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    October 2010
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on October 29, 2010

Microfiction Monday, ABC Wednesday, more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Microfiction: Little Angel’s first
party. Long white dress so boring
though. Add pointy hat, broom,
black cat. Preacher will love
the Baptism.


I’ve been writing for over a quarter century and only tried poetry about
three years ago, so I’m a writer who also writes poems. I’m totally
untrained in any writing form so I don’t always follow rules. And to me
this is good, especially for poetry, for to me writing is simply a matter
of communication and expression. As long as something is expressed,
and someone wants to read it, you’re a poet.

I’m now on Facebook


WORLD NEWS: The disclosure by
WikiLeaks of the reality of the Iraq campaign
makes painful reading, with the Pentagon ignoring
torture and lying about not having records of deaths. I
usually worry that disclosures can put forces in danger, but this
is dependent upon authority being honest.

BRIT NEWS: The term ‘social cleansing’ is being used to describe
the govt’s bonfire of the benefits as it will drive the poor
into ghettos away from the affluent. The Lib Dems
are already traitors to their ideals and the
Tories are confirming the ‘nasty’ party.
They both risk the electoral
wilderness, leaving the
UK a one party state.



A Voyage of the Imagination

One Single Impression
Friday Flash 55Writer’s Island
One Shot Wednesday


What do I fancy writing today?
What fanciful ideas will waylay,
The thoughts buzzing around my mind,
What fanciful fancy will rise from behind?
Poems are often reality based,
Yet a fancy is illusion, contradiction chased


Fiction: He lived for his writing. So when writers’ block began to strike,
it was obviously serious. At first, it lasted only a short while before an
idea came, but then it seemed another idea would never come. But
just in time, a spark! So he put the gun down … would keep his brains
… for now.


Halloween can be great fun,
Dressing up daughters and sons;
Sending them out to have a lark,
Reflections of what once was dark;
But are we glad those ways are gone?
A time when man and Earth were one

© Anthony North, 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

119 Responses to “POETRY”

  1. So happy to read that your brains remain intact!!

    Artsy-Fartsy is my Friday Post Just scroll down below the ‘artsy’ part. hehehehehe

  2. Hi Hootin’ Anni,
    Indeed. Though not me – just the character 😉

  3. brian said

    kinda glad i have get to get the block that bad…smiles.

  4. Hi Brian,
    Not a good place to be I’d have thought, although like you, never been there.

  5. Olivia said

    Very well done here.. Interestingly expressed 🙂

  6. Olivia said

    Hello, how are you?
    you are invited to join our poetry community, a place for poets to share and encourage!
    Jingle Poetry :
    Our Monday Poetry Potluck is open from Sunday 8pm to Wednesday, 8am.
    Write a poem fitting our week 8 theme (Halloween), post it, and link in to our potluck post as soon as we are open, that’s how you get the best possible feedback.
    We value your contribution and cherish your poetry talent.
    Let me know if you have further questions..Hope to see you then.

  7. Hi Olivia,
    Thanks for that.

  8. Like the masquerade. My bowl of sweeties is at the ready.

    I can’t altogether agree with your take on Britnews: surely the benefits are being stopped ONLY from those paying higher rate tax, and thus earning a substantial income. Is it fair to bankrupt the country paying benefits to those who don’t – or shouldn’t, given that level of income – need them? I never earned enough for higher rate tax in my entire life, and now in retirement two of us are living in comfort – if not affluence – on less than half that income threshold between us.

  9. Hi Viv,
    It isn’t that easy. People are having housing benefit capped, which will drive some out of their homes; the way to calculate all benefits has changed, resulting in a 2% drop year on year … and many other measures that all will affect the poorest.

  10. Eric said

    Keep those brains handy… you never know when your zombie friends might show up unexpectedly – it’s nice to have snacks ready.

  11. Akelamalu said

    The idea came just in time it would seem in your 55! :0

  12. Hi Eric,
    That’s certainly one way of looking at it 😉

    Hi Akelamalu,
    Indeed it did.

  13. Claudia said

    i’m glad the spark came before he made use of the gun… not writer’s block is worth sth like this…

  14. Hi Claudia,
    Yes it is, and very true.

  15. Believe me, brains are hard to clean up and difficult to put back together. So glad you kept yours intact.

  16. Talk about a writer on the edge!

  17. Hi Polly,
    Very true. Of course, it’s only fiction. I’ve never had writers’ block.

    Hi Alice,
    Yes, he certainly is.

  18. G-Man said

    I’ve been there with that writer’s block dude!
    But I didn’t have any brains to blow out!
    Loved your 55 My friend.
    Thanks for playing EVERYTHING, and have a Kick Ass Week-End!

