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    February 2010
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on February 1, 2010

Theme ThursdayBooking Through Thursday
ABC Wednesday & more prompts below
With Thursday Thirteen items of news and views
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. I’m trying a couple of new
prompts – Theme Thursday, and going back to Booking Through
Thursday (will appear Thurs). For new readers, this is the magazine
post that grows through the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, my mini mag with fiction & poetry, or enjoy the lot.


Red has an identity crisis. It is the colour of danger. We see red when
we’re angry and as the Red Planet it’s the god of war. Yet,
vulnerability is the red of a blush; love is symbolized by a red heart,
and what can we say of those ruby-red lips? Red is life, the blood
that flows thru our veins, so maybe it’s right that it’s all shades of us.


The wind howls, the snow hems you in. The cold bites and the lights
go out. You sit by a blazing fire, shadows flitting with the candle’s
glow. So what to read? An anthology of horror, me thinks, taking me
back to Gothic times; to Poe, to Lovecraft, to Bierce and James; for
as you reach the fearful sweat, nothing warms like a cold chill inside.


I’ve written a lot on crime and over the years a general theory has
grown. It arose by realizing that the conman and serial killer had
similar mind-sets. Both seem to use personas to express themselves
and have self-esteem issues, using their crime to be someone.
These two polarities of crime seem to have similarities.
If so, could all types of criminal fit into the pattern? In the main, crime
requires a lack of conscience. Such a lacking can be seen in both
animal and child, as if they run on instinct. Could what I call the ‘thin
veneer of morality’ be required through moral education to deter such
instinct? If so, then the liberal ethic that in our natural state we are
good is wrong. Studies of criminals suggest they can suffer from
negative blocking, in that compassionate concepts such as ‘love’ or
‘responsibility’ are not understood. This can lead to psychological
distancing which dehumanizes a target, allowing them to commit crime
so easily. This can be reinforced by transferring their own failings onto
the target – hence it is the target’s fault, not theirs. These are, of
course, fantasized realities. And with fantasies uppermost in their
mind-set, we can also see the reason for many of them being failures.
A sense of invulnerability can grow, leading to them becoming
careless. This kind of instinctual mind-set suggests the central
element of crime is a desire to satisfy needs as quickly as possible,
negating the usual processes of civilized society. And only in this way
can they feel fulfilled and successful.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: Two recent
euthanasia cases. One jailed for
murder, one free. We need a court to
safeguard intent, no matter how harrowing.

BRIT NEWS: Could be cuts in affordable homes over
next 10 yrs. A society that raises price of house above
what can be afforded is wrong.

BRIT NEWS: Children living in severe poverty increased in last
4 yrs. Seems to come in line with measures to beat it. Obviously wrong.

BRIT NEWS: Amid placards saying ‘Bliar’, Blair has been to the Iraq
Inquiry. Any regrets? No. Anything new? No. Glad he’s gone? Oh, yes!

BRIT NEWS: Britain is out of Recession – just. With growth just 0.1%
its going to be a hard recovery – if such a flawed system can.

BRIT NEWS: Gap between average income & richest 10% still
increasing. So try to help the poor & create a new super
-rich. Is always thus.

BRIT NEWS: Report hints our roads are failing. Well,
when you have pretend affluence by not
servicing infrastructure what do
you expect?



It would be criminal not to read it

One Single Impression
ReadWritePoemFriday Flash 55
Three Word Wednesday
Sunday Scribblings


Her grief was plain for all to see,
She even cried at the funeral tea,
Single life was hers once more,
With plenty of money in the bottom drawer,
But as so often is her way,
She met another – began to play,
Spinning her web until sucked dry,
And then the poison she would apply


Fiction: He stole the man’s wallet just before he was shot. He just
stood there, stupidly, watching him fall. Once he realized the man was
dead, another revelation came to him. He’d seen the gunman, which
made HIM a witness. Consequently, he began to run – something he
was used to doing in his line of business. Looking back, he realized the
precarious situation he was in. The gunman was on his tail. He was
obviously after the wallet, he decided, and stopped, offering the
gunman his prize. If only he’d realized that he’d missed first time; or
the irony of him paying his own killer.


