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    May 2010
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on May 30, 2010

Theme Thursday, Microfiction Monday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, themed mini mag with fiction & poetry, or just
read the lot. You’ll also see a linked essay and story from
my archives. Why not call back later to read them?
Plenty for everyone here. Do call again.

I’m now on Facebook


Fiction: The magician promised new
green energy. But at what cost to
humans? There’s no such thing as a
free lunch – except to dragons.


We like to think we live in a free world, but the dangers are more than
the jackboot. Sometimes lack of freedom can be subtle. Society, you
see, has two elements – the people and the system. The system
should be there to help the people, but all too often it can grow too
powerful and end up controlling the people, whether they realize it or
not. I guess it’s the natural course power will take in society. Society
seems to be hardwired towards totalitarianism.


In the beginning there was white and
all was good but exactly the same, so
the universe said let there be all the
colours of the rainbow and there was
bad and joy and hate and love and …
I guess we need them all to see where
we’re going.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: Senior police warn
Home Sec’s plans are driven by dogma.
Oh dear. This from a force that imposed political
correctness commissars.

SPORT NEWS: Cut price tickets on sale for the World Cup
as audiences don’t reach what was hoped for. Never thought
Recession would hit this.

BRIT NEWS: Chancellor does blitz on central govt expenses & other
areas. That takes care of a tenth of the cuts to be made.

BRIT NEWS: Duchess of York apologises for trying to sell access to
Prince Andrew. Shame there was no guilt before trying to do it.

EDUC NEWS: Brit govt to allow best schools to have academy
status. Since Grammars scrapped they’ve been trying
to reappear. There’s a need.

HEALTH NEWS: Doc behind MMR controversy gets struck
off. This smells too much like revenge; or example
making? Don’t cross us, it says.

GREEN NEWS: Chemicals used to clean up Gulf
oil spill could be adding to eco-disaster.
We’re in a whole new world
after this.



What’s ahead … and Beyond!!!

One Single Impression
Sunday ScribblingsFriday Flash 55
Three Word WednesdayThursday Poets’ Rally
Writer’s Island


The sun appeared in front of me,
Melting wings my destiny,
We’d progressed so much, reached so high,
Yet it all ends in weapons filling the sky,
And now I vapourise in nuclear heat,
Icarus warned us of the end we’d meet


Fiction: It was an intriguing enigma. Acting had become increasingly
mechanical for quite a while now, even though no one knew exactly
why. Until, that is, the Acne android factory was found deep below the
Hollywood Hills. Yet, even with the evidence, it was unclear when the
humans had stopped and the androids had taken over.


Future scientists put on trial,
Caught in the act, no denial,
Took the Blind Side, got it wrong,
Specialisation shrouding Holism’s song;
In times past only killed a few,
But they had to act when the planet blew


Sci Fi: The locals said that the only people to get off the planet alive
had turned mad. Sentient beings just could not exist there. And
predictably, I was sent to investigate. Landing, I exited the ship and
immediately ran into a problem. The alien was stood there in front of
me. I tried to move round him but he was nimble. Indeed, everything
I did he seemed to do simultaneously, and he would not budge. Hence,
I turned round to get into the ship, but there he was, straight away.
Eventually I thought it through, turned round and walked backwards
into the ship. My theory was later proved. The air was full of
reflective crystals. It was distorted, but the alien I was fighting
was myself.


Go left by the nova, just after black hole,
Get it wrong, it’ll swallow your soul,
This is the mantra every star pilot learns,
‘Cos from this part of space, no one returns;
Don’t go that way! You’ll get us all killed!!!
The fool! He’s done it! I feel quite chilled;
What is it!? It’s horrendous! It’s gonna go ZAP!!!
Anyone out there? Listen: It’s a huge man tra …


BRIT NEWS: Blair gets top venture
capital job. Fair enough, but was he ever
a socialist? If so, champagne socialism reaches
new heights.

WORLD NEWS: Tension steadily increasing between North
& South Korea. If it turns to real violence, has US enough troops
to reinforce?