  19. Hi G-Man,
    Enjoyed the comment. Surely, not true.

  20. Monkey Man said

    Great series. I visualize the twinkle in your eye as you wrote your Micro-fiction. Am in total agreement about poetry – I am no student of form and simply write what feels good. Then your 55. Yes…put the gun down.

    My 55 is HERE .

  21. Nice poems are they really yours or did you copy and paste them?

  22. mona said

    Yikes! That would have been sad! I wouldn’t do that! Writer’s block seems to have got hold of me lately!

  23. PattiKen said

    Excellent 55, Anthony. Writer’s block is awful, but thank heavens it never gets that bad for most of us. I’ll be back later to catch up on the rest.

  24. Hi Monkey Man,
    Thanks for that. Yes, I couldn’t resist that microfiction 😉

    Hi Paranormal Activity,
    Every single word in every one of my posts is totally, absolutely and completely my own work!

    Hi Mona,
    It’s very rare such a thing happens, yet sadly it has.

    Hi Patti,
    I suppose in this I’m very lucky. In over 25 yrs I’ve never had writers’ block.

  25. Mary said

    I looked at your masquerade, but will comment on the writers’ block. It really is distressing when it takes hold. Best solution bum glue! Interesting that you have only been writing poetry for three years, and I go along with your definition and do the same. (Doubt the classic poets would ‘buy it,’ however. But they are all dead!) Interesting as always.

  26. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for that. Yes, poetry should be about expression, no matter what the purists say.

  27. irene said

    Happy Halloweeen Anthony!

  28. Hi Irene,
    And to you.

  29. Diane T said

    I love your masquerade with daughters and sons. So positive!

  30. marja said

    Love your masquerade poem. Oh I thought you were a trained writer. I’ll started writing poetry 3 years ago as well and totaly untrained. SOmetimes I ask myself though it must show

  31. Hi Diane,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Marja,
    Many thanks. No, I’m totally untrained as a writer, but have been writing for over a quarter century, but only taking up poetry when challenged to do so by someone when I began doing these prompts.

  32. Joanny said

    Adore your 55er, oh yes that old chip off of our block, curious word, anyway, I have felt that way when last year I had to take a statistic test that was 16 pages long, and some was in essay form, thoughts came in my head that was not necessarily polite. Well for the most part I did refrain from penning them however, at the end I left a doodle drawing of a devilish foolish grinning Grince that looked like the professor with a short capture — yes I did pass the course. He got a chuckle out of the drawing at least.


  33. Hi Joanny,
    That’s a good way to deal with the block 😉

  34. Marinela said

    Great series, really creative and beautiful writing 🙂

  35. Hi Marinela,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  36. That is a good question in Masquerade Anthony. If we accept the loss we also have to accept the gains, and sitting in my warm house, rain safety outside, surrounded by technology, seems like a high price to pay for those of us that have already tasted this fruit.

  37. KB said

    That’s some extreme writer’s block in your 55.

  38. I have absolutely no training in any writing either, so we’re in the same boat. But you Anthony are a natural, and an excellent writer!!

    Is that TRUE about the baby christening in a witch costime? I think it’s joke, but could happen I suppose.


  39. Hi Shane,
    Thanks for that. And so true.

    Hi KB,
    Yes, though purely fiction in my case. Although it has happened to others.

    Hi Jannie,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Yes, the MM is purely fictional.

  40. Nice work…
    Awesome use of the prompt “fancy”… 🙂

  41. Hi Sumit Sarkar,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  42. Very fanciful poem.. and your words on poetry.. I am emboldened to call myself a ‘poet’.. can I?

    And thanks anthony for your constant considerate presence..on my page..

  43. Hi Ramesh Sood,
    Indeed, you can.

  44. Jeeves said

    Your thoughts on poetry are so true! Something which I believe and follow

  45. Hi Jeeves,
    Thanks for that. It seems right to me.

  46. I completely agree with your thoughts on writing poetry…poems are always reality-based for me, but fantasy must also be added in to make it more vibrant in its meaning. I enjoyed your post, as always!

  47. Hi Sweetest In The Gale,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  48. Twilight said

    I’m with you on writing, AN. Training is optional, in no way necessary to ensure the communication of ideas, which is what you do so well. I’m untrained in writing as an art, as well as in the subject I write about in a blog. I remain unapologetic. If it feels good and doesn’t harm anybody – do it!

    “Social cleansing”, the term sends a cold shiver down my spine, AN. Really? In Britain? 😦

  49. Hi Twilight,
    You’ve got it in one there 🙂
    As for Britain at the moment, I was hoping for a Hung Parliament or two to cleanse us of the extremism since ’79. Hopefully the Coalition will collapse and I’ll get my wish.

  50. BIll said

    What’s the Vicar going to do when the Wee Bairn tells him she is a Wiccan? Another good Microfiction Anthony, mine is posted.

