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    February 2009
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on February 18, 2009

devil We think of possession as some evil, supernatural influence. This is why, in the modern world, it is ridiculed as non-existent, or simply the raving of the mad. But can a rational answer be given which can teach us a lot about ourselves?
I think it can. A good starting point is multiple personality. Here, the mind seems to fragment into a number of personalities, each taking it in turn to occupy the person. There are hundreds of documented cases.

They can be fascinating.

angelMany people seem to live their life quite naturally with such personality invasions, and each can seem a separate entity. But I’ve noticed, in many cases, a specific element within each personality.
They seem to reflect a specific emotion, or aspect, of the host. They can be specifically angry, sad, joyful, sexual, and many other traits. Indeed, it is as if it is not the mind that has split, but the specific emotions of the host.

This could have importance beyond the unexplained.

Consider, for instance, the serial killer. In many cases they seem to have separate personalities themselves. If married, a ‘normal’ personality can live a normal life, the wife even unaware of the truth.
The actual killer can be seen as anger in the raw. Once the murder has occurred, we often find a deep seated conscience which makes the killer carry out stupid errors, which eventually lead to capture, as if he wanted to be caught.

Could the serial killer be possessed?

Yet, not possessed by some supernatural influence, but a series of specific emotional fragments of his inner mind. It could be that there is a real ‘devil’ within.
Similarly, some people can appear absolute angels. Think of the monk, dedicating his life to service in God, totally subsuming all desires and emotions. Maybe it is not as difficult as it appears. The ‘monk’ personality simply sheds emotional baggage.

alpha-kid-angel It can be seen in the evangelical movement.

In this case, they are filled with absolute joy, and nothing can touch them emotionally. Have they been touched by the ‘angelic’? Or have they simply discarded all other emotions?
We think of the mind as a coordinated whole. But the above suggests this need not be the case. Rather, the mind is a cauldron of conflicting emotions and traits, a particular fragment often rising within the ‘normal’ person.
Consider, for instance, sudden anger, where all other emotions disappear as you descend into a rage. Think, also, of the moments of pure, ecstatic joy, where nothing negative can touch you.
Are these moments of mild possession, when an emotional fragment escapes the confines of normality? If so, then the full blown possession is simply a matter of degrees. We all have the capacity to become devil or saint.

© Anthony North, February 2009

63 Responses to “POSSESSION – DEMONS & ANGELS”

  1. interesting thoughts 🙂 it made a worthy read 🙂

  2. I think that our ability to recognize fragments for fragments and the whole for the whole and to integrate these is the measure of our mental health. Those who can’t, who compartmentalize, are ill.

    I knew a preacher who pursued relationships with many, many women in his church. He had no problem sitting on committees or doing other kinds of church work with their husbands as if nothing were wrong. He never thought he was less the man of God for his behavior. He was a sick person who never put it all together.

    Perhaps this integration is a function of the conscience?

  3. Hi Pretty Prats,
    Thanks for that. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Hi Sandy,
    Excellent thoughts there. Knowing your mind is certainly the best course towards sanity and morality, even. And even if a person has a more fragmented mind, with various characters, knowledge of the whole can still lead to a coordinated life.
    And where, in this I wonder, does the muse reside?

  4. Amias said

    Being the product of massive abuse as a child, and throughout my adult life, I can attest to the fact that one creates different personalities to deal with their fragile life — and some like you say, can be extreme. All this due to our emotions and how we react to joy, pain, suffering, etc.

    If you are a regular reader of “any” of my blogs, you can see clearly that I have many “emotional” personalities, and I don’t consider myself sick, just creative.

    I have a massive sleep disorder, and there are times I write or work while I am asleep. I have written some very interesting dialogue doing these incidents, which I can say for sure, I have never written doing my awake time.

    When I am awaken from surgery, for just a few minutes between sleep and awakenings, I speak a total different language, don’t know what it is, but it always amuses the doctors .. and there are times when I am so engrossed in writing symbols that it scares me. My family and I are use to it now .. but when I was younger I thought I was possessed by some demon.

    In my humble opinion, humanity have yet to tap into the power that was given to us by the Creator. We limit ourselves by our learned belief systems. Every day I learn something new about myself, about humanity as a whole, and it’s amazing.

