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    August 2008
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on August 31, 2008

A consciousness shift is an esoteric concept whereby, at times, human consciousness changes significantly and we become a different order of being. At the centre of many New Age philosophies, the idea is usually ridiculed by the ‘rational’.
Indeed, throughout my life I’ve been told by various threads of literature that I’m close to one. It seems that always there is some guru working away at our mind, enforcing the idea that we will soon become more than we were before.

One consciousness shift is said to have happened in 1987.

This is known as Harmonic Convergence, and is based on the idea that many Native American tribes predicted such a shift in this year, way back in the past.
What kind of change would have occurred for this ‘convergence’ to become true? It would contain the knowledge that Earth is a sentient planetary entity, and we will return to the Earth.
Well, guess what, it’s happening. Environmentalism is well advanced, and we are all, now, aware that our future must be in being more eco-friendly. Indeed, many cannot understand the mind-set of the polluter, and even many polluters are beginning to feel guilt.

What are we dealing with here?

Is this a change in consciousness, or just a change in attitude? Is the ‘consciousness shift’ nothing more than a fancy name for a new way of thinking and doing?
Let’s look at the Renaissance. This was a re-discovery of the Classics in the 16th century, fuelling an outpouring of the arts. The outcome of this was a move against Christianity, and the eventual succession of the modern world.

So, big changes there, but again, only in attitude.

Yet consider the discovery of perspective geometry at the same time. This concept identified the existence of distance. Prior to this, paintings were two-dimensional. Afterwards, they were three-dimensional.
This is more than change in attitude. This is change in how we actually see, and represent, the physical world. Of course, I’m not saying that people didn’t ‘see’ in three dimensions beforehand. But they had no way of representing it. So consciousness can be said to have really changed.

There’s an argument concerning Shakespeare that adds to this.

In his plays, human foibles and personality were popularly known for the first time. Some argue that he therefore ‘invented’ the modern emotional personality.
Throughout life we are affected by various outside influences, be they societal or environmental. At various times in our lives, these can fundamentally change who we are. New ideas can also have the same function.
As such, we undergo such consciousness shifts often. However, I’ve argued elsewhere that if a particular idea catches hold of society, it can cause a consensus which radically changes our idea of knowledge, and thus our appreciation of the world.
We actually live in a clash of such consensual understandings. Think religion v science, left v right, etc. And each one sees the world in a radically different way to the point that one cannot understand or identify with the other.
Should any one gain predominance, would a consciousness shift be the result? After all, the only difference between a chaotic world, or one ordained by God, is our appreciation of it. Perhaps consciousness shifts are battling for supremacy all the time, locked in an evolutionary battle for the survival of the fittest.

© Anthony North, August 2008


  1. paisley said

    this kind of makes me wonder where in the course of time man did actually become an emotional being.. at first i would say we were to focused on survival to have much time for emotion,, so it is perhaps the easier life gets,, the harder we make it on ourselves?????

  2. Hi Paisley,
    This is very similar to how I see it. I think we have had emotions since we became human, but our degree of emotional outpouring, and the importance we give to various emotions changes, I’m sure – survival being an obvious dampener.
    There’s also the matter of cultural validity for emotional expression, which is where Shakespeare could come in. Indeed, you can see the first glimpses of it in literature a little earlier with Chaucer, with the Bard letting it really flow.

  3. Selma said

    I do believe that a consciousness shift is on the way. There is a reduction in tolerance for pollution and other environmental issues as you mentioned but also a general dissatisfaction with other more socially relevant issues such as the gap between rich and poor which I believe is due to the way we are hammered by big business. The comments made by both you and Paisley are just so relevant to this discussion. I hope the next shift happens in my lifetime. It would make all the nonsense we have to put up with a little more bearable.

  4. Hi Selma,
    I sincerely hope you’re right. The poverty issue has, of course, been tackled before. That’s what communism was supposed to be about. But any ‘political’ fix just seems to make things worse. A true consciousness shift that could provide results would have to be apolitical, I’m sure.

  5. Dear Anthonynorth,

    The reason for, and the truth of, consciousness shifts, is that the human brain and neuron has layered substrates. Each layering represents a distinct cognitive function whereby “seeing” is raised to higher powers.

    Our “lower” corporeal/sensual operations produce ocular sight – seeing objects of the world. The imagination involves seeing ideas. Reasoning involves seeing rational ideas. True intuition involves seeing universal and philosophic truths. Spiritual revelation involves seeing God’s eternal truths.

    The multi-leveled human cognitive architecture has its basis in a non-local, spiritual realm.

    The “Fall of Man” is simply the deterioration of these higher cognitive functions and descent
    into a merely materialistic philosophy concerning ultimate reality. I am writing a new book about such things.

    Spiritually yours,

  6. what an interesting read. I learned a lot here. thanks!

  7. Hi Edward,
    Thanks for that. Although you are talking, here, about physiology/psychology. I fail to see how this becomes sociology, which is basically what I’m talking about.

    Hi AscenderRisesAbove,
    You’re welcome, and I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  8. Anne Partain said

    Seems to me that a consciousness shift that effects all of us would begin with shifts in the consciousness of individuals, a little at a time. And to me, “consciousness shift” means becoming aware of something previously unknown, and that causes one to see things differently.

  9. Keith Fagan said

    What you seem to be referring to is a sort of arena for the natural selection of ideas, which isn’t exactly a new concept. If biological evolution concerns itself with the competition of genes, natural selection favouring those that connote measurable advantages in a given environment, then sociological evolution is the competition of memes, ideas, with natural selection operating similarly. Following such a notion, these so-called shifts in consciousness would be similar to say, the Pre-Cambrian explosion, or somewhat less dramatically, the development of flowers, or Mammalian flight.

