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    January 2008
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on January 9, 2008

witch-3.jpg We’ve all heard of the witch, but do witches have a real existence? Yes, they have existed since the dawn of history, and most likely for millenia before. In the Bible, Saul, afraid of the might of the Philistine army, took himself off to be counsellefd by the Witch of Endor.
In Classical literature we have Homer’s Circe who bewitched men and turned them into swine. Ovid tells us of the Strigae; erotic beings who flew through the air to carry out their murderous deeds. But with such an ancient history, when did the witch first appear?


In Norse mythology we have the Valkyrie; maidens of Odin who flew through the sky and assisted in the outcome of battles, taking slain warriors to Valhalla.
Many theorists believe that witchcraft is a a survival of the cult of Diana, goddess of hunting. English archaeologist Margaret Murray put forward a similar theory in 1921, arguing that the craft traces its roots back to pagan fertility cults.
The Christian image of the Devil is actually an amalgam of god-forms from paganism, such as
the Greek Pan and the pagan horned god, sometimes known as Herne the Hunter. The idea no doubt traces itself back to the shaman, usually male, who would dress in the skin of the animal about to be slain; hence the horned god image.


As hunter/gatherer society gave way to agriculture the pagan ‘Old Religion’ changed in kind, moving more towards fertility, the witch coming into her own, using powers to guarantee a good harvest – or at least, that is what the people believed.
Advancing the agricultural society, man moved towards the city-state and political hierarchies. Here we can see the Old Religion changing again, the pagan gods and goddesses becoming more state oriented; hence the idea of Diana being closely associated with early pagan cults.
Murray’s theory is most likely essentially correct. However, she thought that the survival of the pagan fertility religions constituted a well organised religious system. Whilst I would agree that witchcraft can trace its roots to such pagan cults, evidence suggests that there is no organised religious structure behind its practice.
Rather, it appears an autonomous spirituality, surviving throughout history purely because of the inate powers of mind and instinct we often call the paranormal. For instance, in times past Uri Geller would have been thought of as a witch, but few would suggest that he is part of a well organised and omnipotent movement.


Many historians have tried to link witchcraft with various heretical movements of the Middle Ages. Typical were the Cathars, who are believed to have originated in Armenia. They
moved to Bulgaria and western Europe, forming themselves into an integrated society in the south of France where they were known as the Albigenses.
Gaining significant local power, they became a political threat to mainstream Christianity. Hence, they were declared heretics and wiped out by the Inquisition, beginning with a Crusade against them in 1208, where thousands were put to death, branded as Devil worshippers.


The Knights Templar came in for similar treatment. Formed in 1118 at the time of the First Crusade to the Holy Land, they were an elite military force of monks charged with guaranteeing safe passage for Christians to the area.
Growing in power, by 1300 they had 15,000 members and owned some 9,000 castles and manors. Clearly they were becoming too powerful for the Christian hierarchy. In 1303 they took refuge in Cyprus and other areas of Europe, including France.
Realising their chance, the Christian hierarchy turned on the Templars, accusing them of Devil worship. Slowly they were wiped out, some burned at the stake.


The suppression of the Cathars ansd Templars clearly show uncanny resemblance to the later witchhunts. Further, elements of their worship suggested supernatural obediance different
to orthodox Christianity, most likely based upon the heresy of the Gnostics who were suppressed in the 2nd century AD.
But whilst their form of worship was different, based more on mysticism than mainstream Christianity, they were nevertheless Christian based. As such, they could not have been allied with a pre-Christian fertility religion.
This is a valid point that many commentators miss. Cathars, Templars and witches were all persecuted in the Middle Ages, leading us to seek similarities between them. In actual fact, the only similarity was that, being mystical, all three were perceived as a threat to the authority of the Medieval Church.
Because they appeared a threat, all three were automatically branded as Devil worshippers, meaning worshippers of some supernatural fallen angel. Yet, in reality, the only Devil
they worshipped was a system different to orthodox Christianity.


This point must be made equally today, in a world where the media mixes witchcraft with Satanism, where in fact they are entirely different. Satanism is a perversion of Christian ritual, whereas witchcraft is a veneration of the powers and influences of nature, totally removed from any form of Christian influence.
Hence, it becomes almost impossible to identify the dawn of the witch. Rather than any form of organised religion, witchcraft can better be seen as a mixture of supposed paranormal powers and experiences.
As people have always experienced such things, then we can say that the dawn of the witch most likely came at the same time as the dawn of the human being. And in this sense, we are all witches, if not by name.

