, where eccentric cogs don’t fit. And this is particularly so in the media and entertainment.
Once upon a time, something new was grasped with glee by the producers, editors, etc. Now they think: oh, this is different. Will it upset the system? Will it produce immediate profit? Is there any wonder society is devolving with a media mouthpiece like that.

© Anthony North, December 2008

The new CULT WATCH sub-domain is now up. Take a look, top of site!
My Columnists



It would be a crime not to read it


V is for … VANDAL

Smash it up, he can’t resist,
destruction offers total bliss,
he never thinks that it is wrong,
anarchy is where he belongs;
Order is an alien world,
law, compassion, never unfurl,
in his mind where goodness goes,
shrouded, hidden, by his woes;
The world, you see, did him wrong,
sounds of destruction his only song,
he never sees his choices true,
are up to him, never you;
Hence, it’s your fault, never his,
he rises to frenzy, such a fizz,
maybe, one day, he’ll grow up,
then with decent people he may sup

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


alpha-jailBEHIND THE CURTAIN – Fiction

I wish my brother would visit. But he can’t.
Circumstances, see.
I’d got myself into trouble. It was my own fault. I remember thinking about it in the shower that night. It had begun as a simple business deal, but some businessmen are not all they seem. And to cut a long story short, the deliveries I received turned out to be heroin.
Of course, I tried to get out of the deal, but they weren’t having that. And the blackmail began. If I didn’t continue, they’d ruin me. I tried again a short time later, and this time they threatened my brother. And if I still complained, well – it was the end for me.
It was inevitable I’d go a bit paranoid, I suppose. And there I was in the shower. I used to enjoy my showers, but now the only image in my head was of people behind the curtain with knives, and I’d end up like the girl in Psycho.
Well, that night I saw the shadow behind the curtain. But I was prepared. I picked up the knife I always kept by my side and lunged through the curtain, knife held ready.
I wish my brother would visit. But he can’t.

© Anthony North, December 2008



Victimhood, a terrible thing,
slouch through life, rarely sing,
as you remember the deed being done,
nothing in your life is fun;
Curse the criminal who did it to you,
dark thoughts alway imbue,
actions that go against the grain,
no respite, no refrain;
But remember this as you go your way,
demons are always there to slay,
rise above this melancholy state,
life CAN be good, it’s not too late,
it’s in your hands, fate

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

Posted in Crime Stories, Current Affairs, Media, Poetry, Society | 46 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on December 15, 2008

Including Heads or Tails, Totally Optional Prompts and Monday Mural.
Have you had a go yet?

houses-of-parliament3POLLY TICKS – on human rights, or not

The British Home Secretary last week signalled his intention to overhaul the Human Rights Act, claiming it is a charter for criminals. And how right he is. It’s just a shame NuLabour didn’t listen before it became law.

The sentiment may have been genuine.

people-10But a series of laws that guarantees the human rights of everyone is nonsense. The simple fact is, if everyone can claim abuse under the act for anything, we end up with no one being able to do anything.
And this includes, increasingly, locking people up. We can’t even deport known terrorist sympathisers because it is against their human rights to return them to a country where the law may be more brutal than ours!

We all deserve universal human rights.

That goes without saying. But it is not a legislative matter. It is something that must be born from tolerance and manners. And it is something that government should keep out of. Otherwise, we get the ridiculous situation of the present.
Forcing people to act in certain ways through legislation is a guarantee that they won’t. Rather, what such legislation does is decrease freedom and human rights. Scrap it! The whole thing. And begin talking of toleration and manners instead.

© Anthony North, December 2008

My Columnists



A small step into the dark



To go there first, a magical place,
full of meaning, no disgrace,
so different from the world we know,
holistic, whole, all aglow;
It begins with breathing, posture, zen,
mysticism birthed, you know just when,
you pass through the light to another world,
knowing, knowledge, all unfurled;
Senses merge into one,
sight, hearing, as separate gone,
explosion of things and colours true,
everything floats, and you’re no longer you

(c) Anthony North, December 2008


alpha-haunted-houseTHE THIRTEENTH STEP – Fiction

He approached the staircase with a sense of foreboding. So many stories had been told about it – where it led; what accidents had happened on it. Of course, he dismissed it all as mere superstition – at least, that’s what he said. But as he placed his foot on the first step, I could see how tentative it was.
And it did, of course, only increase the more he ascended. Indeed, by the seventh step you could see the shake of the shoulders – and by the ninth, his sense of fear was palpable, sweat upon his brow.
I began to doubt he would continue. As to whether there was anything to it, or it was just a story, who can say, but he seemed to stop, dead still, on the twelfth.
Ah, that dreaded thirteen – the most unlucky of numbers. How it affects even the rational. But did he have the courage to continue?
I watched him intently. Several times he raised his foot, his knuckles white as they clung to the rail. And just as I thought he would retire, he brought out a Herculean effort and he placed his foot on the step.
Standing there, you could see the sense of victory on his face. His entire stature improved and you could only be happy for him. A huge release of pent up energy poured forth, and with a jolly, hurried movement, he ascended to the fourteenth, tripped, and fell to his death.

© Anthony North, December 2008



We think we change but I’m not sure,
advancement is maybe not so pure;
Consider the alien, our modern friends,
abducting people, their body he lends,
taking them to his ship to test,
then returning them home without a rest;
Later they return and you’ll never guess,
they’re pregnant, a hybrid, bless!
Of course, we scoff at stories so,
deciding it’s rubbish, we’re in the know,
but consider the ancient fairy friend,
snatching people, a medieval trend;
Taken to a magical place to play,
they’re returned a changling, and parents pray;
See how similar these tales can be,
whether the past, or right up to me,
the only difference is the culture we’re in,
round and round, just stories we spin

(c) Anthony North, December 2008

NOTE: It is not my intention to say the Alien Abduction is simply a story. There is more to it than that. I’m simply pointing out that the way we view phenomena changes dependent on the cultural story around at the time.


My friend Linda has given me this Superior Scribbler Award,
for which I am grateful. I’d like to pass this to all my
blog friends who come here, who I appreciate so much.

Posted in Current Affairs, Poetry, Politics, Twist In the Tale | 38 Comments »