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Posted by anthonynorth on July 10, 2007

devil.jpg The Devil may seem an archaic symbol of evil, but he is supposed to be alive in the world to this day with his Satanic conspiracies. From the 1960s onwards, one expression of him was the Church of Satan, set up in San Francisco by occultist, Anton La Vey.
Said to have perverted many a star, his ceremonies involved a naked woman as an altar and his philosophy was based on unbridled hedonism. The death of Jane Mansfield was even put down, by some, to their rituals.


The name, the Devil comes from the Greek ‘diabolos’, meaning slanderer. A fallen angel, in the 1970s we had his image of evil implanted with the film, The Exorcist. By the 1980s we were more sceptical and he appeared humourously in the Witches of Eastwick
He is first mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls as one of the sons of darkness, but in the Bible he is simply seen as temptation, his home – the future Hell – just a place of sleep.
This was no good for frightening superstitious people into obedience, so the image of the Devil became a conspiratorial perversion of the ancient Greek god, Pan, a nature deity. With the Roman poet Virgil devising Purgatory – a place where the dead lingered – and Dante’s Medieval vision of Hell as a place of eternal torment in the Divine Comedy, the Devil was becoming imprinted on our mind.
Yet as with the future ‘devil-like’ Pan, our notion of Hell is more akin to the Greek Hades, an underworld for bad Titans such as Sisyphus and Tantalus, the former condemned to roll a rock up a hill forever, the latter never quite reaching the water and food in front of him.


The Devil is thought to gain influence in the Black Mass, a perversion of Christian ceremony. But in reality, the mass was a creation of Catholic priests, attempting to use dark powers to better their life. In the 7th century, priests from Toledo used the Black Mass to name people they wanted dead.
In the 16th century, priests in Cambrai used it to try to kill their bishop. In the mass of Saint Secaire, Christian objects were baptised in order to produce a curse. But perhaps the French Church of Carmel, set up in 1839 by Eugene Vintras, can offer insights into these practices.
Vintras wore an inverted crucifix, used consecrated bread soaked in blood, and a fat pigeon to represent the Holy Spirit. Using nudity and masturbation, he had a ceremony known as the sacrifice of Mary.
Such practices tell us that Satanism can be a simple excuse for debauchery and crime. Indeed, in England, the Medmenham Monks and Hellfire Club set up by Sir Francis Dashwood in the 18th century, used mock occult ritual as a starter to debauched orgies.
Satanism thus appears to be a dark side of human nature, rather than supernatural influence although many Satanists today proclaim none of this. Indeed, they argue Satanism is a valid religion, if grounded in individualism.
But to conspiriologists, a real Satan was at work in the 20th century, his main agent being one Adolf Hitler. And to them, the evidence is appealing.


In 1909, Hitler was influenced by eccentric ex-monk, Jorg Lanz von Leibenfels, who mixed the occult with the race mysticism of the Teutonic Knights at his castle on the Danube. Later, he joined Dietrich Eckhardt’s Thule Society, which believed the Aryan race was supreme and came from an Atlantis-style mystical land.
As Nazism got underway, Heinrich Himmler’s SS headquarters was in a castle in Westphalia, filled with occult imagery. The swastika itself is an ancient mystical symbol found throughout the world. It is actually a sign of peace, emanating the sun – a good symbol perverted forever by Hitler.
Rumours that Hitler had only one testicle are believed to go back to an occult initiation ceremony that went wrong, and his love of mystical objects caused archaeological teams to scour the world for them so Hitler could enhance their power.
Typical was the Holy Lance, supposedly used to pierce Christ’s side on the Cross. Charlemange was said to carry it in battle, and later, Frederick Barbarossa brought it to the Hapsburg dynasty. Kept in Vienna, Hitler placed it in a Nuremberg vault. On 30 April 1945, US Lt Wllliam Horn entered the vault and grabbed the Lance. Hitler committed suicide the same day.


Satanic conspiracies arose again in the 1980s in the Satanic Child Abuse fiasco, where social workers infected by Christian fundamentalists snatched children from their families, based on spurious accusations of ritualised abuse.
Clearly, some paedophile rings use occult imagery to gain obedience from children, but these are paedophiles, not occultists. As to the evidence of real abuse in these cases, one child was forced to eat cats and dogs. They were pasta shapes in tomato sauce.
Devil music was played to one child. The latest single by Kylie Minogue. Demons who manifested in cloaks to another child turned out to be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As for the child who told of being forced to drink blood, his mother was old fashioned and used the blood from the Sunday joint to flavour gravy.