    The Paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould spoke of Punctuated Equilibrium, moments in evolutionary history when the pattern of natural selection seems to have greatly accelerated to adapt to some sudden or rapid change in environment. It seems obvious that if the concept can be carried over to the evolution of ideas, something similar must be occurring in our modern world today.

    Although I believe this concept of memetic Darwinism to have value, I am somewhat hesitant to embrace it. Perhaps this shows my own memetic shortcomings, I don’t know. On the one hand, the notion that, in the end, the memes that survive will be those that are most useful and advantageous does seem somewhat reassuring. On the other hand, rapid memetic procreation may trump other survival advantages, and in that instance, ignorance has always proven far easier to spread than understanding. Understanding takes time, not to mention effort.

    So too must we address the fact that there was nothing inherently wrong or inadequate about Trilobites, Dinosaurs, or Pterosaurs- each was, in its own way, a paragon of successful environmental adaptation. However, abrupt and dramatic environmental changes did not favour their continuance. So too could a rapid change in the social environment plunge us into a new dark age devoid of our current intellectual diversity. The savannahs of our collective mindscape, currently bounding with the mental equivalents of Lions, Elephants, Giraffe, etc. could one day be reduced to the level of Cockroaches, Rats, and Frogs, and ages shall pass before new, larger forms arise. Not a very pleasant thought.

  10. Hi Anne,
    You hint, in your comment, of the duality of consciousness shifts – sometimes building up through individuals from the bottom up, at other times a major incident or idea causing change from the top downwards.

    Hi Keith,
    A good analysis, although I don’t think what I’m talking about is strictly answerable to the process of adaptation to the environment, social or physical. Mankind has added a new dimension that seems to have been missing from the evolutionary past.
    This is emotion and abstract thought. It is not necessarily the most advantageous ‘ideas’ that thrive, but the most desired.

  11. An interesting little read, though rather more emphasizing synchronisities than explanations. Perhaps it is the author’s intent to leave in reader’s mind the question “how to explain…” Certainly, the article would be much longer with more details and questions. Minimally however, one should expect an exploration of communication modes involved with shifts in consciousness. I would encourage such; it is a fascinating topic.

  12. soren said

    consciousness shift? you could just call it reacting to a mistake that we made. the eco movement is only logical.

  13. Hi Aeon,
    Thanks for that. Yes, my little essays are more devised to challenge accepted thought, and encourage questioing, rather than provide definite theory.
    I don’t think there is enough thinking outside the box today.

    Hi Soren,
    Yes, you’re right, in a way. The eco-movement is thoroughly rational and correct – now. But was it so before the time came that we were technological enough to affect the planet, and notice the damage we were doing?

  14. Pat Toenjes said

    I think we could sum it all up into the reason why Al Gore called it “An Inconvenient Truth”. The people who refuse to believe in the need for immediate action to save our planet are in denial because it is inconvenient for them. Just IMHO.

  15. John Evans said

    My consciousness shifts quite often, mainly after meals, toilet breaks, sleep, etc.

  16. Christopher Jones said

    We need to know what we need to change before we can change anything. We need to know that the knowlege we have is only passed to use second hand and that the truth we seek is hidden right in front of us. We should realse that the consciousness towards enviromental problems is not the biggest issue…we are not in need to save the planet, because long after we die the planet will live on and evolve…we are a by product of someting truely amazing that exsists rarely within the universe….the only thing we need to save is ourselfs… if you have not watch this film then you should..

  17. Christopher Jones said click on the movie… and learn…

  18. Sue Hickey said

    Hmmm…reading up on your Teilhard again? How very Chardinesque of you!
    Anyway, are you familiar with Julian Jaynes and “The Breakdown of Consciousness in the Bicameral Mind”? I read it. I don’t plan to read it again. Got to confer with my body Thetan while I’m at it.

  19. Hi Pat,
    Of course, man-made global warming isn’t absolutely proved, but proved enough to require the proper measures, certainly. Though there are clear signs that the fundamentalism concerning the subject is causing a sceptical backlash.

    Hi John,
    You’re obviously easily satisfied 🙂

    Hi Christopher,
    I agree the planet isn’t in danger. It is ourselves we need to save.

    Hi Sue,
    Yes, I’ve referred to Jaynes occasionally in earlier posts. While you’re conferring with your Thetan, give L Ron my regards 😉

  20. Azatarai said

    Emotion has existed forever,
    animals display emotion.
    I don’t get why you think we become an emotional being.

    However Our consciousness does need to shift..
    For the fact is, us being “Intelligent beings”
    mean that anything is ours
    Earth is plagued with greed
    greed leads to anger
    and anger leads to the dark side…

  21. Hi Azatarai,
    The existence of emotion in other animals is a subject of controversy. Personally, I don’t think they have emotion. But even if they do, they are more attuned to survival impulses than emotional and abstract stimuli.
    This seems to be peculiarly human, from which comes greed, anger and the rest. The problem of a consciousness shift removing such impulses is that it could also remove love, joy, etc. They seem to be two sides of the same coin.

  22. Azatarai said

    If say animals didint have emotions then I would like to know your reasoning of why they “cry” “bark” “howl” when you leave them alone for a while
    I used to have a cat that when we went to bed and if we shut the door, she would walk up and down the hallway Howling and crying,
    If you then opened the door she would come running and purring
    affection and loneliness are emotions are they not?

