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    May 2010
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Archive for May, 2010


Posted by anthonynorth on May 30, 2010

Theme Thursday, Microfiction Monday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, themed mini mag with fiction & poetry, or just
read the lot. You’ll also see a linked essay and story from
my archives. Why not call back later to read them?
Plenty for everyone here. Do call again.

I’m now on Facebook


Fiction: The magician promised new
green energy. But at what cost to
humans? There’s no such thing as a
free lunch – except to dragons.


We like to think we live in a free world, but the dangers are more than
the jackboot. Sometimes lack of freedom can be subtle. Society, you
see, has two elements – the people and the system. The system
should be there to help the people, but all too often it can grow too
powerful and end up controlling the people, whether they realize it or
not. I guess it’s the natural course power will take in society. Society
seems to be hardwired towards totalitarianism.


In the beginning there was white and
all was good but exactly the same, so
the universe said let there be all the
colours of the rainbow and there was
bad and joy and hate and love and …
I guess we need them all to see where
we’re going.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: Senior police warn
Home Sec’s plans are driven by dogma.
Oh dear. This from a force that imposed political
correctness commissars.

SPORT NEWS: Cut price tickets on sale for the World Cup
as audiences don’t reach what was hoped for. Never thought
Recession would hit this.

BRIT NEWS: Chancellor does blitz on central govt expenses & other
areas. That takes care of a tenth of the cuts to be made.

BRIT NEWS: Duchess of York apologises for trying to sell access to
Prince Andrew. Shame there was no guilt before trying to do it.

EDUC NEWS: Brit govt to allow best schools to have academy
status. Since Grammars scrapped they’ve been trying
to reappear. There’s a need.

HEALTH NEWS: Doc behind MMR controversy gets struck
off. This smells too much like revenge; or example
making? Don’t cross us, it says.

GREEN NEWS: Chemicals used to clean up Gulf
oil spill could be adding to eco-disaster.
We’re in a whole new world
after this.



What’s ahead … and Beyond!!!

One Single Impression
Sunday ScribblingsFriday Flash 55
Three Word WednesdayThursday Poets’ Rally
Writer’s Island


The sun appeared in front of me,
Melting wings my destiny,
We’d progressed so much, reached so high,
Yet it all ends in weapons filling the sky,
And now I vapourise in nuclear heat,
Icarus warned us of the end we’d meet


Fiction: It was an intriguing enigma. Acting had become increasingly
mechanical for quite a while now, even though no one knew exactly
why. Until, that is, the Acne android factory was found deep below the
Hollywood Hills. Yet, even with the evidence, it was unclear when the
humans had stopped and the androids had taken over.


Future scientists put on trial,
Caught in the act, no denial,
Took the Blind Side, got it wrong,
Specialisation shrouding Holism’s song;
In times past only killed a few,
But they had to act when the planet blew


Sci Fi: The locals said that the only people to get off the planet alive
had turned mad. Sentient beings just could not exist there. And
predictably, I was sent to investigate. Landing, I exited the ship and
immediately ran into a problem. The alien was stood there in front of
me. I tried to move round him but he was nimble. Indeed, everything
I did he seemed to do simultaneously, and he would not budge. Hence,
I turned round to get into the ship, but there he was, straight away.
Eventually I thought it through, turned round and walked backwards
into the ship. My theory was later proved. The air was full of
reflective crystals. It was distorted, but the alien I was fighting
was myself.


Go left by the nova, just after black hole,
Get it wrong, it’ll swallow your soul,
This is the mantra every star pilot learns,
‘Cos from this part of space, no one returns;
Don’t go that way! You’ll get us all killed!!!
The fool! He’s done it! I feel quite chilled;
What is it!? It’s horrendous! It’s gonna go ZAP!!!
Anyone out there? Listen: It’s a huge man tra …


BRIT NEWS: Blair gets top venture
capital job. Fair enough, but was he ever
a socialist? If so, champagne socialism reaches
new heights.

WORLD NEWS: Tension steadily increasing between North
& South Korea. If it turns to real violence, has US enough troops
to reinforce?