(c) Anthony North, January 2008

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A brief look at storytelling master Edgar Allan Poe. There is a link between war and the arts, so is war inevitable for as long as man is human? How to sort out rising violence in society – maybe we should look at the 18th century crimewave to see what it can tell us about today …
read here

38 Responses to “DAWN OF THE WITCH”

  1. Selma said

    Fantastic post. Witchcraft is one of my interests. You have articulated so well what I have thought for many years. If only we could acknowledge we share this common trait then maybe we would care for the natural world and each other a little more. I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading your posts. There is always something different to consider!

  2. anthonynorth said

    Hi Selma,
    Many thanks for the compliment – you’re far too kind! I don’t know whether you’ve read my other posts on Witchcraft, but if you scroll to the bottom of my Mysteries page (top), you’ll find links to some more.
    Your point about this common trait and being more at one with the environment I covered back in February last year. It’s a most valid point. The post is here:


  3. TiamatsVision said

    “As people have always experienced such things, then we can say that the dawn of the witch most likely came at the same time as the dawn of the human being. And in this sense, we are all witches, if not by name.”

    Beautifully said, Anthony. I couldn’t agree more.

  4. Yeah and if the Bible is correct you know where witches go when they die.

    Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

  5. anthonynorth said

    Hi TiamatsVision,
    Thanks for that. We’ve moved quite a long way towards realisation of the statement in other ways with the basic liberal ethic in the west. How close it is to the Wiccan Rede: Do as you will, but hurt none.
    All we have to realise now is the mystical side – the importance of planet, community, etc. I may be naive, but I live in hope.

    Hi Modelvolume,
    In some places Christianity is still a fundamentalist, almost dictatorial place, but life and attitudes DO change. We don’t stone adulterers any more.
    My wife is a practicing Christian, and at one time I attended church now and again, and I thought, I want protection. Hence, I got my wife to knit me a little witch doll. I called it Pockety, and it fitted perfectly into the top pocket of my jacket.
    If I received funny looks from the congregation for not attending much, Pockety – admittedly, with the assistance of my hand – would pop her head up out of the pocket and stare. Occasionally, I got some evil looks, but mostly there was laughter.
    Times change.

  6. Cosmos said

    A witch (old hag) in german means Hexe, and the origin of that name is hagezusse, which is a ‘ghost on the fences’ – trying to get onto the yard and into the house. During and past middle ages they thought of “witches” to be in league with the devil. The truth is, a person can never be a witch. A witch – by definiton- is a demon. A person can be possessed, thats it. Some researcher say every magic ritual and occult practice can only be done through demonic cources.

  7. Eadon said

    Very well stated!!

    Blessed be,


  8. anthonynorth said

    Hi Cosmos,
    I do, of course, disagree with you. As for my take on demons, see this:


    Hi Eadon,
    Many thanks.

  9. GuardianAngel said


    Once again a very good article. Your knowledge seems almost legend nowadays. I have to agree that there is a fundamental difference between Satanism and Witches. Unfortunately the average person cannot distinguish between the two.

    The persecution of the Cathars and the Knights Templar by an Orthodox Christian regime was wrong and any true Christian would know that. I practice Christianity on a spiritual level, and some of the things that I encounter would probably be considered in the same line as the Templars and Cathars. God works in the supernatural, hence the doing of thing supernaturally and the sooner a person understands it the better. It tends to scare the more conservative hypocritical churches, as the truth would bring them to their knees and the would lose the greedy control they have over people.

    One thing to keep in mind with certain witches are some of the spells used. Calling demons / spirits up by name for the use of their attributes would be considered dangerous by any Christian and most other Faiths. Keep in mind not all forms of witchcraft use these spells, but those that do drag the rest down with them.

    Another problem comes in when the person that plays with fire gets consumed by that fire. I have seen it happen twice in the UK during last three years, and it is amusing if you have to step in and assist people that seemingly ‘know’ how to deal with things like this.

