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    December 2009
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on December 15, 2009

ABC Wednesday & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



We are said to live in a victim culture but what is a victim, and why
has it become so important? Life is full of adversity – some of our own
making, some not. This produces casualties, but these are not
victims. Victimhood comes from self-indulgence upon your problems.

Hence, 50% of victimhood
is self-made.

Such adversity should fuel the person to rise above it, thus being the
making of you. We should thrive through adversity, so why is this not
the case for so many today? One reason is that life is no longer about
survival. We have time on our hands to think too much about our
place. This led, correctly, to the idea of human rights, but also to the
idea that life is not fair. This is very true, but a pointless attitude.
However, what we are is usually dependent upon the system and
culture to which we belong. Predominant here is political correctness
and the idea that minority groups are victims to the majority. Again,
this is quite true and it is right that such groups achieve equality. But
the system did not leave it here. As super-capitalism arose, it was
realized that political correctness destroyed meaning in an
over-culture. Meanings such as tradition used to ease feelings of
alienation and offered direction, but there was no profit in this. But if
tradition could be destroyed, then meaning could be transferred to
the personal and self-satiation. And what better way to achieve this
than the owning of luxury consumer goods? But even this was not
enough. Soon the idea of consumer perfection arose, with a celebrity
culture goading you on to be even more perfect in terms of clothes,
accessories, looks and lifestyle. But the reality is, perfection is an
unachieveable goal. Thus the feeling of victimhood is intensified, with
your only course the continuing vicious circle of consumerism in the
vain hope that you may achieve and no longer be an alienated victim.
In the victim culture, super-capitalism has captured the human

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: It seems £4.5bn
a year in wasted by UK councils on
needless bureaucracy. Yea, sure. And the
rest. We have descended into a totalitarian style
bureaucratic system since Labour took over. It’s squeezing
the country dry and placing so many dictats on the population that
it’s impossible to go out the door without breaking myriad laws. They
say there once was freedom.

SPACE NEWS: So Sir Richard Branson is one step closer to his dream
of space tourism. I think this is a great idea. Govt makes a
terrible explorer. This has always been done funded by
business. Why should space be any different? This
is where Big Biz should be – not keeping us in a
neverending loop of pointless consumerism.
Hey Big Biz, get the hell off this planet!!!



The Magazine Post with a gentle hint of horror

One Single Impression
ReadWritePoemFriday Flash 55
Three Word Wednesday


Mummy got lost, junction in Death,
Hannibal there too, having eaten a chef,
A Werewolf prowls, comes to say hello,
Vampire flys down, he’s lying low;
Girl walks the path, approaching the bush,
Straight out of a fairytale – she’s in no rush,
The monsters gather about to pounce,
‘Hey, cool,’ she says, ‘innit,’ announced;
Little Red Riding Hoodie is no longer game,
Seen videos aplenty, the real is quite lame,
From Twilight to Buffy, she’s seen all the tricks,
She blasts them with thought and sweeps up their bits


Fiction: We were told the house was haunted but how could we
resist? It was so serene – both my wife and I felt it. At least, at first.
But as we began to experience the presence more and more, it was
inevitable it would come between us. ‘It’s evil,’ my wife would say,
but I never believed the accidents were down to the presence. My
wife had always been somewhat clumsy. No, all I could feel in the
presence was loneliness, a need to be loved once more … Did I fall in
love with her? Was the sight of her in the long flowing dress merely
illusion? Were those experiences at night true ecstasy, or simply vivid
dreams? Certainly I never noticed that, as the presence became
happier, a loneliness began to cling to my wife. Yet I suppose it was
inevitable she would take action … The exorcist was very good. I
could almost feel the horrendous shots of pain that began to cripple
the presence, and I felt the sadness as she was banished. Later I
rediscovered my love for my wife, and when I bought her that long
flowing dress I knew we could be healed.


