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    August 2008
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Archive for August 24th, 2008


Posted by anthonynorth on August 24, 2008

Including Manic Monday and (my first) One Single Impression.
Have you had a go yet?

I’m only an occasional observer of US politics. And coming from the UK, I suppose I can offer a view from the outside. So, young Barack has now disclosed his running mate – one Joe Biden. My first impression was, why didn’t he go for Hillary? Surely that’s the way to mend the wounds in the Democrats.

He obviously has other priorities.

Which could, of course, be a serious mistake. As I see it, he’s gone, first, for the generational thing, which could catch the waverers who might have voted for McCain. So, lose some democrats, win some floaters. A gamble that might just pay off.
But most of all, Biden is a foreign affairs specialist. Which suggests to me that fundamental to Obama’s presidency would be foreign affairs, and repairing the damage caused by the last eight years, which have left the world Bushed.

Over a decade ago there was an almost apocalyptic warning.

It was about the ‘population bomb’ in the west. Because of fewer people being born, and the elderly living longer, the year 2011 was put forward as the time when the retired population would outnumber the workforce, the cost of their care destroying the western economy.
It seems we are fast heading for the deadline. In the UK, it has recently been announced that the elderly now outnumber the under-16s. Yet the whole problem seems to have been buried as far as the news and initiatives are concerned.
This is an error. If we don’t plan correctly for this explosion of elderly soon, the dire warnings may come true. And anyone who thinks private pension schemes can answer the problem is wrong. What is required here is a new look at how we live our lives.

© Anthony North, August 2008


I sit here in the corner of an undecided mind,
decisions to be made, a path through life to find,
confidence is a stumbling block – do I have the will?
doubt has me surrounded, it’s voice is very shrill;
I try to move with confidence – resolve, that is my name,
but doubt says if I’m wrong, who will be to blame?
Such pessimistic thoughts are alien to my soul,
I must take over this mind – steer it to its goal!
My motive is optimism, I know no other way,
get on with life in all its colours, now, without delay;
Doubt, you are a stubborn fool who keeps this life on hold,
now its time to take this mind
Be gone!
Be bold!!!

(c) Anthony North, August 2008



The great detectives entered the club room separately. First came Poe’s great Dupin, followed by the genius that was Sherlock Holmes, and once the small, bespectacled priest had arrived, the other’s bid Father Brown welcome.
Depositing their assorted sticks, umbrella and other devices by the hat stand, they sat and waited for the maid to provide drinks. As to why they were there, they had no idea at that point. But once the maid had opened the door to the ante-room, and dropped her tray as she issued a scream, they knew their purpose was clear.
They stood around the body on the floor – noticed the blood from the deep head wound. Each one took in the whole scene, went through various scenarios in their head, and as they questioned the hysterical maid, only one possible answer came to mind. After all, there was no one else in the building.
They looked at each other suspiciously, hardly daring to think such a thing were possible. But in the end, Holmes could take it no more. ‘It is clear,’ he began, ‘that the culprit is none other than … (all three looked above them as he continued) … Anthony North. He wrote him out!!!’

© Anthony North, August 2008


We’ve seen it happen all over the world,
people together, no violence hurled,
proud of their nation, one and all,
competing with each other, proud and tall;
The greatest club there ever can be,
a feeling of one amid diversity,
this is the Olympics, a peaceful way,
a global community that doesn’t betray,
oneness of culture, patriotism true,
yet proud of the humanity between me and you

If only our leaders understood this fact,
that people are different in a peaceful pact,
not scheming to always outfox the rest,
continually being a global pest;
Wars and conflict are always the result,
of the actions of a few, a silly insult,
yet they round up the people to fight it out,
their minds knowing its wrong, so much doubt;
Our leaders don’t belong in this global team,
tell them no! We want peace!
Let our planet gleam!

(c) Anthony North, August 2008

Posted in Crime Stories, Current Affairs, Poetry, Society, World Affairs | 57 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on August 24, 2008

I cover so many areas of the paranormal in my theorizing that it can often seem that it is all un-coordinated. Yet most of my ideas fall clearly into an overall pattern. But trying to grasp the specifics of a ‘holistic’ system gives the impression of chaos.
So I thought it was time to state the basics of my overall ideas on the paranormal. In effect, what follows is a bottom line assessment of what I think the paranormal is, and how it works.

It begins with known effects.

These can be in sociology or psychology, and are well mapped out in themselves. However, I think society, culture and mind work together to produce an emergence that is more than the sum of their parts.
This effect, which I call psycho-sociology, arguably becomes, of itself, a lower level of consciousness that taps a more universal consciousness at the information level of the subatomic, with effects of the subatomic thus affecting the large scale we experience.

The result is a communal database.

We can all tap into this, and when we do, we can access information that is more than our own. Rather, it is a storehouse of universal memory and experience.
It works like a search engine. Key words or thoughts produce like information. But bearing in mind the fact that the subatomic is the building block of reality, emergence means that ‘information’ can actually turn into action in the world.

This gives us the whole array of paranormal experience.

The information element is what we know as extrasensory perception – a form of information transfer. Hauntings and possessions are low level infiltrations causing reality shifts.
Mind over matter abilities become a deeper penetration into changing realities, which may involve physical manipulation, or simply the appearance of it. Premonitions of the future become probability calculations based on the information within the system.

How is this paranormal system accessed?

This is an important question because life appears to be not paranormal. I argue that man became man psychologically because he needed to ‘concentrate’ on a task in hand due to technology, beginning when he first fashioned a branch.
He broke his link with instinct, and his mind evolved into a conscious (for the task in hand), and an unconscious (the memory store). Increasing information in the outside world pushes this store further away. It therefore follows that when information is reduced – the altered state – the store comes closer to the conscious, thus allowing access to the paranormality within.
Of course, much of this is unproveable, and it remains a speculative hypothesis. At the lower level of research, I work with concepts such as cryptomnesia, multiple personality, hysteria, the split brain, hallucination, semiotics and more.
But my methodology argues that these are simply the lower level of understanding – the specifics, if you like – prior to the convergences that lead to emergence. It is their coming together that is yet to be explored.
When they come together, I think we approach states that can be found within the overall theory above. And when this occurs, the difference between the hypothesis, and what we class as ‘supernatural’ influence, is one of language and interpretation alone.

© Anthony North, August 2008

Posted in Paranormal | 31 Comments »