    However I do not think that animals “wonder” or think about there own existence
    (something that I’m sure attributed to our evolution)

    I Personally hope that this “shift” will be humans realizing that we are all the same no matter what race we are
    Bigotry is a consciousness Thought that we could do well to lose,

    However im also curious on how a consciousness shift happens, will i just wake up one day different?
    If anything, i would say something on a massive scale would have to happen in order to change the consciousness of humanity

    But whatever, I am gonna be alive to find out so i am just gonna wait and see.

  23. Hi Azatarai,
    It is so easy to mistake natural stimuli for emotion in animals. Instinct leads to routine, and if this routine is disturbed – long periods without socialisation, for instance – a reaction will follow. I’m not sure this is emotional stimuli. Further, animals tend to be experts at imitation. No one can ever see an animal in its natural state, because there is an argument that even the act of observation affects its naturalness.
    Basically, at present, we cannot know whether animals have emotion in a sense WE could understand. But you seem to accept that they don’t have abstracy thought, which is the main thing that separates us from them.
    As for consciousness shifts of the major kind, the jury, again, is still out. I wouldn’t say they are impossible, but the processes in my post do, I think, show minor shifts adequately.

  24. […] North delves in how to explain shifts in consciousness, at Beyond the […]

  25. Ubermensch said

    This reminds me of Julian Jaynes bicameral mind theory. He suggests that humans did not have the consciousness for introspection during the times of the Illiad and the Bible, and further suggests that they were almost in a schizophrenic autopilot driven by their internal voice, or Logos – which was seen as a God.
    McKenna even takes this further and suggests that we have lost touch with this voice and can get it back through meditation and/or the use of entheogens.
    I’ve covered some topics in this space on my blog,

  26. Hi Ubermensch,
    Yes, the idea is similar, but as I recall, Jaynes offered an essentially physiological reason for it. I’m talking about a much simpler change in cultural input, and influence of knowledge.

  27. gaian said

    For anyone who is interested, the nature of consciousness and reality itself is given in great detail in the Seth books (The Seth Material and Seth Speaks are just two). Included are explanations of shifts in consciousness – personal and societal, as discussed in this article. They also cover – again, in great detail – the consciousness of animals and the continual ‘evolution’ of human consciousness.

    These are not for everyone, but true seekers will find them of great value. Enjoy!

  28. Hi Gaian,
    Jane Roberts’ channelling is interesting, but what I’ve found is, if you take out the specific ‘culture’ of most channellers, entities such as Seth seem to speak with a remarkably similar voice.
    I suspect they may all be tapping the same kind of truth.

  29. gaian said

    Hi Anthonynorth,

    I agree whole-heartedly! Jane Roberts (Seth), Esther Hicks (Abraham), Darryl Anka (Bashar) and Edgar Cayce’s “Source” all, at a basic level, convey the same message. However, the message is sifted through the belief system of the host (channeler). Nevertheless, the information, comparatively, is complimentary, not contradictory.

    I gravitate toward Seth particulary because of the depth of the information given via wonderful analogies which allows the reader the easily conceptualize the ideas put forth.

  30. Hi Gaian,
    Yes, that’s a fair point. Seth seems to be far more eloquent than many others.

  31. Bill I. said

    I suggest we are already well into a major shift or change in consciousness.

    This is mirrored by external changes, and those have accelerated for some time.

    Start with horses, add trains, then massive industrialization, electricity, radio and television, IT Technology, Internet, cellphones, etc., etc.

    Consider how all of this has accelerated certain activities, fed by a kind of feedback loop.

    Consider how much information you’re aware of at any moment compared with what your grandparents or great grandparents were exposed to.

    You can view external reality as a manifestation of inner realities (doing this isn’t part of any official scientific worldview, true, but is, nevertheless, consistent with certain metaphysical traditions); if you do so, then the above gradually accelerating changes represent corresponding inner changes.

    The existence of this very blog, then, with thoughts appearing nearly instantly on distant computer monitors, is an indication of a change or shift in consciousness.

    Where does this go? Is there a limit it approaches, like a calculus problem?

    That’s an interesting question, subject to great speculation.


    Bill I.


  32. Sometimes the cynic in me thinks that behind this “consciousness shift” hat drives the enviro-movement, hides a brilliant scheme to make us spend more money. It seems I’m getting too influenced by Earthling 😉

    And I don’t know if the anti-consumerism movement is a real sign of a change in consciousness either, or just a simple predictable reaction of disgust towards the failure of capitalism as a social panacea.

    The real change I would like to see, is children starting to make the calls in the world instead of their parents. Maybe we should try that 😉

  33. gaian said

    Hi Bill I.,

    Instead of a shift in consciousness, I prefer to think of it as an emergence of Man’s awareness en masse. As I ’emerged’, I became aware of the emergence of others and continually do so at an accelerating rate. I find evidence of it everywhere, though oft times thinly veiled (probably for fear of ridicule).

    I am of the school of thought that limiting beliefs limits experience. We cannot conceive or percieve that which we do not believe. If you believe there is a limit – to anything – then there is a limit, for you… A change in beliefs can have a profound effect on a person’s overall experience.

    Your statement, ‘Start with horses, add trains…’ reminds me of that great quote ‘If I have seen farther it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.’

  34. Bill I. said

    Dear Gaian:

    There are any number of different ways to explain whatever it is many of us are experiencing.

    Seth, for example, alludes to this, I believe in this way:

    ““Christian theology sees the end of the world in certain terms, with a grand God coming to reward the good and to punish the wicked. That system of belief allows for no other probability. Some see the end of the world coming as a greater disaster, or envision man finally ruining his planet. Others see periods of peace and advance-and each probability will happen “somewhere.” However, many of my readers, or their offspring, will be
    involved in a new dimension of selfhood in which consciousness is fully explored and the potentials of the soul uncovered, at least to some extent.”