EURO NEWS: Italy latest country to announce austerity measures. The
‘soft underbelly’ of Europe is causing real problems once more.

WORLD NEWS: Pentagon creates cyber squad to defend net from
militarisation. Inevitable. Beat the net and we lose control.

BRIT NEWS: Lib Dems want referendum on alternative
vote next May. That’s plenty of time for Tory
backbenchers to bury it.

CRIME NEWS: 40 Brit pensioners been fired
at or threatened with Tasers by police.
What happened to use only when
in serious danger?

© Anthony North, May 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

Follow me on Twitter

129 Responses to “TOTALITARIANISM”

  1. wordwand said

    Interesting pieces of news and an indepth analysis of world events.well done Anthony.

  2. naquillity said

    another great post Anthony. i agree the system should be there for the people but so often it isn’t a lot of the time. tasers can be a wonderful tool to help police and citizen alike but misuse is always a factor with weapons unfortunately. hope all is well.

  3. Hi Naquillity,
    Thanks for that. Yes, a system must be FOR the people. I suspect that, not realising this may be behind indiscretions, such as inappropriate Taser use.

  4. Hi Wordwand,
    Many thanks. I try to keep a close eye on the world. It’s not that I don’t trust it 😉

  5. Beach Bum said

    Chemicals used to clean up Gulf
    oil spill could be adding to eco-disaster.
    We’re in a whole new world
    after this.

    Its not making the news but people all through the Gulf Coast have been asking they stop using the chemical dispersant because many feel those chemicals are worse than the actual spill. Still expecting the oil slick to get caught and pulled around Florida and taken by the Gulf Stream.

  6. Hi Beach Bum,
    Yes, often the cure can be as bad as the cause. Tragically we haven’t seen the end of this story.

  7. Carina said

    Love the pilot’s mantra!

  8. Hi Carina,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  9. william said

    another brilliant weekly review ur the best 🙂

  10. Hi William,
    Many thanks for the kind words 🙂

  11. James said

    News Report (from World Net Daily): …the U.S. is moving closer to a Nazi-style totalitarianism, warns a former German member of the Hitler Youth in a new book. “Every day brings this nation closer to a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss,” writes Hilmar von Campe…

    My view on this is if we are not moving toward global integration, then we are moving toward mutual isolation and the emergence of Nazi regimes in the developed countries. Its clear and simple choice madkind has to make.

  12. wayne said

    always keeping an eye on the world…not blindly…but with open eyes….then I sometimes want to close them….anyways good post again Anthony..and nice read…thanks for this

  13. Dee said

    Anthony doesn’t it seem like people give up freedom when they come to expect government to provide everything for them? Entitlement seems to be so out of hand. Not that I don’t want to be able to help those who CAN’T help themselves. It just seems like so many won’t at the detriment to their freedoms and their own character.

    The gulf oil spill is such a sad and scary thing. I don’t think anyone realizes the far reaching repercussions of it. I agree we are in a whole new world over this.

    Icarus, like Chicken Little, may have been correct.

    Acting Straight? Buwahaha – that can’t be true. robots wouldn’t act like such fools in their personal lives!!

    Blind Side and Mantra kind of went together this week!

  14. Linda Goin said

    Ah! Taking the atomic route for the blind side. Brilliant! Flashes of light!

  15. Divaa D said

    and creativity too is mostly mantra based! 🙂 good prompt

    Makes of a Melodious Mantra

  16. Thom said

    I guess it all depends upon who or what the free lunch is LOL. An Acne android factory? LOL too funny Both were excellent my friend 🙂

  17. quilly said

    That green energy might very well start fires of controversy!

    If androids took over Hollywood, would they still drink, cheat, carouse, take drugs and anemia?

  18. quilly said

    — and suffer from anemia — grrr, I don’t know what’s up with my keyboard (can’t be my brain).

  19. Hi James,
    Or opt for between the two. The hardest to do, but I’ll never give up on it. It’s called balance.

    Hi Wayne,
    Many thanks. I try to keep my eyes open, although sometimes the want to shut, too.

