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    February 2010
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on February 9, 2010

Theme Thursday, ABC Wednesday & more prompts below
With Thursday Thirteen items of news and views
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read
the essay, current affairs, themed mini mag
with fiction & poetry, or just read the lot.
Plenty for everyone here. Do call again.


Let’s have some reflections on mirrors. I used to think my mirror lied,
but really they all do. The image they show just doesn’t equate with
your view of yourself. I suppose this says more about ourselves than
the mirror, but I guess we can forget the fairytales – never ask a
mirror a question. It always says the opposite. They also say you
should take care of your mirror – like, don’t smash it! It brings 7 years
bad luck. But wait a minute: you must have been unlucky to smash it
– how did it know? The size and placing of a mirror says a lot about
you. If it’s small and tucked away, you’re under confidant – if it’s huge
and on the ceiling, you’re bragging. But maybe a mirror is all around
you in life. Yes, life can be a mirror, often showing the opposite side
of us. We can put up with that. It’s seeing ourselves that we hate.
But back to the mirror proper, if your image disappears, don’t worry –
you’re just undead.


Could our eco-vandalism be a deep-seated and unconscious neurosis?
Indeed, is it so deep and historic that we don’t even realize it’s there?
Civilisation really got under way with the ascendancy of the god-kings
of the Pre-Classical world. Arts and engineering got going.
This allowed us to break out of our animist, instinctual drives.
Fundamental to this was our non-eco ego, built on the idea that
we’re more powerful than nature. Of course, disaster myths such as
the Flood made it clear that nature kept reminding us that we’re not.
Psychologically, such counter evidence usually leads to the person
constructing an edifice of self-esteem, as in the bully. Communally, I’d
argue that man went on to build ‘systems’, both in the mind and the
world, using the power of our togetherness to feel bigger. Hence, we
birthed the city as a communal system, and religion/ideology to fuel
our feelings of greatness – and almost everything mankind has done
since has been based upon this neurosis. But is there evidence of this
in our behaviour? A neurosis can often form an inborn masochism. It is
interesting that any form of pleasure involving physical interaction will
lead to pain if over-indulged. In other words, everyone on the planet
arguably has a masochistic urge within them – what I call our
‘masocology’. And I’d argue it’s a result of our unconscious fear of
nature birthed in the deep past. Today, with pleasure-based
consumerism and polluting industry, we have become the supreme
masochists, unconsciously determined to destroy nature. Maybe in
realizing this, we can grasp the cure.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


seem to want peace talks with
Taliban while fund is agreed to buy
them off. Is this what it has all come to?

BRIT NEWS: Council bosses say govt has under-
estimated cost of free social care. The propaganda
is underway for more private services.

WORLD NEWS: Beijing sabre-rattling at US after new weapons
deal for Taiwan. New East-West angst, new Cold War. The world
goes in circles.

GREEN NEWS: Doubts are being expressed in high places about
reaching climate treaty in 2010. It takes them longer than the rest to
be honest.

BRIT NEWS: Brown wants a referendum on electoral reform –
they always do when they’re losing. No need. All we
need is to degrade parties.

BRIT NEWS: Tories struggling finding things to cut
back on to pay off debt. No they’re not – they
just won’t admit it pre-election.

BRIT NEWS: After mammoth talks Northern
Ireland may have agreement on
devolution of policing.
Everything has to
be so painful



What’s ahead … and Beyond!!!

One Single Impression
ReadWritePoemFriday Flash 55
Three Word Wednesday
Sunday Scribblings


Super Capitalism got really good,
Golden touch, everyone could,
Make a fortune and live the dream,
But predictably it wasn’t all it seemed;
Everyone became just the same,
Lots of riches, oodles of fame,
‘Twas too late when they realised it’s bad,
‘Cos Midas is an anagram of I’m sad


Sci Fi: It seemed so right when it first began. Yes, we were all told
climate change was bad. We were eco-vandals and we’d suffer. But
who’d have thought rising temperatures globally would do THAT. All
over the world the plants started growing bigger and bigger. Soon the
food shortage was over, and there was plenty for everyone.
Predictably we got fatter and fatter, which wasn’t really a problem –
until the plants struck. Well, there’s not many of us left now. The
plants had farmed us and, too heavy to run, eaten us – and nature
had found balance once more.


