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    February 2010
    M T W T F S S


Posted by anthonynorth on February 15, 2010

Theme Thursday, Booking Through Thursday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read
the essay, current affairs, themed mini mag
with fiction & poetry, or just read the lot.
Plenty for everyone here. Do call again.


Bells used to be essential to orderly society. They’d wake you up, call
you to worship, to work; call a break in the fight – tell you when
someone’s on the phone. We lived by the bell’s toll. Indeed, the
phrase ‘for whom the bell tolls’ is well known, particularly following
Hemingway’s famous novel. But what lies behind the term? A quote
from John Donne, it is similar to his ‘no man is an island’, both dealing
with the interconnectedness of humanity. In essence, he is saying
whatever affects one affects us all – hence, ‘it tolls for thee’. It is a
message we should cherish.


Does the Winter Olympics affect my reading?
No – although sporty activity certainly has.
Never a team player, I did enjoy gymnastics,
karate and swimming in my youth; and I hardly
ever read. Coming down with cfs changed all
that – sport went and reading became primary.
Are there 2 ‘types’ – sporties and readers?


I’ve got a problem with all economic systems we have tried. They
are all ‘system’ centred – in other words, based on ideology and not
people. Hence, something that should serve us well never does.
Maybe we can get a better system by taking ideology out of the
mix. But how do we do that? Easy – the clue is in the word ‘mix’.
Take the three major types of systems tried – capitalism, collectivism
and feudalism. The first offers initiative, but makes us too greedy; the
second offers planning, but leads to lethargy; the third provides a
layered economy, but becomes dictatorial. What we need is a system
taking the best of the three but ditching the bad. Here’s my take on
how to do it. Encourage raw entrepreneurial talent and turn them
loose on aggressive capitalism, but the companies they create cannot
sell to the public or manufacture things. The manufacturing base
should be centrally controlled, but they make things as ordered by
entrepreneurs, to whom they sell. The entrepreneurs then sell on to
local trade centres, who demand the local be taken into account,
such as produce from local sources. This all means that entrepreneurs
who go bust can only affect themselves and not production or
economy, factories are always safe from closure, and also free from
socialist ‘plans’, the customer has a local outlet to complain to, and
green policies are demanded at the point of use. So that’s it. All we
need to drop is a single-system ideology.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: New teachers need
training to deal with violence in class?
Used to learn to deal with things thru life. No
more, it seems.

BRIT NEWS: Tory leaders told green issues could be
divisive. Is this the first sign of the Conservatives ditching
the environment?

WORLD NEWS: G7 nations vow to wipe out Haiti’s debt. Of course
they must. How else to afford to pay for all the new deals coming?

WORLD NEWS: Brit firms to drill north of Falklands. Argentina calls it a
‘violation of sovereignty’. Let’s not go there again.

BRIT NEWS: Labour toying with urging people to inform on benefit
cheats. Do two wrongs make a right? This totalitarian mentality
is wrong.

BRIT NEWS: BBC pays £230 million to their presenters &
actors. As it is funded by mandatory licence fee,
this is a disgusting amount.

BRIT NEWS: Record 800,000 students competing
for 500,000 places this year as university
funding is slashed. The good times
are over.



The Magazine Post with a gentle hint of horror

One Single Impression
ReadWritePoemFriday Flash 55
Heads or TailsThree Word Wednesday
Sunday Scribblings


Can’t sleep!
I know it’s close – can feel it creep,
Can’t sleep!
Sanity slowly beginning to seep,
Away from me as fear grows,
It came before – chilling – froze;
Can’t sleep!
Got in my mind, so very deep;
It’s coming now, engulfing me,
If only I could run, could flee!
Can’t sleep …


Fiction: It was a long trip and by the time it got dark I was already
tired of driving. As the hitchhiker appeared in the lights I decided to
pick him up – maybe conversation would keep me awake. But there
was none – he just sat in the passenger seat, staring ahead. After a
while, I dropped him off, and the tiredness intensified. Still, soon
another hitchhiker came along and I picked him up. It wasn’t until he
got in that I realized it was the same guy. How he’d got ahead of me
I don’t know. Maybe he’d got a lift in a sports job. After a while, I
dropped him off. The tiredness was getting really bad by now, so
when I saw him again ahead of me, I was compelled to pick him up
once more – the mystery itself was stimulating, in a way. Well, he
drained me completely that third time of feeding. And as I lay here in
the road, the vampire driving off, I guess I’m going to die.