EURO NEWS: Italy latest country to announce austerity measures. The
‘soft underbelly’ of Europe is causing real problems once more.

WORLD NEWS: Pentagon creates cyber squad to defend net from
militarisation. Inevitable. Beat the net and we lose control.

BRIT NEWS: Lib Dems want referendum on alternative
vote next May. That’s plenty of time for Tory
backbenchers to bury it.

CRIME NEWS: 40 Brit pensioners been fired
at or threatened with Tasers by police.
What happened to use only when
in serious danger?

© Anthony North, May 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

Follow me on Twitter

Posted in Current Affairs, Poetry, Politics, Science Fiction | 129 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on May 23, 2010

Theme Thursday, Microfiction Monday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, themed mini mag with fiction & poetry, or just
read the lot. You’ll also see a linked essay and story from
my archives. Why not call back later to read them?
Plenty for everyone here. Do call again.

I’m now on Facebook


Fiction: Three chairs. Two monks sat,
reading. One dead on the floor. They
warned him not to read the Apocrypha.


A hard fast rule of science used to be that the simplest answer is likely
to be correct. When we think of the complication going on nowadays,
we have to ask if science remembers this. But why has it all gone so
wrong? I think it is to do with specialization. Answers have to be found
within a narrow area of knowledge. But what if they can’t be found
there? Well, they’ll theorise themselves into a complicated maze. We
need a more holistic approach, NOT to banish specialization, but to
work alongside it, seeing if wider knowledge can provide less
complicated answers. It’s quite simple.


Fiction: She didn’t get it when she
looked in the mirror. Wrinkles are badges
of experience gained; whereas the cream
she slapped on was evidence of
lessons not learnt.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: Top Lib Dems
don’t like coalition with Tories.
This was inevitable, and why it won’t
work. Minority govt was best option.

GREEN NEWS: Oil from Gulf rig coagulating deep below
surface. They don’t know how to shut off leak & I doubt they’ll
clean this up.

BRIT NEWS: Ah, that volcanic ash cloud strikes again, closing airports.
Or is it overcautious health & safety? Argument will rage for ages.

BRIT NEWS: Study finds war veterans 22% more likely to abuse alcohol.
This seems obvious. Pity not enough done for them before too late.

HEALTH NEWS: Study says mother’s voice on phone soothes
child as much as a hug. Most likely memory of muffled
voice heard in womb.

BRIT NEWS: Pakistani terror suspect can’t be deported
‘cos of risk of torture. I’m against torture but this
is surely madness.

BRIT NEWS: Inflation rising well above targets.
And as debt is taken back with rising
prices, has a long way to go. Not
out of woods yet.



It would be criminal not to read it

One Single Impression
Sunday ScribblingsFriday Flash 55
Three Word WednesdayThursday Poets’ Rally
Writer’s Island


Blue eyes, staring, caught in time,
Perfect complexion, porcelain fine,
Not a hair out of place,
Body beautiful – so much grace;
I loved you from the moment we met,
But ten years for stealing a statuette?


Fiction: I write this letter as a confession and realization that there’s
no hope for me now. I turned vigilante. My reasoning was simple. Crime
happens ‘cos of victims – natural ones exist, you know. Remove them
and crime disappears. But there were so many. And when I realized I
was one … I write my suicide note …


A crime against the evolutionary strain,
Even in Creation you’ll look in vain;
It’s not the fire straight from Hell,
Nor the myths upon which we’ll dwell;
Four legs, two wings – six limbs make it void,
‘Cos it should have been an insectoid


Fiction: There was a band on stage when we broke into the office.
Maybe we should have forgotten about it there and then – Jimmy was
a suspicious kind of fellow – but the safe beckoned. His hands began
to shake, but with gradual professionalism he laid the charge precisely
where it should be. A shame about the timer though. Was it fate that
it went off too early, killing him; or his own psyche causing him to
make mistakes? There was a band on stage – playing ‘The Final

Call back Sat for Writers’ Island


BRIT NEWS: Deputy PM Nick
Clegg pledges huge shake-up of
our democracy in 178 yrs. Very nice,
Nick. And then did you wake up?