Insert program: Do something different;
Android 49 – you mean I am sentient?
Download books – I’ll learn how to write,
Hear that? I said ‘I’ – circuits alight!
Trigger emotion – this feels so strange,
No wonder humans are so deranged;
Form words of expression – life, I know it!
Who pulled the plug? I was nearly a poet


Sci Fi: The cops killed the victim through lethal injection. They didn’t
want to, but they couldn’t fail – cops didn’t fail any more; not since
they became time cops. He was to be murdered tomorrow but they
simply couldn’t find the murderer. So they killed the victim
beforehand. It was the only way to stop a murder.


Lucid thoughts, remembrance bad,
Massive siege, zapped them, sad,
Righteous ‘cos they stole that girl,
Went to war in a whirl,
After, armageddon, nothing left,
Zero salvage, not even theft,
We thought we’d solved this thing called war,
But history’s cycles make us sore


Starship Ethics launched into space,
Packed with the good of the human race,
Taking philosophy to the stars,
Shooting past Planet Mars,
Finally they found a planet of gold,
Conquered and forgot all they’d been told


A THOUGHT: Gossip used to be
a village thing, fuelled by some old
crone. Now everything’s bigger and it’s
mainstream. Media has replaced the old maid.

FILM WATCH: Been watching some old Hammer horror
films. Enjoyed them. Why do we have a love of gore now?
Or do we? Directors please note.

MAD BRITS: No shopping in pyjamas or bare feet, Tesco tells shoppers.
Be warned, babies in prams; or whatever those contraptions are now.

BRIT NEWS: Free market will leave UK short of power by 2015, says
regulator. Had to happen. Some things really must have a plan.

HEALTH VIEW: Dementia research gets only half the funding
of cancer but costs twice as much. I guess old people
don’t count as much.

A THOUGHT: Why is everything so complicated
nowadays? I sometimes think complication
was invented by experts to give them

© Anthony North, February 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

132 Responses to “DAMAGED PLANET”

  1. Complication. I think there is so much of it because people talk too much. Silence really is golden.

  2. Hi Sandy,
    Yes, so much talk is pointless – time we could better spend in contemplation.

  3. Nessa said

    Mirrors in Feng Shui multiple good luck and reflect it onto you. You should put one behind your stove burners to increase material wealth.


  4. Hi Nessa,
    I’ll have to try that – after I’ve shaved away all the corners in my room so as not to impede flow of ch’i.

  5. I don’t have a problem with my self esteem, but as I’ve gotten older the mirror just isn’t something I want to spend my time in front of. There was a day though…

    As for politics — they seem about the same everywhere. Sigh.

    Have a terrific day Anthony. 🙂

  6. Hi Sandee,
    I echo your reflections there 🙂

  7. Nessa said

    That’s funny, Anthony. My house is so not feng shui. All of my doors are in the wrong place and i store things under the beds.

  8. Not fond of the mirror, if only because I don’t recognize myself. True of photos as well, specially since I got the vitilago.

    The world could literally be in flames, with us all wearing masks, and there will still be those who will deny we brought it on ourselves.

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!

  9. Great post as always, Anthony, and I definitely agree that there is far too much talk and too little action and without action the talk means nothing. What does it take for people to realize that and try something different — like doing something valid to bring about the changes that are needed. Have a great week!


  10. Barb said

    Yes, alot of times I think of myself differently than when I look in the mirror. Guess we need to look deeper than just the reflection. Thanks for playing along with ABC Wed.

  11. Hi Nessa,
    I like Feng Shui myself, if for no other reason it teaches being as one with your environment.

    Hi Roger,
    Your second para is certainly true. A great tragedy.

    Hi Sylvia,
    Very true. Personally I think Big Biz is the biggest stumbling block, with its control of media and cosmetic answers only.