    Let’s take the computer, for instance … it can do so much more that we human think we can’t do, yet it was created by a human … were they possessed by the spirit of knowledge, and if so, is that too just another personality?

    Your post are always so very thought provoking, that if I am not careful I would not stop rambling.

  5. Hi Amias,
    Thankyou for that heartfelt comment. The subject fascinates me, in terms of my paranormal research and my storytelling – I class myself as sane, with a coordinated mind, but where, in this are the muses that hold my creativity?
    In my magazine posts I play with the concept through my resident ‘columnists’. I sometimes think we have sanity and insanity misunderstood – and as I say, we’re talking about degrees here.
    You might want to visit ‘Truth Is Freedom’ (see Blogroll). Brian is a quite sane blogger with a number of personalities within him, two of whom run their own blogs.

  6. Amias said

    Your muse, Anthony, rest within your imagination and your ability to use and/or explore it .. it’s that thing we call “insanity” – – – insanity for me is non-conforming, which is the spectral that keeps us free … It seems to me from your blog, your muse have so much fun, it needs more space to play. I find my muse to be hampered by humanity diverse belief systems. When I move pass all that, I find an enlightenment that can only come from my muse — which comes from within my “personal” imagination .. and all that entails!

    The word muse house within it “use me” or “u use me” or “me use u” or “see me use u”. Only an insane person would say such a thing, right? Understand, yes I think you do, this is my humble opinion, and may not reflect on anyone but myself, as I find my “insanity” to be one of my best companion.

  7. Hi Amias,
    Much of that speaks of the path of the mystic – to find enlightenment by being uncluttered by humanity, its beliefs, etc. Sages have spoken of it down the ages.

  8. Twilight said

    I’m not well-informed on this, but haven’t experts come to the conclusion that synapses, defective synapses, or weak/strong synapses, larger/smaller numbers of synapses in the brain, with related enzymes, proteins etc. regulate our personality and emotions.

    I doubt there’s a blueprint for “normal”, but I think that the differences in our individual blueprints of synapses accounts for why a monk can be a monk, or a person can house more than one personality, and so on. I understand that autism has already been connected to defective synapses.

    It’s fairly unromantic to bring all things, including love and “the muse”, or more darkly, possession, down to neurons, enzymes and electrical connections, but I think this is what it’ll come down to once (if ever) the brain is understood. 🙂

  9. Hi Twilight,
    You’ve just reminded me of a little phrase I used to use quite often, but not recently. In understanding the brain they’ve found the car. When are they going to look for the driver 🙂
    I feel another essay going on my list.

  10. I’ve often wondered about this too. I’ve seen a lot of men heading to death row in San Quentin and wondered if they were possessed. Some seems the devil themselves. I’ve often wondered. After 25 years I still didn’t find an answer.

    Have a terrific day Anthony. 🙂

  11. Linda G said

    Hi Anthony,
    My emotions have never split, but when I was taking care of my parents & each one’s end was near, I did push certain emotions far, far deep inside me- so that I could deal with very stressful situations.
    I didn’t want my sadness & fear (of watching them die) to show- it would worry them- I know they would have noticed it. Plus it would have taken my mental & physical strength away.
    I still have not got totally back to the “old me” yet- maybe I never will.
    Maybe people who “split” do this too suddenly or without conscious awareness of their need to do this.
    As for serial killers, they’re psychotic & amoral- not sure if that’s a split or not 😉

  12. Linda G said

    Hi Anthony,
    Correction- psychopathic not psychotic

  13. Hi Sandee,
    I think my idea fits such killers perfectly, mainly because courts tend to deem them sane. Could this be because the host personality, who attends court, IS sane? The anger isn’t on display.

    Hi Linda,
    Thanks for that. You highlight another element of this – the ability to subsume emotions completely. A very good point.

  14. Chris said

    Hi Anthony,
    Is it possible that free will plays a part here also. If we use your monk example, it may possibly be that the individual has made a conscious decision to subsume ‘inappropriate’ emotions and apply the ‘angelic’.
    It seems to me that psychopathic serial killers have a complete lack of empathy, the conscience that eventually leads them to being caught may be nothing more than cultural pressure to conform to society’s expectation.