  51. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for that. I guess he may use a bit too much holy water 😉

  52. Pat said

    Re your Microfiction: The preacher will laugh; at least ours would! Preachers aren’t as stuffy as they used to be.

  53. Hi Pat,
    I hope you’re right, poor kid 😉

  54. I love it, Anthony, as always! Have to admit I’d love to be in a corner where I could see the preacher’s reaction! Have a great week!


  55. Hi Sylvia,
    Thanks for that. It could be fun 🙂

  56. EG Wow! said

    Bwahaha! I think that was very a GREAT story, Anthony!

  57. A baptism for Little Miss — what a twist! And that writer’s near miss in the 55 is quite a story on its own. Great stuff as always Anthony!

  58. Peggy said

    Well let’s hope the preachers has children of his own. most of the little ones around here dress up like Fairies!
    Good one again and again!

  59. Kay Davies said

    Baptism! Extraordinary and too funny.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  60. I sure do like what you did with the “fancy” prompt. What we do is important, not, and so much a reflection of our hearts and souls. Well done.

  61. Anthony, this is brilliant! I kept trying to use the white dress and couldn’t come up with anything. My pointy hat is off to you, my friend!

  62. quilly said

    You know, I’m thinking a .44 is a pretty serious way to end writer’s block.

    And what is the protocol for baptizing a witch? Won’t she melt?

  63. jinksy said

    Just love the Baptism tale, and your definition of poetry! LOL

  64. Hi EG Wow,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated 🙂

    Hi Susan,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Peggy,
    Yes, fairies are popular over here, too.

    Hi Kay,
    Many thanks 🙂

    Hi Sandy,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

    Hi Kelley,
    Very kind. Always appreciated.

    Hi Quilly,
    No, but the preacher may boil. In the UK we’d use a .38. Less messy.

  65. Hi Jinksy,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  66. zephyr said

    I would have loved to see the preacher’s expression the child walked in with her black cat. 🙂

    Am I glad the writer put off blowing his brains out, all for a block, for pity’s sake? You are a poet, a microfiction master and more. I love your posts!

  67. Hi Zephyr,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Yes, it’s an extreme block is that.

  68. MorningAJ said

    That’s one baptism I’d like to attend! 🙂

  69. Hi MorningAJ,
    Yes, could be fun 😉

  70. BJ Roan said

    I agree with your take on writing poetry. Since I consider you an excellent poet, maybe now I can feel more comfortable writing poetry, since I don’t have to follow an exact form. Signed, untrained me. 😉 Loved the post and the poems.

  71. Hi BJ Roan,
    Many thanks for those kind words.

  72. Nice MM, Anthony. And your poetry is always interesting to read.

    How much longer can the Lib-Dems hold the Tories hands? Interesting times.

  73. Hi Michael,
    Thanks for that. I’m hoping they’ll be wavering soon.

  74. hope said

    I will never look at little witches the same way again! I’m still laughing. 🙂

  75. Hi Hope,
    Thanks for that. Glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  76. Reader Wil said

    There are many people writing poetry, which I find rather difficult to understand sometimes. I am no expert in the field of poetry at all. So I am always glad when a blogger writes also other things than poems. Many poems are very cryptic anyway.

  77. Great words for the P Day, Anthony. I’ve written all my life since I was a little girl and would cut pictures out of my mother’s magazines and write my own stories to go with them. I’ve always wanted to write poetry, but just didn’t feel it was “my” thing or that I was good enough to do it. I’ve written novels, kids stories, published a very few, but had fun. If you write and someone reads what you write then you’re a writer and same with poetry! Have a great week!


  78. Hi Reader Wil,
    Yes, they’re not to everyone’s taste.

    Hi Sylvia,
    Thanks for that. Yes, if it’s fulfilling, do it.

  79. sandra.if said

    your writing is positive and joyful…I like it …you are a poet Anthony!!

  80. Hi Sandra,
    Thanks for that. Very kind.

  81. KB said

    Love your OS. I often wonder the same things.

  82. Hi KB,
    Many thanks. Much appreciated.

  83. It’s strange but I almost NEVER know what I’m going to write about. It’s where the muse takes me.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  84. Hi Roger,
    I’ve come to a compromise with my muse. It can take me where it wants, as long as it keep a week or two ahead of schedule.

  85. brian said

    i believe you have to go back a ways to find man and earth as one…but i do miss the days when halloween was a bit more fun…and the masks came off the next day…smiles.

  86. suzicate said

    What fanciful fancy will rise from behind?Why a couple of poems, of course…as always enjoyed! I always look forward to seeing what you have in store!

  87. Glynn said

    A time when man and eath were one — made me think of “from dust you came, to dust you will return.” Good poem.

  88. Tammie Lee said

    fancy is illusion, I never considered that. So fun to see through yours and others eyes. Thank you for sharing.