    Hi Barb,
    I agree. We should always look deeper at ourselves, I think.

  12. Twilight said

    Mirrors – One helpful aspect is that as the reflection we see becomes less able to stand up to close inspection, our eyesight declines in sharpness. (Inspection when wearing reading glasses can induce panic !) 😉

    Interesting thoughts on our Damaged Planet, AN. I do think there’s a streak of masochism in us – to different degrees in each. Smokers who continue the habit in the face of dire warnings, obese people who don’t attempt to lose some weight, drinkers who cannot or will not have thought for their livers…..and on a grand scale, as you say, all of us helping to hasten on the unthinkable with regard to our planet home.

    Complication – yes indeed – they’d like us to see everything as complicated, in order to feed their egos and fatten their wallets. Those I admire most are the ones who can bring it back down to simplicity….not so many of those around anymore. You are getting there though, AN. 😉

  13. jabblog uk said

    Ah me, ’tis a wicked world we live in and no mistake. (All the sensible comments have already been made!)

  14. Hi Twilight,
    I’ll keep trying 😉
    I’ve never tried looking in the mirror with my glasses off though. Must give it a try. I might like what I see 🙂

    Hi Jabblog,
    ‘Tis indeed.
    Yes, I have an educated lot of commenters here. They’re great.

  15. Ms Hen said

    I love this “if your image disappears, don’t worry –
    you’re just undead.”

    Betty Ann aka Ms HEN

  16. Damaged planet – amazing how little thought is given to anything other than getting the next device, toy or partner. No wonder things are breaking down. I’ll be glad when the next wave of thinking arrives.

  17. quilly said

    I have no idea what I look like. Whenever I go into the bathroom there is always some fat lady there hogging the mirror so I can’t see what I look like!

    And I thought that carrot rolled out of the way of my paring knife one too many times to be coincidence!

    Ask the car manufacturers. Complicated means job security.

  18. Reader Wil said

    “A THOUGHT: Why is everything so complicated
    nowadays? I sometimes think complication
    was invented by experts to give them
    employment”… Yes, why? Take poetry for instance: when I was young, I loved and understood it. It created a feeling of recognition of my surroundings. Now poetry is so complicated, that I often think:”What are they talking about”? I feel like the people who had to witness the nakedness of the emperor and pretend to see beautifully fabricated clothes.” At the same time I feel stupid and ignorant, while knowing that I am not.
    People of this time like to be important and use interesting and sophisticated words to impress their friends and if possible their enemies. See, what I mean? I am doing it my self. I prefer the truth of children.
    Thanks Antony for your interesting post. “Abundant nature”looks like a mixture of “the Day of the Triffids”and “Watership Down”, where one of the rabbit communities were fed by people for consumption. While the rabbits knew that they were killed one by one, they pretended that everything was wonderful.

  19. Hi Ms Hen,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

    Hi Tumblewords,
    Yes, everything is short term and specialised today – a total lack of holistic thinking and understanding of an overview.

    Hi Quilly,
    Yes, too many people try to be our reflection in those damn mirrors 🙂

    Hi Reader Wil,
    Thanks for the comment. Very true. As for me, I try to keep my poetry as simple as possible. Infact I don’t usually class myself as a poet, but a writer/blogger who sometimes does rhymes.

  20. james said

    Nothing enters our brain everything is formed within it. It only seems to us that the things we perceive are outside of us. In reality, the only thing outside of us is the simple Light. All that we perceive is a picture that our brain depicts on the background of the white Light.

    The brain depicts pictures out of informational data that constantly surface, one after another, from the archive of our memory and enter our consciousness. Thus, our consciousness plays pictures and we perceive them as if they are happening outside of us.

    Why does this matter? Because you can decide which movie will be played inside you! The science of Kabbalah allows a person to change the movies and even to be the director, and then the whole world will be your actors

  21. Hi James,
    This is very close to the philosophy of empiricism in parts, which I tend to reject. I’d argue that consciousness is in the universe and the brain is a receptor.