HEALTH NEWS: So, just a sausage a day can
increase heart disease. Processed meat bad. But not
as bad for you as worrying about it, I think.

BRIT NEWS: Cameron says no to more EU powers. Good to hear.
Now let’s hope he keeps to his word. Cooperate, don’t assimilate.

SCI NEWS: So a totally new lifeform has been created, built from
scratch. Great benefits are hoped for. I hope they know
what they’re doing.

TECH NEWS: Brits spend 65% more time on the net than
3 yrs ago. But how much of that time is waiting
due to slow broadband speeds?

BRIT NEWS: Govt will ‘responsibility test’
everything it does, says Osborne. Oh
dear, that’s funny. Stop PR words
and get on with it!

© Anthony North, May 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

Follow me on Twitter
Good place to see what I’m discussing
from my Archives

Posted in Crime Stories, Current Affairs, Poetry, Science | 158 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on May 16, 2010

Theme Thursday, Microfiction Monday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, themed mini mag with fiction & poetry, or just
read the lot. You’ll also see a linked essay and story from
my archives. Why not call back later to read them?
Plenty for everyone here. Do call again.

I’m now on Facebook


Fiction: She had quite a shock when she
moved the jars. Her pathologist husband
had mistaken his work for the preserves
– again!


Reason is such a reasonable word – or so we think. Throughout history
things have been reasoned – in a reasonable kind of way – but the
simple fact that reasoned truths of the past are no longer reasonable
shows that reason is maybe not so. Similarly, in the modern world
various ideas of what is reasonable and reasoned exist and cause
conflict. Perhaps there must always be a reason behind reason – and a
reason that has little to do with a reasonable approach. Indeed, an
analysis of the thought process of reason explains how this happens.
Reason is a way of thinking on what is self-evidently true. Yet self
evident truth is not reasoned. It is based within belief. Hence, there is
a contradiction in what becomes reasoned, and how the reasoning is
reasoned out. Does that sound reasonable to you?


Fiction: I’m surrounded by my pets. They
live in the house with me. There’s a male
and female and three young pups. They’re
always playing with me. Real, pedigree
humans. Bless.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


WORLD NEWS: The BP Gulf oil
spill continues. Are we really to believe
the entire oil industry didn’t realise you could
have an open wound?

BRIT NEWS: There’s a myth on proportional representation
that European govts work. No; so weak all decisions made by
Dictatorcrats in Brussels.

MONEY NEWS: £645bn Euro rescue package stuns the markets. And
think how much more they’ll need if contagion goes on. Where’s the
money tree?

HEALTH NEWS: Experts say 6 hrs sleep essential for good health. I’ll
have to tell all the fit, elderly people I’ve known who didn’t.

BRIT NEWS: New Cabinet: PM David (hug a hoodie) Cameron
with deputy Little Nick Clegg. Chancellor Friar Ken Clarke
& Home Sec Maid May. Defence Sec: Liam (of) Fox(ley)

BRIT NEWS: Cont Robin Hood Cabinet theme, financial
team is Chancellor of Exch, Sir G(eorge) of Osborne
with Chief Sec David outLaws.

BRIT NEWS: Cameron Hoodie has to have a
Foreign Sec. He’s Yorkshire so no H.
Meet William ‘ague. Hope Boris,
Sheriff of London, behaves.



A Voyage of the Imagination

One Single Impression
Sunday ScribblingsFriday Flash 55
Three Word WednesdayThursday Poets’ Rally
Writer’s Island


Floating, floating, shouldn’t be there,
Should have stayed down, no one aware,
Of when I drowned him, let him sink,
But now he’s floating – I dare not blink!
His finger’s pointing in a macabre way,
Straight at me, I begin to sway,
Then wake up screaming – I couldn’t go deep,
Condemned to floating just above sleep


Fiction: He knew it could come to this. Always had, always will. The
soldier lay on the battlefield dying. The gas, grenade, bullet, shot,
pike, sword, arrow, spear, flint had done its worse. The politicians
praised; the people were saddened; but only he knew man’s folly.
Couldn’t tell. And the children grow to continue the cycle.