Murderer’s footprint in the blood,
Tells so much of how he could,
Thoughts translate to actions true,
Leaving the police with all those clues;
A crime scene is a story intact,
Of how he came here, all the facts,
Read it correctly, you’re half way there,
To understanding a killer’s stare


Fiction: Life just isn’t worth living – not with what I’ve done. I guess
I’m a coward. I invite four them to the meeting. Four people I learnt a
lot about. When I sit with them I smile. One of them is a murderer, I’m
sure. As I begin the blackmailing, he just doesn’t know it yet.


I’m a mugger – I’m watching you,
Judging as you pass on through,
I’m looking for the weakest in the crowd,
Get it right! Never caught! I’m very proud;
That odor of fear is what I need,
Then I’ll strike! You’ll lurch and cede;
Frantic, people will pass you by,
I’ve got them spooked – don’t hear your cry


Got a message in a bottle, over my head,
Poured over my hair, my scalp it bled,
I guess it’s my fault – I went astray,
Career of crime without delay,
I’m now in the circle, can’t get out,
At least, for a time, there was no doubt,
Until now, when I know I’ll soon be dead,
But I gave HIM a message – made of lead


A THOUGHT: It took the west
100s of years to develop democracy,
yet we expect Iraq & Afghanistan to do it
overnight. What fools we are.

TECH NEWS: Apple launch iPad to challenge Kindle.
Okay, very nice. Now, where’s my book? They’ll never
capture its aesthetic value.

TV WATCH: The Soap conundrum: Drama needs extreme situations
to work. So does a daily dose make normal social interaction extreme?

HEALTH NEWS: Dr Andrew Wakefield who fuelled MMR scare with his
research failed in his duties says GMC. Contrary research no
longer allowed?

MOVIE WATCH: Watched 2 films back to back – Sands
of Iwo Jima, about fighting for freedom, & Thelma
& Louise, where they get it. What irony.

MAD BRITS: A company advertising for a
reliable worker was pulled up for
discriminating against
unreliable workers.

© Anthony North, February 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

124 Responses to “CRIMINALITY”

  1. Thinking about red. Here is a random thought. I often wonder why red is so fashionable at Christmas–more so, that is, than its counterpart green. The green of Christmas is so cheerful, so full of life.

  2. Hi Sandy,
    Good question. I don’t know about where you are, but green is often seen as the colour of the pagan here. Just wondering if an answer lies there somewhere.

  3. james said

    It makes no difference whether a person is the very best or the worst, whether religious or secular, smart or unintelligent, a criminal or saint. No one in this world has freedom in anything at all.

    If a person doesnt work on spiritual development, then he lacks any freedom of will and leads an ordinary animalistic life. Freedom of choice exists only between two points or two opportunities which consist of choosing between the spiritual and the material.

    If a person doesnt have these two possibilities, then that individual is left one-on-one with his egoism, along with all the values which are imposed on him by society. Therefore is there any freedom of will if a person is told what to do and want in life?

    A person has the illusion of freedom only due to a lack of knowledge. It is similar to a child running back and forth in a room full of toys, not even noticing that he is restricted to this one room, while his mother supervises the entire time.

    Only when we have two opportunities for development toward the material or toward the spiritual can we obtain freedom of choice and start controlling ourselves with two reins. We cannot do anything with one rein except to stimulate ourselves to do as society dictates which itself doesnt understand where it is heading because it is governed from Above. What is there to choose if we dont know what will happen to us in the next moment?

  4. Nessa said

    Rabbit, Rabbit

    We will be seeing lots of red this month.

  5. Hi James,
    I agree with the need for balance, but disagree with your very last point. Even when we don’t know what’s around the corner, we can be who we are, and thus armed, be able to take what the unknown will bring in a better way.