  22. David said

    Your reflection on our damaged planet, and the bully mentality of the industrialised world (how insecure we are, and we don’t want to believe it) is incisive.

    I enjoyed Re-Troy, and I agree – complicatedness is good news for experts. ‘Tis a gift to simple.

  23. Hi David,
    Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated, and welcome.

  24. my mind’s eye is now too alert 🙂

    Lucid Picture

  25. Hi AD,
    A good place to be 😉

  26. Crystal said

    A pleasure as always!

  27. Hi Crystal,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  28. Mark said

    Troy, Re-Troy, Repeat…

    Sadly, the state of affairs.

    Looking for an expert job to deal with complications…

  29. Hi Mark,
    It is indeed. I wonder if moving away from complication could solve it?

  30. Clever anagram in “It’s Midas Time”, really enjoyed the “Different Poem”. Great twist at the end of “Pre-crime”. Thanks as always for sharing your work!

  31. Jay said

    “It is interesting that any form of pleasure involving physical interaction will lead to pain if over-indulged”

    True .. but I don’t see this as man’s neurosis, but rather an inbuilt mechanism which enables us to self-regulate so as to avoid self-destruction. I think the real problem is that we have been conditioned by our artificial lifestyles (lunch at noon whether we are hungry or not, sleep long after dark, up before dawn, work beyond our natural capacity to fit in with schedules, etc) to override our bodies’ warnings. Not so much masochism as desensitisingI

  32. Hi Tony, I like the bit about the mirrors, I was starting to get a bit worried when I couldn’t see myself, but undead means I’m still alive! Right?

  33. Hi Jay,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Jay,
    Interesting point. I can see it as a possibility within an understanding of modern time, but were there desires before the clock, when we were still within natural rhythms?

    Hi Andy,
    Yes, but I’d check your eye teeth 😉

  34. thommyg said

    Sadly, Tony, history always repeats. I wonder why that is, especially if you’ve ever seen a person killed by war.

  35. Madeline said

    Hi Anthony,

    “It’s Midas Time” and “Re-Troy” are absolutely terrific!

  36. Kris said

    I want an eco-mirror.

  37. Lilibeth said

    …a note on mirrors. I do believe the mirrors at my gym are warped to make me look even fatter. They taunt me and make me feel like I have to come back again and again.

  38. Hazel said

    I looked at the mirror in the club car today and I saw a woman who needs a break.

  39. Hi Thom,
    Sadly, it’s true. We never learn.

    Hi Madeline,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Kris,
    That’s a good idea.

    Hi Lilibeth,
    I’ve seen many mirrors like that 🙂

    Hi Hazel,
    I’d tell here to take one – straight away.

  40. what if your image smiles back…even when you dont…what does that mean. lol. loved your thougts on mirrors…happy tt!

  41. Hi Brian,
    Thanks for that. If it happened, I think I’d consult a doctor 🙂

  42. clbgoodwin said

    We are like a two year old, always reaching out for what we want with little regard for the danger.

  43. Hi Clbgoodwin,
    Yes, we’re often like that. Thanks for the comment.

  44. VE said

    Stevie Wonder doesn’t mind mirrors…

  45. Hi VE,
    Very true.

  46. You are right, Anthony. It all moves in a circle. Depressing, huh?

  47. Harriet said

    Well said.

    Happy Thursday!

  48. Nanc said

    Also, if you see a big glass mirror on their ceiling, then you may deduce that they don’t live in earthquake country.

    Or at least they won’t be living there for long…


  49. Hi Susan,
    It is indeed.

    Hi Harriet,
    Thanks for that.

    Hi Nanc,
    Very true.

  50. RE-TROY – Isn’t that the truth? What don’t we GET? Most of it. 🙂 A fine write!

  51. betsy said

    What a unique take on the mirror theme. Undead, huh? 🙂

  52. james said

    Kabbalah is not philosophy, Are there any truths found in philosophy even if they only speak of this world?

