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Posted by anthonynorth on August 5, 2007

beta-alchemy.jpg No occult figure is more puzzling than the Count Saint Germain. Always dressed in black, but decorated by diamond jewellery, Saint Germain first appears in Vienna about 1740 when he moves in high circles after curing a French Marshal of illness.
Where the Count came from, no one knows – there are many versions of his birth from being the son of a Hungarian prince, to the son of a Portuguese Jew, to the bastard child of a Bohemian nobleman.


In a full life he was known as a great musician, healer, spy, statesman, linguist, soldier and alchemist, having adventures which took him from Vienna to Paris, Holland, London, Belgium, Russia, Nuremberg and eventually to the Himalayas in 1822 for a life of meditation – provided, of course, you don’t accept one of several accounts of his supposed death.
Generally thought of as a charlatan today, he spent most of his life creating laboratories, where he was said to have achieved the Great Work of the alchemist – to produce the Philosopher’s Stone which turned base metals into gold, and the Elixir of Life, which gave him immortality.
As proof of the latter, he claimed to have been a high priest of a cosmic race 50,000 years ago before intervening in history as the prophet Samuel. He is said to have also claimed to be:

Joseph, husband of Mary
St Alban, the first English Christian martyr
Proclus, head of Plato’s academy
Roger Bacon
Christopher Columbus
Francis Bacon

Activities within his contemporary life could be equally fascinating. Arrested as a Jacobite spy in England, he also tried to warn Louis XVI of his impending death, and was instrumental in placing Catherine the Great on the Russian throne.


What is of most interest when dealing with Saint Germain were his supposed claims to have lived for so long that he ‘became’ so many important people from history. How could he have done this – provided, of course, he wasn’t simply making them all up?
That he was of a mystical nature, there can be no doubt. Similarly, he was a very talented person who captivated elite audiences throughout Europe. In effect, he was a story in himself, who, if he lived today, would be feted as a great celebrity.
Today, gossip columns would tell every tale of his life. And as he claimed to be an alchemist, the stereotype almost demanded that success would mean he was immortal. Hence, it would be inevitable that he would think deeply about whether he really was, and who he could possibly have been.


With such a psychology, can we place known ‘paranormal’ mechanisms of today on the mysterious Count? Perhaps we can. Indeed, modern paranormal literature is full of just such a ‘psychic’ ability that could explain him.
In cases of reincarnation through past life regression, many subjects go on to recount, in great detail, previous lives they had lived. Often, when they are taken back to the source of the ‘life’ it comes from a novel or film which they had forgotten.
This ability to recall obscure facts is known as cryptomnesia, and seems to be sparked by the subject’s desire to live out their innermost fantasies of who they see themselves as being.
Cryptomnesia and past life regression were unknown in the days of Count Saint Germain. But could he have been a classic example of the phenomenon before his time?
It is unlikely that the Count really was immortal. It is possible that he was merely a fantasist and a con man. But maybe the idea that he was neither can be advanced by the simple fact that an explanation is available, and is used often, today, to explain past lives.


But this is only part of the mystery that is Saint Germain. Even after his supposed death, he seems to have remained active. Channellers claim to still meet him as a spiritual being equal to Jesus Himself. However, Saint Germain maybe isn’t as mysterious as he seems.
With such a reputation as he created in life, it is obvious that many channellers would create him – he became a popular appearance to Theosophists, and in 1930 the spiritualist Guy Ballard created the I Am Activity following his appearance to him.
We can see Saint Germain achieving the status of a religious icon – in effect, myths during and following his life made him a form of Jungian ‘archetype’, to be identified as a specifically occult ‘Christ’ figure.
And from here, all we need to explain his continuance is our ability to create mind models of our innermost desires – a thing that is done in the paranormal almost every day by someone, somewhere.


The existence of a real Count Saint Germain is, perhaps, not the issue of importance. Indeed, whether he was a real mystic or a con man is similarly of little value to what he became.
Saint Germain became, in effect, a cultural continuance upon death. Built up by mythologies and remembered snippets of his life, he achieved the most influential and fundamental existence possible.
He became a mythological being who reflected back his mythology into the mind of the mystic. His perceived hopes and desires became as one with the journeying mind as it attempts to puncture that which is hidden.
Saint Germain was maybe NOT immortal in life. But in his death, he became so.

© Anthony North, August 2007

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21 Responses to “COUNT SAINT GERMAIN”

  1. […] COUNT SAINT GERMAIN [image] No occult figure is more puzzling than the Count Saint Germain. Always dressed in black, but decorated by […] […]

  2. Angela said

    A fascinating figure indeed. I mention him in my book because I believe he’s a perfect example of the abilities of the dark side and its ‘masters’ to manipulate our world from beyond. I believe they’ve been doing it for far longer than we can imagine, and he’s not the only one.

  3. Gene said

    St. Germain was featured yrs. ago on L. Nimoy’s “In Search Of…”
    He was “The man who would not die.” He also attended his own mock funeral. Legend has it he also appeared in 1776 right before the signing of the Decleration of Independence. At the end of his passionate speech, he said,”Sign that document!” In the near future he’s destined to be “The Hierarch of the Aquarian Age.” His gift to mankind is the 7th ray aspect of the Holy Spirit-the violet transmuting flame. In the bible it states, “Our God is a consuming fire.” Yes, a Violet consuming fire!

  4. […] Count Saint Germain (tags: mythology) […]

  5. Tom Haberthaler said

    I read that he had a diet specifically of oatmeal. That he would eat nothing other than oatmeal.