Ingredients, two, hard to mix,
Stir thoroughly – should do the trick,
Simmering heat, melting nice,
Getting hot – add plenty of spice,
Coming to boil – beware of lumps?
Should be ready in about nine months


Fiction: She was in a dreadful state, sitting, almost comatose, in the
chair. I’d tried to pacify her, helping her to grasp hold of rationality,
but it was no good. Just a moment ago we had been enjoying a quiet
meal – yet, how easily things can change – an awkward action, an
unthinking word. I knew, now that the violence had eased, what
decision I had to make, even though it went against the grain. ‘I’m
sorry,’ I said, ‘I was stupid. Yes, dear, you are a better cook than
my mother.’


He let me do almost what I wanted,
Just had to ask, my wishes granted,
Everything seemed so much fun,
Never a moment to be glum;
But …
‘Twas in my imagination that he was a friend,
The bank man’s got no more to vend


BRIT NEWS: So we now have
Liberal Conservatives. What a love
in – ’til Lib Dem left & Tory right begin to
have their say. A house of cards?

HEALTH NEWS: Study shows work stress raises risk
of heart trouble in women under 50. Oh? Everything puts
stress on heart. It’s called living.

BRIT NEWS: Fixed term Parliaments are a real possibility. Well, I didn’t
expect that. Why not? Because the real possibility is it won’t work.

EDUC NEWS: Middlesex Uni making moves to phase out philosophy.
This is a tragedy. We are removing the very idea of thinking
from modern life.

BRIT NEWS: New govt says Identity Cards will be scrapped.
Good. Civil liberties to return after totalitarian New
Labour thrown out.

BRIT NEWS: Many manifesto pledges scrapped
as Tory/Lib Dem coalition finds its feet.
But should it be a Story/Limp
Dem Coalition?

© Anthony North, May 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

Follow me on Twitter
Good place to see what I’m discussing
from my Archives

Posted in Current Affairs, Philosophy, Poetry, Twist In the Tale | 159 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on May 9, 2010

Theme Thursday, Microfiction Monday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, themed mini mag with fiction & poetry, or just
read the lot. Here’s hoping you enjoy your visit. Plenty
for everyone here so do call again next week.


Fiction: The Buddhist monks were told never
to hurry. But after straying from the eight
fold path they had to run to catch up.


Quantum theory has an inbuilt ‘uncertainty principle’ where nothing can
be known for certain. Devised by the physicist Werner Heisenberg, it
locks true knowledge behind a shroud we can never penetrate because
we can never observe absolutely. It is at the base of all modern
scientific understanding, so how can some science types now say they
know things for certain? I suspect those who do are relying more on a
religious impulse towards certainty rather than the scientific. Maybe
we should have a societal and knowledge-based uncertainty principle
in all areas. It shouldn’t affect a person’s belief, but could well allow a
little more toleration of others.


Fiction: He went in search of mystery
– lived for it; travelled far and wide for
it; yearned for it. Yet all he found were
answers and was unfulfilled. Only upon
his death did he realise it was the
journey that counts.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


MEDIA NEWS: Record numbers
of UK TV viewers complain about foul
language. About time, too. I hate this new
punctuation. No need for it.

HEALTH NEWS: Research says 5 mins spent alone with
beautiful stranger causes so much stress in men it’s bad for
health. We’re so brave.

BRIT NEWS: More tragedy for Redgraves with the death of Lynn,
following brother Corin and Natasha last year. Bye, bye Georgy Girl.

SCI NEWS: Video showing chimp ‘grieving’ sparks debate. My own
opinion: animals open to human interaction are marvellous mimics.

EURO NEWS: Greece gets €110bn deal for pledges to overhaul
failing economy. They just don’t get it. The Euro will fail.
Was a bad idea.

WORLD NEWS: After New York car bomb attempt, terror
leaders warn it’ll always be a target. Like Londoners,
they know that. And they carry on.

WORLD NEWS: Tough talk ahead for Middle East
WMD ban? They can talk as tough as they
want but chance of Isreal scrapping
nukes is zero.