Those meteors came and hit the moon,
Pierced stars will arrive here soon,
Abiding trees will be pulled on their backs,
As wind so strong begins its attack,
Curled up in your shell will be no defence,
Can’t telephone for help, precious pretence,
Cannot be moved to a safer place,
Neglect of radar kills the human race


Fiction: I feel different now – don’t know what’s possessed me, but I’m
aware that what I say isn’t me – never has been, really. And why
have I always felt manipulated? He did it; I know he did. Well, when
he gets me out of the trunk and props me on his knee, he’ll get a


A queer day, bleak, all wrong,
Where are the people? Why no throng?
Kidnapped by a strange reality,
Normal thoughts evicted – insanity!!!
Wandering far, much despair,
What are those shadows? Why do they stare?
Too much gone on, more than a frown,
Life’s horrific hiccup, mind shut down

© Anthony North, December 2009

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

96 Responses to “VICTIMS”

  1. I’ve noticed this ‘victim’ mentality for some time now. I’ve also noticed that for some it’s created by them. Lots of it has to do with spending. Everyone (well many) were refinancing their homes to buy toys. When the housing market collapsed they blamed that instead of their budget decisions as the fault. Then they played the victim. Many no longer live here as they have lost their homes. I don’t get that.

    As for political correctness. It will destroy our way of life. It seems to be directed at the natives and the newcomers are calling the shots as to what we can and can’t say. Take Merry Christmas as an example. This so offends many. And never mention God in anything. Tough I say.

    Have a terrific day Anthony. 🙂

  2. Hi Sandee,
    Thanks for that. I remember not long ago the PC brigade tried to cut down on the use of Christmas. Many of the minorities here said this idea is stupid. It seems it is only the liberal left around today who actually don’t like it.

  3. Twilight said

    Celebrity worship and good ol’ human greed and craftiness all feed into what’s termed “victim culture”. I don’t want to live in a world with no political correctness though – we’ve had this conversation before, I think AN 😉 Taken too far, it’s a menace, but the core reason for what we call political correctness is simple courtesy and compassion. It’s “cool” to rail against it, but take it away completely and you’re heading back to the dark ages.

    “Meteor Watch” – oooer!

    And….LOL! Hannibal ate a chef! Now that is poetic justice !

  4. Hi Twilight,
    Yes, I’ve always fought for the underdog, as we used to say. I’m absolutely passionate about minority rights. Infact, so were so many who changed the law in the UK regarding equality for women, homosexuals and ethnic minorities. But the point is, I suppose, all the milestones were reached before ‘political correctness’ had been invented – which makes me wonder what modern PC is really about.
    Thanks for the kind words about the poems 🙂

  5. Marvelous post as always, Anthony! Here in the states we’re seeing more and people who are victims of the system. And it’s very sad. I feel that everything the United States used to stand for is in jeopardy. Like you I’ve always been a fighter for the underdog and minority rights, and I’ve never seen differences in people regardless of color, race, gender or sexual preference. People are people period. And I too, wonder just what “political correctness” is all about. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. And thanks as always for stopping by and for your comments! They’re always appreciated!


  6. Hi Sylvia,
    Many thanks. Yes, something is going very wrong. PC seems to be above and different from oneness with minorities. It’s getting out of hand.

  7. Your thoughts on the cult of victimhood made me think of Jerry White and Survivor Corps. His excellent book I Will Not Be Broken is a great book for getting through adversity without the soppy self-pity that makes so many people a burden on society.

  8. There is a big difference between victims and casualties. For sure. How could that have slipped past the ‘biggest’ thinkers? 😦 PC? My foot.

  9. I’m finding in the United States that the will of the people has been victimized by the power of the banks, the insurance companies and other monied interests. And while a letter to a Congressperson or even a protest or two seems to be in order, it does not appear to hold any long-term sway. It doesn’t help that when redistricting comes after the next Census in 2010, not much will change.

  10. Hi Sandy,
    I haven’t read that book but it sounds about right to me.

    Hi Tumblewords,
    I often find the ‘biggest thinkers’ are usually the most mundane.

    Hi Roger,
    I think this is where the word ‘victimhood’ kicks in – the idea that you no longer have the power to change things. It’s something I can never accept.

  11. Jeeves said

    Thanks for these words

    Victimhood comes from self-indulgence upon your problems.

    I needed this piece of words for solace!

  12. Hi Jeeves,
    Thanks for that. It’s certainly how I see the problem.

  13. Reader Wil said

    You are right that half of the victims are selfmade victims. They want to be a victim, because of the attention they get.The others are either real victims who are damaged and humiliated in such away, that they always view their world with suspicion or they have the will power to fight the urge to be a victim and become a victor instead.
    One of the Aboriginal elders told me I was humiliated and wounded by ignorant people, but I am not their victim, I am now a victor! He radiated selfconfidence and serenity. As long as you feel hatred against your torturers or bullies, you are a victim. Bullies are pathetic and they have so many weaknesses that their victims will be surprised if they knew them.
    Good post! Something to think about.