    Some of them only realise that the spirits they try to control actually control them when the first, and normally the weakest manifests itself when they come into contact with someone who has a stronger spirit. The last person is still on medication in a mental institute, for no one could get there to assist before the ambulance and police got there. For some ‘strange’ reason the pills just don’t seem to work.

    Anyway, enough of my blabbering. Thank you for a great blog and keep up the good work!

    May the Father protect you at all times, may the Spirit guide you in your walk of truth and may the Son bless you with even more knowledge and wisdom.

  10. yellowmom said

    Very good article “Dawn of the Witch” I am a lifelong christian and with very strong beliefs in my faith. I am however very interested in a variety of subjects and witchcraft and wiccan-earth based religions have always held my interest. I have been reading alot of info over the net lately and your article is very well written and informative Thank You.

  11. anthonynorth said

    Hi GuardianAngel,
    Thanks for the compliment. I think, whether through supernatural means or not, a person has to be very careful when ‘dabbling’ – even the inner mind can be a dangerous thing, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who doesn’t know the subject and, most importantly thenselves, very well indeed.
    I’m not so sure that ‘witchcraft’ involves conjuring up spirits, though. I admit boundaries can be sketchy nowadays, but normally this is the preserve of the adept of Magical Occult. I’ve called this the ‘aristocracy’ of the occult, and witchcraft the magic of the people to show the difference.
    I think, in the main, this difference is still valid.
    I make a difference between spirituality and religion, with one being an inner knowing, and the other a social codification. I think it is the latter that leads to the persecutions, etc, we speak of.

    Hi Yellowmom,
    Welcome, and thank you for the kind words. It is good that we can be tolerant of other faiths, religions, etc. Hopefully it is something that will grow and grow.

  12. Agnostic Monk said

    Great Article however there are some things I’d like to clarify since we are on this subject. Satanism and Witchcraft are very different things yes true but even within Satanism there are two very different types of Satanism that quite a amount of people do not know about.

    The first is Atheistic Satanism.
    Atheistic Satanism is something which was created by Dr. LaVey and the belief is essentially focused on the self, where you only worship the self and live for yourself however as well as there are no gods in this belie. Its only drawback is you may do what you will in that belief system meaning from the easiest thing to the most illegal and what is wrong and right is based solely on the morallity of the person.

    Theistic Satanism however is the stereotypical devil worship and they may use magick they may not, however the general population of Satanists from what I’ve seen are Atheistic so there’s essentially a fraction of a small piece of a *belief system*.

    Also as for the idea in the Bible that being a Witch is bad and will send you to eternal damnation I do not believe in this because in Wicca they are not aloud to do harm to others as said by the Wiccan Rede and if they do there is karma and to suffer eternal damnation even though one uses magick for good makes very little sense to me.

  13. anthonynorth said

    Hi Agnostic Monk,
    Welcome. I’ve dealt with Satanism briefly in this post:


    I plan to do a complete post on the subject some time in the future, but thankyou for your input.
    As for witchcraft, yes I’m familiar with the Rede and the Thrice law. Infact, I mention the Rede in comment 5. I consider it the most important moral law ever devised.

  14. Cosmos said

    Hello Anthony
    thanks for your reply. I have followed your page a while and I must say I really like it. So, thats for you to know, also other countries read your texts with big interest.
    Im sorry but demons (greek origin) are another word for supernatural and those creatures, thought to be evil gods, were the very first, that mankind has believed in. Every culture wihout exception has killed their kids and animals in order to sacrifice their blood and life energy. The ghosts that were said to enter peoples house and cause harm were demons and one of them was called a hagezusse, which, as i stated, is the original word for hexe – GERMAN NAME OF THE WITCH. By mythology and definition, a human being can never be a witch. So, as I see it, youre either in with the devils and demons, and capable of practicing magic rituals OR youre just very bad informed and make yourself a goof by calling yourself something you have no idea about.
    In the case of being into it, you have already accepted the demonic world and are probably lil bit possesed already. There’s no such a thing like white magic. Its all manipulating something through unknown forces. You can also call these demons ‘tricksters’. Every demon is a trickster and he will gladly prove you that white magic works. Cos he wants you to believe.
    Ever wondered, why 50.000 people at the burning man festival burn a wooden man? Its a left over and ‘changed to modern times’ symbolic human scrifice to the maneating demons. by keeping stuff up like that you keep ‘them’ around. Most visitors dont even have a clue. we call that manipulation.

