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    May 2008
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Posted by anthonynorth on May 29, 2008

Including Totally Optional Prompts. Have you had a go yet?

Welcome to my daily Diary post. Britain’s independent schools are getting worried. Demanding that the government scale down its curriculum for the under fives, they say it violates the human rights of parents. Well, it’s good that someone is saying so.

The state schools seem to be comatose.

But the reality is, the State is moving more and more into family life. Parents are no longer to be trusted with the education or morals of their children. Now, I agree that many lack parenting skills nowadays, but why is this?
I’d put it down to the liberal style of education over the last 30 years, with the teacher as friend, and morals something to take or leave – which eventually led to the government we have today; a government that is increasingly destroying family and creating the typical ‘State’ child. If it goes on like this, I’ll give it 50 years before the State hatcheries appear.

The UK must re-think its aviation policy.

So says an influential environmental advisory group. When we think of the recent cock-ups at the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow, we can see why. Everything – aircraft, airports, queues – just have to be ‘big’ today.
To me, this is madness. Big means extra complication, and additional possibilities for things going wrong. This is commonsense. So why do governments throughout the west insist on big, today, instead of lots more ‘smaller’?
Well, I think it’s all to do with Big Biz and ideology. ‘Big’ means only big corporations can afford to run them, thus keeping any growing competition out of the arena. Seems to me another example of environmental, and social, chaos just to keep the big guys secure.
Don’t forget to fly by tomorrow.

© Anthony North, May 2008


I miss my shadow, it’s never there,
nothing hidden, all is bare;
where is my reflection? I see it not,
as if skin and bone is all I’ve got;
What is me if these things are gone,
I hope they’re back before too long;
I seem to be nothing more than me,
discarded, maybe, ‘cos of vanity;
where is anything exterior to my self,
without them I have nothing, no wealth;
I’m just an empty shell of an original kind,
a metaphor concerning what’s in my mind,
and blind

(c) Anthony North, May 2008



I couldn’t quite grasp what was missing. I was stood in the middle of the hall, a hive of activity all around me. Public announcements lanced into my mind – directions left, directions right, directions up, directions down. And off people went – as directed.
The attendants weren’t much help. ‘There’s something missing,’ I said.
‘Yeah, right,’ was the only answer I could get.
I wasn’t even sure how I’d got here. I knew I was here, in this strange, transitional place, but my memory just didn’t want to work.
So I just stood there, in the middle of the hall, confused. And a queue of people began behind me.
The attendants came over, then. After all, I was causing an obstruction.
‘Move along,’ they said. ‘Go where you know you’re supposed to be going.’
‘But I don’t know,’ I said. ‘I haven’t a clue.’
I think they realised something was missing then. After a little head scratching, they directed me in the right direction, I suppose. And it was clear I was not yet ready – hence, the confusion, lack of memory and the knowing that something was missing.
And as my spirit entered the gateway marked ‘purgatory’, I knew the thing that was missing was my body.
Death, it seems, has a habit of doing that.

© Anthony North, May 2008


  1. We totally need to rethink our aviation policy, I think there are signs that that process is starting? I agree with your thoughts about big vs small too, society is so profit oriented that it forgets to look at the locala and small scale, but there again i think there are signs that things may be starting to change.

    I enjoyed your poem, i hadn’t thought about that before and now its started a whole chain of thoughts…

  2. stan said

    Everything formatted gives them an easy job.
    Control through greed.
    Adds up to loss of identity.
    And preparation goes out of the window.
    No wonder everything is so confusing.

  3. Hi Crafty Green Poet,
    I’m glad you like the poem. As for aviation policy, I’m always a touch sceptical when Big Biz seems to offer changes. It usually boils down to cosmetics and spin. But I hope you’re right.

    Hi Stan,
    I agree with your sentiments there.

  4. Your poetry is very thoughtful. Thanks!

  5. Hi Gautami,
    Thanks for that. I’m pleased you liked it.

  6. Gattina said

    As long as I can think people have complained about bad schools and the government, I included. And here in Belgium it’s even “nicer” from time to time we are for 8 months without any. Personally I don’t see any difference, lol !

  7. Selma said

    Your poetry and fiction are getting better and better. I am also alarmed at the state of education in Australia. There are so many drop outs and slackers in the public system now and no one seems to be doing a thing about it. I was a high school teacher for 15 years and back then the cracks were starting to show. It worries me. Sydney also has the ‘big’ aviation disease with recent plans to extend the airport. I live in the flight path so I am not impressed, particularly as they are talking about cutting the curfew once the expansion is completed. Fun. Fun. Fun!

  8. Brian said

    Rethink everything my friend. Everything.

  9. Hi Gattina,
    Yes, I think people always have complaints, but nowadays it’s the way the State is taking over the family, with education in the front line of this. I suspect, at heart, the State wants to smash the family because it is traditionally the main bastion against State indulgences.

    Hi Selma,
    Thanks for that. Evetything has to be big and centrally controlled now, hence the problem with education, and monster airports. And the point is, ‘big’ overwhelms complaint and protest. The little guy is lost in the machinery.

    Hi Brian,
    Well, someone has to. And it’s such fun! 🙂

  10. I often go somewhere without my memory lately, but have yet to go without my body! =)

  11. Hi WillThink4Wine,
    That’s a most advisable way to be 🙂

  12. lissa said

    I like your fiction, it has an eeriness to it but did not expect the end at all

  13. Hi Lissa,
    Many thanks for that. Eerie, I like.

  14. Same thing is happening in our school system here too. Lots of parents can’t see what their children are doing wrong and/or are never around either. They always have excuses as to why their kids did this or that. Hello. Take responsibility. So, pretty soon the government will be running the schools here too. That’s their plan for us anyway – BIG GOVERNMENT. It’s scary.

    Everything has to be big here too. I am convinced that big business runs on GREED. I’m not really liking how some things are working. Just saying.

    Loved your poem and especially your I’m Not All There. Have a great day Anthony. 🙂

  15. Hi Sandee,
    Yes, ‘big’ is the ideology of greed. And in becoming too big, it is also becoming increasingly totalitarian. Some time, it must change.
    Thanks for the comment about the poem and flash.

  16. Antony, In the US the State has taken over the school system – breakfast, lunch and after school activites. But what’s funny is, you said Britain is thinking of scaling back on the curriculum for up to 5th graders. Well, if that happens then you and I WILL be smarter than 5th graders. (“Are you smarter than a 5th grader? is a TV program here in the US with questions like the ones on my blog…) Ha! 😀

  17. Sorry for the misspelling, Anthony…

  18. Hi Maryt,
    Ah, but I sussed the questions on your blog 😉 No spelling ones, though.
    Don’t worry about it, I’ve been called far worse, and some of them spelt it wrong, 2 🙂

  19. nozaki said

    Nowadays, under highly civilized society, people seems to be frustrated by something unknown. I think now is the time to philosophize what is the meaning of “happiness” for all the people. I’ll be very glad if you could read my essay too. Thank you.

  20. linderx100 said


  21. Hi Nozaki,
    Thanks for that. I don’t think we can really be happy with nothing but the individual. We get annoyed, bored, etc, with ourselves far too much.

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