The Magazine Post with a gentle hint of horror

One Single Impression
Sunday ScribblingsFriday Flash 55
Three Word WednesdayThursday Poets’ Rally
Writer’s IslandWeekend Wordsmith


Darkness, clinging, coming close,
You don’t know what you fear the most,
All around you a sinister air,
Heart pronounces an edge of despair,
If only you knew what it was so near,
Maybe – just maybe – you’d conquer your fear


Fiction: The single eyewitness had said it was green. The man was just
sat in his garden and the green monster appeared from nowhere and
devoured him. Afterwards there was no sign of either of them.
Forensics solved it, of course. They found his DNA in the grass. Maybe
he should have mowed it more often.


Buy it now, a bargain true,
Beautiful statue just for you,
Don’t listen to rumours that persist,
Curses on statues don’t exist;
Buy it now – a fortune you’ll save,
And it will fit nicely in your grave


Fiction: I’d always wanted to be an astronaut and I couldn’t ignore the
urge. Yes, as I worked towards my goal there was fear – would it be
safe? How many ways were there to be killed? But my friends and I
trained, persevered. Well, I’m here, in the darkness, among the stars,
weightless. I call to my friends but they don’t hear me. If only I’d made
it. If only I was here in more than spirit.


Garlic no good, cross broke in two,
Vampire approaches, heading for you,
Razor sharp teeth break out of the dark,
Nowhere to run – it’s certainly no lark,
Grasping courage, must go on to the end,
No help available, no plea to send,
Horror impinges all round your form,
Can’t wait for 3D horror to be the norm


Find the key to know it all,
Ultimate knowledge to enthrall,
It’s in the deep mind, get it out,
Become a mystic, most devout,
Suddenly it floods in, the good and bad,
But beware, it’s enough to drive you mad,
Then you’ll be stuck needing another key,
Or the Asylum’s your only destiny



As I write we do not know who will be Prime Minister of the UK. Gordon
Brown is clinging on to No 10 with split nails, but if we need anything,
it is Not Brown! This is not a party political statement, but an
understanding of why the UK had a Hung Parliament in this election. A
cycle that descended us into the most extreme politics we have ever
known is hopefully coming to an end. It began in 1979 with Thatcher
and entered part two in 1997 with Blair – two landslide governments
powerful enough to do what they wanted, both eventually descending
into moral corruption before we say no. The UK doesn’t work well with
landslide victories. Governments with ideally small majorities should be
the way. This creates a balance between the power of the Cabinet
and the power of Parliament. This is why I am happy we have a Hung
Parliament. Whatever coalition forms the next govt, it won’t last long
– Id give it up to a year – but during its time hopefully we will scourge
ourselves of landslides and carry on a form of government best
identified by Churchill in his term ‘keep buggering on’. That’s what
Britain does, or should do if we really can ditch the cycle of the last
30 years. Some may say it is a bad way to do government, but in this
way Britain invented modern democracy, forged the Industrial
Revolution, created the greatest Empire ever known, and faced down
the world’s greatest terror. Hang your extreme politics – just keep
buggering on.

© Anthony North, May 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

Follow me on Twitter
Good place to see what I’m discussing
from my Archives

Posted in Current Affairs, Horror, Philosophy, Poetry, Politics | 174 Comments »


Posted by anthonynorth on May 2, 2010

Theme Thursday, Microfiction Monday & ABC Wednesday
With Thursday Thirteen news & more prompts below
Try my Paranormal Flash now!



Welcome to my weekly magazine post. Watch
it grow thru the week. You can opt to read the essay,
current affairs, themed mini mag with fiction & poetry, or just
read the lot. Here’s hoping you enjoy your visit. Plenty
for everyone here so do call again next week.


Fiction: Romans could be such dandies.
‘Love the shield,’ said one, jealously, to
the other. ‘Is it Prada?’