    The church has hunted witches down, they were believed to be possessed with the devil, believed to have sex with the devil, believed to be the slaves of the devil. You need to be raped by the devil to become a witch, is what they said. That was one of the very conditions. To name them ‘witch’ was wrong from the beginning but they didnt care becos killing the witches – in the first place – was the only way to prove god.
    There was a devil, so there had to be a way to beat him. Since demons (the devils folks) weren’t physical, they had to beat them through the ones, he took. Witches werent witches, just becos they wer called witches doesnt make them witches.

    And just becos someone says theyre a witch, doesnt make them one. And only if they had demonic enounters, then theyre possessed.

    Im neither christian nor otherwise religious, Im german, also very familiar with CG Jung.
    best, Cosmos

  15. anthonynorth said

    Hi Cosmos,
    I’m pleased you like my site, and hope you will go on reading. It is also good to know I’m gaining a good international audience.
    The word ‘demon’ may be well be of Greek origin, and ‘hexe’ of German origin, but they are just words. Words do, of course, come from specific cultures, which have their own supernatural view of the world.
    I reject ‘demons’ in the form you state, not because they may not exist, but because knowledge must work, to me, through what we can rationally know.
    Looking to other cultures, it becomes clear that there was, once, a time when most tribal societies did sacrifice and believed in nature ‘spirits’. It is known as animism, and is, no doubt, the first religious impulse.
    It concerned a ‘pact’ between a physical world and a parallel spirit world, and sacrifice was used to placate these spirits in order for nature to be good to the people.
    Later religious expression moved away from an envronment/person relationship to a society/person relationship, and most religious expression in this phase branded these first ‘spirit’ beliefs as evil.
    I think we are rational enough, today, to realise politics when we see it.

  16. Cosmos said

    Antony, you’re very welcome although we might disagree on some things, that doesnt mean I wouldn’t be basically very happy, that there are people around that care enough to write anything at all!
    I’m not saying the church has developed a right or wrong outlook on whatever is around. All Im saying is, that there is something supernatural, and as far as I know, the evil idea has developed because of evil acts. Common belief, as the french professor Lecouteux has said, always develops from some experience. I study the ufo and alien phenomenon as well as the demonic reality and especially the chronic sicknesses people develop after having encountered something unusual, thereatening.

    I don’t think that the ancient ideas are all misunderstandings just because the modern world has come to new conclusions. You’re right, ‘demon’ and ‘witch’ are just wiords, but they named the things people experienced. You can as well call it devil, or controlling trickster, it doesnt really matter, what you call it, what matters is the experience behind it. What we rationally know about is, is the things, people have experienced, which of course doesnt have to match the own experiences. The experiences, that these people have today, when they talk about creatures, bedroom visitors, ufos, aliens, ghosts, old hag tortures, – and especially what we see from animal mutilations – are no much different from what mankind has experienced through history. Very much likely we do deal with the same spirit or system. It doesnt matter what you call it for it can also show up as holy mary or holy ghost to some.
    Poeple, that use magic rituals, or THINK they do so, are, as far as Im concerned, tools for this sorta unknown phenomenon. Theyre human beings, but might be either possessed or confused, or, like i said, not well informed and perhapy just playing around. The fact, that we’re rational enough today- as you said it – might – exactly – be the problem, not the blessing..?


  17. anthonynorth said

    Hi Cosmos,
    I don’t doubt that these things happen, nor do I doubt the seriousness of the problem when someone who doesn’t understand the implications gets involved. But rather than accepting a ‘supernatural’ tag, I would opt for a socio-psychological tag, allying experiences to the mind.
    But the question is: how far does that mind go? Could it be communal? What effect does ‘culture’ have on this mind? Basically, the phenomena may be the same – it’s just a different form of understanding I’m after, rather than automatically accepting the ‘supernatural’.
    I particularly don’t like the devil because it suggests an outside influence of which we have no control. I see this as a cop-out. Doing ‘bad’ is, to me, down to the individual, full stop.
    That said, good to hear from you again.

  18. Moondog said

    Hi Anthony –

    You hit the nail on the head – but left plenty of room for discussion – as usual.