    Hi Dee,
    Thanks for that. As for freedom, etc, I think the important thing is balance between extremes, as I say to James, above.
    Ah, as for the android actors, they’re programmed to act like idiots to allow the android therapists to exist 😉

    Hi Linda,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Divaa D,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Thom,
    Thanks for that. I guess you’d just better not get too close to the power source 🙂

    Hi Quilly,
    Whatever your keyboard’s got, mine gets it sometimes, too. As for those android actors, as I said to Dee, above: they’re programmed to act like idiots to allow the android therapists to exist 😉

  20. John said

    Run for the hills, the Greens are coming…Mine is a homage to Friends and not a rip off! My Twitter story

  21. Hi John,
    They are indeed.

  22. Anthony, first, love the Microfiction Monday! Supposedly the #1 source of methane into the atmosphere is cows . . . so perhaps the dragon could help control the cow problem, which will help cut back on that particular greenhouse gas!

    Re: the spill — my brother in law shared a story on Saturday evening. At the end of WWII, my father in law (a pilot) could clearly see the entire East Coast of the US a oily, nasty mess all up and down from Florida to Massachusetts because of all the wrecks due to the German subs. People thought it would never be cleaned up. When he was flying the coast again in 1947, the beaches and spills and slicks had recovered. So while we need to do what we can to stop the leak, we don’t need to think this is the beginning of the end…

  23. Zephyr said

    No free lunch indeed! 🙂

    White was so beautifully put. and an android factory? 😀

  24. Hi Southlakesmom,
    A good idea about dragons and cows, although I suspect the methane may rise just before they’re eaten 🙂
    Yes, the slick will eventually go, of course. Mindst you, I think there’s a big difference between fuel and crude, if my memory serves me right.

    Hi Zephyr,
    Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated 🙂

  25. Pat said

    Re: Microfiction Monday…Yes, only an all-powerful dragon gets a free lunch–so true. Great story!

  26. Bill said

    I guess with Dragons any lunch is a Free Lunch. Let’s hope the free lunch didn’t include too much ingested gassy food.

  27. Hi Bill,
    Let’s hope not. That could be dangerous.

  28. Peggy said

    I agree with Bill, hopefully the dragon is staying away from all things gassy!
    Really good, love the green reference.

  29. Hi Peggy,
    Thanks for that. Yes, gassy not good 🙂

  30. white absence of color….black all colors…….maybe that proves that endings are not good…:)(is this idea strange?)

  31. Hi Sandra,
    As I see it, many strange ideas make a kind of sense.

  32. Twilight said

    Totalitarianism always waits in the shadows when the people don’t involve themselves with sufficient fervour in political matters. What we seem to have now, at least in the US, is a little different: Corporate Feudalism – we, the general public are the serfs; they choose and buy the politicians and leaders they can best control. We THINK we have choice and freedom and live in a democracy, but…….

    Oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is such a scary scenario, made scarier because those in charge don’t seem to have the faintest idea how to stop it. The Corexit dispersant creates more problems than it solves, or will do in years to come. Doomy!

  33. Hi Twilight,
    Yes, I agree with you about corporate feudalism – I’ve written about it myself often. It’s interesting that one of the seminal books saying a free society had to exist to fight collectivism was called The Road To Serfdom. Yes, it was.

  34. Great take on today’s pic, Anthony! May we all stay away from too much gassy stuff these days!


  35. Hi Sylvia,
    Thanks for that, and I hope so, too 🙂

  36. jabblog uk said

    Not only has the Gulf of Mexico got crude oil gushing into the sea but now it has shredded tyres and old golf balls – the imagination boggles. I liked your Microfiction – funny 🙂

  37. Hi Jabblog,
    Many thanks. I’m often boggled with the news nowadays.

  38. Hi Pat,
    Your comment was caught in my spam filters – there be dragons there 🙂 – but I’ve got it out. Thanks for the kind words.