Pitter patter, panic now,
Stand on footlocker, lubricious brow,
Hacksaw in hands, no fiction this,
A red frog muttered; scary abyss,
Walk on eggshells, frosted mind,
It’s coming for me, from behind,
It wears a crown, nails through palm,
Didn’t make a Prince – decay, embalmed


Fiction: Wish I hadn’t moved here. There’s nothing but zombies in this
village. Occasionally I see them on a night – or hear them. One day
they’ll get me, I’m sure. Their bodies are cut and deformed, their
nocturnal habits depraved – their minds numbed, empty; faces
masked. If only I’d known this place was full of celebrities.


Light or dark? You have a choice,
Listen to that inner voice,
Let it guide you through the worse,
Too much? You’ll end up in a hearse;
Dark or light? Choose which side,
On chocolate I can never decide


She went to bed, feeling the gloom,
Leaving housework, ragged room,
Dreamt of what could occur,
Then deep sleep caused a blur,
Morning, fresh, room tidy and clean,
Not all poltergeists are mean


Imprisoned here a month of Sundays,
Hell froze over, trapped for always,
Time disjointed, reality suspended,
Share with people, most beheaded,
Nightmare came so very sly,
Began when I noticed the pigs fly


WORLD NEWS: As new Afghan
offensive gets under way, Brit death
toll rises above that of the Falklands War.
Another grim milestone reached.

BRIT NEWS: Church of England tries to patch up near-
schism over gay equality and women bishops. Entrenched
stances ruin so much.

WORLD NEWS: As Greece faces financial ruin some EuroZone countries
say they’ll help. With Euro regs they’re boxed in. Strong currency?

BRIT NEWS: 30 Facebook pages of prisoners taken down as they were
used to taunt victims. How did they manage not to be supervised?

WORLD NEWS: So Iran is a nuclear state. If true, worrying;
& there’s nothing we can do. We need to think
up new model for world affairs.

MAD BRITS: Don’t leave it too late to get to
hospital. A woman gave birth in hospital
entrance. With every push, automatic
doors opened.

© Anthony North, February 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

145 Responses to “ECONOMICS”

  1. Brian said

    One positive note about the global economy is that every government has a stake in every other country’s debt. No matter how much the ruling party wishes they could disengage, to do so would wreck their own economy first. ie China.

  2. Hi Brian,
    Long time no see. Hope you’re doing fine.
    You’ve got a point there.

  3. I enjoyed your reflection on bells. You cited two of my favorite works, too. Good morning, Anthony.

  4. Hi Sandy,
    And good morning to you. You have two admirable favourites there.

  5. In the U.S. capitalism is a dirty word. Greed is the reason. We also have millions upon millions that don’t do anything. They live off the government. Their entire lives. California has more on welfare than any other state. I’d love to give your idea a go as it probably would work.

    Have a terrific day Anthony. 🙂

  6. Twilight said

    Nice thoughts on bells, AN. I do miss the old fashioned telephone bell ringing. Though with the amount of cellphones around nowadays, it’s a good thing the slarm signals are more subtle otherwise it’d be chaos. I’m nostalgic for the days of telephone kiosks, circular dials, etc. 😉

    Economics go over my head. Your piece made me recall an old TV series in the UK “Survivors” though (I think they’ve re-made it?) In the story civilisation has to start up again from scratch after a pandemic of some kind, and they had to work out a new monetary system. I think they started with barter, then…..I think it all started going wrong again. Root of all evil, but we can’t manage without it.

  7. Hi Sandee,
    Thanks for that. The whole idea is that it would attempt to isolate any problem from any one system.

    Hi Twilight,
    Many thanks. I’ll be watching the new Survivors tomorrow night. It’s quite excellent. As for it going wrong again, the problem is we have humans within the system 😉

  8. mia said

    “can’t sleep”…anthony, i can identify…great poem.