  6. John Sawyer said

    As far as eating nothing but oatmeal, other sources say he also ate groats and chicken. Eating nothing but oatmeal sounds like the Breatharians, who claim they can live “with or without food” (whatever that means), but their founder recommends eating only McDonald’s quarter-pounder cheeseburgers and diet Coke:

  7. anthonynorth said

    Hi John,
    I love it! Boy, am I glad I’m a human. 🙂

  8. Sanctus11 said

    My dear Brother’s and Sister’s,
    It is comically fascinating how the illusory “human” mind can twist the most Divinely pure intentions. Saint Germain came as an example of the Divine Power within each seemingly embodied soul in the 3D matrix of illusion. The smallness of the fragmented and limited mind is what keeps each Presence trapped in duality, and reembodying again and again to discover their TrueSelf. All will see in a Master or in the world what they need to see based on their internal lens of perception.

    The only darkness One sees outside is the darkness that exists within themselves. Their are
    influencing energies of this dream or nightmare that One will attune to based on your necessary experiences, dietary habits and blood quality, and vibration.

    -The color is violet, and not black.
    – Their is little puzzling, if you ask the right questions!LOL
    – Actually it was oats, and buckwheat.

    One will never be immortal by not believing One can be. By shifting to the Divine mind all things are possible. IT is time to wake up, as the vibration of the Earth shifts. Sleep no more, for smallness doe not liberate your Freedom…
    -Breatharianism is not accomplished by merely stopping to eat food but shifting the vibration of the physical body and Emotional Mind to be nourished on prana, or Light which forms the entire Universe. Even that thing humanity calls space, is merely a different shade of Light.

    The mysteries of the Universe become clear when One truly seeks to know them-Self. What at a moment seemed fantasy becomes a 3D reality with a persistent creator seeking to understand. Ask Orville and Wilbur Wright!

    I remain, truly yours,

  9. Tom Haberthaler said

    Quaker Oats, it’s what a body needs!

  10. Hi Tom,
    Thanks for that enlightening input 🙂

  11. Paracelse said

    Actually St-Germain was a favorite of Louis the XV who gave him a castle to work out from. St Germain was many things but he was a true chemist. He developed various dyes who could be used in fabrics and tapestries.
    The concept of being immortal was created by a look-a-like working for the Prime Minister of France at the time Choiseul.
    The real St Germain never claimed to be immortal just never denied it, a slight difference.

  12. Hi Paracelse,
    Thanks for that. Various noblemen and royalty gave gifts of laboratories at various times in his life, if we believe the stories. As for his ‘immortality’, I think we can rightly assume certain beliefs from ‘investigations’ into the Elixir of Life.
    Mindst you, in the final analysis, my main point concerns the myth of St Germain, rather than the man himself, who is surrounded by so many conflicting accounts, it is difficult to decide anything with any degree of certainty.

  13. Tom Haberthaler said

    There’s just nothing like a bowl of hot Quaker oatmeal in the morning on a cold winter morning with some crispy fried bacon crushed up and mixed in there with a little salt and butter…it’s living baby, that’s what I call, really, living!

  14. Tom Haberthaler said

    I’m convinced that I have the answer, as we were educated when we were children here in Charleston, in the public schools, the best three ways to take care of ourselves, so it was said, were to exercise, eat right, and get enough sleep. I can’t think of a better way to eat right than bowls of quaker oatmeal, maybe with a little crushed up bacon bits in there and some salt and butter, because it says right on the oatmeal box that Quaker Oats is a “heart smart” food! I think that oatmeal has miracle healing powers! another thing I like to eat is the yellow grits with lots and lots of black pepper, but that’s just me!

  15. Hi Tom,
    And here’s hoping you enjoy your diet forever 😉

  16. Tom Haberthaler said

    “Can you immagine a steaming hot Oscar Mayer beef hot dog, slapped into a soft, warm Meritta hot dog bun just dripping with tangy Frenchs’ mustard? That’s what I call living baby. The secret is in the diet!”

  17. Hello.

    Angela. An interesting theory.

    Sanctus. Light is the bastion of idiocy the desperate cling to for naught but the shallow pleasure oblivion offers.

    Paracelse. Your observations are keen, as are yours Mr. North.

  18. PS said

    I believe he achieved the philosopher’s stone through enlightenment with God. Those two are likely the ONLY secrets.

  19. Tom Haberthaler said

    Pizza is a miracle healing food in my opinion. Especially peperoni, pizza. Now at one point in history, they were going around saying that pizza was junk food. Well, no. Absolutely not. Let me explain what a wonderful, wonderful food pizza really is: The crust is healthy because it covers the bread and cereal group. The sauce is actually made of tomatoes and covers the fruit/vegetable food group. Now the cheese of course covers the milk and cheese group. If there are pepperonis on there or some other meat, that covers the meat and fish group. A pizza has some of each of the four food groups in there, and therefore, is the healthiest of things that a person can eat. Put some red pepper on there and maybe some basil or oregano and not only will it enhance the flavor, but there will be the extra added minerals and vitamins from those herbs and spices! A couple of beers or a couple of glasses of red wine with that meal, Jesus, is that what I call living! Life is good, life is so very very good. and if it isn’t for some reason, you can make it, good!

  20. Boar said

    (ha, found him again)
    Sometimes a person or an idea can gain infamy through infamy itself, an abstract notion tat can hang about in air until it begins to grow in the minds and speech of all who encounter it. It was fairly rare when information moved slowly, but has become more and more common as communication has become almost instantaneous.

  21. Christos said

    I know who he is.

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