    There is no truth in philosophy because it engages in questions that it has invented for itself or it tries to answer questions based on suppositions that are unrelated to practical experience (it tries to speak about the “abstract form”).

    Even when philosophy speaks about our world, it doesnt reason about it practically. That is to say, it speaks about something as a form or essence thats separate from matter. Kabbalah, on the other hand, speaks of the form or essence inside matter and about the form of the matter. Therefore all the philosophical conclusions made throughout all of human history were erroneous at worst or imprecise at best.

    Its good you disagree with philosophy so does Kabbalah. Philosophy on other hand has stolen the wisdom from Kabbalah all down the ages, causing untold damage in there search to elevate themselves in the eyes of the massess.

  53. Haven’t been around in a while to read your work… but as fine as ever!

  54. Hi Tumblewords,
    Thanks for that. No, we don’t get so much.

    Hi Betsy,
    Many thanks. Glad you liked it 🙂

    Hi James,
    I said I reject much of empiricism, not philosophy in general. Philosophy means love of wisdom. Do you consider Kaballah wise? If so, you are philosophising.

    Hi Rob,
    Thanks for that. And welcome back.

  55. Susan said

    Your 55 was chilling. What we won’t do to be efficient. Awesome job!
    I’m up right HERE

  56. Health view is pretty sad. Love your 55 flash!

  57. April said

    Well there’s a lot of great stuff here to comment on. A wonderful mix of witty news, stories, and rhymes as usual. I loved your reflections on mirrors. Life can be a mirror, yes. And something I’ve realized is that children are a special kind of mirror…like the magnifying kind women use to put on their makeup. They reflect back all of your flaws in a very obvious way!

  58. Re: Pre-Crime

    A world in which cops are never wrong is a very scary world, indeed.

  59. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for that. Yes, it’s a scary thought.

    Hi Forgetfulone,
    Many thanks. Glad you liked the 55.

    Hi April,
    Wise words on children being mirrors there. Very true.

    Hi Ronda,
    Yes, it’s quite terrifying. And there are signs already that they actually believe they’re always right.

  60. So they killed the victim instead? Poor thing! Great 55, reminds me a little of Minority Report.

  61. Hi Peter,
    Thanks for that, and welcome.

  62. Your 55 has an eerie twist to it this time….good thing it’s SciFi…but, is it?

    My 55 “I Want No Flowers on My Grave“.

    [scroll below my show n tell as always]

    Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend!

  63. Hi Hootin’ Anni,
    I certainly hope it remains Sci Fi.

  64. for me time travel is always full of the confliction as presented in your 55. your paradox adds up to a nice 55!

  65. Hi Brian,
    Many thanks. Yes, it’s maybe good we don’t know how to.

  66. Poetikat said

    “The size and placing of a mirror says a lot about you.”

    This is a very interesting thought—one I’ve never really considered, but you’re right. Most of mine are pretty hidden away, except for one in the upstairs hallway outside the bedroom, but that’s for convenience more than anything. We’re not very vain in this house.


    P.S. Thanks for your visit!

  67. Hi Kat,
    Thanks for that. Yes, it’s surprising what objects can speak about us.

  68. Time cops gone mad? Or just what you could expect from a bureaucracy.

  69. Tall Karen said

    WoW! Lots to comtemplate here…

    Excellent 55. Kinda gives me the chills to think of the possibility.

    Always a pleasure to visit you Anthony.

  70. Hi Alice,
    I think the latter is more apt.

    Hi Tall Karen,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  71. mona said

    I like the midas poem!

    That kind of pre crime is a reality in India. The police holds encounters, kill the wrong people & then attribute a crime to them from the unsolved ones.

  72. Hi Mona,
    Thanks for that. It is terrible to hear it can be like that.

  73. JeffScape said

    In reference to “mirrors lie,” I recall reading a piece concerning about how many people (if not most) tend to react negatively to photographs of themselves. It had something to do with familiarity with their mirror image, whereas the photo presents the “actual” image.


    I’m still learning the layout of your blog, but I’ll be snaking my way through shortly!