  9. Hi Mia,
    Thanks for the kind words, and welcome.

  10. Rinkly Rimes said

    I didn’t expect a homily from you but your Light/Dark poem rather resembles mine in mood!

  11. Hi Rinkly Rimes,
    ‘Tis great minds, and all that 🙂

  12. quilly said

    Tony, if it’s chocolate, you should always go for the dark side.

    Bells and whistles. When I was a kid, I couldn’t go outside before the lumber mill blew the morning whistle. I think it was because of all the traffic passing as the workers drove by. Then the noon whistle told me to go home for lunch and the 6 p.m. whistle sent me in for dinner. When I was 11 the town council decided the whistle was a nuisance and I had to start wearing a watch. Time has never been quite the same since.

  13. Hemingway simply did not use enough words and I rather suspect him of having deficiencies in vocabulary. For example, I cannot recall his use of the word “avuncular.”

  14. james said

    At the foundation of human behavior, driving all economic and social systems, is the ego, which always prefers the narrow personal interests of investors and stockholders, over the common good of the public. The pursuit of wealth, honor and control at the expense of others are the top priority for company owners.

    And this is precisely where they’ve cornered themselves: the more they try to separate from one another, the more they discover how connected we all are. As a result, we find ourselves trapped between a rock and a hard place: on the one hand, the ego is pushing us to separate from one another, and on the other, globalization is pressuring us to realize that we are all connected and need to unite, like cells in a body. This complex situation is creating an internal conflict that we are finding difficult to come to grips with.

    In order for the social system to survive it must be aligned with the laws of nature. The solution lies in education. Market leaders need to deal with the root of the sickness instead of handing out temporary painkillers. And for that to happen, Kabbalah claims that a number of initial steps need to be taken:

    * Use various media channels to make people aware that we are one multicellular body, and that we are all connected to one another. Each and every cell (each and every person) in this universal system will need to understand that the most profitable economic model for him/her is the happiness of his fellow person. This is the only way one will be able to guarantee one’s stability.
    * Make the public aware of the real reasons for the crisis. People will be made to understand that a law exists that operates on all of nature’s system, and that the turbulence we are now experiencing is a result of us acting against that law. Examples of this can be taken from systems in nature and the mutually beneficial relations between them.
    * Decision makers will need to learn how the general system of nature works, and what implications this has with regard to necessary changes in the human systems that need to be made in order to bring them into balance.

    Only when the people influencing our lives begin to operate in this direction, will we succeed in getting the world out of the mud that it is in up to its neck today, and lead it to safe ground.

  15. Hi Quilly,
    I’ve often felt I’m imprisoned by that watch.

    Hi Percy,
    I can’t recall using it myself, either. Thanks for the comment and welcome.

  16. Hi James,
    As always I can find agreement in some of what you say but disagree totally with the rest. Kabbalah can offer no answer at all, just the same as no single system ever has. Single systems always cause more problems than solutions. A multi-system way is the one way we have never tried.

  17. I’d prefer the light chocolate…but the dark chocolate is supposed to be much more healthy.

    I went with DARK for mine…here

    Have a great day!!

  18. Hi Hootin’ Anni,
    Well, I suppose I prefer light, too. Not too much though 😉

  19. james said

    You totally missed my pointed. It egoism that will and always will make any system fail. Its not kabbalah. Its not surpising because your average person is terrified of thought of anything that conflicts with thier own ego. Nature will , ill stress the “WILL” change this. Either people will do it under thier own power or suffering will be brought upon your head. Everyone will suffer. How will people suffer? in Europe will be rise of Nazi partys. If look at political landscape the seeds have been planted already.

    You show me someone putting idea forward that doesnt involve the ego ill listen.

  20. Skittles said

    Too much of anything can be harmful I suppose. Nice to see you playing HoT again =)

  21. sandyq said

    and that dark choc is so good for you !!

    By the way I wholeheartedly agree with your economic comments. It’s like we live in a universe once removed from

  22. Hi James,
    Remove Ego totally and we’re no longer human, so if we want to remain human, this is not an option. To me the answer is to curb it, not destroy it.
    I’m not saying it’s Kabbalah’s fault. What I’m saying is that no single system can ever be applied to everyone, so a single system cannot be inclusive and therefore can only fuel further conflict.
    By the way, by constantly pushing Kabbalah here, are you not expressing Ego yourself?