Conspiriologists – particularly Christian Fundamentalists – continue to invoke the Devil whenever they can in order to frighten people back to the pews. Rock music perverts the young towards sex and drugs. From Elvis Presley to Black Sabbath, the Devil is alive and well, often with Satanic messages on records if played backwards.
Thus, Led Zeppelin’s Stairway To Heaven reveals the message, ‘I worship Satan.’ Such devil-mongering reached new heights in the UPC barcode, who’s section barriers are similar to the line for ‘6’. There are three in each barcode. Hence, capitalist merchandise contains the number ‘666’, the biblical sign of the Beast.
Thus we have the conspiracies of the Devil, forever with us, forever attempting to pervert us to Darth Vader’s dark side. And indeed, a conspiracy no doubt is going on. But it is a conspiracy of plain old self-interest, tinged with more than a small dose of human gullibility.

© Anthony North, July 2007

For more conspiracies, see It’s Under Control on Blogroll. For mysteries, see Mysteries Page, above.

22 Responses to “THE DEVIL”

  1. abarclay12 said

    So when my friend calls me “slanderer,” he’s really calling me the devil? That’s messed up.

  2. L. Peterson said

    Interesting article. Unfortunately it’s intellectually lazy and socially dangerous to equate Adolf Hitler with Satan. Hitler was one among many in the early twentieth century with a passing interest in the occult (the obsessive stuff came later with power and resources). Likewise Hitler was hardly the first nazi party member or the first anti-semite. To make Hitler out to be the epitome of evil and deny his humanity makes him an abberation, a once-in-a-thousand-year monster. The fact is any one of us is capable of being a Hitler given the right atmosphere and opportunity. The holocaust can happen tomorrow and plenty of atrocities have happened since 1945 (Bosnia-Herzegovenia, Rwanda, on and on) without Uncle Adolf. Also according to Dr. Morrell, A.H.’s personal physician, Hitler simply had an undescended testicle, a not uncommon condition. No black mass gone woefully wrong was involved.
    The Jewish concept of the devil, the source of the Christian bogeyman, doesn’t depict him as the pointy-tailed red guy dancing in his kingdom of flames. He’s not even given fallen angel status. He’s portrayed as the Adversary, the accuser, the prosecuting attorney who will provide the litany of evil deeds of the judged at the feet of God during the judgement. Point taken though, lawyers are a despicable lot but not scary enough to fill the pews on Sunday AM.

  3. anthonynorth said

    I totally agree with you about Hitler. But if you read what I say, I am pointing out what some conspiracy theorists say about him:

    ‘But to conspiriologists, a real Satan was at work in the 20th century, his main agent being one Adolf Hitler. And to them, the evidence is appealing.’

    The whole tone of the post is seeing the Devil from the point of view of conspiracy theory, not a supernatural reality. I hope this clears the matter up.

  4. L. Peterson said

    It does indeed and let me clarify that I didn’t intend to accuse you as the blogger of intellectual laziness but rather those who would dump the all things evil at the doorstep of the devil.

    Maybe the Devil made me write it…

  5. Jack Dempsey said

    Devils, satan, and hell are all terror tactics made by religion to control whoever believes in it. Remember, this “God” loves you deeply, but if you break one of his laws, you will be sent to hell and suffer for an eternity. That’s tough love for ya. The devil can also be used as a scapegoat for any reason in controling those who believe in this “God”. This is true for all religions.

  6. Tauna said

    Hey, I do not know where you get your information on the devel or hell, but if you actually read the Bible, you would know that hell is NOT a place of sleep and the devil is NOT just “temptation”. As for the “slanderer”, that is a characteristic, a fancy way of saying liar. He has taken on form several times. temptation is a weapon that is used against us simply because we are weak, and that is his main weapon, but that is not him. Temptation to the devel is what a gun is to us. And good grief, you all need to do a little more reading up in the Bible before you write. Sounds to me like quite a few of you have gotten information by playing telephone through the years of your life instead of going directly to the source…The Bible. And for those of you who truly believe it is a conspiracy to make people “behave” I feel sorry for you, but then again maybe this way you believe you will never be held accountable for the wrongs you have done to others, no guilt. That would be nice wouldn’t it?

  7. Jonathan Loan said

    The person who write this article makes some dangerous and incorrect statements about Satanism and child abuse. The case of the … (edited by Anthony North) … is not heresy. It happened. The case was thrown out of court because the Satanists cleverly sabotaged the prosecutor’s case and had one of their members successfully infiltrate the … (edited by Anthony North) … organization by posing as someone who was helping them. However, the evidence which can still be studied, clearly points to the reality that these atrocities were committed. The ensuing propaganda which cast doubt on this case was perpetrated by the … (edited by Anthony North) … The founders of this … (edited by Anthony North) … are satanists themselves and their own … (edited by Anthony North) …wrote a book about it. The fact that you are spreading these lies is a great disservice to the real victims of Satanism, and also attests to your gullibility. They want you to think they’re harmless. They get away with things that way.