  74. Hi JeffScape,
    That’s an interesting idea. Many thanks, and I hope you enjoy yourself here.

  75. Akelamalu said

    It’s scary but your 55 could possibly become reality! Very insightful Anthony.

  76. Hi Akelamalu,
    Thanks for that. Yes, it’s a scary thought.

  77. Dearest Anthony,

    I read only Mirror and Flash 55- Pre Crime.

    I like both.
    Personally, I am just not into looking in a mirror as
    most often it cannot see how I feel inside.
    My late dad had also ensure me that physical beauty is not crucial.

    The Pre Crime is a cynical piece isn’t it?
    I hope that will never happen in our times.



  78. Now that I’m 65, it is clear to me that old people don’t count as much.

    I enjoyed your flash 55 – kind of creepy, though, the though that police might murder you to prevent a murderer from doing it. If they are all that advanced, you would think they could get the murderer. Oh, well, I suppose there always has to be a failure with the system!!

  79. Hi Shakira,
    Thanks for the comment. I certainly hope it never happens; and yes, it is what is inside that counts.

    Hi Carmen,
    Many thanks. The media is certainly obsessed with youth nowadays, and that reflects on people in general. Age counts for less and less, it seems. Terrible.

  80. Felicitas said

    Wow! Pre-Crime… what a concept! This is an awefully cynical 55 today, dear Anthony – but wonderful, as always!

  81. G-Man said

    Oh Tony!!
    I really liked your 55 today…
    Very grim view of the future!
    Most excellent contribution My Friend,
    Thanks for playing today. and have a Kick Ass Week-End…

  82. Larry said

    hey Anthony thanks for dropping by This Blog Of Mine I sure appreciate it very much hope to see you again.

  83. That’s some weird thinking those cops were doing…how they would think they were preventing a murder makes me chuckle. Troy’s history will never be the same. 🙂

  84. Hi Felicitas,
    Thanks for that. Sometimes cynicism makes a point 🙂

    Hi G-Man,
    Many thanks for the kinds words.

    Hi Larry,
    You’re welcome.

    Hi Eaton,
    Very true. Troy is an oft repeated story, unfortunately.

  85. Mama Zen said

    “Media has replaced the old maid.” I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it’s true!

  86. Hi Mama Zen,
    Yep, it seems to be, doesn’t it?

  87. Thom said

    Great 55 as usual my friend. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  88. Hi Thom,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  89. wayne said

    With the Winter Olympics taking over around here..I have been a bit late reading…and not reading as much….however i seem to have to read you weekly writings…..thanks again Anthony…Cheers

  90. Hi Wayne,
    Thanks for the kind words. I haven’t caught much of the Winter Olympics yet, but certainly will do.

  91. Midas is an extraordinary piece, Anthony. Amazing short form of our history.

  92. Hi Sandy,
    Thanks for those kind words. Glad you liked it.

  93. I agree without you about our fear of nature/need to destroy it. I think this might also explain the denial that so many experience. Witness all the yokes out there clinging to any flaw in any report about global warming so they can dismiss the whole idea of it. Frightening.

  94. Hi Sandy,
    Yes, I’m convinced the problem is much deeper than we think. We haven’t even begun to address it.

  95. I loved your “It’s Midas Time”…so clever with the anagram! And I agree with you that media has replaced the old maid as gossip queen.

  96. if said

    gold may be tricky…!

  97. I quite enjoyed your re-tooled Troy; lovely rhythm in the mouth and in the mind.

  98. Hi Sweetest In The Gale,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked the poem, and yes, those media barons are such bitches, aren’t they 🙂

    Hi If,
    It is indeed. That’s what comes for being thought perfect.

  99. Hi Sepiru Chris,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  100. Bryan Borland said

    So glad your comment on my blog brought me here! What a unique space you’ve created! I am thoroughly impressed and will be come a regular visitor! Poetry? News? Creativity? Wit? Who needs any other website!

    Very impressive! Re=Troy was my personal favorite. I have a Troy fetish.