    Hi Skittles,
    I can’t argue with that. And it’s good to be back.

    Hi Sandyq,
    Yes, we’ve got the economy all wrong – and always have.

  23. Wow, almost got lost in that post but that’s me. Love the poetry and can relate.

    Dark chocolate for sure sir. My HoT is also a poetic endeavor.

  24. james said

    Problem is a person doesnt know anything else beside his ego. So pointless trying to examine until you have opposite point reference. For example how can you examine properties of light if all you know is darkness?

    Until people obtain this second point of reference man will continue to suffer under any system he makes.

    Interesting how you phrased “constantly pushing kabbalah here”. I am telling you how a Kabbalist would view these situations. I m not saying join Kabbalah its great and course its form of egoism . I will explain why.

    Egoism in its raw form ie is like petrol. very flammiable and toxic. But put it in a engine you can get something useful out of it. Same with the ego, but engine in this case in the intention behind how the ego is expressed. What appears on surface to a layman as expression of egoism lies an intentions to help. But why would i want to help people? well i see world differently to other people were you see individuals and serperate system. I see everyone as part of me therefore why wouldnt i want help myself?

    The only thing i do amit to pushing here is my dislike of egoism.

    If my comments make you feel uncomfortable then i will no long take part in your topics, simple really.

  25. I, too, love what you wrote about bells, love Donne and Hemingway. Hope you have a great week, Anthony!


  26. Hi Penelope Anne,
    Thanks for the comment and welcome.

    Hi James,
    There is no discomfort here at all – I’m simply replying with my point of view. nothing more, nothing less. You are always welcome to contribute here.

    Hi Sylvia,
    Many thanks. Yes, this is ringing a bell with quite a few people 🙂

  27. Reader Wil said

    Hi Anthony, you must have been in a “black”mood when you wrote “the Last Drive”, “Horrific Frog” and “Zombie Town”. May be it’s the gloomy weather and long dark winter??

  28. Hi Reader Wil,
    No, I’m perfectly happy. I always do a themed post for my fiction and poetry – one week general, one sci fi, one crime, and one mild horror. Us occasional horror writers can be cheery chaps 🙂

  29. Spiderdama said

    Interesting and a good E. I do not have brain for economy..:-)
    Have a nice evening!

  30. Hi Spiderdama,
    Thanks for that. I don’t think anyone does – that’s why they always get it wrong 🙂

  31. stan said

    A bit of dark and light throughout. I like both so enjoyed it all.

  32. Hi Stan,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  33. Enjoyed your excellent examination of economics.

  34. Karen said

    Hi, just wanted to let you know that hubby bought dark chocolates today and we shared them. The half price sale made them even more enjoyable!

  35. Hi Tumblewords,
    Thanks for that. It certainly makes sense to me.

    Hi Karen,
    Ah, anything is better in a sale 🙂

  36. Jay said

    Ah, yes, the Church is in trouble for sure. I am not sure how you resolve this one. Do you force them to adopt total equality? Or do you allow them religious freedom? We have already had some of our religious freedom eroded – no overt religious symbols to be worn in schools and other work places, for instance – but how can we allow them to opt out of the law regarding equal opportunity in the workplace? It’s a tough one.

  37. Hi Jay,
    A tough one indeed. One thing I suggested a while ago was to make York the head of the Church of England and Canterbury head of the worldwide Anglicans, thus allowing differing standards. That would ease the problems a little, but certainly not cure it.

  38. jabblog uk said

    There are so many threads in your posts that I find my mind spinning off in all directions. It’s always very interesting to read your thoughts and musings.

  39. Hi Jabblog,
    Thanks for that. I do tend to go off in all kinds of directions 🙂

  40. I quite enjoyed zombie town. Thanks for the smörgasbord, as always.

  41. Great post!

    Mine is here


  42. Hi Sepiru Chris,
    Thanks for that, and you’re welcome.

    Hi Shakira,
    Many thanks for the comment.