    As reflected in the above posts, the subject of witchcraft is innately bound to the subject of christianity. Witchcraft was the respect of the power of nature until that time Chrstianity usurped the power of nature. An argument can also be made relating to male-dominated society slowly replaced egalitarian (hunter-gatherer) society.

    As witchcraft (in its many guises – wicca and gaia to name but two) experiences a resurgence, do we consider this a backlash to christianity (or more succintly – where it has brought us to), or an awakening to what has been under the surface of millenia, and the true foundation of christianity? A loaded question, if ever there was one….

  19. GuardianAngel said


    I am quite sure someone with your intellect will enjoy the above link. It is a website which contains works belonging to a certain Joseph H. Peterson. The works contained there remains very very interesting.

    Take care

  20. anthonynorth said

    Good morning Moondog,
    I think this is the first time we’ve talked, yet you’ve already grasped one of my little ‘devices’ – always leaving enough to cause debate. Welcome.
    In my view, all religion builds on the previous spirituality. Most societies can be traced back to animism, and the pact between man and nature. As society became more complicated, I think religion responded in kind, with the ‘pact’ moving from man/nature to man/society.
    We see this progression with the chimera and the man/animal symbolism as the nature spirits transferred to man’s divinity. And it was inevitable that, as hierarchy became more complex in the city-state, the top man would become a god – thus, a complete expression of ego.
    The feminine obviously suffered because of this. Yet, one constant in this so far was the idea that – as still in eastern philosophy – life and the universe was cyclic. Enter Monotheism, which, in my view, took the hierarchy/ego element and moved totally into the man/society religious mode by making God above nature, and the purpose of life one in which we strive to better things.
    This is the linear world of the west. But as for the resurgence of paganism, etc? Well, in many ways we have, above, the two extremes of the religious impulse. What we may be experiencing today is synthesis, not so much with the two merging, but eventually learning to co-exist.
    Maybe naive, but I live in hope.

    Hi GuardianAngel,
    That looks a good site. I’ll be visiting again later. But a general query. Why is Marsilio Ficino usually left out of western esoterica? I just don’t understand it.

  21. Hugztreez said

    What an excellent, informative, eloquently written post! I have researched various Pagan religions and practices and find your post very concise. Thank you.

  22. anthonynorth said

    Hi Hugztreez,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. If you’re interested this is one of several posts on witchcraft by me. The others can be accessed by clicking ‘MYSTERIES’ at top of site and scrolling down to ‘Witchcraft’.

  23. Tara said

    Hi again Anthony. I wanted to post that I believe the most common misconception is that the “supernatural” is just that: not natural.
    My life experience is that these things are very natural. It is very natural to be born with abilities that others might perceive as witchy, and it is also very natural to want to achieve those abilities as an adult. It is a set of teachable skills, and has not wit to do with christianity, satanism, or whatever religion anyone names.
    But the first lesson, however; is what I mentioned before: the supernatural is extremely natural.
    Wise woman, witch, pick a label, it boils down the same way.

  24. anthonynorth said

    Hi Tara,
    So very true. My fascination is into just what those abilities are, rather than whether they exist, or are natural. They clearly do exist, as experiences by a vast amount of the population from time to time testify.

  25. robert said

    Sorry to bother. just wanted to let you know i have enjoyed reading, I will set on the sidelines and watch this transpire. Evil exist and will be destroyed. BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS. God is most high. God conquers all and all that will ever be. tis the father the son and the holy spirit. that rules over the entire universe. Its easy to trick the mind of a human. As they fall to the world and its ways, many distorted tales have been told. but the true and pure truth is Jesus lives forever more, and will return soon to destroy all demons and there snake father satan. sorry sir. I love my creator very much. There is a war and it is brutal. God be with you Anthonynorth

  26. laughing panther woman said

    I was forwarded this blog by a close friend, and I must say it’s one of the most concise peices I’ve read regarding the Craft not on Witchvox. Thank you for helping to spread the word regarding Witches and the confusion most people in our world experience when faced with Witches or Witchcraft. We aren’t satan worshippers, or baby killers or animal sacrificers. We are people just tring to forge our way in this wild world, who’ve found our answers outside the mainstream religions. Thank you once again for helping us let others see we aren’t as scary as, oh, let’s say an Inquisition! Or maybe being burned alive for what you believe.