  14. Hi Reader Wil,
    Many thanks. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  15. Rose said

    I could write a page here in response to this! But I need to get busy, so I’ll keep it short:) This idea of victimhood is, I think, at the root of so many problems in society today. The classic example is the lawsuit several years ago over McDonald’s hot coffee. I assume even in the UK you heard about that? As a former teacher, I saw so many students who didn’t do well in school or were frequent troublemakers had this lack of personal responsibility. And not surprisingly, when I met their parents, they had the same attitude.

  16. Hi Rose,
    Yes, we have similar incidents over here to the coffee case. It’s absolute madness. Glad you liked the post.

  17. ThomG said

    Such great nuggets of wisdom and fiction. Coming here is an event to be savored.

  18. Hi Thom,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  19. james said

    I have no knowledge what the other person is feeling or going through so totally wrong for me call him a victim. All i should be concerned with is who this person is and see beyond current animalistic level of development.

    So what if this person blames others for something that they produced. They are the ones suffering and should be allowed to feel this suffering.

    Its only when they have suffered and can no longer carry the suffering that they will look for a solution. As long as these people stay with in laws of society we should show them love and understanding.

  20. Hi James,
    I’m not saying they shouldn’t be shown understanding. I’m saying that the attitude is ultimately self-defeating.

  21. I loved the poem ‘Breakdown’ and Flash 55, ‘Talk Back’ – both thought-provoking. Thank you.

  22. Mark said

    There is an undercurrent of hostility and/or disillusionment to these pieces, Anthony. Considering the erosion you speak of, I’m not surprised.

    Yet again…more nuggets of thought hiding in plain sight.

  23. Hi David,
    Thanks for that, and welcome.

    Hi Mark,
    Many thanks. I guess I let the vibes out when I write mild horror.

  24. My attitude as always been it’s happen, there’s nothing you can do about it, get on with it, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. For that I have been told I am hard or heartless. When I think back to the things that have happen to me in the past I could easily have called myself a ‘victim’ but I never have, I have always thought ‘that’s life, learn from it’

  25. Hi Little Old Me,
    Very well said.

  26. Flash 55 is a pleasure to read!

    ode to percy bisque silley

  27. james said

    Whats the difference between one state an other, what determines how long a person spends in a certain state?

    time + individuals qualities = time spent in a state.

    individual qualities= what your born with(genetics), envirmoment (parents, family, country), and society. These are qualities that we born with.We were not asked about these things we just born into them. These can not be changed they can me removed but but never replaced. So you now see why it doesnt make any sense to label people as victims.Its not thier fault they spend more time in one state to other person its thier qualities that force this on them. This law applies to any state we find ourselves in.

  28. derrick2 said

    Hi Anthony,

    Really enjoyed Frightful Junction, Meteor Watch (great use of the wordle) and Talk Back!

  29. Hi Gautami,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi James,
    So are you saying it’s right to just give up, feel sorry for yourself, and never rise above it?

    Hi Derrick,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

  30. I enjoyed the whole read, especially “Frightful Junction”. Thank you for sharing.


  31. Hi Nicole,
    Many thanks. Glad you liked the post.

  32. Mama Zen said

    I love Frightful Junction!

  33. Hi Mama Zen,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  34. james said

    nope because these people will come out this state when they are ready. Its not are concern how long they spend in a state. If they ask for help then thats a different matter and we should help them. If they dont want any help and continue acting as a victim this is also ok.

    Everything in this world has purpose and we shouldnt dismiss or erase anything.

  35. Hi James,
    Fair enough, but I’d argue if it was ‘out there’ more that self-indulgence in problems can be self-defeating, they may be able to conquer it quicker. To confirm their victimhood as ‘ok’ does the opposite.

  36. james said

    really doesnt matter what you say to them. When they are ready they will move. Its like a child playing with toy and adult comes along takes over and shows the child how to use the toy correctly. What do think will happen? child will get upset and tell the adult to go away and they will continue playing with toy the way they want.What is play? playing is learning and its very serious business for a person. As adults we play everyday, not with toys but with ideas,emotions etc. This idea of playing never leaves us it just get buried under a persons ego as they age.

    so which is best option? tell them they have problem and they need help? or tell them what they are experiencing is prefectly normal?

    Its best not concern are selfs with such matters because you will just make things worse by trying to help. Think of it like taking medicine in short term the medicine taste awful and has some side effects but in long run it cure you. Let them take thier medicine and make the patience comfortable as posible.