    I often wonder if ‘good’ people who are considered to be insane are in fact, simply, eccentric. I know that I am, my family often comment on it in relation to my ‘different’ views, but it doesn’t change familial love, I even have one of my nephews moving into my unit next week.

    p.s. Sorry if there are any typos, I left my glasses home so am flying blind. 😉

  15. Hi Chris,
    Yes, free will could have something to do with it at times, I suppose. For instance, in a mild form, I’m happy to allow my imagination to roam – the muse, as it were. A very good point.
    As for flying blind, no problem at all. Though landing may be difficult 😉

  16. Chris said

    Hi Anthony,
    Thats what worries me too, especially as I also forgot my darn parachute. 🙂

  17. Hi Chris,
    You’re not with it tonight. That’s two things you forgot 🙂

  18. Chris said

    Hi Anthony,
    Aaahhhh! But the real question is, “how many things have I remebered?”. Sadly, methinks, not too many, but thats a good thing because it means that I can learn more than one new thing per day, even if I already ‘knew it’! 🙂

  19. Travis said

    Some very interesting points and questions in this essay. Maybe something like compartmentalized emotions manifesting as distinct personalities.

  20. Hi Chris,
    Retro-remembering. Cool!! 😉

    Hi Travis,
    Yes, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there.

  21. Jeeves said

    Very nice one here. Required a deep thinking!!!

  22. Hi Jeeves,
    Thanks for that. I enjoy these little mental exercises.

  23. Chris said

    Hi Anthony,
    Would you please stop making me laugh so much, I’m losing focus on my work duties. 🙂
    Retro-remembering? I thought that it was called “tapping into the Cosmic Consciousness”. 😉

  24. Hi Chris,
    I’m being serious so you won’t laugh. Even though some seem to do so when I’m being so.

  25. Chris said

    Hi Anthony,
    Reading between the lines (the holistic approach) can be a difficult ‘skill’ to learn, especially when one takes the ‘specialist approach’.
    I remembered my glasses today, I must say, it is nice to be able to see again!

  26. Hi Chris,
    Ah, but here’s the problem. A holistic approach must include everything there is, and seeing the specialist approach ‘is’, then it must be taken into account within the picture.
    Oh dear, we’re back to contradiction, which can be best cured by … ? 😉

  27. Chris said

    Hi Anthony,
    I dislike exams but………….Introspection? 😉

  28. Hi Chris,
    That’s a good one. Plus moderation 🙂

  29. James said

    To me this is very easy subject.

    There is no one in this world apart from us and the Creator.Satan the Devil doesnt exist.
    What about evil that exists? yes it does exist and its with each one of use. We are all capable of every evil deed you can think of in this world.

    But if there only us and Creator why does he let these evil thoughts an actions happen? They are there for purpose. So under our own power , our free will, we come to simple question in life. Why am i here? what is purpose of my life?

    Kabbalist see each action be it a monk praying to God or murder or thief carrying out there evil deed as a desire, a cup to be filled. Which cups/vessels your born with is down to the partly genes partly enviroment ie society country your born and your parents/up bringing.
    In other words you dont choose what vessels you have. But lets say you born with the vessel to kill. Does that mean you will be murderer?no of course not. It all depends if you can over come that desire. Its were your free will exist. This life is so simple when looked at as vessels and filling of this vessels. Everything you do is a desire from second to second of your life. Infact the concept of time is infact the passing of these desires. Yes time doesnt exist but i dont expect you have direct understanding of this.

    question why religion created external evil force. You will be surprised what you find.

  30. Hi James,
    You may not be far wrong with the ‘desire’ problem. But you do realise this is pure Buddhism?

  31. James said

    thats correct both deal with desires. The main difference is Buddhism pushes other desires away and just deal with desire for spirituality. So if you go back to example of vessels of desire the buddist ends up with one vessel that been for spirituality.

    The Kabbalist on other hand works with every desire he has instead pushing the other desires away kabbalist corrects these other desires as well as developing the desire for spirituality.
    End result you have 613 vessels well 620 but 7 of these are special senses unknown at moment.

    What are these vessels used for? to sense the spiritual worlds.