  6. Hi Nessa,
    We will indeed.

  7. Criminality…Well, since I spent 25 years dealing with criminals I will say you are right about their self worth. They don’t see themselves as equal at all. Then there are the drugs that control their lives. They will do anything to get the drugs. You are spot-on about them not being responsible for their actions. It’s always someone else that is to blame.

    Lastly it seems that being a thug is so popular now. Being in and out of prison so fashionable. This mindset really scares me since we have so many gangs in our area. We no longer feel safe even in our own home. That’s too much criminality if you ask me.

    Have a terrific day Anthony. 🙂

  8. Hi Sandee,
    Thanks for that. Yes, there’s also a sociology to it, of course, which I didn’t place in this – peer pressure, moral free-for-all – it all leads to a general degrading of behaviour, where some fall more than others.

  9. if said

    yes Anthony…red has many shades and some are so beautiful….(my brother says that people that owns a red car are dangerous…:)

  10. Hi If,
    Indeed true – about the shades, that is. Now, do I know anyone with a red car 🙂

  11. quilly said

    If it is illegal to discriminate against unreliable workers, no wonder we have so many incompetent people running things!

    There is good and bad in red just as there’s good and bad in most everything else.

    See, I never would have thought the shooter wanted the wallet. Even if I never realized I was the primary target, as a witness I would be certain he wanted me.

  12. Hi Quilly,
    Oh, the discrimination laws in this country are getting ridiculous. You’re right about red.

  13. Jeeves said

    Red, the colours of vibrance and contrasts!

  14. Often times red is used to represent the return of light and warmth.
    Enjoyed your visit at my blog today. Stimulating discussions here.

  15. Hi Jeeves,
    Yes, i think that’s right. An interesting colour.

    Hi Ronda,
    Thanks for the kind words, and welcome.

  16. stan said

    I’m still seeing red about the reds beating the blues at Old Trafford.
    Thoughtful study of crime – the black widow has very familiar parallels.

  17. I love the color red, although I wear it often. I also agree with your thoughts on criminality, it’s not dealt with particularly well here in the states and everyone seems to have a different opinion about how to deal with it. So it’s generally handled badly. And your Brit news could be US news as well, lots of crappy things that aren’t dealt with and good things that are ignored. Ah, the joy of politics, finances and crime!! Hope you have a lovely evening!


  18. Hi Stan,
    Thanks for that. Yes, it’s terrible. I think they should decide by both sides throwing their millionaires into the ring 😉

  19. Hi Sylvia,
    Many thanks. Yes, despite the politics and crime, I don’t see red on a night, and simply sit back and relax.

  20. Mama Zen said

    I love your TV Watch thought. I’ve wondered the same thing.

  21. Hi Mama Zen,
    Thanks for that. I’m not saying that a programme can affect an individual as such, but over time standards displayed can subtly affect a whole society, generally shifting loyalties, morality, etc. It’s a fascinating subject.

  22. Excellent take on criminals. I hadn’t given it much thought in a serious vein so I’ll go back, re-read and maybe begin a different form of thinking.

  23. Spiderdama said

    Interesting and great C for the day:-)

  24. Reader Wil said

    Thanks for your visit Anthony! Your blog is always very well organized and I like the circular shapes in which you arrange your items. I read everything and especially this sentence “crime requires a lack of conscience. Such a lacking can be seen in both animal and child, as if they run on instinct.” Then I looked up at Google a site about children who kill.We have lately seen that there were two boys of about 10, 12 years old tortured two other boys. They have probably no concience at all, because they are used themselves to cruel treatment at home.Three years old James Bulger was killed by two ten years old boys, who were released from prison a couple of years ago and got a new identity. Could these now young men ever have a life with normal feelings of concience? And if so, will they not be tortured by remorse?

  25. Hi Tumblewords,
    Thanks for that. After the paranormal I think crime is my most researched subject. Of course, I never offer excuses for them, but possible reasons.

    Hi Spiderdama,
    Many thanks and welcome.