  37. Hi James,
    Person to person, maybe, mainly because we’ve got a culture that says it is okay. Ths is the whole point of what I’ve been saying – we react as our culture suggests we should. Change the culture, we increase everyone’s guard over such defeatism.

  38. Meteor Watch. How slowly we learn. Your poem builds and builds until the end which makes me hold my breath and hope for…?

  39. I really like the way in your poem the apocalyptic and cosmic homes in on and shrinks down to the specific, familiar, and finally banal. I agree. It will be through oversight rather than deliberate act that the ultimate catastrophe finally happens.

  40. Hi Tumblewords,
    Many thanks. Hopefully there’ll always be hope, though.

    Hi David,
    Thanks for that. Yes, the whole pointlessness of our inaction.

  41. Linda said

    I’m quite sure I signed a paper the day I was born that said, “Life will be fair to me.”
    Didn’t we all sign that?
    I love these words,
    “Why should space be any different? This
    is where Big Biz should be – not keeping us in a
    neverending loop of pointless consumerism.
    Hey Big Biz, get the hell off this planet!!!”
    So this is my lot, living in an unfair world of pointless consumerism! =D

  42. Hi Linda,
    I see it as the latest ideology – we know this because we’re told ideology is dead. That usually means it’s thriving and winning.
    Hopefully it will only be a blip in history, though 😉

  43. Dr. John said

    I agree with your essay on the victim culture. You always think these things through so well.

  44. Irene said

    Anthony, You’ve obviously read or watched Twilight and that’s a delight.
    Meteor watch is a funny dire warning.

  45. Hi Dr John,
    Thanks for that. I’ve had a lot of time to think about them.

    Hi Irene,
    Many thanks. I’m beginning to think kids, today, are anaesthetised to the things that used to scare us.

  46. ha. love the 55. he is no dummy, eh?

    mine is up!

  47. Felicitas said

    Very clever (and creepy) 55!

  48. Your 55 reminded me of a car jacking…being found in a trunk…my son!!! Tho he survived, his ‘talkback’ was to send the ‘jackers’ to jail.

    And I really like the “Breakdown” too Anthony.

    MY 55 is all about snow suits and the urge….come see HERE


  49. jessie said

    i think my fav was frightful junction, although i did enjoy The Lover and your viewpoints on victimism.

  50. Your meteor watch has such a terse, compellingly quiet terror within its words. Fascinating to see the variety of poems written using the same words as the foundation.

  51. Hi Brian,
    No, this is no dummy – and plenty of attitude 🙂

    Hi Felicitas,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

    Hi Hootin’ Anni,
    Yes, it’s always best to check out the trunk 😉

    Hi Jessie,
    Many thanks. I quite enjoyed writing the ‘Frightful’ one, too.

    Hi Julie,
    Yes, there’s a marvellous variety over those words.

  52. Great 55, but you cut it off too soon. I want to know what the dummy said.

  53. Hi Alice,
    Sorry about that, but I don’t think it would be very nice 😉

  54. Jay said

    Certainly some victimhood is self-inflicted, but I don’t know how much. Also, our society is tipping so much towards helping the perpetrators of injustice and excusing them on the basis of upbringing or disadvantage, that we are making whole new categories of victims. That’s not good.

  55. Hi Jay,
    A good point. Whenever I thnk of someone who committed crime because of upbringing I think of all those others with that upbringing who didn’t.

  56. jadey said

    Hey there Tony,

    I always love visiting and reading what you have to write. You are right seems now a days the thing to do is to be the victim it it really is sad. About your 55 what a great 55 and I love the way the dummy seems to be really alive with the way you write. I hope you have a great weekend and a fabulous holiday.

  57. Thom said

    I enjoyed Breakdown real well.:) Excellent as a matter of fact. And what a 55 🙂 Well done my friend 🙂

  58. Hi Jadey,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

    Hi Thom,
    Many thanks. Much appreciated.

  59. Monkey Man said

    Putting words into his mouth. The dummy. Great 55. My 55 is HERE.

  60. Hi Monkey Man,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  61. G-Man said

    Loved it all Tony!
    I’ve gotta read Everything once I arrive!
    Excellent 55 My Friend.
    Thanks for another Masterpiece, and have a Great Week-End…Galen

  62. Prats said

    the lover was fantabulous !!!!!