    Best way to put if imagine a ear with out eardrum, you can’t hear anything or an eye with out a retina you can’t see anything. But because you can’t see or hear anything does that mean there nothing there?

    This is same as 613 vessels they dont have a device over the opening to resist the incoming signals.Therefore they can’t be used to sense what is around them. Through working with these desire we obtain a device that corrects these vessels hence we can use them to sense the worlds beyond.

    So were the buddist has 1 vessel which gives him a narrow field of view on spiritual worlds but Kabbalist has 613 vessels with which to sense the spiritual worlds. Also as a kabbalist you dont need to mediate or do anything physical we just work with desires.

  32. Hi James,
    You said:

    ‘Buddhism pushes other desires away and just deal with desire for spirituality’

    I’d disagree with that. Enlightenment is total unthinking and annihilation of the ‘self’. Nothing to do with desire. All desire is rejected.

  33. James said

    no desire = corporeal death.

    With out desires we are nothing . Desires are like computer program for a PC. Without programs to run on your PC,what does your PC become? of course just a box full of clever bit that just sits there.

    I would ask you what is true enlightment?
    Truth is if the common man on street knew what true enlightment was he would run away in terror.

    This is account of Jacob as he ascended the ladder and entered Heaven where he spoke the words, “This place is terrible”.

    I will leave you with this question:- why would Jacob refer to heaven in this way, surely heaven is wonderful place? those 4 words are pure gold that will lead you to some powerful truths.

  34. Hi James,
    A study of the saints who approached such states often bear out this terribleness. Usually a pessimistic frame of mind can be attached to their lives, hence the need to suffer. So can we conclude it is non-understanding of the heavenly state? An inner mind reaction?

  35. james said

    Spot on Anthony.

    With out suffering we wouldnt move forward in development. Take crisis at moment this is global scale suffering to make humanity take the next step. We have individual suffering to make us developemnt on personal scale. Man is like animal beaten until it moves by Kingdom of heaven, these blows are of love and not cruelty. common person may experience 5-10 suffers in thier life time. What a Kabbalist does speeds up this process trys to expose full extend of his suffering in one life time. There is 1000s upon 1000s types of suffering. You need to have big desire to keep you going to reach your goal. Because you will beaten and thrown down all the way.Imagine each suffering as step on the ladder.

    this picture describes it perfectly.

  36. Hi James,
    Nice pic – I’ll take your word on the interpretation. I’d see the concept of suffering as causing frustration, through which we become unhappy with our lot and strive to advance.
    A social evolutionary process.

  37. Geraldine said

    Now this I truly enjoyed! A topic that fascinates me. I am sure that there are people “possessed” on this earth. The dark forces working through them. I have felt this power against me in the past, coming from people I had the misfortune to have to interact with. I have fought back and won. The victory was sweet. Long story…and perhaps it sounds strange but believe me, it was very, very real. And frightening too.

    Great post Tony, glad I stopped in.

