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    August 2008
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Archive for August 22nd, 2008


Posted by anthonynorth on August 22, 2008

Including Rockin’ Chair Writers, Matinee Muse and Sunday Scribblings.
Have you had a go yet?

Prince Charles the Green recently caused controversy by stating that GM farming is the biggest environmental disaster of all time. Of course, there is science from both sides of the debate, so it soon becomes pointless to consider the science at all. Games of ‘my scientist is bigger than yours’ soon become tiresome, and stifle true debate.

To me, GM food is part of a disturbing trend.

Successful crops will be replicated more and more. And the upshot of this is that the gene pool will be depleted. This is counter to diversity, through which nature survives, and a single problem could devastate the lot.
But more than this, it is part of the seemingly unstoppable rise of ‘sameness’. Languages, lifestyles, religions, cars, fashions, even cities, are slowly being depleted to the point of having a few standard models. This is not only counter to nature, but evolution itself.
It appears to me we are devolving. An eco-disaster, indeed.

‘Rights’ have been aired in the Brit Parliament again.

A cross-party committee has suggested we need a new Bill of Rights. What an interesting idea. What new rights do we need? As I see it, we have so many ‘rights’ nowadays that no one can do anything without stepping on someone else’s ‘rights’.
We are awash with ‘rights’. If I didn’t know better I’d be thinking it’s a way of legislating us into a new totalitarianism, where we can’t do anything at all. Oh, I don’t know better. I DO think that. And there is only one ‘right’ of importance – freedom from legislation on ‘rights’.
You see, ‘rights’ are to do with social interaction. And governments should never get involved in this. Behaviour should be the realm of religion, pressure groups – anyone who can influence. But when it moves from influence to legislation, it is wrong.
We need the right to life, liberty, religion, ownership, association, free speech and general protection for minorities – as well as a sensible common law – but other than this, who decides what is ‘right’?

© Anthony North, August 2008


A fleeting moment, put at ease,
a hand strokes your hair, a gentle breeze,
so calming as the inevitable dawns,
primeval forces, neither mourns;
What follows is a build up of powers,
nothing can stop it, always devours,
any hope of controlling your mind,
as the wind builds and howls, and lovers entwined;
A maelstrom of passion, swirling and true,
intimate moments, life bursting anew,
as everything falls to its seductive force,
and never can there be remorse,
for things will happen as they inevitably will,
riding on a tide of energy, until …
you exist in the eye, a calm, no pain,
as you ready yourself, to begin again

(c) Anthony North, August 2008


HOW I MET MY …. – Fiction

It is hard to know I’ve got it absolutely right, but looking back over so many years, and with these newly discovered letters to guide me, I’m fairly sure that what follows is accurate.
She had left her previous relationship a while ago – a brooding, sultry relationship. Yet, with so much unresolved, it had taken a long time to be trusting once more. But when HE appeared in her life, it was like a breath of fresh air – at first.
I can imagine her initial delight at meeting someone new and so uncomplicated – so different from the circumstances that led to my temporary incarceration a short time later.
But I digress. They seem to have been happy. But doubt entered her mind about the same time as the man first appeared in the shadows. She would spy him occasionally, undefined, stalking, and she imagined him to be obsessed. And although she feared this unknown element to her life, she seemed to place it alongside the disquiet rising over her relationship.
It must have been a dark place to find herself in – almost as dark and disorientating as the place I was later incarcerated. But just as it was inevitable I would end up there, she inevitably found her life being turned upside down. Indeed, my circumstance inevitably followed from the outcome.
Her new man, you see, was a bore. He had everything a person needed, except that spark of life that offered excitement, passion and more.
Whereas the man in the shadows was of a different order, she was sure. And no matter how much she feared him, she was drawn to him.
Slowly, whenever she caught a glimpse of her stalker, she would encourage, not caring what fire she was playing with. And it was obvious that one day he’d come to her, disclose himself, and …
Well, on the day he did, her shock formed a scream which was soon cut short …

They kissed passionately as she recognized her previous lover, who could never have left her for good. And nine months later I escaped my incarceration, traveled to the light and met my parents.

© Anthony North, August 2008

Posted in Current Affairs, Environment, Poetry, Society, Twist In the Tale | 25 Comments »