  43. thommyg said

    If only I had a spirit to come in to clean whilst I slumber. I relish the thought of it. All of your snippets were delightful this week.

  44. mark said

    Can I vote for you? 🙂

  45. Hi Thom,
    Thanks for the kind words. Here, we have old tales of fairies coming to do the work at night. So similar to poltergeist that it could be the same source.

    Hi Mark,
    Unlikely. I’ve come to the conclusion that politics and thinking don’t mix 😉

  46. quietpaths said

    I can never make up my mind with mixed candies. Did that poltergeist leave the extra chocolates for you too? I could use an ephemeral friend such as this. Once again a great read; thank you for the smiles.

  47. I like your wisdom. I liked the vampire story.

  48. Sheila said

    I’m no economist but I like the sound of your ideas for a new economics mix. People never react in the way any single system predicts.

  49. Hi Quietpaths,
    Thanks for the kind words. I’ll have to ask it to leave chocolate. Never thought of that 🙂

    Hi Daily Panic,
    Many thanks. Much appreciated.

    Hi Sheila,
    This is the problem. Any single system always disenfranchises so many in any society.

  50. Hi Tony, loved your poetry and your flash 55!

    How about Verse for worse?

  51. lissa said

    INSOMNIA – I like the rhyming

    THE LAST DRIVE – totally surprised by the ending, usually I stay away from vampire stories but I don’t might this one

    NIGHT VISITOR – a terrific piece of fiction

    -currently my 3ww this week is at this blog – in case you care to visit:

    but I am usually at this blog:

  52. wonderful piece on the bells…they once were a part of life…now silent.

  53. Dearest Anthony,

    I find your posts and blog overall so under rated.
    You write really good stuffs and you pack them all
    into one neat package.
    We need someone like you to give inputs into the economy.
    I enjoy your writings as they are simple, honest , informative
    and OMG, you make SENSE.

    I have a lot of thoughts about bells to the economy to insomnia.
    Probably we need a forum or good old google talk or skype?


  54. I love all your gentle hints of horror, what fun to read.

  55. I love the sound of bells ringing out. They’re not very common these days. And I could do with a night visitor like that.

  56. Hi Andy,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked them. I’ll work on it 😉

    Hi Lissa,
    Many thanks. I’ll be along later.

    Hi Brian,
    Many thanks. Yes, you don’t hear them much nowadays.

    Hi Shakira,
    Many thanks for those kind words. The problem today is everything has to be so specialised, and in being so, they miss how things in one area impact on another. This is why so much is wrong today, I’m sure.

    Hi Calicocrazy,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Shelley,
    Oh yes, such night visitors would be very useful 🙂

  57. Subby said

    I’ll go along with the Donne quote here…reading down further has tempted me tho’ I’ll not get into economics at this point…and I let Mum watch the olympics( she does all the screaming at the judges, heh… )

  58. Neil Reid said

    Interesting takes on economics, and it could certainly do with getting over itself and realizing why it’s there at all. And I concur about the chocolate!

  59. Reader Wil said

    I am glad that you are perfectly happy! So the gloomier one writes the happier one is! Yea, I think I agree with you!!;)

  60. Hi Subby,
    Thanks for that. A wise man was Donne. And your Mom does right 😉

    Hi Neil,
    Many thanks. Yes, economics is in a mess.

    Hi Reader Wil,
    Yes, it makes sense to me. Infact, I decided a long time ago that fiction writing is good therapy. Clears out all the demons and leaves you feeling good.

  61. Dee said

    Night Visitor and Zombie Town were my favorites Anthony!

  62. Hi Dee,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked them.

  63. irene said

    Loud out loud frog verse Anthony. And are you insomniac too?

  64. Hi Irene,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated. I have periods of insomnia due my cfs. Luckily far from all the time though.

  65. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Loved the short Insomnia. I’m sure many of us can relate at one time or another.
    Happy T13 !

  66. betsy said

    I’m ringing a bell for Barry today!

  67. Crystal said

    You have outdone yourself this time. Wonderful writing!

  68. Hi Adelle,
    Thanks for that – and sleep well.

    Hi Betsy,
    Yes, I’ve read about Barry today. A worthy cause.