    Hugs, G 🙂

  38. Hi Geraldine,
    Thanks for that. Your words sound intriguing.

  39. niniane said

    Hi Anthony,
    Normally I don`t leave comments on articles I find during my various web searches, but I feel there are some things in your post that need to be clarified. I am a psychologist and although I have my faith and my beliefs, I am a scientist too. So I need to tell you few things that psychological science came to understand.
    First of all, multiple personality disorder is extremely rare, more rare than schizophrenia, and in contrary to what many people think, there are very little documented accounts. And even those which are documented, are not proven to be true split personalities. The strongest criteria are things like one personality developing a health problem (i.e. diabetes) which other personality doesn`t have – but for all I know, there is maybe one or so case which turned out to be real multiple personality disorder. There is something called “fuga”, a disorder in which person suddenly realizes she came somewhere without knowing when, how or why, and it can be a part of other disorders (i.e. schizophrenia) or stand for itself – I strongly believe many cases that are believed to be multiple personalities can be explained simply with fuga disorder.
    Then, there was a mention of serial killers – in most cases, serial killers have characteristics of antisocial personality disorder or, strongly, psychopathy. Some of “symptoms” include lack of moral reasoning, emotional detachment, not showing emotion, being unable to have normal relationships with other people, lack of responsibility, ability to lie convincingly etc. I assure you, there is no way a psychopath can be a good husband and father – he can maybe think he loves them, but it has nothing to do with love. The fact that some killers have families and wives who don`t know about his “activities” has everything to do with two things – person`s ability to lie convincingly and family`s/wife`s refusal to accept what kind of person he is. But if we are talking about affective murders, those in which someone killed because of the acute emotional distress, that is a whole another story. And those are killers who can feel remorse later – psychopaths can`t.
    It seems to me you are talking more about social roles than about multiple personalities. Social roles differ at every person, and everyone in this world has many of them – wife, psychologist, daughter, sister, writer, editor, friend, employee… those are just few of mine. Each situation demands for different role – and I`m not behaving the same way when I am a sister as I do when I am a wife or psychologist. People even feel different in various social roles and express different traits – a wife will maybe be sexual and gentle, a sister will maybe be tough and protective, an employee will maybe be submissive and quiet and a friend will maybe be dominant and loud – and all of them are actually one and the same person.
    Another thing I see in your post is human emotional life – you seem to be surprised at the fact that sometimes human beings are so engrossed in one emotion they don`t feel anything else – ergo you mystify it. There are simple explanations for such emotional occurrences, “personalities” as you call them – and it`s called brain chemistry. There are centers in the brain which are responsible for creating various emotions and their consequences (i.e. quicker breathing, rising heart rate, trembling…) – if emotional states would be “possesions” in any kind of a way, antidepressants wouldn`t have any effect in cases of severe depressive disorder, would they? Basic emotions (i.e. anger, fear) are so basic that even animals have them – and they have evolutional, adaptive purpose – “fight or flight reaction”, as it is called – and when something has evolutional and adaptive purpose, any other emotions would simply be in a way of doing what evolution told us to do. So, moments of being “posssesed” by single emotion are something very natural and normal.

    I apologize once more for writing so big comment, but as a psychologist, I feel responsible to try breaking some stereotypes and false, mystified and science-nonproven beliefs.

  40. Hi Niniane,
    Thanks for that comment. First of all, I’d argue most psychology is non-proven. It deals in consensus of opinion, as there are no definites, yet, about the mind.
    I use full multiple personality as simply a starting point and then speak about degrees, finding a sliding scale between the normal and abnormal. I find nothing wrong in such a methodology.
    I’d disagree with you about serial killers being either good liars to their family, or the wife refuses to accept it. One thing that strikes me about serial killers is the fact that their acts are clearly insane, but juries inevitably decree them sane from their performance in court. Is this lying so well that they can con most barristers and judges, or could a fragmentation be going on?
    It is reasonable to argue role play could be behind some cases of mind fragmentation – there is actually a wealth of evidence of this which psychology refuses to touch – cases of past life regression and alien abduction, where memories, and behaviour, are more likely to occur with a ‘therapist’ who believes in the phenomenon. In the early days, MP was thought of working in a similar way.
    But even if role play is an initial determinant, it says nothing of the actual ability of the mind to fragment.
    I am not at all surprised by the ability of people to be engrossed in something. I see it all the time, and it usually down to following a consensus, be it religious, scientific, etc. Again, like role play, they are falling in line with a ‘system’, from outside.
    The brain is hardly mapped at all, and as for anti-depressants, they mask psychological problems rather than cure, and take away much of the need to understand. Hence, they WOULD seem to work.
    At the end of the day, I simply speculate and ask only: is my argument reasoned.

  41. mason said

    hi Anthony
    I was intriegued by what peoples personal opinions are on this subject. I may not be as taught as allot of people who have left comments on the page but it doesent meen im not as learned…meaning-somone can teach you as much as you want but you learn from experence. My own observation is that there is some things that the human mind is unable to compute or comprehend…such as- is the colours we see realy that colour? or just the interpretation of the mind through the eye, when realy green may not be green,it might be a colour the mind is incapeable of understanding.We cant comprehend just how small we are,like its im possible to grasp how far the universe extends for,even how small we look on our own planet for that matter…my family has experienced the supernateral in the form of haunted house,with no priour expierence’s to influence the mind, and also people who came to stay had experences unexplainable to the mind or reasoning…to me this suddjests that spirits need to go through ghost stories with you, but the funny thing is -you can be in the same room when somone else see’s somthing or has an expierence and you saw and felt nothing at all.also the people who have expierenced somthing hav no reason to be called mentaly ill, an had no influence to sudjest to them that our house was haunted…so this to me says that the indevidual is somhow aware or open to seeing what others cannot…and why did our house have a history of ghost experiences?(I later found out) me it isnt the imagination running wild..but somthing some indeviduals (are at times) receptive to or influenced by spirits when others are not…state of mind or clarity of mind to me is very different to some of the expierences that went on in that house.
    I am not trying to prove anyone wrong or wright, just wanted to share my own opinion an personal may be of some use to you. please excuse the bad grammer.