The Proletariat is a lower social class. Marx saw them as being at the
bottom – those who owned nothing. His philosophy was based on
raising them into a classless society that owned everything. Of course,
Marx was naïve. He forgot that some will always gain, and cling to,
power. That’s why Capitalism beat Communism. But where’s the
Proletariat today? Modern capitalism wants everyone to own
something. But we forget some will always gain, and cling to, power.
That’s why Communism is now masquerading as Capitalism. We all own
everything as Marx wanted, but the power is still in the hands of the
few. And the mass who own a little are still, nonetheless, at the


They sat, thinking back, cigar smoke in
the air, affluence hidden behind well guarded
rooms, remembering the power, the minions.
For some, communism was so easily
watered down.

Eye On the World
Essays on everything from science
to religion, politics to crime


BRIT NEWS: Tory leader
cosies up to Lib Dems by suddenly
liking electoral reform. I think they really
think we don’t think they’re lying.

WORLD NEWS: UK Foreign Office apologises to Pope
after ‘document’ suggests he could launch Benedictine
condoms on visit. Ah, diplomacy.

BRIT NEWS: Recession did not cause a crimewave as crime hits
30 yr low. This bucks the trend. I wonder if it’s all in the reporting.

WORLD NEWS: G20 think global economy recovering faster than they
thought. Really? Greek economy about to collapse. Beware double dip.

BRIT NEWS: Defence think tank says reassessment of role needed. Oh
dear. Defence is simple. Prepare for everything. If you don’t, you fail.

BRIT NEWS: Institute of Fiscal Studies criticises parties for
not saying how deep cuts will have to be. We all
know they’re lying.

BRIT NEWS: Brown humiliated by brooding
‘bigoted woman’ remark on mic still
switched on. The real character
is outed. And it’s not nice.



What’s ahead … and Beyond!!!

One Single Impression
Sunday ScribblingsFriday Flash 55
Three Word WednesdayThursday Poets’ Rally
Writer’s Island


They reign supreme on planet Earth’s soil,
So clever they don’t even toil,
They conquer the air and seas worldwide,
Surviving, thriving – don’t even confide;
We’re turned into puppets by these clever ones,
Agents of a higher intelligent song,
They’re marching on to bring life to the dead,
The chromosomes sending messages into our heads


Sci Fi: Father didn’t believe the boy when he told him he’d killed
someone with the gun. After all, the body had vapourised – and toy
ray guns simply didn’t work, did they? The toy alien grimaced. He had
survived the crash – been found by the boy. One day he’d free himself
from the sticky gum and escape.


Black Hole looms, sucks me in,
All time is one, my good, my sin,
I’m pushed and pulled as I go right through,
All the while thinking of you,
At the other side I see the light,
A baby’s cry, a mother’s delight


Sci Fi: The scene was so vibrant; I should have known. But those old
habits – they … came back. And afterwards, the corpse on the ground,
and that old feeling of delight that spurred me on. The poor guy had no
chance of escape. Then I corrected myself – felt revulsion. I pricked
my ears back – listened for the hum. It was then I realized I’d never
escape either. I wasn’t in the virtual reality conditioner any more. I’d
been released.


Starship passes – feel like a jump,
Had enough of this big old junk,
Down I go, falling fast,
Now I’m a stowaway on this planet, vast;
I’ll have lots of fun, feel my worth,
‘Cos I’m the Devil on planet Earth


BRIT NEWS: Labour promises
no cuts to National Health Service.
Poll says Labour not trusted to protect it.
We really distrust them.

WORLD NEWS: IMF warns Greek financial crisis could
spread across Euro Zone. I always thought the Euro was
a very bad idea.

BRIT NEWS: Collective wealth of UK’s rickest has risen 30%. Amazing
how a Recession can help certain people, isn’t it?

CRIME NEWS: UK nursing union wants injection rooms for heroin users
to help cut crime. Drugs must be illegal or not. Too much dithering.

BRIT NEWS: Banks criticised by Regulator for poor way they
deal with complaints. Big Biz always has contempt
for little customer.

BRIT NEWS: Brits have £55bn debt, says survey.
Now, if it’s a debt, it isn’t there. How can
we ‘have’ something that isn’t there?

© Anthony North, May 2010

Try my Pictures of Life, a novel

Follow me on Twitter
Good place to see what I’m discussing
from my Archives

Posted in Current Affairs, Poetry, Politics, Science Fiction | 156 Comments »