    (From The “Unknown” Reality, Volume II.)

    When I used the word “limit” it was in the mathematical sense, not as in “limiting belief.”

    You may be unfamiliar with calculus (it’s been many years since I worked with it).

    I was referring to a kind of absolute that a function approaches but never actually reaches.

    This is simply one way to imagine where accelerating change might lead, but not the only one.

    I genuinely believe we living at a time which does resemble “the birth of the New Age,” “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” and so on (technologists have a version, too, known as the “Singularity”).

    I don’t use the exact terminology of those who initiated and/or promulgated the above ideas, however, preferring to see this more as that to which Seth alludes, but Seth of course also discourses on probable realities and creating your own reality (he originated the phrase “You create your own reality” even if those who borrowed it, often without attribution, didn’t include the full explanation as provided by Seth).

    As you might gather, I’m fond of Seth’s teachings, but I’m no Seth fanatic, either, and believe in attempting to access my own greater self’s understanding of such matters, as well as enjoying the thoughts of many others. Seth was a kind of subversive teacher, in his “question authority” or “black sheep” way; this must apply to his own teachings, as well!

    (The way I came across Seth is interesting — I tell the tale


    Bill I.

  35. Bill I. said

    (My apologies for the typos in my last comment — it’s been a long day and my attention was split as I tried to type it — plus I couldn’t find an edit function, afterwards.)


  36. gaian said

    Hi Bill I.,

    I agree that there are many ways to explain whatever is happening – as many ways as there are individuals experiencing it. The core idea is that it (whatever IT is) is happening.

    I did take ‘limiting’ out of context from your mathematical meaning, but only to express a point. My apologies for not clarifying.

    I am familiar with calculus, although it is not my forte’. Fractal geometry is also an interest of mine.

    Seth has been a great guide to me – and he made his appearance (figuratively speaking) in my life exactly when I most needed the information provided. I have not yet read your ‘Story of Seth’, but I promise I will. I have one, too, that is most fascinating. Maybe some day I’ll write it up. It would be quite long, as it occurs at the culmination of many diverse and near-simultaneous experiences.

    Seth was not the first, nor the last, to help me along my journey. There are many, many others that have contributed (physical and nonphysical), and I’m sure there are many more further ahead!

  37. gaian said

    Bill I.,

    A HA! I just read your tale of Seth and it is incredibly similar to my own. In a library during my youth, I, too, had passed over Seth Speaks, which at the time I dismissed easily because ‘channelling was weird’.

    Suddenly and without provocation, in a moment of conscious silence and clarity TWENTY YEARS LATER, Seth Speaks (hard bound, as I’d seen it in the library) visibly appeared in my mind’s eye while I sat meditating. It came with such intensity that I could not get it out of my mind. I HAD TO GET THAT BOOK! I immediately went to the bookstore, found Seth Speaks, and devoured it that evening. That led to the other Seth books.

    This is the short version, as the events leading up to this makes it all the more intriguing – at least to me.

    Anyway, I just had to comment. Could it be that we ‘heard’ Seth speak…? 🙂

  38. Hi Bill,
    Yes, consciousness seems to be changing all the time, kick-started by a variety of reasons, usually cultural, or, indeed, technological.

    Hi Red,
    It’s true that the eco-movement has capitalised on this, but just because it may be being used politically does not mean that the concept of ‘shift’ is not correct. Indeed, denial because a person doesn’t like the concept is politics just the same.
    And as you’ve heard before. I don’t think capitalism is a bad idea. What is wrong is the extreme we take it. Moderation, my dear fellow 🙂

    Hi Gaian,
    Yes, we can only see what we can conceive of, which usually means believe. Higher realities could be staring us in the face, but we don’t see them because we have no way of adjusting the senses, mind, etc, to take it in.

  39. Bill I. said

    Gaian: “Suddenly and without provocation, in a moment of conscious silence and clarity TWENTY YEARS LATER, Seth Speaks (hard bound, as I’d seen it in the library) visibly appeared in my mind’s eye while I sat meditating. It came with such intensity that I could not get it out of my mind. I HAD TO GET THAT BOOK! I immediately went to the bookstore, found Seth Speaks, and devoured it that evening. That led to the other Seth books.”

    Dear Gaian:

    What are the odds that two different people would have such similar & somewhat unusual experiences with very the same book? What does this say?

    Maybe, for you and I, these experiences pertain to our creations of a particular marker on the respsective roads of our personal “shifts of consciousness.” Certainly, were _Seth Speaks_ to ever become a mainstream book, we’d definitely know that something was up.

    BTW — Do I know you by a different screen name elsewhere?


  40. gaian said

    Hi Bill I.,

    Some people may write it off as coincidence, but I do not believe in coincidence. Knowing that someone else, somewhere at some time, had practically the same specific and profound experience leads me to believe that there is something larger at work. As much as it surprises and astounds me, it is also comforting.

    Yes, I can certainly agree with your idea that these experiences were markers on our personal shifts of consciousness. I’ve often thought that I received that vision at that time because I was finally developmentally ready for it. I know now that had I read Seth Speaks back then, it would not have resonated with me, and that’s exactly why (on an unconscious level) I passed it over that day in the library.

    And why did I come to this blog, for the first time yesterday, and end up reading your story of Seth? I believe it was to learn that I am not alone in this and to further my overall understanding. As I see it, it is yet another step in OUR development. The feeling I get from this shared experience is very powerful – and wonderful. 🙂

    I generally use the screen name ‘Gaian’ everywhere. Gaian, too, has it’s own story of how it came to be a big part of my life – not unlike Seth. Suffice to say, I even have GAIAN on my license plate! BTW, Gaian means ‘of the earth’ from the Greek ‘Gaia’, the earth. But I digress, Bill. It is unlikely that you know me by another name elsewhere.