  42. Hi Mason,
    Thanks for that input. In decades of research I can tell you there is nothing in your comment that hasn’t been experienced regularly by so many. You are certainluy not alone.
    To me, the fact that such experiences happen is a reality. The question then becomes, WHAT is happening. Personally, I think most of it can be answered through a wider psychology – not ‘madness’, but a better undserstanding of our selves and place in the scheme of things.
    Such subjects are what my Wednesday essays are all about.

  43. Melanie-bd said

    Oh yes, I am a firm believer in possession. People are every day. Bad or good does not matter. Only believing in your own truth can save you.


  44. Hi Melanie,
    I agree totally with that last sentence.

  45. Hi Twas-brillig,
    I think you’ve made your point. A comment thread is for short comments of relevance to the subject post – not your own essays.
    Please do not abuse my hospitality further.

  46. share said

    I read your post unfortunately after submitted the last one, my appologies.
    Your ideas and contemplations were so congruent and synchronistic with what I know of my own very real experiences and research, the former having impacted my life tremendously and I’m not even a direct victim. If it means anything, it is to your credit you inspired all of this energy. Your hospitality is MOST appreciated.
    Please know, it was never my intention to disrespect your article or blog by plastering all this information to take advantage of you, or ursurp or overshadow the original insightful post. I do realize this has been intrusive, but all done in a sincere effort to contribute towards the answers you seem to be seeking. Far more important to me is the human lives and humanity,, not to create a territorial display. I was empassioned to help you and others in connecting the dots, while simultaneously taking a bigger opportunity to help others in need by bringing light to this truth.
    I realize I can’t force anyone to see this as truth, nor do I like pushing this on people but I’m a bit of an activist, with all that is happening, it is vitally important that humanity awakens to this as it is influencing the bigger picture more than most would dream and ruined so many countless lives and continues to do so. I wish I was wrong, I wish I was just crazy.
    If you would have HAD an open minded consideration for what I have provided, was all i could ever ask. I think you would see the connection with your own very insightful article if you looked more closely at least. don’t mean to offend, but for me, there is no point in wasting time on wondering, if people are truly suffering when there is already an answer,I guess that’s my point.
    That is all and yet another long post, delete if you wish, I won’t blame you but I ask for enough of your heart, to leave some of what I have already posted up for consideration, not for me, not for you, but for them. I truly mean’t no harm. Thank you tremendously, and for listening. —-
    That was my post unfortunately by the time I wrote this my previous ones were all gone, and then I was further blocked, so much for humanity. We certainly deserve our possessed world with this behavior. I hope you read this and contemplate your perspective and how you could have done more to help in patience and in sharing.

  47. all you said

    © Anthony North, February 2009

  48. Hi Share,
    Most of my regulars would, I hope, consider me very open minded, and I welcome a great range of opinion on this site. That said, most of the very long posts I deleted were not opinion as such, but essays, for which I recommend you get your own blog.
    As for my actions in deleting them, let’s look at what happened. You posted two initially, to which I did nothing. The next day you posted two more, near enough repeating what you had already said. I still did not delete them, but posted a plea for you to abide by my hospitality. This is comment #45.
    You then disregarded this and posted a 5th, resulting in the actions I took. Indeed, by your own admission, you didn’t even read that comment until after I’d deleted them. Where, here, is your openness to debate when you didn’t even read my reply to your posts?