  39. Grandma said

    I know a few politicians who should join that wizard!

  40. Jingle said

    very profound micro-fiction, green energy, cost on human, you are very brilliant!

  41. juliana said

    perhaps a few dragons is what this poor abused planet needs

  42. Hi Grandma,
    A very good idea.

    Hi Jingle,
    Many thanks for those kind words. Much appreciated.

    Hi Juliana,
    Yes, it’s certainly an abused planet at the moment.

  43. Janel said

    LOL on the MM! You definitely want to avoid being a dragon’s free lunch!!

  44. trisha said

    amazing as always. this one was eyecatcher:

    Duchess of York apologises for trying to sell access to
    Prince Andrew. Shame there was no guilt before trying to do it.


  45. Hi Janel,
    You do indeed. Thanks for that.

    Hi Trisha,
    Many thanks. Yes, she should have known better. Not very clever at all.

  46. moondustwriter said

    I’m impressed you are up and running and it’s the 30th. I had my White Theme Thursday and was waiting. “why wait? – Anthony has his up”
    Nice white by the way the world would be colorless

    Happy Monday

  47. Old Egg said

    A less than happy post, except perhaps for the Mantra piece which is what I came for. That was happier by comparison at least he got part a message back before the big zap!!

    Seriously though, why is it we are happy to hear false good news when the bad is always staring us in the face?

    Keep up the good work.

  48. marja said

    Great pieces of writing I especially love the “white” philosophy and the mantra is funny You have a very sharp intelligent mind

  49. Hi Moondustwriter,
    Thanks for that. Yes, the world would be even worse if it was colourless, I’m sure.

    Hi Old Egg,
    A good point. I sometimes think we’re hardwired to not face a problem until we have to.

    Hi Marja,
    Many thanks for those kind words. Much appreciated.

  50. Menina said

    I love your ‘White’ piece!

  51. Hi Menina,
    Many thanks for that.

  52. The world in general does indeed seem to be hardwired into totalitarianism, and frankly, I find that disturbing and can’t help but wonder just what people are thinking??? Has it just gotten too easy to give up and let others do the talking without paying a lot of attention to exactly what they are saying??? Lots of questions, not many answers! Thoughtful post as always, Anthony! Hope your week is going well!


  53. Hi Sylvia,
    Thanks for that. I think you partly answer the question there by asking just what people are thinking. When it comes to protecting freedoms, I’m not sure they are thinking at all. They’ve come to take it for granted. A mistake.

  54. re microfiction: Then why are dragons extinct? I enjoyed all of your poetry – as usual!

  55. Reader Wil said

    Very interesting stuff, Anthony! Mantra… scares me and also FLASH 55 – ACTING STRAIGHT. Androids are like computers. They do what they are programmed at and all other things they don’t know. They answer the telephone and show you how to solve problems on the computer, as long as the problems are not personal.

  56. Hi Granny Smith,
    Thanks for that. I guess they extinctguished themselves.

    Hi Reader Wil,
    Yes, I just hope that, if they become more a part of our lives, the makers remember Azimov’s three laws of robotics, the two main points being cause no harm to humans, and do not allow harm to be caused to a human.

  57. People complain about “politicians”. I think that most people entering politics do it for more or less the right reason – to serve – but that the “system” of needing more $$ to get re-elected, plus that power, corrupts.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  58. Hi Roger,
    Yes, I can agree with that. It’s a wrong state of affairs.

  59. You’re absolutely right about totalitarianism. It’s been a concern of mine for a long time now, as we lose more and more personal freedom in this ‘democracy’ of ours.

  60. ThomG said

    Reflective crystals indeed. What a mind-warp of Sci-Fi in “The Nimble Alien.” But I wonder if the was here is needed: “The alien was stood there…”

  61. Hi Jay,
    Yes, it’s becoming quite a problem.

    Hi Thom,
    Thanks for that. The result of the most difficult words you’ve given me so far.