    Hi Reader Wil,
    The Bulger case fits very much into the ‘killer couple’ scenario. Invariably there is a dominant sadist and a compliant, easily led partner. The classic case is Brady and Hindley, the Moors Murderers. And in most cases, neither seems to show remorse later on. I suspect that, even if reformed, they see their past as another person – that element of fantasy coming to the fore again.

  26. Reader Wil said

    It frightens me to think that such creatures as Brady and Hindley are among us. “Are they human?”, I sometimes ask myself. They should be behind bars or institutionalised forever. Not as a means of revenge, but to protect society. Their relatives should be examined as well. Thanks for answering!

  27. Hi Reader Wil,
    Sometimes we can clearly see blame in families, but not always. Hindley would most likely have led a normal life if she hadn’t met Brady. She died in prison; Brady is now in a secure mental institution for life.

  28. jabblog uk said

    Thought-provoking posts as ever Anthony. Reader Wil’s comment about examining the relatives of criminals is an interesting one, I think, and something my husband and I have been discussing recently. Children don’t exist in a vacuum – indeed they absorb far more than we are generally aware. While I don’t believe they should be so sheltered that they never hear or see anything which might prove distressing or disturbing, it is the responsibility of their parents and guardians to ensure that they understand social ethics and morality. Too many children are not set boundaries by parents ranging from the indifferent to the cloying. Oh my! I feel a blog coming on;-)

  29. Hi Jabblog,
    Thanks for that comment. I have some sympathy with the idea of holding SOME parents to blame, but how do we police or decide in this matter? Some kids go off the rails because they are pushed too much to succeed, or are overly protected? Were those parents themselves affected by THEIR parents?
    As I say, I sympathise with the point, certainly. But would it be entering a moral and legal minefield?

  30. Reader Wil said

    Brady could never have been a free man again. So this is good.

  31. Hi Reader Wil,
    As far as I’m aware no serial killer has ever been released in the UK, and hopefully never will.

  32. ThomG said

    Today’s theme, crime and punishment. Good stuff, Tony.

  33. Hi Thom,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  34. Crystal said

    Excellent thoughts on crime and criminals. Your post is wonderful today. I have to throw in that I’m a big fan of red – I love to wear red.

  35. Hi Crystal,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Glad you liked the post.

  36. Twilight said

    Red – Then there’s the Red Flag, representing communism.
    The people’s flag is deepest red,
    It shrouded oft our martyred dead,
    And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
    Their hearts’ blood dyed its ev’ry fold.

    You wrote It took the west 100s of years to develop democracy, yet we expect Iraq & Afghanistan to do it
    overnight. What fools we are.
    Indeed – and more especially in the case of the US where democracy has disintegrated into government by corporations for corporations. ;-(

  37. “Target” resonated with me not from the perspective of a victim of a mugger, but of a car break in. Last night, for the first time ever, I was scared having my daughter walk out of the theater to her car. I made Craig walk her out.

    Weird, to feel that insecure all of a sudden.

    Enjoyed your poem, even though I shuddered a little bit.

  38. Hi Twilight,
    You’ve highlighted two economic systems in the extreme, neither of which provide what we need. Still, wait ’til I get to ‘E’. I look at my own idea of an economic system.

  39. ersie37 said

    I’d hate to think that the serial killer, who is almost certainly pathological, has the same mindset as a more petty criminal, who (merely?) has a false sense of entitlement. Not saying you’re wrong, but if you’re right, then the world is scarier than I’d like to believe.

  40. Barb said

    Interesting post.

  41. Hi Ersie37,
    The mind-set can be the same, but the degrees of intensity can be different. Many serial killers began with petty crimes or common assaults, and then their pathology grew. This doesn’t mean, of course, that a petty criminal will go this way – just that, in very rare instances, they do. But so rare that there’s no need to worry.

  42. great 55, all the intrigue or a good mystery. and red is a color with so much meaning and emotion. nice take on the theme as well.