  49. share said

    Hello again,

    I’m not a “regular”, forgive me. I stumbled upon this blog by chance, never been to your, home, and I thought you had an open and HIGHLY INTELLIGENT mind from the get go, but you didn’t have the answer. You weren’t looking for the answer, I see that now, nothing I saw warned me that I had actually entered, “The Snob Blog Zone (TM)!!! ” Sorry, I could not resist that one.

    You do this blog for the sake of debate? a trivial pursuit, and when you delete the entirety of my posts, you won’t even comment intelligently on them, indefensible. Your priority is more about me stepping on your white carpet, and in hiding information that could help people who are in real need.

    I am NOT nor ever was here to debate anything. In this particular circumstance, my whole reason for being here, the point is based on sharing, helping YOU and others, raising awareness. The issue never questioned being open minded, you ignored my posts, and then deleted them ALL out of vindictiveness. Ultimately you still missed the entire point. Its about having a heart.

    But here, you left my posts up, and you are asking me a question. I will take this opportunity, and give you another chance. I hope you listen to my response and take it to heart, out of tremendous concern for others, for your benefit I hope too. I do have various blogs and sites that belong to me where I post much of this related information, but I was sharing with you.

    Consider, if you take claim to having an open mind, then I ask you, could you possibly use THAT open mind in also having more of a willingness to opening your heart, if not help? At least in making an exception in this case, for the greater good. I’m asking you a favor. I’m not a regular, but I’m a human being with a very important message. That’s why I’m doing all of this, because you could be a great help

    FYI, You never suggested I get my own blog, reread the one post you left me, there is no mention of that..If the situation were reversed, and you came on my blog, I’m fair, and I’m not going to vindictively and instantly delete truth if something doesn’t go my way. I don’t have that kind of mentality. I don’t have that kind of ego to cloud my judgement or come between me and another good soul, especially when the intent is in helping others as mine obviously was.

    My reasons may not have been immediately clear, I understand, but it’s self evident to me by your actions and this comment above that you can’t relate to concepts regarding compassion.

    The earlier posts INCLUDED at least something of my own opinion, and the “essays” which were in fact excerpts relevant and supportive of my ascertations, not one could have remained? I do ask, is there no lesson for you here? was it necessary to delete everything? Could you not have left the first one, or ONE of them? for their benefit? Is there no balance, no compromise, no willingness to bend? No appreciation for the energy?

    My last message speaks for itself I thought, that it was an oversight, different than a disregard for you.

    The timing alone was unfortunate and probably led to this confusion, and perception. You did describe the sequence of events correctly, you misunderstand only one part of that sequence, based on my comment and post, which is understandable.

    I do take responsiblity, I could have honed in better the excerpts to fit my points, and I’m sorry for the length and repetition. I was hoping that you’d counterbalance it in its relevance and imporance to the subject, you seemed very reasonable, and I was more than happy to share and would have complied.

    To help clear up any misunderstanding, I truly saw your warning litterally at the moment I hit submit, not before. When I did see it right after, my heart sank, because I knew you might then delete the others, thinking I WAS blatantly disregarding your warning, me having posted within minutes or moments after you posted yours, it appeared. Other than the fact it was a positive message and a completely different point, it wasn’t enough, and I quickly went to work on the above appology, expressly out of concern so you didn’t delete the original points first and formost, but so you would know I didn’t intentionally disregard you as I stated. Took me a bit as I wanted to help you understand where I was coming from so you would feel more appreciated and respected. I finally had it ready, it was then I saw you had deleted the posts, I wasn’t completely suprised but I gave off much loosh – because it wasn’t done for me… and now, I was blocked, and couldn’t post the appology. I had spent even more energy specifically on your behalf–that entire disregard was heartless, to the utmost degree.

  50. share said

    Continuing on for THEIR sake, this is my last comment, and I’m moving on. promise

    What is really important ultimately is the welfare of humanity, including you, not stroking your ego, or mine. I hope to impart something for your sake in hopes you and others can learn from it, and pay it foward. you heard of that term, I’m sure. Could you consider using it?

    The metaphor of POSSESSION, fits quite well when applied to selfishness, possessiveness, greed, a need to control, craving for power (patents, copyrights, profit motives, property, mine, me me me) destructive mentality. All stem from fear.