  62. I like all of it! You always give us so much to think.

    Motivational speaking is a hogwash

  63. Hi Gautami,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  64. Totalitarianism. Free is a word of multi-meanings. I think it’s such an individualistic word because it’s a humongous cover for rights, mine, yours, theirs. Hmm. Nice T. I used to tell my kids that for each law passed, they lost a freedom to choose, so they should carefully examine the ramifications of each law they wanted.

  65. Hi Tumblewords,
    That is great advice to give kids. Vitally important.

  66. waystationone said

    all the colors can be appreciated for what they bring to this existance…nice…

  67. […] Anthonynorth: […]

  68. Nanc said

    ‘In the beginning there was white’

    Sounds like a much more cheerful beginning
    than Genesis’ “without form and void” …


  69. Stan Ski said

    Dragons – Green energy for sure!

    Proletariat v Bourgeoisie, is the struggle whatever your politics.

    Contrasts certainly give us direction.

    I’d never seen Icarus as a metaphor for war.

    55 says it all.

    Blind Side – didn’t see that coming!

    3WW – Sometimes we lose track of ourselves.

    Love your Man tra…

  70. There’s a lot of really good stuff in here, but what stands out to me the most is the news bits you had, and how you shaped them.

  71. Joe Suzz said

    this was pretty cool. we got to be careful we were are heading and if the system is set to fail.
    Enjoy the rally,

  72. Hi Brian,
    Thanks for that. Yes, we need plenty of colour.

    Hi Nanc,
    Yes, it seems much more cheery, doesn’t it?

    Hi Stan,
    Many thanks for that. Yes, in the end politics always comes down to class.

    Hi Inkfromblood,
    Many thanks. Yes, I like doing my little news balloons.

    Hi Joe Suzz,
    Thanks for the comment. Very true.

  73. betsy said

    I love white. It’s beautiful and it compliments all the other colors! Happy TT!

  74. Hi Betsy,
    Yes, it’s the purest of colours, isn’t it?

  75. VE said

    You mean the rainbow is really a giant GPS?

  76. Hi VE,
    If that’s how you want to see it, that’s okay with me 🙂

  77. soulintention: signed .............bkm said

    Great take on all the world news…. the gulf is a mess, there definintely is going to be no free lunch on this one…. if everything was still white we would not see it and would not think about going green……no humans had to the rainbow they are never satisfied….. fun read…..and great work..bkm

  78. Hi Bkm,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  79. I love the Brit news! Lovely to meet you, Anthony. Great title – Polly Ticks. We’ve certainly had a lot going on here over the past couple of months.

    Here’s my T13 – Hope you can drop by. 😉 Thirteen Characters – written as a page and not a blog post. Wasn’t sure how else to do it! LOL


  80. Hi Angelika,
    Thanks for that, and welcome. Yes, current affairs are busy.

  81. Even for dragons, it isn’t free. But they call swooping down on lunch “play.”

  82. Hi Alice,
    Yes, and playing while eating can give them heartburn.

  83. moondustwriter said

    thanks as always for your visit
    I was intrigued by your commentary on Totalitarianism – shockingly true
    and loved the Hollywood one – trying to figure out what really is beneath the Hollywood sign on the hill

  84. Hi Moondustwriter,
    Thanks for that. Yes, I like the idea of that factory. Makes a lot of sense 🙂

  85. KB said

    Nicely done, as always.

  86. Hi KB,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  87. mairmusic said

    I especially liked “white”! Thanks for stopping by yesterday– my poem is up now.

  88. Hi Mairmusic,
    Many thanks. glad you liked it.

  89. D.S. Lear said

    Wow! You cover it all brilliantly!

  90. Hi D S Lear,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  91. Given the standard of many Hollywood films, I would say we are fighting a lost cause! Here’s mine

  92. Hi Me a Writer,
    You could be right 🙂

  93. G-Man said

    You have your Sci-Fi boots on today Tony, thats for sure!
    Loved all of your entries today.
    An amalgam of Top Notch stories and observations.
    Thanks for taking the time to visit and play today.
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End…Galen

  94. Lilibeth said

    You are certainly right about totalitarianism. It is scary, and it’s scarier when it’s worldwide. People would rather be entertained and let the government think for them.

