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Posted by anthonynorth on May 13, 2007

ghosts.jpg The paranormal seems to be full of so many impossibilities – information retrieval without use of the known senses, as in telepathy or clairvoyance; entities, such as ghosts or the poltergeist, that are said to exist in the world, manipulating matter.
How can we rationalize such abilities? Is there any way, with our existent knowledge, that a ‘mechanism’ can be worked out to attempt explanation? Could it be that all the above abilities could be connected within a single system?


One of the most puzzling areas of phenomena is the out-of-body experience, or OBE. The classic form of the ability consists of believing you have left your own body and gone ‘walkies’ in the world at large.
In this state the experiencer typically intuits information from the real world, but in the colourful literature of the subject, much more is said to have been achieved. Indeed, all the above phenomena fall into the beliefs of the OBE.
Typically, some experiencers have talked of interacting with the world in a ‘physical’ way, whilst some people claim to have seen the experiencer whilst in this state. The occasional adept has even claimed to enter the body and mind of other people.


We can see from the above that information talents such as ESP, and mind/matter interaction such as in the poltergeist, could conceivably occur during the OBE. So maybe all we need to offer credibility to the phenomena is a system through which such talents could work.
Perhaps the starting point for such a system is to identify just what the human mind is. Thought to exist in the brain, it is a system through which we access data from the outside world, process the data, and then manipulate it in order to interact with the outside world.
Other than this, the mind is also a filing system, where we store unrequired data as memory. However, it is in understanding this unrequired data that the mind becomes strange indeed.


It is usually accepted that the amount of data we sense from the world is far in excess of what we need to consciously exist in the world. Indeed, the bulk of this data is unconscious perception which goes straight to the filing system.
Retrieval of this information is often known as cryptomnesia, a talent which tells us that we have phenomenal memory recall. Indeed, it is not stretching credibility too far to suggest we have, within the mind, memories of everything we have sensed in the world.
Perhaps the first step to understanding a ‘paranormal mind’ is to view this bulk of memory as a form of inner ‘cryptomnesic’ map. Not a memory store, but an active, microcosmic inner reflection of the world ‘outside.’ Basically, what happens in the outside world could be forever reflected in the inner.


Having theoretically remodelled the mind, we now need to rationalize the nature of the ‘outside’ world it interacts with. And the first thing to understand is that the ‘outside’ world is actually three realities existent at the same time.
The first reality you see when you look in the mirror. This is the ‘skin and bone’ of the body. This is the individual ‘you’, and is said to be interactive with others only through the senses. However, if we look at the same body through a microscope, it becomes something else.
It becomes a world of cells ands bacteria. This microscopic ‘you’ is interactive with the outside world to a far greater degree than the ‘you’ in the mirror. Indeed, in this reality you become a communal entity with the rest of the world. But we also descend to another reality, which becomes even stranger.


At the fundamental level of our, and the outside world’s, reality we are nothing more than ‘information’ is an electrical ‘fuzz’ known as the subatomic. At this level of reality we are indistinguishable from the rest of the ‘outside’ world. The world and ‘us’ are one.
This is a strange world indeed, where the interaction of information is said to be instantaneous and without distance. Many a researcher has theorized that if the concepts of the subatomic can be applied to the mind, then ESP could be explained.
A further concept of the subatomic is the idea that, at an information level, the particle and the universe are one and the same, the universe constantly enfolding upon itself. The microcosm and macrocosm are one, a statement that has existed in occult literature from deep in the past, exemplified in the statement: as above, so below.


My reclassification of the mind as a form of inner reflection of the outside world echoes this subatomic reality. Further, it simply must be the case that information from the subatomic must have an effect on the cellular, which co-ordinates the human being we know. To class these three realities as absolutely ‘separate’ is a ridiculous reductionist cop out.
One problem with the theory is said to be this: if the effects of the subatomic can be applied to mind, why do we need senses? Why are we not ‘paranormal’ all the time? However, even this does not apply.
In a previous post – Paranormal – Where is It? – I argue that, due to increasing outside information, the human mind evolved into conscious and unconscious forms to allow us to concentrate on the task in hand, thus permitting technology. In such a model, we have evolved away from a ‘paranormal’ mind, the ability only resurfacing when ‘outside’ information is reduced.


We are now in the position to offer a speculative theory to account for much paranormal phenomena. Put simply, we have a mind that is the inner reflection of the outside world.
When in the OBE the experiencer does not actually exist in the outside world, but in this inner reflection. However, this reflection is conceptually attuned to the subatomic, and thus we can argue it can operate at the ‘information’ level of the universe. But there is a sting in this tale.
For if we place other concepts upon this inner reflection then, as in the particle/universe analogy, the inner reflection and the outside world become, at the information level, one and the same. Hence, in existing in his inner mind, the experiencer of the OBE could equally interact with the ‘outside’, thus speculatively experiencing the abilities of ESP, and mind/matter interaction to boot.
He has, in effect, exited into the real world through the back door of the mind.

© Anthony North, May 2007

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9 Responses to “PARANORMAL MIND”

  1. This type of OBE interaction with the “outer” world is possible through resonating the right-brain with the rest of the body so that the 3rd Eye opens up. I took classes from qigong masters, who constantly do long-distance healing. These teachers now work with the Mayo Clinic, for example Master Chunyi Lin just co-authored a chapter with Dr. Nina Mishek of the Mayo Clinic, for a medical textbook.

  2. Chris Blumen said

    very interesting things here. Definitely a great read. Thanks 🙂

  3. James said

    so what does this have to do with UFO’s?

  4. SoGua said

    “you have left your own body and gone walkies in the world at large.”

    This is really scary!

  5. […] 07 – Flying Saucerer’s Apprentice 27 May 07 – Psychodrama 20 May 07 – Future Now 13 May 07 – Paranormal Mind 6 May 07 – Possession 29 Apr 07 – Paranormal – Where Is It? 22 Apr 07 – Reality – Objective or […]

  6. siddarth said

    mind is a split u say…
    1) to dump the unrequired
    2) to manipulate the information from “outside”..

    among the two which is the reflection of the world as one percieves(not a third please)

  7. anthonynorth said

    Hi Siddarth,
    Do I sense a touch of scepticism here? If you take out the ‘paranormal’ content, we are left with an accepted mind split of conscious and unconscious. Is scepticism at the stage of turning upon itself?
    Well, if you want a ‘third’, you can have one. What shall we call it? I know. The Scepcious.

  8. R said

    How do I know for sure if I have a paranormal mind?

  9. Paranormal Mind maybe become just the Cosmic Mind when more people realise it’s one gigantic infinite multi system-ed intelligence. Although, we’re in this state of being human, ultimately, I believe we are only living in an illusion of being just a simple energetic creature. As stated above, the fact we are existing in many perspectives from the every day mundane to sub atomics is only the beginning. It’s pretty well established we also live in holographic universe/s. This is not to say what we sense in our everyday way is not real, it just means they’re multitudes of different real/s that most people have not tapped into yet, to give what’s been said here confirmation.

    Very few people will believe or agree with, that everyone or everything is the creator and creation simultaneously. What’s more, Everything is indeed the creation and creator as One. Everyone and everything else is ultimately you. Yes, just you/I the one thing that has ability to simplify into multi things and seemingly cut off from who you really are. The Cosmic whole.

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