  89. Poetry – sounds like a good idea to me – your poetry is always good and very readable.

  90. Shashi said

    Your blog is so well organised and with lot of stuff that one needs to come back to really get the whole thing. I did few times and I enjoyed it so much…I liked your “Fancy” and the verse about Halloween. Thanks for sharing and will be back for more…

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  91. MorningAJ said

    That FFF55 is scary. Specially now I’ve decided to take part in NaNoWriMo and write a novel this month…… I hope I don;t get the hat stage!

  92. MorningAJ said

    What I meant to say then was …to that stage. It’s too early and my typing fingers aren’t warmed up yet.. Doesn’t bode well for today.

  93. Hi Brian,
    Yes, a very long way.

    Hi Suzicate,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Glynn,
    Yes, a definite truth, that.

    Hi Tammie,
    Many thanks. Yes, it seems that way to me.

    Hi Tumblewords,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Shashi,
    Many thanks; and I hope you continue to enjoy your visits.

    Hi MorningAJ,
    I understand such a thing is very rare, though.

  94. Ninotaziz said

    Little Angel is rebelling young, isn’t she?

  95. Hi Ninotaziz,
    She certainly is 😉

  96. firstly masquerade…loved the question at the end…..secondly brit news…..its even worse than what the media portray… example….housing benefit to help cover the repayment of a mortgage should you lose your job has been slashed!!!! the % rate that they are prepared to pay on your mortage is 3.5% (i believe) coming down from 6.5% (i believe)..okay the argument there is that interest rates are so low why were they paying it so high in the first place….but lets look at those who are in fixed deals….who have never had the benefit of 1% and so forth on their mortgages….who are still on say 5%…they are know having to face the shortfall themselves which is a heck of a lot to find….hope that made sense!!! cheers pete

  97. Hi Pete,
    Yes, this is going to be a real problem, and then there’s all those just managing to pay mortgages on such low interest rates. As soon as it goes up, they’re homeless, with no govt help at all now.

  98. PattiKen said

    Back as promised. Love the mental image of Little Angel’s baptismal outfit. / Glad to read your definition of a poet. That way, I get to be one too. / Halloween is indeed a time of masks, some of them hiding pretty scary stuff. Like Brian, I miss the days when it was just fun. I don’t remember fear of bad guys and bad candy, but maybe we were just naïve.

  99. Hi Patti,
    Thanks for that – and you’re always welcome. Of course, there is an argument, when it comes to really serious crime, it is only our awareness of it that has increased, and not the actual crime figures.

  100. Claudia said

    masquerade..what started like a fun poem has a thought provoking ending…i like this

  101. Hi Claudia,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  102. Cassiopeia Rises said

    Anthony, well worth the visit down to #102. Love all of your poetry. Such fun and in answer to your question. We are all still one with the earth. God made it for us and we are doing a poor job of taking care of it. Love your work as always.


  103. Hi Melanie,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  104. nessa said

    MASQUERADE: i love dressing up and remembering a time before electric lights.

  105. Hi Nessa,
    Yes, lights take away so much mystery.

  106. Highlighted moments of times past… eras of importance. Nice expression of the potential of this world and its mysteries.

  107. Hi Reflections,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  108. gabrielle said

    It seems that the disclosures are most damaging to the perpetrators rather than the victims of the abuse. Instead of investigating the alleged human rights offenses, the government is investigating Wikileaks for exposing them. Julian Assange, the online whistleblower is now considering applying for political asylum in Switzerland.

    Didn’t know you were self taught. I have no formal training either, just a love of the written word. What I most enjoy about this forum is your willingness to take stands and experiment with different styles of presenting them, and the spirit of tolerance that always prevails.

  109. Hi Gabrielle,
    Thank you for the kind words. Tolerance is one of my favourite words.

  110. Chris G. said

    Aw! Your microfiction is adorable–best baptism ever. As to the British news, god, I’m sorry to hear that. What a policy…how cruel can people be?

  111. Hi Chris,
    Thanks for that. Mindst you, things have been going strange one way or the other in Brit politics for a long time.

  112. Would love to see the look on that preacher’s face!! What a fun one for the day, Anthony!! Great giggle to start my day! Hope you a wonderful week!


  113. Hi Sylvia,
    Thanks for that. I think I’ve put the wrong link on today, though.

  114. Susan said

    Anthony, I love your poetry. Everything flows so well-I believe there are quite a few things I need to understand about this particular medium…

  115. Hi Susan,
    Many thanks for that.

  116. Trisha said

    loved the poems. they are witty and full of fun. 🙂

    i share your views on poetry.

  117. Hi Trisha,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  118. Curtis said

    The microfiction was so clever!

  119. Hi Curtis,
    Thanks for that.

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