    I also wanted to mention that I intend to peruse your website (where the Seth story resides) fully as time allows. You have many wonderful references unknown to me that I wish to research further.

  41. Hi Gaian & Bill,
    It looks like I’ve caused a mini-consciousness shift here, guys 🙂

  42. gaian said

    Hi Anthonynorth,

    I’d have to agree with you on that! Although it doesn’t feel that ‘mini’ to me… 🙂

  43. Hi Gaian,
    That’s ‘mini’ in that only a few people are involved. Unless, of course, it spreads.

  44. Bill I. said

    Dear Anthony:

    In my experience, these things happen in waves. Such waves need not be directly connected to Seth books dictated to Jane Roberts but I have to say I’ve experienced such.

    Jane died in 1984, so there is no “active center” in a physical sense, along the lines of George Gurdjieff’s terminology, but not long after the Internet became publicly accessible “early adopter” Seth readers met on-line, in the mid-to-late 1990s.

    Before long they were meeting in person and experimenting with channelling, among other activities, and for a period of several years this seemed to be contagious, with dozens of amateur channellers posting to early Seth lists.

    That wave died down, while subsequent and related waves have often included some still-alive channelled teacher. It’s as though contemporary mediumship is closely associated with a change, shift, or expansion of consciousness.

    Of course Seth is just one of a number of such invisible or non-material teachers, although prominent. I’m quite sure any number of other “waves” have happened and are happening which weren’t or aren’t directly connected to Seth, all part of some larger event.

    An earlier version was the spiritualism movement of the 19th century, capped by the psychical research of late in that century and the beginning of the next. Of course that occurred even as Darwinism and materialism began to lessen the influence, somewhat, of monotheistic religion.

    Here we are now, Internet enabled. This last offers intriguing possibilities.

    For example, only a few nights ago I was watching a YouTube video of Pink Floyd playing _Wish You Were Here_.

    Thanks to email, I became aware the next day that an old British friend had awakened from a dream shortly after I’d watched the video clip, remembering that someone in the dream had urged him to listen to _Wish You Were Here_.

    Bill I.

  45. Hi Bill,
    Yes, such waves are quite common, I think. They can be localised, affect a few people worldwide, and even be huge and change culture itself.

  46. gaian said

    Hi Anthonynorth and Bill I.,
    As usually happens when I make connections of the sort which occurred here, I spent the day ‘buzzing’. It’s like I’m assimilating new or correlating information. It puts me in a heightened state of sensitivity and lends itself, it’s ‘power’, to whatever I may encounter during that state – and that is what happened today.

    I’m a software developer and I develop custom software for hospitals around the country. The nature of my work is highly complex and, generally speaking, it is not easy work and is often frustrating. Not today. I solved every issue I encountered with a sense of ease, of ‘knowing’.

    I’ve always been ‘sensitive’, but during the last two years my abilities and experience have accelerated at break-neck speed. They began accelerating, and expanding, long before I was introduced to Seth or began to question the nature of consciousness in general. Honestly, it had gotten to a point where I thought I might lose my mind. Not that I thought I was crazy, but I was confused and had seemingly no control of how or when I might ‘tune in’ to something. Every experience, and they came several times a day in different ways, was very distracting and I began to fear them. Luckily, my husband is also slightly sensitive and very supportive of what was happening to me, although he had no answers.

    I’ve not kept a record or diary of my experiences. Due to their frequency and diversity, to document them would take considerable time and effort. Further, most times words do not adequately convey the true experience. To keep such journals would be like taking on a second job – and for what, for who? To what end? I have excellent recall, and that’s good enough for me. I don’t need a catalog.

    I had to keep these experiences secret from everyone else and still go on with my daily life as if nothing had changed. That much has changed little, although I have found others like myself since – but all quite accidentally. Each of them also keep their ‘secret’, but we telepathically picked up on each other’s abilities, then went out on a limb and divulged our inner secret to find that the other has the same or similar abilities or experiences, to some degree. Now, I feel I am part of some ‘psychic underground’ movement.

    The ‘release’ from my fear happened when I met a man (a psychiatrist, no less!) about a year ago who is empathic and he picked up on my ‘secret’ telepathically. He let me borrow his DVD, The Secret Behind the Secret, and also lent me his Bashar DVDs. I buzzed for a week, but finally I understood exactly what was happening to me. No longer fearful, I became intrigued.

    You see, I have felt since my mid-teens that I have a ‘dual’ personality. Not split, but dual. There seemed to be another side of ‘me’ that was far more knowledgeable, confident and spoke with authority on virtually any subject – much unlike the ‘usual’ me. I was always consciously aware of this ‘other’ side of me, but I certainly didn’t discuss it with others – not even my husband, for 2 decades! How could I without sounding nuts? This ‘other’ me would speak through me on whatever subject ‘it’ felt like jumping into. No trance was necessary, I need only allow it to come through. Of course, those listening would hear my voice and attribute all that ‘I’ said to ‘me’. Little did they know that much of what ‘I’ said I was hearing for the first time along with them, as I spoke it.

    That day in the library, when I passed over Seth Speaks, I was researching information that might explain this other side of me. I checked out ‘Sybil’ and ‘The Three Faces of Eve’, but they were unlike me. They had no remembrance of their other personalities. I knew then that I was not ‘split’ like them.

    Now, many years and experiences later, I attribute that ‘other’ side of me to something akin to Seth. I have asked it to reveal itself, but as of yet it has not.