  43. Ms Hen said

    Great Red Theme.!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  44. Jay said

    Your musings on criminality are interesting .. but I think it’s putting it too simply. Humans are complex creatures and there’s seldom one reason for anything we do. Children certainly do need to be taught morals, since they’re unlikely to pick them up for themselves, but it hardly explains why one child won’t go off the rails no matter what, whereas another child has all the so-called advantages – including a highly moral upbringing – and yet he does.

    The short-attention-span, instant gratification society however, that might be a contributing factor.

  45. Your “Words on Red” was so beautifully put! And “The Wallet” had a wonderful ending…so clever! A pleasure to read here, as always.

  46. Hi Brian,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked the post.

    Hi Ms Hen,
    Many thanks. Much appreciated.

    Hi Jay,
    I’d agree with you that there may be a definite factor we cannot identify to spark off criminality, but below that, I think the mind-set that grows could be a common factor. Yes, certainly I simplify things, but do so to try to identify underlying patterns that complication could hide. Of course, I never try to offer truth – simply ideas to debate.

    Hi Sweetest In The Gale,
    Thanks for the kind words. Always appreciated.

  47. IceJewel said

    I love your blog, there is so much to read and I have just started exploring it !
    On my way to the fiction part 🙂


  48. Subby said

    ‘Lo Anthony, so much to explore here; I’ll have to put you in my reader, I will 😉 Ta for the visit! I’ll return anon…

  49. Hi IceJewel,
    Thanks for the kind words, and welcome 🙂

    Hi Subby,
    Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your visits.

  50. Hello there ! Nice to meet you. What a clever Thursday 13!

    Being a mad Brit, I love the mad Brit news, and you’ve done it in such an original way.

    Here is mine – 13 Best novel first lines!

  51. derrick2 said

    Hi Anthony,

    I’m presuming ‘Crime Scene’ is for RWP this week? Lots of Brit news too. Also enjoyed your 55 and Red.

  52. It’s been awhile, as usual I loved reading your page. Single again… do I detect a hint of bitterness? lol
    Happy T13!

  53. Red having an identity crisis? Hardly! Red is power and power is strong or subtle. A blush, a flare of anger… it’s all power.

    And yeah, Red’s MY color. How’d you guess?

  54. Hi Sassy Brit,
    Thanks for that, and welcome.

    Hi Derrick,
    Yes, that’s the one. Glad you liked the post.

    Hi Adelle,
    Welcome back. No, I’m not single again – coming up to my 34th wedding anniversary in a month or so. Just getting into character for the poem 🙂

    Hi Susan,
    I’ll cede to your love of red 😉

  55. I enjoyed “Criminality”, a great dissection of the psych behind crime and criminals. The “Target” piece stayed with that theme well. “Single Again” was well written and devious. “Word on Red” reminded me of the saying “All is fair in love and war” by categorizing both under the same color. I suppose all is fair in red.

  56. Hi Jay,
    Thanks for the kind comment. Much appreciated.

  57. willow said

    I like your “winter read” best. Welcome to TT, and thanks for stopping by Willow Manor. Nice to meet you.

  58. LadyCat said

    Great take on “red”! Your poems are so interesting & thought provoking. Thanks for stopping by my page. I will definetely be back again : )

  59. Hi Willow,
    Thanks for that, and you’re welcome.

    Hi LadyCat,
    Many thanks. Look forward to seeing you again.

  60. sandyq said

    many beleive red is Christ’s blood shed for us, many attribute green to everlasting life believeing in Christ,

    The first celebrants favorite colors were red , green, silver aand gold

  61. Hi Sandyq,
    Very true. There are so many variations, I couldn’t include them all, of course.

  62. IK said

    Thank you for stopping by and reading my red writing. I like how you contrasted the different meanings of red. You are quite eloquent with your words. Your comments on criminality remind me of what I’ve read suggesting that many criminals have Anti-Social Disorder. I particularly enjoyed The Wallet. I love surprise endings and it’s so fun to see it in such a small piece. One thing about your democracy thought, those in the West with democracy gained it themselves, not having it thrust upon them by another state. None of this new electronic book deals will ever be as satisfying finish or smell as a good old book. Thanks again, I will be visiting more! I really enjoy your blog’s format!

