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    May 2008
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Posted by anthonynorth on May 7, 2008

We’ve all heard of fate, but what is it? To some it is a force in the universe that influences you, driving you towards a life preordained. Whilst to others, it is a superstition, a fallacy – something that doesn’t exist.
I don’t like the former – it suggests that you have no free will, and without this, what is the point of choice? But on saying this, I don’t like the latter either. It is too reductionist, ignoring the experiences of many of us.

Is there a coming together of the two extremes?

Some people believe that luck has a lot to do with it. Some people are just born lucky, and their life seems to be one success after another.
Research into luck has provided a clue. Those who are lucky tend to be good at calculating odds. In such a way, they can unconsciously assess a situation as it arises, and usually take the right decision.

This gives a clue to those who are unlucky.

In calculating odds correctly, the person learns optimism, and this seems to go into the world ahead of you – whilst the unlucky seem to project pessimism onto everything – a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Carl Jung would point out synchronicity. Here, coincidences seem to happen that seem to have meaning above the coincidence itself. It is almost as if the person has made the coincidence happen.

Is this possible?

Can the mind have a direct affect on the events of the world? Events that, for all intents and purposes, are out of your control? One possibility is to look at another attribute in the lucky.
They are not ‘lucky’ at all. Rather, they have a form of selective attention. They simply remember the good times more than the bad; whilst the unlucky tend to remember the bad times more than the good.

This is simple psychology.

But I don’t think psychology is ever simple. At present the mind is thought to be personal to the individual. I think it is much more interactive than that.
I work with what I call psycho-sociology. Basically, what happens in the personal mind is simply a reflection of a wider world, and vice versa. Hence, if selective attention affects the person, it also affects the world at large.

Let us change it to ‘selective observation’.

The lucky person only sees in the world those things that are useful to his success. Hence, he convinces himself that the world is acting in his interest.
This is, of course, a belief. But to what extent can a belief become a reality? If we take religion, a belief in a God-form leads to action that changes the world in such a way that the world is how it would be if the God-form was real.
And the same can happen with the person, I’m sure. An absolute belief in his destiny creates only those observations that confirm his reality. And as he goes through life, his actions make that ‘reality’ real.
The world has been ‘tuned’ to his mind. And this simple mind-state means coincidences will happen more and more, as it directs his life to the correct choices he needs to make. Mind and world have become one.

© Anthony North, May 2008

Click Eye On the World for my current affairs.
Click MYSTERIES (top of site) for more of the unexplained.


  1. poupee97 said

    Interesting thought process. I don’t like the first definition of fate either… surely each individual has a say in deciding his/her own future? I’d like to believe that, but I was forced to reconsider my conviction recently. I wonder how you’d explain coincidences like dreams that turn real in matters one has no control over? I don’t like to go promoting my own blog on other people’s blogs, but I really would like your thoughts on this one entry of mine:


  2. Hi Poupee97,
    I’ve taken a quick look at your post. There are, to me, a whole number of possible explanations, but it is impossible to go into them all in a comment.
    What I suggest is that you click MYSTERIES at top of this site, and scroll down to Premonition. You’ll find links, there, to a number of posts I’ve done on such subjects, with various explanations.

  3. God said

    There is no such thing as luck. Only My Favor or Disapproval.

  4. Hi God,
    I suppose that’s lucky for us, then.

  5. poupee97 said

    Thanks, will do that.

  6. […] demon slowly works his way into the person eventually gaining full control of their physical being. Coincidence And The Thought Path Beyond the Blog Is fate a real force predestining our future? Or is fate a fallacious superstition? […]

  7. We are forced onto a spectrum of absolute “potent” freewill, on one side, and a completely scripted fate on the other. Most live in this spectrum sliding up and down as the situation dictates. We do not possess “potent” free will. Our lives are also not scripted. But that seems enigmatic because we have many false perceptions about where we are, what we are and how this place works. We do not have the power to move a finger. The finger is moved for us. We mistakenly believe that our thoughts, desire, wants and emotions originate from us but we seldom recognize that they are given to us. “We only feel free as we mistakenly believe we are the one making the choices for ourselves.” It only “feels” to us like freedom of choice. Our lives are not scripted either, they are customized around educational purposes. If it serves the educational purpose then our finger is moved for us. We think we are in charge of actually manifesting the power but we are simply observers here. We have our hand on the joystick of life but the joystick is not connected. It only “appears” connected. We have the “appearance” of “potent” free will. Our free will is mental only. Power in this universe is manifest for us by proxy not as a direct function of our will. When you start looking for the source of your motivations and emotions you will find it does not usually originate from within us. It is given to us to teach us a lesson. It is a lesson unfortunately that most have not learned. There was never such a thing called luck, chance, accident, probability or chaos. All things happen for a perfectly logical reason. When one realized the Truth then one can know those reasons. Most willingly place themselves at the mercy of this fallacy called luck. Einstein had it correct when he made two critical observations he said that the most important question facing man is: “Is the universe a friendly place?” His answer comes in the form of another famous quote: “He [God] does not play dice with the universe.” This does not refer to quantum mechanics it simply states what exists. What we see is all we can see. We do not have senses or tools to see beyond the limits of what our sense tell us and our primitive tools built out of the stuff within the universe can measure. Our minds and intuition is the tool for transcending our primitive senses. If one is not exploring the power of their own minds and practicing to utilize their intuition then they will remain blind to the true nature of this wonderful game we find ourselves within. Why would a logical God waste all those resources building a universe if all he had to do is make us all think he built a universe. How could we in our limited sensory capacity ever tell the difference?

    We are made to do what we damn well please in accordance with a specific set of individually tailored objectives.

    Omnipotence is indeed omnipotence, always, now and forever.

    You have bought a lie and allowed to make yourself a powerless slave.

    Know thyself!

    Are we learning yet?

    If anyone is interested in unlocking the secret to the holy grail and receiving the gift of divine grace and protection then you will find it on my site.

    It does not suck to be me. Wish you were here…


  8. I think Daniel Pinchbeck proposes the same thing in his book “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl”.

    As for me, I like to imagine a God so big, that both fate and free will can co-exist at the same time. How? the same way a cat is both dead and alive in the famous Schrödinger experiment. Hey, it worked for Forrest Gump! 😉

  9. Hi Red,
    But did Forrest Gump realise that? 🙂
    You could well be right. Opposites often co-exist in quantum theory. But I cannot think of a way to conceive it in any rational form at the moment.

  10. >>“But did Forrest Gump realise that?”

    Yep, at the very end of the movie, when he’s staring at the tomb of Jenny 🙂

    >>“But I cannot think of a way to conceive it in any rational form at the moment.”

    That’s ok. You’re not God after all 😉

  11. Hi Red,
    My memory of Forrest Gump is slight. It’s a long time since I saw it, and I got dizzy as he was running coast to coast.
    As for your last comment very true – as commenter three above – Ha! Above! Get it!? – keeps telling me 🙂

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