    In summary, my current abilities are thus: telepathy (from childhood – particularly with my mother, now deceased but still in contact; my husband and my immediate environment); visions (from childhood– although recently increasing dramatically in frequency, known accuracy and in my understanding of their overall context, but in this regard I’m (currently) only clairvoyant, not clairaudient); auras (very recent, still developing – this is my husband’s strong suit); and out-of-body/astral projection (recent – 3 experiences thus far, still developing). This is in addition to my ‘dual-ness’ of self, as discussed earlier.

    Let me state, emphatically, that I have never (ever, ever, ever) seen a ‘ghost’. No apparitions, no mists, no orbs, nada. However, I do believe that others can perceive them. My husband does. Where he perceives form, I perceive focused energy and its associated ‘mood’ or ‘intention’ via color and feeling.

    As a case in point, I’ll divulge one particular ‘episode’ that happened in April of this year. A little background: I’ve always been scientifically oriented. I’m an analyst borne. This much has always been apparent to me and anyone who knows me. My specific interests are in physics and quantum theory.

    Although I am above average in mathematical abilities (my profession requires it), I’m far more interested in the ‘big picture’. I’ll let someone else do the math and dispute it if necessary. I do enough of that at work. For me, it’s all about how the pieces fit together – or how they are supposed to fit together. The ‘pieces’ represent corollary theories – i.e. Big Bang, black holes, singularities (wink wink, Bill :)), and galactic formation combined with M-Theory, which correlates to the Theory of Everything, aka T.O.E. – that unite to form the ‘universal’ big picture. But some things just don’t jive…

    I won’t go into detail here, but one evening in April I read an article that provided ‘input data’ to my mind. And then my mind took off. I started buzzing. I had so much energy flowing through me that I couldn’t sit down. I found my husband, as his interest in science mirrors mine (we are, generally, of ‘like mind’) and read him the article. We began bouncing ideas off each other, each the other’s sounding board, with every new idea building to form the next, until we had re-arranged – quite easily and elegantly – the origin and birth of the universe. I kid you NOT.

    I must tell you here that this was not a ‘unique’ experience for us. We have done this many, many times in our years together. Only this time it was the origin of the universe! By comparison, it made our perpetual motion machine and our early rejection of Hawking Radiation (Hawking later rescinded the theory) mere child’s play!

    The theory is so simple, so elegant, so easily conceptualized by anyone who has a basic understanding of cosmology and membrane theory, we can’t understand why it hasn’t been identified and pursued by academia . It is, quite literally, beautiful. No new information is introduced. No new theories, particles or formulas, exotic or otherwise, are necessary.

    Our theory is based entirely on theories already known, re-arranged to paint a new picture. In the final product, fewer puzzle pieces are required. Removed are those troublesome, made-to-fit pieces such as Inflationary Theory and its counterpart, the Horizon Problem. We simply propose a paradigm shift…

    But there’s one little problem, but it’s not with this theory. It’s the same problem we face with every theory: Who will believe us?

    We have contacted noted, highly recognized professionals in the fields of cosmology and quantum mechanics with our theory. So much is our passion, our ‘knowing’, that we have gone so far as to submit our theory to the journal Physical Review Letters. All to no avail.

    My husband and I are IT consultants. He’s a network engineer and I’m a software developer. We have limited college education: I have 2 Associates degrees and he’s just short of an Associates degree. But college is far behind us now. In our technical professions, we are largely self-taught. My husband has never taken an IT course and I have only taken those required after employment, yet we have excelled in our respective fields.

    Long story short, no one will listen to us. We lack the academic credentials, professional experience, published papers in scientific journals, honorary degrees and, last but not least – a Nobel Prize, for our theories to be seriously considered, especially such controversial theories that take currently accepted theories and stand them on their ear! For the lack of that stated above, we are considered as blasphemists of old – in a new day…

    In another scenario (read: probable reality), consider that our theory (any of our theories) are peer reviewed, published and begin to disseminate within academic circles. Questions will arise as to how we, two self-taught IT consultants without advanced degrees, conceived such a theory. Knowing our theory and its simplicity (being the epitome of Occam’s Razor), I would FEEL like telling them, ‘Duh, it’s plain to see!’ To my conscious (rational) mind, that would be a much better response than the truth, for I know where our theory originated. But I must tell you that my other ‘self’ is emphatic that the truth be told, should it ever come to it. And for one reason: To show the power of consciousness to the scrutiny of science. It might be the ONLY WAY to prove to the scientific community at large, without the empirical evidence that science requires, of our true nature and the nature of reality itself.

    There is one truth I know – revelation requires no Ph.D…

    So, for us, there is no easy way out. As it is, our theories remain unanswered as ‘undiscovered country’ and continually pull on our psyches. On the other hand, should they become known we will be questioned as to our ‘process’, given our apparent ‘lack of credentials’.

    Both scenarios result in a kind of psychological anguish. The only difference is that one scenario is private, the other public. The first offers normal existence as an everyday citizen, while with the latter – based on current societal perceptions – we would be deemed as freaks. Which would you choose?

    Although I post this under a screen name, I feel completely vulnerable and unclothed. Never have I been so forthcoming to an unknown and unseen audience, yet I’ve literally only scratched the surface.

    My only solace is my guide, who has been with me throughout the process of producing this essay, helping me with the phraseology and serving basically as my editor as I write, and assuaging my continual fears as I reveal myself like never before.

    My reader is left with a decision: To believe or dismiss what I have conveyed. That is solely at your discretion.