    NOTE: After checking the legal position, this comment has been edited by Anthony North because of the libelous comments therein.

  8. anthonynorth said

    I leave the above comment on in the spirit of free speech, but I refute everything that is said thereon. I apologise, on behalf of Beyond the Blog, for any offence or hurt caused by the comment.

  9. L. Peterson said

    Jeez Louise, Mr. Loan, can you produce evidence that the founders of …(edited by Anthony North) … are satanists? If not then you are guilty of libel, slander’s graphic twin. The much-publicized satanic ritual abuse cases which were reported in the U.S. and Europe in the 80’s and early 90’s may have had actual abuse events at the core but were driven by exploitive media hype and exaggerated and distorted by untrained cops using improper interrogation techniques on little kids. Under the scrutiny of investigators using appropriate language and questioning the sensational stories melted away and, as the blog relates, perhaps indicated the crime of pedophiles rather than occultists. It should be instructive that reported satantic abuse claims have dropped to nil in the aftermath of the 80’s tabloid journalism scares and publication of FBI reports that show no validity to claims of international satanic child abuse rings. The claim “they want you to think they’re harmless” reminds one of a quote from the character Verbal Kint in the film “Usual Suspects” – “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. And poof, just like that, he’s gone”.

    NOTE: Sorry to have to edit this, L, but I think you will agree why – Anthony North

  10. Ruth Lawler said

    The writer of this article needs to read the Bible to avoid making any more false statements about what’s in it. The Bible has a lot to say about the devil, begining in Genesis. AlsoEzekiel and Isaiah talk about Satan.

  11. Ruth Lawler said

    The original article was wrong when it said the Bible had little to say about the devil. Read Genesis, Isaiah 14 and 24, Ezekiel 28.

  12. anthonynorth said

    Hi Ruth,
    Genesis sees the Devil as temptation, as I say in the article. Revelation has him as Licifer, the ‘fallen angel’. I point out in the article that he is ‘a fallen angel.’
    Ezekiel is vague on the subject. Isaiah mentions Lucifer and a ‘pit’, but is vague on what happens in this place. Most Biblical scholars are satisfied that Isaiah is not speaking of the Devil, but the Babylonian king.
    This fits, seeing that it is narrated at the time of the Hebrew Exile by the Babylonians.
    The Oxford Dictionary of the Bible doesn’t deem it worthwhile saying too much about the Devil, mainly because there isn’t much about him in the Bible, other than the process by which his assistants, ‘demons’, have a constant fight with God for the souls of mankind.
    I’ll give the last word to Wikipedia:
    ‘The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) does not assign this level of personification to a devil, but rather identifies all good and evil as originating in the will of God.’
    (My references to the Bible are, in all cases, to the King James version).

  13. zaffre said

    OK, lets quote from the bible, the most accurate, believable and unchallenged book ever written in all time…….
    That reminds me, must buy a copy of the sunday sport.

    My daddy used to tell me that scarcism is the lowest form of wit.
    Now its his friend….. go figure

  14. angela said

    u really need to reed the bible to start with.And I dont andertand way is so mach sustration about the devil and about wath he realy is and wath he dose… have u ever thoght about the fact that people are just good and bad and there is no one in the world that wasent temptet intel now , or ever just thought about bad thing. evrey thing we do somehow is a sin , just geting boarnd is a sin and it comes from temptetion ,because people are templet to have sex and sex is a sin. i one belive in the devil and god but i belive in people to and people do exist and some how we are the devils and gods and we dont need any powers to do god or bad . somehow here is heven and hell and we all expiriants avery day that.i cant understand way every thing that hapeens in this world is suposed to be good or bad . how do we now that by doing good we are actualy doing bad and the opposoit. did u ever think about that

  15. Compline said

    ” …a quote from the character Verbal Kint in the film “Usual Suspects” – “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist…”

    If the existence of God cannot be proven, neither can the existence of Satan or the Devil, if he may be defined as the personification of evil out to snare souls by temptation to do wickedness, eventually leading to damnation in Hell. All that Christians know of the Devil’s actions comes from the old testament and new testament, and there are several references therein, and if faith is with you, then these are revelations by divine inspiration.

    Andre Gide: While we cannot serve God if we do not believe in Him, on the other hand, the devil has no need of our belief in him. In fact, never is he so well served as when denied or ignored by us.

    An shrine was built in a place that became to be known as Monte Sant’ Angelo in the Gargano mountains of southern Italy, after a believed appearance of St Michael the Archangel in 493 AD. It is one of the most visited of pilgrimage shrines since that date. St Michael is believed to be the most powerful ally one can freely call on when the Devil is causing havoc.