    Did you mean Acme Android Factory a la Wily Coyote?

  95. Hi G-Man,
    Thanks for that. I like to put on the anti-grav boots once a month 🙂

  96. Hi Lilibeth,
    Yes, so very true. And, yes, that was the factory 🙂

  97. Nessa said

    Your 55 is ominous but there do seem to be a lot of plastic people in Hollywood.

    It is always best to stay out of the system.

  98. Hi Nessa,
    I agree with you on both counts 🙂

  99. Acting Straight – I think you may be on to something.

    Blindside – Yeah that ought to get them off their hinds!

    Nimble Alien – funny and clever!

    Great mix yet again!

  100. Hi Jay,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

  101. You mean all this time it was metal acting? And I thought it was wooden.

  102. Hi Alice,
    I like that 🙂 It’s a totally new alloy, though, perfected during experiments in plastic surgery.

  103. Jingle said

    The Celebrate Blogger of April Award Announcement (Art, Humor, Short Stories)

    vote if not done so,
    or take the award…

  104. waystationone said

    we obviously have been watching the same movies…lol. nice 55.

  105. naramalone said

    Great 55 Anthony. I’m not surprised to find the Androids are in charge.

  106. Hi Brian,
    Yes, I think we have 🙂

    Hi Naramalone,
    Yes, it seems like that with many modern films, doesn’t it?

  107. Akelamalu said

    Loved your take on the Monday microfiction picture!

    I’m in agreement about the ‘android’ actors these days in your 55 too. 😉

  108. Hi Akelamalu,
    Thanks for that. It’s certainly method acting 🙂

  109. shakira said

    truly remarkable post. I love all your entries.
    have you a great weekend.

  110. Hi Shakira,
    Many thanks for the kind words. I hope you’re getting better now.

  111. jingle said

    Poetry Awards 4 Week 21 Participants and Fresh Poets…

    three poetry awards,
    two general awards.
    Happy Saturday!
    Thank you for attending and leading!

  112. Jingle said

    Let’s Send Love 2 Viola and Ibok Today

    Please help send hugs and good wishes to Viola and Ibok…
    thanks a ton!

  113. trisha said

    Fiction: The magician promised new
    green energy. But at what cost to
    humans? There’s no such thing as a
    free lunch – except to dragons.

    just hilarious 🙂

  114. Hi Jingle,
    Many thanks.

    Hi Trisha,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it 🙂

  115. Your Icarus poem was powerful!

  116. Hi Sweetest In The Gale,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  117. Hard not to be anything but admiring. I loved the turn you gave to Icarus, especially that wicked last line.

  118. Hi Bluebethley,
    Many thanks for those kind words.

  119. shraddha said

    great going Anthony….

    its great to read your blog after so long..

  120. Hi Shraddha,
    Thanks for that. Good to see you back.

  121. Jim said

    Hey Anthony, that “Icarus warned us” for sure. This is a neat slant on the prompt. I like the first person author slant also. 🙂
    I like your Brit and Euro news bits. I am going to refer your blog to a friend moving to London.

  122. Hi Jim,
    Thanks for that. I lived in London for a while. It’s a strange, fascinating place.

  123. whew – Icarus had it right – perhaps. Terrific encounter there.

  124. Hi Tumblewords,
    Many thanks. Yes, those old mythmakers certainly knew us, didn’t they?

  125. pieceofpie said

    hi tony, enjoyed reading your post. the stories were all great…

  126. Hi Pieceofpie,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  127. Jingle said

    The Celebrate Blogger of April Awards

    celebrate blogger of April awards,
    plus general on bottom..
    check our details yourself
    Thank you for the contributions!
    Have An Award Winning Wednesday!

  128. I say bring on the free lunch and let the dragons have at it.

  129. Hi Sandy,
    Could be fun 🙂

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