    I leave you with this: If I’m lying now, I’ve been lying all along…

  47. Hi Gaian,
    A brave testimony, for which I thank you. I understand the feelings you express. I take a rational view of paranormality, in that I’m after explanation – not that I’ll ever achieve it. I never question what an experiencer says – I accept fully that phenomena occurs. But I look at what is experienced, and what present knowledge says about the universe, and then try to nudge the process of understanding on a step.
    Due to this, many believers think me a sceptic (which is wrong), and many sceptics think me a believer. For this reason, except for a brief period of success in the late 90s, I’ve written without an audience – until I began this blog.
    Since then, I’ve been attacked by both sides, but mainly by science-types. Maybe my approach is showing that the subject IS reasonable, and they fear for their paradigm. But one thing I know is I will always be true to myself. A person is never ‘unclothed’ when they have that attitude.

  48. Bill I. said

    Dear Gaian:

    As you know, when you’re feeling that “buzz,” all sorts of normally unusual possibilities become available.

    If you haven’t tried it already, I’d suggest experimenting with it when it happens.

    For example, you might focus specifically on the so called “third eye” region; you might see who else might be on your “wavelength,” who else is sharing this buzz at the same time; you might even try getting just a tad into trance and seeing what you might be able to access and translate into words, perhaps by typing in such a condition.

    I’ve experienced this by myself at times, usually with dramatic pre-cognitive and telepathic dreams, but also with one or two others and, during one particularly intense period, whole groups of folks.

    We really didn’t know what to do with this — we had no fearless leader to tell us what to do and didn’t want one — but we did pursue various forms of channelling and mediumship, as that was so immediately accessible at such times, and so powerful, too.

    Even so, none of us ever published what we got — as you say, “who would believe it?”

    In hindsight, I’d say some of those group experiences scared some of the group members, one reason such groups don’t usually last too long (there’s that, then there’s the fact that emotions seem to get heightened during such extended group excursions, leading to intensely dramatic creations, with all that goes with that).

    There are vast inner continents just waiting to be explored here; I suspect humanity is still at a stage comparable to the way the “New World” was, centuries ago (so far as Westerners were concerned).

    The Americas were likely visited by sailors for thousands of years, but the knowledge was for long kept secret or forgotten; then, very gradually, beginning with Portugese sailors then Spanish, English, and Dutch, more and more explorations proceeded, records were kept and passed on, and so on. (There was Columbus, of course, but many others as well.)

    There may be no equivalent of Christopher Columbus regarding the vast inner terrain, not yet; but everyone who engages in intrepid explorations and reports — even if the “official” world scoffs at them or refuses to listen to them — contributes to an eventual mass acceptance of what, after all, has always been there.

    I suggest your fear of an “other” — one prominent during your “buzzing” moments — is unnecessary, this “other” being in actuality simply a larger and more expansive part of yourself. (Note that Seth, for example, spoke of himself, Rob Butts, and Jane Roberts, as being but part of an overall larger being.)


    Bill I.

  49. gaian said

    Hi Anthonynorth and Bill I.,

    I’m late in my response because I’ve been suffering from ‘hover-itis’ (fear of clicking the refresh button) since I last posted. Today, I could stand it no more. I finally hit refresh and I am so glad I did!

    Until a couple of years ago, I too was a dyed-in-the-wool skeptic, even denying my early experiences as anything other than coincidence. It’s interesting how my perspective did a one-eighty when I stopped believing in coincidence. Suddenly, my experiences couldn’t be so easily dismissed and forced me to investigate further.

    Everything changed when I began writing a post on the Washington Post ‘On Faith’ blog on January 1st, 2007. I began writing it, but several hours and many pages later, my ‘other’ self finished it. It was chock full of information regarding consciousness that I had never heard, let alone written, before. The analogies it put forth blew my mind! Much like my ‘universal theory’, it took knowledge I already had, re-arranged it and added to it. This didn’t stop after one post on that first day. It continued and grew corralaries over several subsequent posts over several weeks. I consider the experience to be one of automatic writing and it came in the midst of a virtual onslaught of paranormal experiences. It is a MAJOR catalyst in my life to this day.

    Bill I – Yes, I believe that my ‘other’ self is actually the larger ‘me’. That is why it does not reveal itself as something other than myself, for it is my self. It does answer me in general, although sometimes its answers seem cryptic – at first. Around the time I wrote that first post to ‘On Faith’, I asked it what was happening. Its response was clear, although confusing at the time: You know all you need to know; now, you must understand.

    From my heart of hearts, I thank you for your kind words. I feared being flamed – or, at the very least, being called a blog hog!

    Guess what? I’m buzzing… 🙂

  50. Ann said

    I wish it were true. But, it seems to me, consciousness shifts are only a wishful individual, very personal events. Perhaps it is more than that, but it’s too individual-focused. We and other people in the world, in our everyday lives, are still being exploited and many people all over the world are still going hungry. I really wish it was something more than that; I really do.

  51. Hi Ann,
    In many ways you’re right, but sometimes a cultural shift does seem to occur. Do they solve the problems of the world? Perhaps not. But to me, 95% of the world’s population ARE peace loving and just want to get on with life. The trouble is caused by the other 5% – who seem to be immune to such shifts.

  52. Bill I. said

    Dear Gaian:

    There’s nothing quite like a bit of buzzing to announce the presence of what some might call a “shift in consciousness.”

    Bill I.

  53. James E. Thrib said


    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your messages. Inspiring, to me.

    I’m the old Brit friend of Bill I, who had the Pink Floyd dream.

    It’s this kind of thing that I’ve been missing for a while. I was involved with Bill in some of the early Seth mailing lists, and although the kinds of thoughts expressed in Seth Speaks still form a central part of my understanding of existence, it’s been a long time since I connected with other people on this type of thing.