    Demons love this stuff. These demonic parasites subsist from our fear (“loosh”), and can take us over if we aren’t aware of ourselves, but once we are aware, and if we face those fears, live in truth, and learn to love and help each other, they will have no power over us because we will starve them of their source of food.

    There are solutions for all our problems, but until we pull our heads out of our asses, our world and minds will continue to be deceived, consolidated, fragmented, partitioned, and dominated, and ulimately enslaved or destroyed.

    We are at a crossroads NOW. It’s happening on so many levels, its a part of the luciferian rebellion, the code of the ultimate fallen angel. It doesn’t mean demons are unstoppable, or hopeless, I believe at least. Its a matter of raising our consciousness. Worth a try.

    The entire world needs to wake up, come together, tollerate each other, listen to each other and help each other, or frankly, we’re f@cked! A willingness to change our ways starts within each of us. I know it’s not easy, but I’m calling on you, and anyone else who may read this, do so right now, take one step, right now, try it, strive each day, take a few more steps at being more patient, more understanding, more compassionate, strive to raise your consciousness. How are going to make it otherwise?

    FYI, both authors I provided excerpts of previously, are humanitarians, those excerpts (regarding trauma based behavior modification or satanic ritual abuse) are provided free, for the BENEFIT OF MANKIND online in entirety (click my name for link), all this was inherent in my original messages. I’m really disappointed in your previous actions, you could be a tremendous help. You already have an incredible ability to communicate, but you’re missing your heart.

    Please find it. Indeed I did glance all the numerous topics you have and you are very aware, but that alone doesn’t make up for a lack of a heart, and if you delete all the information, certainly questions the open mind.

    I’d rather not be criticizing you and defending or explaining my actions, but expounding upon the important issues with you, NOT to debate it but so we can put our heads together, and help each other.

    Hopefully I have imparted something upon you. Come-PASS-ion.

    Now pass that ion forward…

  51. Hi Share,
    Two more posts that go totally against what this blog is about. You make it very clear that you don’t come here for debate, but to provide answers. Well, I’ll leave others to judge on that.
    As for me, I’ll take you at your word that this is the last.

  52. Linda G said

    Hi Anthony,
    Reading parts of this string brings many memories of my sister.

  53. Hi Linda,
    I remember you telling me of her. I see your point.

  54. Linda G said

    Hi Anthony.
    Just after writing the message to you about my sister, she called me. I usually screen through the answering machine, but I picked up & spoke with her for the first time in almost 5 years. To me that’s more than coincidence.

  55. Hi Linda,
    The world indeed works in mysterious ways. Some thing are perhaps meant to be.

  56. I think the beauty of creationism is that it says science doesn’t much matter. Ultimately. And that is fun. We are all seeking significance, and it’s such a bummer to realize we should just relax and enjoy the ride.

  57. Hi Sandy,
    Wise words. Science is a process, a tool, I suppose – nothing more.

  58. Danny said

    This happened to me on 7-11-1998, I saw a “Light Being” as I call it enter my body, and it remains there to this day, much to my disliking. I have seen it wave its arm to show me that it is real and still there, as if I did not know that. Science and the medical profession tell us it is all in our heads, because they do not have any idea what it is that bothers people. They blame it on the human brain, which I admit is fairly powerful but not as powerfull as they would make it out to be. Possession is real, from what realm it comes I do not know, why won’t GOD run these out of people? I do not know. I have prayed to that effect so many times I am sick of hearing myself pray! We as people have a real problem with this, and I am not talking about the personel aspect of it now. I am talking about it as a problem for mankind, it is as if we are fighting a war with these beings, but we are not winning by any means. A word to the wise, if you are asked a question out of the blue, “do you want me in your body?” do yourself a favor and say NO to that question!!!

  59. Hi Danny,
    Thanks for sharing that.

  60. sixthsense said

    sounds interesting, but what if one starts to talk in a deverant language? / even languages not known…..i know of someone that had one of them moments, eyes were tilted up, and mumbled some words, like “cornival sutavur nastri abal”, it freak’t me out a bit, but in a few mins.. he was fine didn’t even know what happened told me i lied when i told him…

  61. Hi Sixthsense,
    This is known as xenoglossy or glossolalia. I write about it here:


  62. trisha said

    very interesting and well written.

  63. Hi Trisha,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

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