  27. anthonynorth said

    Hi Laughing Panther Woman,
    Welcome and thanks for the kind words. I’m a big believer that all religions can live together if we can only learn toleration and, most importantly, educate ourselves concerning others.
    I write about the Witchhunts here, by the way:


  28. Paracelse said

    Hi Anthony, I really appreciate your clear picture view of Witchcraft. You briefly explained the story of Templars however there is a bit more to it than that. Technically, they (the Templars) went to Jerusalem to protect the pilgrims but there were only 9 knights as a private group, not as Chevalier du Temple, that title was given to them in 1129 (odd event found later the inexisting templars traded a piece of property for another in 1126). Even with pages, foot soldiers et other helpers, it didn’t amount to very many. Not to mention that the protection of the pilgrims was already assumed by another Knight-monk group, the “Hospitaliers”.
    The Templars didn’t do very much during the first years in Jerusalem except searching the stables of the Temple of Salomon. In 1127 7 of them returned to Troyes where Bernard de Clairveaux give them their official charter, they were officially recognized.

  29. anthonynorth said

    Hi Paracelse,
    Thanks for that. Yes, I only mention the Templars briefly. I’ll no doubt be doing a post on them at some time in the future.
    Yes, off the top of my head, I believe the first 9 were headed by Hugh de Payens, and they spent most of their time digging for treasures. They have close associations with the Grail myths.

  30. fariya said

    hi! i really liked your article particularly the way you describrd the different time periods but i would like to add that i am a muslim and i read in the holly qoran that magic was was brought to earth by angels to test mankind during the reign of king solomon. i dont know if this is relevent but i just added it any way. thank you

  31. Hi Fariya,
    Thanks for your comment. If the views of others adds to the discussion, it’s good.

  32. lenin said

    a very intrsting piece…clearly and well written…hope to see more of your pieces….all the best

  33. Hi Lenin,
    Thanks for that. There’s plenty of this sort of thing on my MYSTERIES page, top of site.

  34. Wiccan said

    The diversity among witch beliefs is comparable to the different christian denominations. Many flavors…Many opinione…But we witches certainly DO exist!!!

  35. Hi Wiccan,
    Thanks for that comment. Much appreciated.

  36. Anne said

    I’m a Wiccan witch. Yep, witches do exist. Some people think that we worship the devil, when almost all Wiccans do not believe in the devil! I’m tired of some people saying to us: Your’re gonna burn in hell! or Evil! or devil worshipper!
    Some people think we’re strange because we believe in vampires, fairys, ghosts, elves, gnomes, and stuff like that.

    I know some people out there don’t like witches, but you know what, I have news for you: GET THE HELL OVER IT!

  37. Cassandra Johnson said

    I agree with Anne. I am a wiccan witch and i am tired of hearing the same thing. my classmates come up to me all the time and ask if i can curse someone for them. When i tell them that i don’t do that they say “What kind of witch are you?”
    The people that believe we worship the devil need to do some research. WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE DEVIL!

  38. jessica said

    wow so much after all that. ne ways i do have tosay i am a wiccan witch and i as well do not believe in the devil or any horrible beings the christain religion dipicts bein the “devil”.! I do not agree wit war sufferings or any bad doings onto other. i do not seek revange but however i will say b very careful about what u do to other because it will come bac to u threefold. the main problem with society is everyone has to feel as thou as they are right solely and whatever they believe in thats the problem. how can the christain religion followers so be “rite” when they do go outof their way hurting my brother and sisters by telling them that they are devil worshipper and they will burn in hell. What a horrible thing to wish upon another person! I WOULD SAY!!! i thought it said in the “bible thy love thy neiborough i guess as u go along u just use what ever that best suits ur selfish self. And if u do not agree with the christain laws as it is then we r domed and we will suffer like i said what a selffish way of life. My biggest problem is that for the most part u dont hear about mother diana our goddess they leave her out its sad that the christain religon is run by men soley and the nunes for the most part stay quite and they “know their place” . Wow that jus also goes to show one of the other biggest problems that we have known to society however in my earthly based religion i do kno that men and women are egual and they deserve the same respect. in the name of beautiful loving mother diana and our courages caring father kannubus BLESS IT BE. And with lots of respect but its been far to long that people have been blinded and i do pray that all the violence and wars will some day come to an end and we will all be reborn and live in peace with mother and all of she has to offer on this beautiful earth of hers

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