    Hi Crystal,
    Many thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  69. Horrific Frog is quite the little mind melter.

  70. Hi Alice,
    Thanks for that. The prompt offered a 14 word wordle. I managed to get them all in.

  71. Nanc said

    ‘…it tolls for thee’

    Nice choice – that quote has always resonated strongly for me too.

  72. Hi Nanc,
    Many thanks. Yes, it’s an oft misunderstood quote, too.

  73. JeffScape said

    I’m loving “Zombie Town.”

  74. IceJewel said

    I enjoyed ‘zombie town’ and the spooky ‘The last drive’ very much !
    I liked your poems too..specially the rhyming 🙂

  75. I see you delved into the dark this week. I especially liked your flash fiction piece and the RWP poem in this poem. The fiction piece left me scratching my head until I realised the hitchhiker was a vamp.

    I have a small fascination for mysterious and sometimes deadly hitchhikers. The two that come to mind are the urban legend of the disappearing hitchhiker (which I thought was where you were going in your flash piece) and the case of Billy Cook, a murdering hitchhiker back in the ’50’s in the Southwest United States.

    Good work this week.


  76. Grandma said

    I can believe that teachers need training to deal with violence. Classrooms have certainly changed a lot since I was in school. In my granddaughter’s 1st grade class, there were incidents of one child making several attempts to choke another one. Left marks. Our girl is being homeschooled this year.

    My T13: Unlimited Cash

  77. Well, the whole of WordPress has been down! 9 million blogs and quite a few major sites. I’m looking forward to the reasons.

    Hi JeffScape,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it.

    Hi IceJewel,
    Many thanks. Much appreciated.

    Hi Nicole,
    The paranormal is my specialist subject and the phantom hitchhiker is very interesting – there are hundreds of cases on record. Many thanks for the comment.

    Hi Grandma,
    Yes, the situation is getting bad, but the point I’m making is that those teachers surely grew up in society and realise how society works and how to take measures against what society produces. I’d have thought life should have prepared them.

  78. Scary little ditty about that menacing frog. Enjoyable read!

  79. Hi Wordsbypsayers,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  80. Kris P said

    Hi Anthony, thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Have we as people become so soft that we can’t deal with the day to day things that we used to, like the teachers needing defense lessons, or has the world become so violent that what was once unheard of, is now commonplace?


  81. The Horrific Frog: wow – well done~ AND Night Visitor: clever but most of the poltergiests I’ve sheltered have been mess makers of the first order. 🙂

  82. There’s a recent report in the US, put out by the tax people (IRS) that the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. I think most Americans just want the system to be fair, but it isn’t feeling so. Money to the big banks for bailouts, followed by big bonuses. And it isn’t a matter of the “left” or the “right” – both sides hate it.

    On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you!- Ramblin’ with Roger

  83. Thom said

    OMG…how funny celebrities. I think this is anything but fiction…Celeberites = Zombies…so true. LOL. Love it. Well done my friend 🙂

  84. Hi Kris,
    I think it might be a bit of both, but maybe they are linked by the lack of commonsense too many people exhibit.

    Hi Tumblewords,
    Thanks for that. There are a lot of fairy stories in Brit folklore of fairies tidying up for people on a night. I’m sure they’re based on friendly polts.

    Hi Roger,
    Yes, when both sides agree on something, the thing that causes the agreement must be very bad.

    Hi Thom,
    Thanks for the kind words. Glad you liked it 🙂

  85. Yuk, I hate insomnia. In fact, I wrote an earlier 55 about it too, LOL. These it only hits me about once a month or so.

    Great 55 too, that last line was awesome, the zombies were celebrities, LOL.

  86. Hi Peter,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked the 55. Luckily, I only get insomnia now and again, too.

  87. Their faces all cut up?——-celebrities—-I have now pictured the town filled with ones that have had many plastic surgeries and walking around not knowing if they’re dead or alive. Hollywood?

    TIGER TEARS is my 55 this week.