    If you know what I mean. I’m feeling bizarrely incoherent today. 🙂

    Anyhoo, just wanted to let you know your messages were appreciated.


  54. gaian said

    Hi James and Bill I.,

    Thank you both for your posts. I remain astounded by – and grateful for – these recent connections. I too am inspired by what – and who – I have found here.

    James, you mentioned Seth mailing lists. Do you know if there are other groups or lists still operating? I found a Yahoo Group initiated by Robert Butts and Laurel Davies-Butts; however, it seems so impersonal. There is also a Seth Ring that I’ve yet to fully explore. I guess I’m looking for something interactive – but I’m not sure what, exactly.

    Not to worry, James. I do believe that Seth (and others like ‘him’) are making a come back!

    I have always loved Pink Floyd, but now I hear it so much differently. ‘Comfortably Numb’ takes on a whole new meaning! The groups Rush and Jethro Tull are also favorites of mine, although – like Pink Floyd – I now ‘listen’ to their music and ‘understand’ their lyrics in a brand new way. Strange, because the messages were always there. I just didn’t percieve them in this manner until recently. Now, I find these messages all over the place (music, poetry – my own, from nearly 20 years ago, prose, art, movies) – old and new.

    If you’ll indulge me, below is a poem I wrote in the late eighties. It was a much different time for me then, long before I was consciously aware of anything of the nature of which we’ve been conversing. This is one of MANY poems of like kind, as I wrote prolifically during that time. Now, I know why I was compelled to write them – and how they were written. Above all, twenty years on, I now understand them. At the time I wrote them, I certainly didn’t and I could only wonder what they meant.

    With this particular poem, I not only understand it now, I live it – verbatim. I hope you like it! Cheers!


    Shimmering lights beckon me to a secret place
    Deep within my soul

    So easy
    So fulfilling
    To explore in the safety of myself

    Engulf me in my meditation

    I lose all comprehension
    Of reality around me

    Suspended in thought
    I am aware only of my being
    And carefree in it

    No walls to bar me
    No doors to lock me
    Endless possibilities abound

    A wondrous sensation
    Rapturous freedom is my glory

    An open mind
    Behind closed eyes
    And I discover

  55. gaian said

    BTW, I can literally HEAR myself buzzing. It’s an ultra low volume, high pitched static…

  56. gaian said

    How’s this for ‘coincidence’: Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright passed away today. Shine on… 😦

  57. James E. Thrib said


    Bill does have his own sethy stylee mailing list, which I re-tuned into just a couple of weeks ago. (Bill and I had been out of communication for years.) I hope Anthony (and Bill) won’t mind me giving you the address here – sorry if this is against blog etiquette Anthony. And sorry if this is against any privacy rules Bill.

    As for other sethy type lists – I’m so far out of the loop at the moment that I haven’t a clue. Bill could certainly clue you in.

    Weird news about the Pink Floyd chappie – wonder why I created that. 🙂

    Nice poem BTW.


  58. Carl said

    I am responding to your blog about HOW TO EXPLAIN CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFTS. I am hoping you can shed some light on an experience I had back in 1990. I have only told a couple of people about it and they looked at me like I was crazy so I do not talk about it anymore. The experience only lasted for about 30 to 45 seconds but it was the most powerful and beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Before I describe it, I need to say that I did absolutely nothing to trigger this experience and I cannot give a label or name to it. All these years I have sought for an answer to what it was and what caused it, but I cannot find anyone who can explain it to me. Here is what I experienced. I was actually driving and in traffic when I felt heat in my solar plexus area and I did not pay much attention to it at first. Then, the heat intensified rapidly until it was so hot I should have felt discomfort, but there was no discomfort at all. Then, the heat radiated throughout my entire body and moved up my spine. When the heat got to my head I experienced an extremely exaggerate or intense form of awareness. This was NOT another level of consciousness but rather another kind of consciousness. I was not only aware, but somehow I was the awareness itself. This is what is difficult to explain. I was also aware that everything is perfect and happening exactly according to some greater plan. In spite of all the things we consider wrong with the world. I can only describe what I felt as God Consciousness. I was somehow aware that I was everywhere at the same time. Don’t ask me how, but that is what I was experiencing; along with the most intense euphoria. The only thing I have come across that comes close to describing my experience is something called the Kundalini experience. It felt like someone pealed back this reality and gave me a 30 -40 second glimpse of Heaven itself. I do not know what caused it and it has never happened again. Do you have any thoughts as to what I could have experienced? Any honest answer will be welcomed.



  59. Hi Carl,
    An interesting experience. This link, and accompanying comments may be of value:


  60. KKJ said

    I am not a religious person and I am not a scientific person. Maybe I am a touch of both, however I am fully able to understand both.
    When you ust the term “we”, do you have a small grey mouse in your pocket? “We”, surely does not mean everyone on earth.
    I know from what I have read that “We” surely does not include myself.
    One thing I am fully aware of is that both, religious people and scientific people do have a common goal. Both are determined to destroy the very planet where they exist. In every religious person there is a scientist, and in the scientific there is some religion. They are so much alike, yet remain so intensely in conflict with each other to see it.
    “If there is one thing I hate more than prophicy it is self fullfilling prophecy.”

  61. Hi KKJ,
    I love the way you object to my use of ‘we’, and then state:

    ‘In every religious person there is a scientist, and in the scientific there is some religion’

    Which ‘we’ are those? 😉

  62. epsychic said

    Are we due another, maybe more dramatic shift in 2012?

    There seems to be a lot of hype about it at the moment?

  63. Hi Epsychic,
    There’s been so much hype about 2012, certainly. And i supose, in a way, it could be a self-fulfilling prophecy – if enough people believe …

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