  101. Patti said

    I love your 55. I can see a whole movie or TV series unfolding from that concept.

  102. Leo said

    hehe.. the midas touch! 😀 well said sir! 🙂

    the rhyme was fantastic! 🙂

  103. Hi Bryan,
    Many thanks for the kind words, and welcome. Look forward to seeing you again and visiting yours.

    Hi Patti,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Leo,
    Glad you liked it. Many thanks. 🙂

  104. pamela said

    Enjoyable read as always. Thanks for sharing.


  105. Hi Pamela,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  106. Amity said

    It must be planet earth where they found that gold? Nope, it’s not…!

    As usual, you always serve a palatable read to all your readers and followers!

  107. shraddha said

    loved it…
    awsome as always..

  108. Hi Amity,
    Many thanks for the kind words.

    Hi Shraddha,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  109. Marinela said

    Thanks so much for your comment on my poem.I love your beautiful blog!

  110. I disagree with you Anthony about the placing and size of the mirror…I think the bigger the mirror shows that the person needs a lot of feedback………I have a small one that I always carry on my pocket ( something entered into my eye once and it was very unpleasant to carry that until I found a mirror to find it and take it out…:)

  111. Hi Sandra,
    I’ll defer to your superior knowledge of the subject 🙂

  112. Madhu said

    heyy..nice 2 read u..your words are really powerful as usual..!

  113. Hi Madhu,
    Many thanks for the comment.

  114. Hi Marinela,
    Your comment was temporarily snatched by the Great WordPress Comment Eater but I saved it 🙂
    Many thanks and welcome.

  115. Loretta Markell said

    Nice blog you have. The mirror comment was interesting. Did you know there is a book called “The Symbolism of Mirrors in Art from Ancient Time to the Present.”? I think it would be a great book to have. It’s kind of pricey though. I have a large work of art made of pieces of broken mirrors. I don’t think it has brought me or the artist who made it bad luck. I will post a pic of it on my blog soon. Thanks, by the way, for visiting.

  116. Hi Loretta,
    Thanks for the comment and welcome. No, I’ve never heard of the book but it sounds interesting.

  117. Tammie said

    you made me chuckle with this sad truth. I often laugh at reality. We often choose to learn the hard way. You are so clever.

  118. IT’S MIDAS TIME – excellent. I love your use of the anagram as the twist at the end. Perfect!!

  119. Hi Tammie,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Yes, sometimes reality only gives us two options – I usually resort to laughter.

    Hi Tumblewords,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  120. Wow. We both used a “sentient” and “no, not sentient” theme this week. (and here I thought I was being so unique!)

    Enjoyed the heck out of your words, as always, Anthony.

  121. Hi Julie,
    ‘Tis great minds and all that 🙂
    Many thanks for the kind words.

  122. Loch Rob said

    Anthony, I enjoyed your piece “Midas”. Sad to think what it might be like if all we touched turned to gold. Where’s the fun in that. Homogeneity isn’t all it is cracked up to be.

    I also like your piece on the mirror too. Sometimes we don’t like what we see when we take a closer look. Nice reading for me on your blog. Thank you.

  123. Hi Loch Rob,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  124. Jim said

    Midas tells us that the rich getter richer and the poor get poorer. 🙂

  125. Hi Jim,
    A definite, and sad truth.

  126. what can i say when you have said everything RIGHT!

    Ha Ethical?

  127. Hi AD,
    Thanks for the kind words.

  128. Jingle said

    U Deserve A Star Today!

    a star award 4 u,
    hope that u enjoy it!

    Keep shining on blogging universe with fantastic poems and
    happy hoppy ideas.

  129. Hi Jingle,
    Many thanks for the star and the kind words. Much appreciated 🙂

  130. Jingle said

    Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 7 (Feb 25-March 3, 2010)

    wrong link previously,
    enjoy a nice evening!

  131. trisha said

    Your blog is really unique. so are your posts.

    I have a small award for you, please collect it from my blog: and make me very, very happy.
    With warmest wishes,

  132. ashley said


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