    It is already enough for us to try to lead “good” lives free of selfishness, greed and all the other negative behaviour we are wont to be partial to. To know that the devil is hanging around constantly presenting temptations is really too hard to endure.

    Sorry, don’t mean to paint such a bleak picture of living on this earth, quite wonderful really when the weather is good and love is around. One of the Devil’s strongest weapons is said to be to breed despair.

    Never give up!

  16. meday said

    Ok, all I keep reading people saying is, you obviously need to read the bible. If you who believe so much in god want to make it as though the bible is without a dout true in it’s writings then maybe you need to read a little more into science. If god is what made this world and all the people, animals, plants and so on then how is it that so much exists beyond this world, solar system and even universe as recently discovered? The bible and it’s apparant true writings have not been scientifically proven. Everyone always refers to Jesus when this is brought up, saying that there is proof that he exsisted, well of course there is proof he exsisted but it is not proof as to him being the savior of humanity and him rising from the dead for our sins. It’s all crap-God the devil. Those of you who wrote about it being a terror tactic or something of that nature I totally agree.

  17. Phillip said

    Interesting Aricle but why not read the following books :
    The Devils Apocrypha by John A Devito.
    Luciferian Witchcraft by Michael W. Ford
    The Satanic Bible by Anton Lavey.
    The Demonic Bible by Tsirk Susej.
    At least then you will get the truth regarding the subject.

  18. Nic said

    Ok, I agree with Meday and all I can say on the subject really is, have any of you that say “read the bible” considered that the bible was written by man not god. For all you know some sick freak from back in the day could have written this stuff and all of you are believing in it. Now I’m not saying that a sicko or so wrote but, the point I’m trying to make is that not everything written in the bible is true. It cannot be proven so get over it people, go evolution!

  19. the cynic said

    Whi iz it al yuo religus tipes cant spel? Christianity preys on the weak; old and illiterate people, period. It is snake oil which priests, pastors, and deacons are all salesmen of various degree. If you believe in it, you’ve been duped. You may feel better about yourself or whatever, but, trust me, you’re still the same gullible, ignorant sheep that you were before you ‘got saved’. And you’re being led to slaughter by your god, your church and your president. How many wars have been started in the name of/at the behest of/for the glory of Satan? Exactly 0. None. Think about it. Don’t just read one book your entire life! Expand your thoughts a little. Ask questions!
    And don’t accept the religious cop-outs of “God’s Will”, or “God told me…”
    The powers that be have used this crap to keep us in the dark for too long.

  20. Hi The Cynic,
    If you were less cynical and actually took the time to read the post instead of just using it for an excuse for your diatribe, you may have worked out that the poster in NOT religious.

  21. I have Schizophrenia and there are only two sides the devils side schizophrenia people murder people and there is a good side schizophrenics that are on gods side and become christians .I’m jonny b good is my nick name and the devil tried to get me killed several times,but I won, I won my soul back, I was saved I new it . then the police came after me, their were good cops and bad cops looking for me. I new this before they found me.
    I was the first and last because I had Jesus in my heart.I was placed in a padded cell.Thats where I heared the devil say to me suck a you know what.The way he said it was evil.I decided right then and there to spit in the devils eye I will defy he will be afraid when I call out his name.
    they gave me meds in jail but they cant change my mind about god. Jesus is lord and watch them all clutch thier riches as they die,all the
    Prophecy are coming true. the most recent is the satalites that circle the earth spreading the word of god this prophecy was written thousands of years before it happend.its better to pluck ones eye out then to parrish in hell.I dont go to church either but I love jesus he made a bridge over troubled water he paid the ransum with his life if you would just read the bible its an letter to you just 4 you!!!for I”M a Christian soldier and I will fight the deil and any one on his side,the evil has to be contained ,It will not leave earth. Christian soldiers are united
    since jesus paid the ransum. The devil is jealous because he has no soul.he moves back and forth like a lion ,to figue out ways to destroy your whos side are you on ?god for told the victory over the devil in the good book the bible.It dosnt matter how bad you sinned repent and be saved for the kingdom of god is at hand . as a child I wait patiently for the lord for he will save the dark world we live in today.

  22. Andy Walker said

    John B Russell has a good thing going. Using Christianity’s health and staying away from its sicknesses.

    There are many Christian people who have mis-taken the truth. And there are many who use Christianity as just another way to bring good into their lives.

    Devils are dark and scary. If one came knocking at your door, you’d say Hell No don’t come in. I hope so, for your sake.

    A wise man once told me that he’s not afraid of satanists and therefore they have no power over him.

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