  63. Hi IK,
    Thanks for stopping by, and your comments. They’re always appreciated.

  64. Lori said

    I guess the cold and gloomy weather would set the mood for Poe.

  65. Hi Lori,
    Yes, it certainly suggests it to me.

  66. betsy said

    ‘nothing warms like a cold chill inside’…oh, I love that! I believe this is my first visit here! Welcome to Theme Thursday! 🙂

  67. Hi Betsy,
    Thanks for that, and welcome.

  68. ersie37 said

    Anthony –
    as always: On behalf of the ABC Wednesday, thank you! -Ramblin’ with Roger

  69. Hi Roger,
    Thanks for that, and you’re welcome.

  70. Ah, “Theme Thursday.” That’s what’s going on. I mean, you do themes anyway, but this seemed a little more clear cut over all.

  71. Hi Alice,
    Thanks for that. First time I’ve done this one.

  72. Target – a neat take on an event that probably occurs often. Nice!

  73. Hi Tumblewords,
    Many thanks. Yes, it’s very common, unfortunately.

  74. I’ve had a couple of comments that were spammed for some reason, so I’m late replying. Apologies for that.

    Hi Barb,
    Thanks for the comment.

    Hi Julia,
    Not a nice feeling. Sadly, too many get it nowadays.

  75. Your 55 was superb! What a piece!

    I’m up right HERE

    Do you think you know what my 55 means this week? Take a guess, enter it in my comments and you could win a giftcard to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. This contest is open until Saturday February 6, 2010 11:59 EST. The rules for this giveaway are HERE

    Good Luck!!!

  76. jaime said

    i agree with you. red does have an identity crisis.

  77. On Single Again, she is quite the trickster. Great 55.

  78. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Jaime,
    Yes, it seems that way to me.

    Hi Ronda,
    Many thanks. Yes, she certainly is.

  79. Dee said

    That mugger has me nervous Tony but I love your movie choices !

  80. Hi Dee,
    Yes, they make us all nervous at times, I think.

  81. ChefKar said

    Great 55 Anthony, as always. I enjoy coming often to read your lively posts…and the comments that follow 🙂 Thank you for visiting my little space on the web earlier.

    Friday Flash 55 ~ Checkmate

  82. Hi ChefKar,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  83. Felicitas said

    You always make me laugh with your 55s! This one is very clever – and twisted… LOVE it!

  84. jessie said

    i really enjoyed your take on “Shades of Red”, i totally agree! your flash friday, is he plotting his own murder, someone else’s or just a blackmail? “Target” was great!

    have a wonderful weekend,

  85. Hi Felicitas,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Jessie,
    Thanks for that. I wrote the 55 originally as him planning his own suicide by proxy, but it will work in other ways, too.

  86. Blackmailing a murderer is a quick way to get killed.

  87. Hi Alice,
    Yep, that’s exactly what he wants.

  88. Akelamalu said

    I love your 55s Anthony and all the other stuff – always a great read. 🙂

  89. Hi Akelamalu,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  90. Thom said

    Excellent 55 my friend. I always enjoy my Friday read here. By the way. I’m sorta tooting my own horn here, but I did a special Three Word Thursday as it has been a year. You can see it HERE. Have a great weekend 🙂

  91. Ana said

    Nice take on the “suicide by blackmailed person” :)As for muggers, I just have the opportunity to meet one -panhandler lady turned wanna be robber …and wow, discrimintation against unreliable workers??!

  92. Another great read – how you do it, I’ll never know. Day after day. And to keep responding to each comment. An amazing job much appreciated!

  93. Interesting post. I have always wondered about the criminal mind. What makes them tick so to speak.


  94. Hi Thom,
    Thanks for the kind words. Good luck with the prompt.

    Hi Ana,
    Yes, we must be very kind to those unreliable workers … it seems.