  88. Hi Hootin’ Anni,
    Yep, you’ve got it in one 🙂

  89. Your poem on insomnia describes the night I just got out of bed from! Thanks, Anthony.

    Your thoughts on politics are intriguing. I teach in a culture that insists on success and holds teachers accountable for every child’s ability. Which takes responsibility out of the childrens’ hands and leaves those who refuse to learn ready to be cared for by the culture that produced them. So I see the population that will be at the bottom layer of that new economy. We seem to refuse a feudalism that insists on itself.

  90. Hi Sandy,
    The last line in that comment holds a great truth, I’m sure. Thanks for that. Yes, when we can’t sleep, it can be terrible.

  91. Susan said

    Your 55 has me laughing so hard! Zombies in deed! Great 55.

    I’m up right HERE

  92. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it 🙂

  93. zombie celebrities…nice. thanks for the chuckles…hope you have a great weekend. my 55 is up!

  94. chefkar said

    You definitely hit the celebrity nail on the head!!

    I’m up here:

    Friday Flash 55 ~ Know

  95. Insomnia – I know the feeling all too well.
    Light or Dark – Ingenious! The last line brought me to reread the piece in a different light.
    Night Visitor – Your approach on the use of the words is always unique. A crafty and fun poem.. thanks for sharing! And thanks for your comments on my page as well!

  96. jessie said

    vampires and zombies…oh my!!!

    i’m staying away from the politics lol

    have a great weekend!

  97. Hi Brian,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi Chefkar,
    Yep, they certainly act like that, as I see it 🙂

    Hi Jay,
    Thanks for the kind words.

  98. Hi Jessie,
    Yes, I do some light horror now and again, but I promise not to write so much on politics next week 🙂

  99. Akelamalu said

    Your 55 was spot on re zombies and celebrities!

  100. Hi Akelamalu,
    Yes, there are a lot of similarities 🙂

  101. Celebrities? Great twist!

    You got ALL the wordzels in? Wow!

  102. Hi Alice,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

  103. Nessa said

    I love bells. I miss the church bells always clanging.

    Your economic system looks very reasonable. But people a re involved so some one would find a way to mess it up.


  104. Hi Nessa,
    Yes, that’s always the problem. I guess the best we can hope for is a system that allows people to mess it up the least.

  105. Red frogs with lubricious brows. Does it get much better than that? Nahhhh!

  106. G-Man said

    Everything was Great as usual..
    Loved Insomnia!
    Loved your 55!!
    You’ve made a few rounds today as well I see!
    You have to be Britain’s Crown Jewell…!!
    Thanks for the treat, and have a Marvelous Week-End…Galen

  107. Hi Julie,
    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

    Hi G-Man,
    Many thanks. Glad you liked the post.

  108. mona said

    Do all celebrities turn into zombies?

    Sleep will not come if you think about it. It comes when you think about other things

  109. Hi Mona,
    You’re right about sleep. As for celebs, no not all. There’s no problem with those who’ve got real talent and get on with their lives other than general fame. It’s those who court the cameras, the lifestyle, etc – so single-minded, each of them, like a mindless swarm 🙂

  110. Mama Zen said

    The 55 is hilarious!

  111. Hi Mama Zen,
    Thanks for that. Glad you liked it 🙂

  112. swapna said

    Hello, Glad to stop by and get a soulful read. Light or dark brought a smile when i reached the last line, echo that!

    Good Day Sir.

  113. Linda May said

    G’Day Tony, re: teachers handling violence at school.Did you hear, last week here in Brisbane a 12 year old boy was stabbed and killed by a 13 year old in a schoolyard fight. Shocking eh. Violence begets violence and it begins in the home with the victim and/or the perpetrator. Why should it become a teacher’s responsibility to teach about it when it is the home that I reckon it comes from.

  114. Hi Swapna,
    Thanks for that. Yes, chocolate is a serious subject 🙂

    Hi Linda,
    I don’t accept that all violence starts in the home. Yes, often it is, but you can have gentle and violent siblings in the same household. Often lack of self-esteem allows violence to rise. Even in a lot of cases home violence can be traced to wider issues. For instance, how many of our grandparents were brutalised by war? Another factor is that a general level of violence that has existed throughout history is now thought of as unacceptable. Correctly, maybe, but our expectations have changed.