  63. Hi G-Man,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

    Hi Prats,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

  64. Akelamalu said

    Loved the 55 Anthony – Not just a wooden top eh? LOL

  65. Hi Akelamalu,
    No, this one has attitude 😉

  66. Dr. John said

    Your flash 55 was well done as usual and with the usual twist on the end. I really like what you do with the flash.

  67. wayne said

    great read again Anthony…thanks for sharing your words

  68. Hi Dr John,
    Many thanks. I enjoy doing twisty tales.

    Hi Wayne,
    Thanks for that, and you’re welcome.

  69. Loch Rob said

    I am still chuckling over your poem for the OSI: Junction prompt. How true, the evolution from the past classics to Buffy blasting them into bits; in the end. And so it goes. Nicely, done.

    I agree with your perspective on victims. How true. I see it every day in work and with what is going on in our country. We live in a “have it now” society where excess is the norm. When something happens like financially overextending, then the individual becomes the victim, playing the part so well. What is even more concerning is that the government then comes into play, bailing out the “victim” from the excess, with more taxes to the rich. Whatever happened to moderation, a little sacrifice and living within your means. Go figure.

  70. Hi Loch Rob,
    Thanks for that. Yes, victimhood and capitalism work on each other, almost to the point of the personal becoming ideological. Rights and wealth have become a right in themselves.

  71. I agree to the fact that our apathetic behavior makes us a victim. Of anything.

    at the junction of mind over body

  72. Hi Gautami,
    Yes, too many wear it as a badge of honour.

  73. Talk Back is genius! Being a puppet….

  74. Hi Sandy,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  75. Guru Tony is brilliant with his thoughts this week. Brilliant, I say! Spot on. (And I loved your clever poems, as always.) :~)

  76. Hi Sweetest In The Gale,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Too kinds.

  77. What can I say after 76 comments. As always Anthony, your work is not only witty but full of great images. Well done.


  78. Hi Melanie,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  79. if said

    so many junctions Anthony….that was funny!!

  80. Hi If,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

  81. poetryaboutart said

    On “Meteor Watch” — the mingling of past, present, and future verb tenses is unsettling: the end has come, is coming, will be coming. We watch for it everywhere, everytime…

  82. Hi Poetryaboutart,
    Many thanks. It’s certainly an unsettling subject.

  83. Amity Me said

    I enjoyed how you did it Anthony, the rhyme as well as the humor in it…exciting take on the prompt, it is!

  84. stan said

    And here’s comment No84 – You’re a Victim of your own popularity. Another fine post.

  85. Hi Amity Me,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

    Hi Stan,
    Many thanks. It’s a form of victimhood I can put up with 🙂

  86. Love the 55 flash. It’s so hard to tell a story in such a short space.

  87. Hi Nara,
    Thanks for that, and welcome.

  88. lissa said

    METEOR WATCH – a delightful read

  89. Hi Lissa,
    Many thanks. Glad you liked it.

  90. Frightful Junction is a fun read. RedHoodingRide is in good company with the werewolves and such. I like that she sweeps up their bits. Shows character. 🙂

  91. Shadowplay said

    Since we got a Wii for our little boy for Christmas, your Frightful Junction has special significance, lol. I love that line, “blasts them with thought.” Makes me think on several levels… And bravo for your writing on victimization… much wisdom there.

  92. Hi Tumblewords,
    Many thanks. Things we fear seem to change over time.

    Hi Shadowplay,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  93. Reader Wil said

    Hi Anthony! You wrote:” Politicians
    cannot solve the global problem. Does that mean it’s
    down to us? Yes ….”
    It is not as hopeless as it seems. First of all there were a lot of demonstrations all over the world and people are getting more and more aware that there are alternatives for coalmining and nuclear energy. They take the initiatives to have their houses better insulated or to have solar panels installed. The climate change is a daily topic for everybody, whereas it was considered to be nonsense some years ago. So if the general public is going to be concerned the governments are going to follow, I hope!!! The weather has always been very important and that’s why the meme “Sky Watch”is so popular. This snow for instance is disturbing all traffic at home and abroad. And all over Europe there is chaos because of it, enough to make us realize that we depend on the weather for all our activities.

  94. Hi Reader Wil,
    Oh yes, I’m sure we’ll all get it eventually, but how close to the brink will we get? Hopefully not too close.

  95. Loch Rob said

    I agree that wanderlust can be significantly explored within the mind. Imagination is the fountain of discovery and desire. Nicely done Anthony. Happy Holidays!

  96. Hi Loch Rob,
    Yes, I can agree with that. Hope you have a good holiday, too.

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