    Hi Tumblewords,
    Many thanks. I just love writing and blogging – an addiction, I think.

    Hi Pamela,
    Thanks for that, and welcome.

  95. wayne said

    thanks for your read again….havent read it all yet ..but will..RED…hope we see lots starting next week at Winter Olympics up here in Vancouver and Whistler….Red Maple Leaf….thanks for sharing your wrods again Anthony….and once again your comments on my poem….cheers

  96. Always a pleasure to read your post!

    Here is my 3WW post!

  97. G-Man said

    Tony…I Loved the End Game.
    But I really Liked The Target!!
    Wonderful Writing Wizardry My Friend…
    Thank you so very much for your classy contributions.
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End…Galen

  98. KB said

    Scary stuff that 55 of yours.

  99. Hi Wayne,
    Thanks for that. Yes, I forgot the Winter Olympics is about to start.

    Hi Gautami,
    Many thanks.

    Hi G-Man,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

    Hi KB,
    Yes, I like scary sometimes.

  100. jabblog uk said

    I could spend all day on your blog – there’s so much going on in it. I particularly liked ‘Single again’ and ‘Target’ and ‘End game’.

  101. Hi Jabblog,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  102. I tune into your weekly wisdom through Sunday Scribblings, but I think your whole magazine reflects the prompt of “message”>

  103. shraddha said

    what a fun stuff to read…your comment section gets bigger by the day..

  104. Hi Granny Smith,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Shraddha,
    Many thanks. Yes, it seems to be getting popular. Always grateful for that.

  105. I love that wintertime read. Very nice, Anthony. I found it leaving me feeling cozy. Oh, that pre-electric light world.

  106. Hi Sandy,
    Thanks for that. Yes, it is so cosy to get away from the tech, the modern world, remember and experience a previous time, candlelight and the supernatural, both.

  107. Loch Rob said

    “Single Again”. This seems like a commentary on life today. Between the “want it now” society and “having it my way”, people don’t seem to have tolerance for long term relationships. This has me longing for times and values gone by. Maybe something like the power being out and the comfort of the fireplace. I enjoyed reading your work this week Anthony.

  108. Hi Loch Rob,
    Thanks for the kind words. Yes, it’s nice to escape to such a place now and again.

  109. Tammie said

    single: my my my
    all sucked dry
    and so it goes,,, the tale is told
    You sure know how to spin a fine tale in poem!

  110. Hi Tammie,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

  111. Hrm. I tend to think that the human condition is a duality — that we have the potential to be either good or bad. It depends on several factors — environment, upbringing, and yes, personal choice. Ultimately, whether we are good or bad resides solely in our own choice.

    Thank you for sharing this week.


  112. Hi Nicole,
    Our own choice? Certainly. I don’t offer any of this as an excuse, but a hypothesis as to how it works out from that choice. No matter what pressures, influences, etc, a person is under, that choice is the dividing line.

  113. i m so sorry that i m late here!

    but I am RED now 😀


  114. Hi AD,
    And how well red you are! 🙂

  115. Poison is apparently one very handy item to have! This is a fun piece, for sure!

  116. Hi Tumblewords,
    Thanks for that. Yes, those old Black Widows keep appearing.

  117. Jim said

    Single again, the little black widow.
    Guess we both were riding the times,
    yours female, mine the man. Nice read

  118. Hi Jim,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  119. Amity said

    Quite a morbid life for her!

    How pathetic she is!

  120. Hi Amity,
    She is indeed.

  121. Hi Anthony,

    Found your piece on criminality especially interesting. I grew up practically next door to Ed Gein and have been bombarded with reminders of his acts through out my life. I have noticed how I feel about what I heard, where I live, comes through in my writing. I also enjoyed your take on the ‘Single’ prompt. Nice twist!

  122. Hi Cascondaville,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. I could imagine such close proximity to someone like Gein would have an effect.

  123. Leo said

    wow! this was a dark yet enchanting take on Single..! 🙂

    thanks sir! 🙂

  124. Hi Leo,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

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