  115. A Desi said

    truly outdone your own standards! 🙂

    More than just annoyed

  116. Pigs and nightmares. Now THAT is funny, Anthony. (Certainly a lot better than the nightmares I have been having.)

  117. Hi AD,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated 🙂

    Hi Julie,
    Glad you liked it. Hope those nightmares stop soon.

  118. quietpaths said

    Sleep and sanity …. such tight bedfellows.

  119. Hi Quietpaths,
    They are indeed.

  120. Jim said

    Hi Anthony, I enjoyed your Insomnia poem.
    If you could run you wouldn’t be any good.
    It just works that way. You need some sleep.

  121. Hi Jim,
    Thanks for that. Now I’m running off to bed 😉

  122. Linda May said

    G’Day again Tony, re; comment no.114. yes I agree with that too, you just looked deeper than me.(no shit…you always do, hehe) But part of the point that I was trying to make and hadn’t done clearly was of the work we put onto the teachers of today being things that children should have been learning at home off their parents and which wasn’t being done.

  123. Hi Linda,
    Thanks for that. Yes, in many cases I can certainly agree with that. Too many parents do not live up to their parental responsibilities.

  124. That FaceBook piece just caught up with me. That is horrible. It takes such little time to set up a FB account. Why these creeps had access to the Net intrigues me.

  125. Hi Anthony, as I was reading down your 55, I’m thinking…could be any city in the West, could be my city harboring all those zombies and what do you know, it is! Nifty 55! 🙂

  126. lol…I really enjoyed “Light or Dark” and “Night Visitor”. And you are so right about the bells…they’re almost obsolete. I miss them.

  127. wayne said

    Ive been at winter Olympics in Vancouver…so have had trouble finding time….but have read most of what you said…..nicely done again

  128. Hi Sandy,
    I’m afraid the British penal system is edging far too much into prisoners’ rights nowadays.

    Hi Eaton,
    Thanks for that. And you’re right.

    Hi Sweetest In The Gale,
    Many thanks. Yes, they were good to hear.

    Hi Wayne,
    I hope you enjoyed your time in Vancouver. Thanks for the kind words.

  129. Amity said

    The last drive got me some eerie feelings…

    On insomnia…oh i always got that feeling, so i have to resort to some meds that may induce me to sleep, of course with a doctor’s prescription…:)

  130. Hi Amity,
    Sorry to hear about the meds. Sadly, it is the route to sleep for so many.

  131. A pleasure to visit as always Anthony — and my, what traffic you have… it took me a month of sundays to scroll down to leave this comment. Well done!


    On The Edge

  132. Hi Rob,
    Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated.

  133. Dee said

    you captured insomnia perfectly and how rude of the vamp to feed three times. The horrific frog confused me and zombie town made me chuckle – I’ll be avoiding that place at all costs! Dark chocolate definitely and I would share with any poltergeist that would clean my house. though the flying pigs are never welcome!
    I try to stay away from the news – it depresses me and makes me feel very out of control, but the story of the birth pushes opening the automatic doors was funny!

  134. Hi Dee,
    Thanks for that enjoyable comment. Much appreciated 🙂

  135. cascondaville said

    You said it all when you said, “Can’t sleep/it’s getting close.” Isn’t that just the way of it – tempting a person, so much so it about drives one mad! Nice!

  136. Hi Cascondaville,
    Many thanks. Yes, it tempts so often – can indeed drive one mad.

  137. KB said

    Loving the Zombie Town. I think many celbraty followers are turning into zombies too.

  138. Hi KB,
    Many thanks, and I can’t disagree with you there.

  139. I can feel that insomnia creeping in! Good description!

  140. Hi Tumblewords,
    I hope it holds off. Many thanks for the kind words.

  141. Loch Rob said

    Anthony, I liked your piece on insomnia. It seems any more our lives and the pace of things goes on and on. Sometimes, to a point we can’t turn it off easily. Your poem captures this essence so well.

  142. Hi Loch Rob,
    Thnaks for that. And you put it well, too.

  143. i think that plastic surgeries are becoming a routine procedure for very rich people *

  144. pamela said

    Plastic surgery is for the insecure.
    We should just face who we are.
    As always a nice write.

  145. Hi Pamela,
    Thanks for that, and very true.

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